* PAGE4 -PLAINDEALER - WEDNt 1> W . MARCH31,1982 EARL WALSH" So I Hear Came the voice over the phone, "This is your favorite cousin". Clarification identified the caller as one named Melvin. The favorite one had just read my last column and headed for the dictionary when he read the word britchen. He hastened to tell me the name is breeching. He's the kind who wouldn't think of calling a creek a crick. I'll refer you to the favorite one to describe another part of a harness closely related to a "britchen". He never harnessed a team of horses in his life, but knows the parts aren't near the bridle. A measly looking squirrel appeared at our feeder last week, looking like he hadn't eaten all winter. He has been stuffing himself like a pig and is rounding into form. We are elated wtih a belated St. Patrick's Day ft that was ordered, but _ dn't arrive in time. A set of glasses that aren't intended for water. Beautiful. Class in glass. Covered all over with shamrocks and gold. Many people who do not jog get their exercise by joining protest marches. Our garden work has been cut in naif. The asparagus bed conked out. All that is left is the rhubarb. We are getting our wren houses up this week. Would you believe? Those fussy little chirpers wouldn't set up housekeeping in common, ordinary houses. SUBSCRIPTION RATES HEARING AIDS THAT HELP PROTECTl •YOU FROM! LOUD NOISES Zenith Zenetron compression hearing aids are designed with special electronic circuitry that automatically cushions loud, sudden noises. 17th Anniversay Sale! McHINRY HEARING AID DISCOUNT CENTER 3937 W. Main, McHenry (815)385-7661 Robert Stensland (Mgr.) 27 yrs. experience POSTMASTIR (KkHeery Illinois If You're Not Doing Business With Us You're Paying Too Much I Thomat C. Milltr>Publith«r ALL BATTERIES 40% DISCOUNT ACTIVAIR ll-MALLORY-RAY O VAC- EVEREADY MY AT WHOLESALE I Mi Mlt R VWV mi SERVICE CENTER HOURS Wednesday Only 10 to 5 PM Evenings By Appointment SPECIAL OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 8. 1912 NEW AlftS I REPAIRS DISCOUNT PRICED! NORSE CALLS-NO CNAR0EI Then came a fancy house from Coach Stringer in Florida and they took a fancy to it right away. Our old coach always did know how to get results. The Cubs made a trade to :t Bump Wills and all we tr is wnat he can't do as a second base man That is the way it was witli Eddie Stahky and Nellie Fox. All they could do was beat you. I'm not getting very far with mv claim that men have a tough life. Forget the work, worry and strain. What I am saying is that we face the same old grind every morning. After bathing, we are faced with the job of shaving. Bathing itself covers a lot of territory. Then, there is our hair to comb. We don't have permanent waves. By the time I get dressed The McHenry Plaindealer lUWIU'TNl 1175 Ptim IIS-MS-0170 Iwr «*»<•»»<•> I h\4my 1 McHsory Illicit Ctaaa PiUf» PAID AT McH*<iry Illinois •y McHCMV PUM.ISHING COMPANY W|ll l« WcH»«n Pl»l»<nl»t JI1JW limit SufcKriWrt mrm wmfaH no»k» o4 chanf• of »o MI1W ElmSl MkHwry 111*0050 AMwIlnol mofffti from ee^trwMwi •» • ukKr^tlM will b* wtfrm a chang* o4 •Mrm It prwUmd tfcrovfti tfc« Pott OHk» dtptmiwi' Ad«l« Fro*hlich-Editor WW • - -- A NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION 1 Y*or SIS.SO IY*or $24 00 In AAcHenry OvtllM Mcttomy I'm tired out and ready for a nap. Met John Stone and his wife and started discussing the White Sox of 1982. Then came a revoltin' development. John is a Sox fan, but his wife -- She is concerned about a team that plays on the North Side. The Blaneys showed up at McHenry Country Club Friday night as welcome as the flowers in May. Haven't seen the pair in some time. they headed south when wind chill dropped down in the north. PERFORM CANTATA The adult choir and in strumental ensemble of the Evangelical Free church of Crystal Lake will present Worthy is the Lamb Thur sday, April 8, at 8 p.m. There is no charge for admission although a free-will offering will be received. The Evangelical Free church of Crystal Lake is located at 290 W. Crystal Lake avenue just west of Dole avenue. It is three miles west of Route 31. For further information, call the church at (815) 459-1095. Cadets In Performance PROMOTED Marine Sgt. Keith A. Ely, son of Kenneth and Doris A. Ely of 1304 S. Main street, Algonquin, has been promoted to his present rank while serving with 2nd Assault Amphibian bat talion, Camp Lejeune, N.C. He joined the Marine Corps in January 1979. His wife, Estelle, is the daughter of Arlene Foreman of 1507 W. Pine street, McHenry. Spring Sale 'i * *- I of Playwear! A / > J 1 Get ready for summer. Come to our spring playwear sale now. For a limited time we have children's comfortable playwear favorites at comfortable prices. Denim shortalls. Sizes 2-4, 4-6x, Reg. 9.00 4.88. 7-14, Reg. 10.00 5.88. Terry rompers. Sizes 2-4, 4-6x, 7-14. Reg. 6.00--9.50 3.88 -5.44. Solid short sleeve shirts. Sizes 4-6x. Reg. 8.00 & 9.00 3.88. Solid shorts. 4-6x,Reg. 5.00 2.88. 7-14, Reg. 6.00 ! 