Sports Calendar SATURDAY (ABC) PRO BOWLERS TOUR (ABC) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS (NBC) RINGSIDE Jeff Chandler vs. Johnny Carter in a 15-round bout sanctioned by {he WBC. (NBC) KEMPER OPEN OOLF Semi-final round action featuring the top in women's pro golf from Maui. Hawaii. (CBS) HERITAGE GOLF CLASSIC Third-round coverage from Hitton Head N.C. (CBS) NCAA BASKETBALL CHAMPtONSMP Doubleheader action from the Louisiana Super dome in New Orleans SUNDAY (ABC) THE WORLD SUPERSTAR8 (ABC) USA VS. THE WORLD M OLYMPIC SPORTS (ABC) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS (NBC) SPORTSWORLD Supercross racing from Anaheim; Chunichi Cup Gymnastics from Japan (NBC) WOMEN'S KEMPER OPEN Final round action from Maui, Hawaii (CBS) NCAA WOMEN'S BASKETBALL CHAM PIONSHIP (CBS) NBA ON CBS Philadelphia 76ers vs. Boston Celtics from Boston, Mass (CBS) HERITAGE GOLF CLASSIC Final round action from Hilton Head Island, S.C. MONDAY (CBS) NCAA BASKETBALL CHAMPtONSMP Live coverage from the Louisiana Super dome FRIDAY (CBS) NBA ON CBS SATURDAY .MARCH27 I Movie -(Comedy) •••* "Too Can't Cheat a* Hon**! Man" 1030 W.C. FieMa. Edgat B*rg*n. A acoundrai run* a ian> circus with interf*r*nc* from a i 9-2-1 Contact I Toy Brcsr.'e Jcvrm* I jVc'ra 3lcvt". r*d*coa a school to rwMo. ĵtgOmma.) Wu«i»ir t 8 NMtoHDraaa) *** "»- dolor el" IMS Oooa Marti* • A jtc errsn^c R~.e escape of M*broOie? and s^3Q who Vevo beer MaJ iSIUSmmh I«vie«mi' 9 Jealer Achievement Materal History Of A r Rovers rth'TheHuntorssnd the Heated' Vegetarian and caraivoroaaaaaimals are (Ctoasd-Capt toned; I Movie -(Drone) PilirCMhino.Bfooki After a collision with a die survivors ofyachting party are straaded on a gloomy . (Ratod R) (90 mine.) P, MSA Olrta Baeketbaii 1.30 Heritage Ooll Third roead coverage oi this TPATour event. wMhVteSceHy tM rlt oiMHMfli pfOVKing wf commentary from Hiltoa Head (•0 Mo, Schedsled: coverage of a 16 roaad WBC bantamweight i Jell Loe CooMto. Two xaaiee tsav*i to a dede reach aad tars the piece .(Maris*) CwUa.Aboetcaptaiadtocoversa scieatiat oe aa iaolated romote Ielaad he* created gloat. Heeh .(90 mm*-} yor.:-»a'ffff I Movie •(Mystery) •• * loeoe Of Wax IMS Vincent r ncs, rmiK mr^tui BM Stt. 'The Flnel Foer,' with Muaburgaroe hoot, tram the (4 hra.. 30 Pro Bowler* Tear Coverage of the MMerMgh Life Opea trom nod Carpt Csisbrtty Lum ii MMwsufcss, Wisconsin. s seckle Rose" tSSO Willie Nsis0ft(Dy*AC*sft0ft. 8tofy sbout a singer's life on the road, with after-midnight be* rldea to the next tank town die only certainty. (R*twlPa)(2hrs.) S F.A. Soeoer 'The Road to 'Matoh 10(R) I Site • TheTi Vll Tomorrow People Amsrtcs'sTop 10 Movie •(Horror) 'Coroo Of The l)ndsad*f 1MB Eric Fleming. Michael Patb. A vampMegunman Invades the west aiiJJsoBi Is widsspresd as horror fka the range. (2 hra.) IB 3-2-1 Contact Move: The Big N, Interferon Movie -(Ho Information available.) "The Secret Of Seagull Island" No other information available. (103 8 0 0 Movie -{No Inf ormetion avadabls)** "Pick Oeedeye" (Paid Subscription Teievieion) No Other Informstion AvaHsble. (00 A Better Way 0 Reggie Jackeon's World Of ^MOftS • IMovie Maatera of the 8ea' HenrvMojtoon. (2 hra.) 3:30 WW Women'eKemper Open NBC Sports will provide this tournament teetering aome of the top aaawa In female god; Oon Criqui and Bruce Devlia report from the Royal Kaanapeli Qolf Courts on its HmmHam islsnd of Maui. (00 mine.) Sĵ ji Train • TOR 'Conrad ScfwrisrteQ* 8cInMrq •hsrss Ills lovs for His rkmhIims and hi* artlcelete philoeophy abost paiatiag aa he worka in Braxxi. Dearioe, aoo of I sow aa sdeR and oiriy one step away from the most powerfel poaitloa oa esrth esd the ronpletion of hie diabolic