Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Mar 1982, p. 55

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MONDAY. MARCH 2* with a young man who may have witn*aeed a murder. (Rated R) (2 ».) PKA Full Contact Karat* Bantamweight Contendere Bout from Ft. Lauderdale 0:00 BflB Two Ouya From 'MUCK' Premier* of a new comedy focuaing on a photographer-reporter team from a aleazy weekly acandal sheet Stars: Adam Arkln, Rick Carsola. ) mine.) I I Movl* -(Drama) **% "The Postman Always Rings Twice" 1081 Jack Nicholson. Jessica Lange. A drifter anda young woman, passionately In love, plot to kill her old huaband. (Rated R) (1l6mlns.) 09 indei ©®Movl* I TBSEvenlngNew* I0O® Love At First lnd*p*nd*nt N*ws P Movl*-(Drama)*** "M*an Str**ts" 1073 Robert D*Niro.Harv*yK*itel. (Paid Subacription Television) A lower eaat aid* 'hair' to s syndicate controlled business finds that he ianotruthl*ss*noughttosucceed lis territory. (2 hrs.) It-A-Boy Oui*r*m* Stempre This Is Th* LJf* 0:06 0:30 ! Sight A burglary strikes terror in th* heart of Kar*n Grant and caua*a her sightlsss husband, . Jonathan, to question his k manhood. 0 B*rnst*ln-B**thov*n 'The > Creatures of Prometheus and Symohony No. 8 in F Major' ® 39 Louis Ruk*ys*r's i Buaineaa Journal 8 fiflnatur*: Interview ® 35 Good N*ws 0:68 0® Newecene 10:00 f Id 0 o o is © M.A.S.H. Batti*lln* Ent*rtainm*nt Tonight Saturday Night | Sff Informaclon 26 I Professional Wrestling From MSO 0 SportsCenter ffi (38700 Club 10:08 ® All In Th* Family 10:30 0 CBS Lat* Movl* Quincy, M.E.: 'A Small Circle of Friends' Quincy performs an autopsy on a profeaaional football play*' and finds that he has a penicillin- resistant strainof gonorrhea (Repeat) Columbo: 'Publish or Perish' An author enrages his publisher when he informs him he's about to sign with a new ublisher. (Repeet) publisher. (F i B% Th* Tonight Show 'The B*at of Carson' Quests: George Segal. Alsn King, Argus Hamilton. Ssvsnnsh Smith. (Repeat; 60 mine.) (NBC News will present a specisl report on th* elections in El Salvador; thia thirty minute report will delay programming this gening.) Htftrtalnmsnt Tonight I Entertalnmi IBB N*WS I <2$ AN In TIM AN In Th* Family | Saturday Night I® B*nny Hill Show ) H American Skylln* Nightly Bualn*aa Report Movl*-(Animation)** "Am*rlcan Pop" 1081 America'a muaicalhistory, 'American Pop' takes a bitter, heavy-handed look at theeffect of the entertainment world on four generationa of one family. (2 Poland: Light A Candle Reaurrection Of Lady |'4» 10:36 El Hogar Ou* Yo Robe ' Movl* -(Drama) •• "Bullet la Waiting" 1064 Rory Calhoun, Jean Simmons. A sheriff and his prisoner make a forced landing in the deaert, and find themaelvea marooned with an old man and hia daughter. Emotional crises revesls the prisoner's innocence. (106 mine.) 11:00 O Th* Tonight Show 'The Best of Carson' Guests: George Segsl, Alsn King, Argus Hamilton, Savannah Smith. (Repeat; 60 mina.) (NBC News will prssent a specisl report on the elections in El Sslvador; this thirty minute report will delsy progrsmming this evening.) Q Jefferson* BO ABC News Nlghtllne OSS CB8Lat*Movl*Quincy, M.E.:'AQu*ationofD*ath'Quincy becomea involved in a multi- million dollarlawauit when he decides to authorize an accident victim aa a transplant doner. (Repeat) Coiumbo: 'Murderbythe Book' Jack Caaaidy stara as a mystery writer who plans the perfect crime in the murder of his irtner. (Repeat) All In Th* Family Mast*rpl*c* Theatre 'LoveinaColdCHmate:ChildHunt' Episode I. (Open-Captioned)- Q PBS Latenlght © Jim Rockford: Private investigator IB Movl*-(Drama)** "I Sent A Letter To My Lov*" Simone Signoret, Jean Rochefort. A brother and aiaterfall in love while corresponding using false identities. (Rated PG) (102 minsj O)OMovie-(Mystery)** "Devil Doll" 1036 Lionel Barrymore, Maureen O'Sullivan. A man shrinks humans to doll-size, using them to strike at those who sent i Devils Island. (2 hrs.) ) Movie -(Drama) ** H "The Poatman Alwaya Rlnga Twice" 1081 Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange. A drifter and a-young woman, passionstely in love, plot to kill her old husband. (Paid Subacription Television) (2 hrs., 5 rains.) CD NCAA Division I Hockey Championahlp Final from the Providence Civic Center (R) Maud* Traveller'a World OflPLat*! 