3.88. Children's, Elgin on 2, Crystal Lake and St. Charles. CAVALIER CADETS Appearing at the Midwest Color Guard circuit will be the Cavalier Cadets of Rosemont, 111. Wearing black pants, green silk shirts, and white tunic vests, the Cadets will present a rock- oriented show. Marching to "We Rock You", "Half-Penny",and "It's Easy", the cadets will compete in the Class A division. The cadets are the feeder corps to the champion Cavaliers. Those who would like to see the Cadets should go to West campus April 3 and 4. Performances start at 9 a.m. Saturday and continue through the evening. One o'clock is the Sunday starting time. PLAINDEALER"> Letter to the Editor Public Pulse •ol*r invites thfl public to ui* this column ot an ••prottion of th#ir b|*<t* of g«n«rol mtoratt in our community Our only roquott it that •r» give s.gnotur# full oddrass and phona number We ask too that on# ndividuol not writa on tha soma tubjact mora thon onca a month Wo rasarva fha •ight to dalata ony material which «vo considar libelous or in ob{*<tionabJo tost# ) KNOCKING THE POWERS "Editor: "I wonder if the property owners of Wonder Lake are aware of the 'by'laws' of MPOA (Master Property Owners Assn.). If not, they should try to get a copy or else contact me. I'll let them read mine or get them a copy, but I'll warn ahead of time, if the property owners don't abide by them they are breaking them, but if MPOA goes against its 'by-laws', it is considered a 'slight technicality'. "We are being discriminated against. "1 - We are assessed more •<- much more for our little *lots thai acreage. "2 - Be aware of our 'voting Power' - our subdivisions with large populations that pay a lot get wiped out by open land with no population, and they pay less. "3 - There are subdivisions that have the same privileges - beach, boating, etc do not pay MPOA dues and do not pay dam dues. "4 - Property near mine is controlled by a business man who I know has not paid one cent for years toward s u b d i v i s i o n , r o a d assessments or MPOA. (I'm only citing one, he has quite a few more) - of course there is a 'slight technicality'. "We are constantly being told to keep a low profile or we will lose our 'voting power' - what power? We haven't any voting rights to lose. "People interested in more 'technicalities' or the power structure of our area may call me - do not call MPOA. From experien " their record trilhtues of meetings never available to Wonder Lake public. "The public elects these people to look out for their interest. I wonder if they wouldn't like to see the minutes of meetings or records to see what goes on - just remember, they are there to serve. "Please keep in mind - we I are the 6-Day Historic Tour to the 1982 World's Fair Knoxville, Tennessee Call for a FREE Tour Brochure No Obligation 312/223-1213 GEM TOURS, DELUXE MOTOR TOURS Authority III. No 138755 Inc. want our dam repaired - after all, it increases the value of our property plus being safe.. But I think all should pay their share - not the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. "So, I'm asking everyone to start getting involved - I'm sure they don't want dirty politics here. Let's try to make it a good place for all. "Helen Giertuga "728-0605" OOOOOOOOOOOCK Safety Hints »ooooooooooo By Secretary of State Jim Edgar All motor vehicles in Illinois must have a horn which can be heard from at least 200 feet. Horns with unreasonably loud or harsh sounds are prohibited, and no horn may be sounded unnecessarily. Sirens, whistles or bells are not allowed except on authorized emergency vehicles. gm iflonyou use your-.-horn properly? The horn is in tended as a safety device to enable you to warn other drivers and pedestrians of your presence. When others are aware of your vehicle, they will be less likely to make a move which might cause an accident. Having a horn on your vehicle does not give you the right to honk it every time a traffic condition irritates you. Other drivers and pedestrians, startled by the sudden loud blast of your horn, may cause an accident instead of avoiding one. A careful driver will sound his or her horn only when he or she knows it is necessary. The horn always should be used to give a warning, not to demand the right of way. If you have any questions about the Secretary of State's office, please feel free to use our toll-free telephone number (800-252- 8980). (A copy of the Rules of the Road will be sent to you upon request. Write to Jim Edgar, Secretary of State, Springfield, 111. 62756.) PUT YOUR REFUND CHECK TO GOOD USE... 20jO 50 OFF EVERYTHING IN STOCK •BIG DISCOUNTS ON 10 YR. WARRANTY BEDDING •BEDROOM SETS •LIVING ROOM SETS •CURIO CABINETS •BOOK CASES •SPECIAL ORDERS •DINING ROOM SETS •CHAIRS •HIDE-A-BEDS •RECLINERS •DESKS •SOFAS •LOVESEATS •LAMPS •ROCKETS S*or« That Corti To Sov« You AAon»y FREE SET UP AND DELIVERY S££ 0U9 ALL P ICTURES S IM ILAR V N U D f c L I V f c K Y J U I W * r ̂ | ^ | A | 1 1 | < U I I V DECORATOR PIECES-;; F Itome h'ut'niKhinuK HOURS -A 385 -8200 4618 W. RTE . 120 McHENRY, IL . L A Y A W A Y A V A I L A B L E MON £ FRt 9 9 TUES WED THURS I SAT 9 6 SUN 12 5