Movie Week MONDAY (NBC) MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES "THE SWARM" (1978) Michael Caine, Katharine Ross. African killer bees stalk the North American continent. TUESDAY •P*** mm The classic motion picture, "THE WIZARD OF OZ," will be rebroadcast on Saturday. March 27 on CBS. The film stars Jack Halay as the Tin Man, Ray Bolgar as the Scarecrow and Judy Garland as Dorothy. Bart Lahr is also featured as the Cowardly Lion. SATURDAY (CBS) MOVIE CLASSIC "THE WIZARD OF OZ*' (1939) Judy Garland, Ray Bolger. Young girl from Kansas gets to walk down the yellow brick road in a fictional land. SUNDAY (ABC) SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE "CONVOY" (1978) Kris Kristofferson, Air MacGraw. Story of a cross-country truck driver and his woman. (NBC) SUNDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES "MacARTHUR" (1977) Gregory Peck. Ed Flanders. The bio-pic on the life of the famed but controversial General Douglas MacArthur. Live coverage of the 54th Annual Academy Awards Presentation will air from Los Angeles Monday, March 29 on ABC. This year's nominees for Best Picture are (top, l-r): "Atlantic City" and "On Golden Pond," (bottom, l-r): "Reds," "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "Chariots of Fire." © 1982 Compulog SATURDAY .MARCH 27 TV College: Sociology »Music Of India Clrclo Square .... 0 In The Mows Daffy Duck •caStart QokHeGold-Thundari Rock „ 9:56 000 I f t Q P D a f f y lu& How Q Superman O @ Movie -I I Movla -(Waatarn) •• H 'ChargeAtFeatherRlver" 1953 Quy Medieon, Vera Miles. American cavalryman turn back tide of Indian uprising, caused by thsir rescue of two white women J Woodwright'e Shop Ks Everybody's Buslnass I Movla -(Drama) Night unto Night" 1944 Ronald Rssgsn, Vlvece Llndfors. The romsncs between s dying scientist snd s mentslly ill widow fmins.) ft Ernest Angley Hour All-Star SportaChallangs NBA All-Tlme All-Stsrs v« Philadelphia Whiz Kids (R) CfiM Stud O Movla- (Adventure) "Morgan thaPlrate" 19«1 Stev« Reeves. Vslerle Lsngrsngs swsshbuckling story, bssed or <the life of sn illustrious pirste. (2 O Jimmy Hornton Outdoors SB In The News NBC News Blackstar (CBS) TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIE "GIDEON'S TRUMPET" (1980) Henry Fonda, John Houseman. Story of an ex-convict from Florida who drastically changed the course of the American legal system. fit (• FRIDAY (NBC) MOVIE OF THE WEEK "LETS DO IT AGAIN" (1975) Bill Cosby, Sidney Poitier. A hyp notist and his fast-talking friend try to outwit some boxing bookies in order to make a mint on a fight. Fat Albert And Friends Voyage To The Bottom 01 STiTphoto Show ® CP America's Black Forum 09$ TV College: Biology 102 • Collage Basketball Report «9S Captain Andy Ozarks Country Jubilee 10:65 0 0 0 Schoolhous« Rock 10:5600® njgo 00© ssrs In The News Trollklns Bowling With The Junk* Daffy-Speedy Show ABC Weekend Spacla 'Arthur The Kid' A spunky tsn yeai oldepplieaforsjobssthe'boaa'o' a couple of would-be deeper ioea. (Repest) 10 ©j^ege Fr Csnlnes I Movla -(Myetery) •• H "Cat And The Canary" 1978 Honoi Blackman, Michael Cellan. A family hasto apend a night inan ole dark house in order to collect er ince. (88 mine.) Dr. Snuggles TV Col lege: Chi ld Development 101 SB (29 Chesperlto 0 NCAA Div is ion I Hockey Championship From the P r o v i d e n c e C i v i c C e n t e r , Semi-flnel 2 (R) (SportsCsnterwil preeent the Istest news end scores from the world of sports throughout the dey) ffiji Inside Track 0 Plnwheel (Continues) 0 Noetslgia 11:05 0 Movie -(Comedy) ••• "Great Lover" 1949 Bob Hope. Rhonda Fleming. A boy scout Issder end his troop go on s ship voysge with e besutiful girl and amurderer. (90 mine.) 11:26 0 In The Newa Different Drummare llwlnkle American Bandetand Dick Clark. (60 mine.) Tom And Jerry Comedy . jMovIe - (Adventure) • • V4 "Angel And The Badman" 1947 John Wayne, Gail Russell. A Queker girl ssves s msn who it being hunted by ssvsrsl people, including s gunslingsr. (2 hrs.) 3® USD Victory Garden O Movie -(Animated) •• "Toby And The Koala Bear"' Nerrstefl by Rolf Hsrris. An Austrslisn brother end sister ere sent to wort in s convict colony. the boy mske» friends end is givsn a bsby kosla bearwhowssssvedbyhisfrienda latedQ) (90 mine.) Family Affair Big Blue Marble New Bible Beffle Show 1:300 Oil sir mm rj