11:30 TO Let* Night With David Lettermen Guests: columnist Jack Anderson, actor Ed Marinaro. (60 mina.) 0 Bob Newhart Show 0Movl*-(Adv*ntur*) * "Flying « D*vlla" 1033 Ralph Bellamy, Bruce Cabot. Everyday hazards and chances encountered by gtoup of stunt fliers. (77 mins.) 0 Movl* -(Drama) ** % "New Interna" 1064 Michael Callan, Dean Jones The story of a group of new interns who are aaaigned to a large metropolitan hospital. (2 i mina.) Comedy Classics Jim Bakkar Movl* -(Scl*nc*-Flction) *** "Fabuioua World Of Jules Verne" 1061 Lou Tock, Ernie Navara. A nineteenth century professor and his assistant are kidnapped by a pirate band who wanttousethsprofessor'satomic weapon to conquer the world. (90 ans.) I Moyieweek 12:00 O Late Night With David Letterman Guests: columnist Jack Anderson, actor Ed Marinaro. (60 mina.) O Movie -(Fantaay) •• W "Atlantis, The Loat Continent" 1061 Anthony Hall. Joyce Taylor. A young Greek fiaherman, in love with the daughter of the King of Atlantia, whose life he saved, agreea to help her aearch for the lost city. (100 mins.) S® NlteOwl Dick Cavett Show ABC News Nlghtllne Anchored by Ted Koppel. • Jack-A-Boy B Atlantic City Tonight 12:20 0 Movl* -(W*at*rn) ** "FortWorth" 1061 Randolph Scott, David Brian. A gunman turned newspaperman still haa to uae hie gune to vanquiah the outlsws. (106 mins.) 12:30 0 Entertainment Tonight 0? ABC Captioned News Movie -(Comedy) ** "Any Which Way You Can" 1080 Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke.A brawler's reputation spreads cross country and an East Coast syndicate sets him up in the ultimate brawl with hia New York fnterpart. (Rated PG) (2 hrs.) Signature: Interview NHL Arm WreetMng (Replay) FrpmLaa Vegaa, Nevada 3$ Roaa Bagley Show All Night At The Movl*a 'Miraculous Journey'RfOry Calhoun. 2) 'Riders of the North' Bob Custer. 3) 'Romance In Vienna' Richard Tauber. (6 hrs., 30 mins.) 12:46 IB Movie -(Comedy) *** "Longeet Yard" 1074 Burt Reynoide, Eddie Albert. Story of a ferocious football game between priaonera and guarda, with a convicted ex-football star coaching the inmates. Suprise climax aa priaoners play for their dignitv. (119 miAs.) 12:48 0 Reflections 1:00 O Health Field • Charlie Roee Show 990 Newa A Mixed Bag NHL Hock*y (R*play) New York ialandera vs New York Rangers ® JOS Franklin Show 1:06 SD ® Movie -(Drama) **•• "Eyewitness" 1081 William Hurt, Sigourney Weaver. A glamorous televiaion reporter becomes romantically involved with a young man who may have witnessed a murder. (Rated R) (Paid Subacription Televiaion) (115 mins.) 1:18 0 Newa 1:30 0 WBBM Editorial John Davldeon Show Reeurrectlon Of Lady Leeter © SoortaCenter ((Tuesday)) MARCH 30, 1082 EVENING 6:00 00000000® News 9 Miller OQ® HappyDayaAga in 15)9 Battle line 19 I MCE IS 0 MecNeihLehrer Report 0 Jim* Wae: Th* Forttoe Q0 EntertainmentTonight (9)0 AN In Th* Family B ® Movl* (Continues From Daytlm*) 'Th* Hand' 1961 D*rek Bond, Ronald Leigh Hunt. A Jack-A-Bov S ®lEl Idolo (Continue* From ytlme) Wa Week In The NBA Pattern For Living The Tomorrow People You Aeked For It Picture Of Health 6:06 0 Carol Burnett And 90 Family Feud YouAaked For It BB M.A.S.H. Laveme And Shirley And •ny MacN*IH_ehr*r Report Wild Wild World Of Anlmala PMMegazlne Mov l * - (Comedy) * * "Cav*man" 1080 Ringo Starr, Dannie Quaid. One millions yeara, B.C.: A TRIBESMAN IS BANNED FROM HIS CAVE FOR TRYING TO MATE WITH THE TRIBAL LEADER S WOMAN. (Rated PG) naj 0 Mupp*t Show gnature: interviews Informaclon 26 I SportsC*nt*r I® AccentC Accent On Living Th* Adv*ntur*e Of Bleck uty Entertainment Tonight A Woman 6:36 0 San ford And Son 6:66 0 WBBM Editorial 0 WLSEdltorial 7:00 OOO.E.D.DeverillJoinaan automobile designer-racer to create a aleek, rocket powered car and enter it in a Grand Prix auto raoe through igi2 England. (60 0 Brat. Maverick Maverick geta ft from all aidea when he wina a feisty Chineae girl in a card game. (Repeat; 60 O tit 0 Happy Daya Lori decidee to have natural childbirth and enliata a aurpriaingly faint-hearted Fonzieea her delivery room coach. (Repeat) (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) O & Youth For Christ With Johnny Caeh O Mov ie - (Wes te rn ) * *H "Warpath" 1061 Edmond O'Brien, Dean Jagger. A man aeta out on a mission of vengeance againat the three bank robbera reaponaible for the death of hia fiancee...and becomea involved Indian ambuah. (2 hra.) PM Magazine Milwaukee Profiles America Mov l * - (No In fo rmat ion illabl*.) "Th* Black P**rl" S TfTM 1 1301 RIVERSIDE DR. 1 (Across from the Fox Hole) McHENRY, ILLINOIS 1 1N IZ40 | Metal or Plastic FRHMES •zo SENIOR CITIZENS FREE FRRMES WITH LfcNSE PURCHASE Metal or Plastic KIDS FRRMES •12

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