Journalism Awards To MCC Tartan Staff cm ! APRIL?-Ft. Laudersale was never like this! Marty Koleno, Steve Coda and Bill Pic tor relax on McHenry'g Fox river beach to discuss plans for St. Patrick's Town and 82 "Summerfest". A meeting for those wishing to chair rooms will be held Monday, April 12, at 8 p.m. in the church basement, 3500 W. Washington street, McHenry. The cooperation of the business community is anticipated to make this year's fund raiser better than ever. "Summerfest" is planned for the last two weekenwiIn June. Town and Country to an entertainment event taking place In several rooms In Montini Primary center, featuring shows, fqod, music, refreshments, and games. For information, call 385-1434. LIFE INSURANCE ' WEEK Governor James Thomp son has proclaimed April 4- 10 as Illinois Life Insurance week in recognition of the contribution that the life insurance industry makes in providing the basis of security for millions of Illinois families. • • • • FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April ,14, 1932). A class of seven can didates was initiated by the Daughters of America at their meeting in the K. of C. hall. The meeting was well attended, with about 80 members present. Hie hall was attractively decorated for the occasion with the patriotic colors mingled with the colors of the court while the officers in their beautiful robes added color to the scene as they went through the beautiful ceremony of initiation in the shaded light of candles made more im pressive by the music and appropriate songs as an accompaniment. Members of the Mothers club wish to announce that following out their usual custom they are ready to help anyone who is in needy circumstances. Help may be received by notifying any of the following officers of the club: Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Mrs. P. M. J us ten, Mrs. R. Fleming, Mrs. George Johnson and Mrs. G. W. Hess. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 16, 1942). Henry A. Nulle and Harold E. Reese almost duplicated their battle of eight years ago for the Republican nomination for sheriff, when the two candidates again staged one <of those nip and tuck contests. Nulle came out on top by the small margin of 73 votes, which is three less than he defeated Reese by eight years ago. An unofficial total vote of 11,309 made up of 10,131 Republicans and 1,178 Democratic votes, were cast, in the county. This was 3,613 under the total vote of the 1940 primary. On Sunday evening, April 26, Miss Marguerite Freund, young McHenry soprano, will sing in the Grand Lounge of the Medinah club in Chicago. At that time Umberto Sorrentino will present the Musical Salon, featuring an array of 14 young singers, including Miss Freund. Miss Freund has been studying voice in Chicago for the past two years and her many friends in McHenry are happy to hear of her progress. She will graduate from the local high school this spring and intends to continue her musical studies. TWENTY-FIVE? YEARSAGO (Taken from the files of April 19, 1957). George P.. Freund, heading the Progressive ticket, was reelected to his third term as mayor of McHenry. Elected with him were all others on the party ticket. Mr. Freund received a total of 788 votes as against 478 for Edward J. Gausden. There were 1,273 ballots cast in the three wards. Elected with Mr. Freund were Earl R. Walsh, city clerk, with 1,066; Thomas F. Bolger, treasurer, 1,020; Edward Thennes, alderman in Ward I, 362; and William F. Bolger, alderman to fill a vacancy in Ward I, 393; Theodore Pitzen, alderman in Ward II, 292; Warren Holly, alderman in Ward III, 182; and Donald Howard, police magistrate, 581. Vale Adams, wtih the greatest number of votes cast for contested places on the high school board of education, became a new member of District 156 board as the result of the annual election. He polled 471 votes. Also elected was Francis Wirtz, who polled 389 votes for the second position to be filled. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 26, 1972). Mrs. Irene'F. Hughes, a professional psychic and prophet ess,appeared before a capacity audience at West campus. Her amazing psychic ability, which has gained a reputation for ac curacy with fulfillment of her published predictions, was greeted enthusiastically by both students and adults. Mrs. Hughes' presentation at West campus was an exceptionally well-balanced demonstration of open- mindedness, curiosity, humor, seriousness and deep understanding of young adult minds and their con cerns. Five county youths were arrested after McHenry County Sheriff Arthur Tyrell led a raid on a farm house at Marengo road, Union, where quantities of hashish, am phetamines, barbiturates and other narcotic paraphernalia were con fiscated. Mrs. Roland Herrmann, McHenry, will head the 1972 Country Art Fair, sponsored by the auxiliary to McHenry hospital to raise funds in behalf of patients at the hospital. CREATIVE SALAD MAKING Want to feel like a millionaire? Plant several unusual salad vegetables and let your culinary imagination run wild. You'll feel like Daddy Warbucksl Why settle for just lettuce, radish, tomatoes? How boring! Have you ever experimented with growing chervil, sorrel, Chinese cabbage, endive, chives and tender mustard greens for salads? There will come those hot summer evenings when the idea of cooking supper will turn you off completely. Remedy: wander about your garden, picking and pulling a colander full of greens and herbs. It will give you a salad .better than the best you've tasted in fine restaurants. Heavenly! It will sooth your stomach and your jangled nerves, and replenish your body's store of vitamins. ' If you are, indeed, what you eat, wouldn't eating interesting salads make you a more interesting person? TOUR OF THE MONTH® ESCORTED MOTORCOACH TOURS DEPARTING FROM CHICAGO WOKID'S PAIR 0 SMOKIES APOSTLE 0 MACKINAC CALIFORNIA 6 THE WEST CANADIAN ROCKIES CAROLINASI WORLD'S PAIR COLORADO ROCKIES EASTERN CANADA FLORIDA 0 DISNEY WORLD GRAND Oil OFRY GREAT SOUTHWEST HOLLAND TULIP TIME NEW ENGLAND NEW ORLEANS NEW YORK ft PHILADELPHIA NOVASCOTIA THE OZARKS , PACIFIC NORTHWEST WASHINGTON ft VIRGINIA YELLOWSTONE ft BLACK HILLS 4 Doyt 4Doyc 21 Days 14 Day* 12 Day* 11 Doyt It Day* 14 Day* 4 Days 15 Days SDays 12 Days 10 Days 10 Days 14 Days 7 Days 21 Days 10 Days 11 Days $474 $452 $1412 $1231 $•45 $727 $*35 $244 $1104 '$145 $914 $492 $773 $1239 $502 $1M4 $713 $92* Have you ever met anyone who had nothing to complain about? the Tartan, the student newspaper at McHenry County college, has received two Illinois Awards of Merit for community college journalism. The awards were presented at the annual conference of the Illinois Community College Jour nalism association held this year at Northern Illinois university in DeKalb. One Award of Merit was for editorial writing and specifically listed -three editorials written by Tc Editor David Konitzer Crystal Lake and Con tributing Editor Madge Russell of Woodstock. The editorials named included those headlined "Rushed Elections Cheat Students", " A b o r t i o n : O p t i o n Guaranteed by Freedom" and "MCC Needs McNerney and Ryan". The second Award of Merit was an honorable mention for editorial column writing for two columns written by Russell. The columns cited included one headlined "What Next? Crime Wouldn't Suffer from Banning Guns" and "When You Need Someone to Care". Judging of the annual competition this year was by faculty members on the NIU jounalism department. This is the fourth year the Tartan has competed in the statewide contest. Six students on the Tartan staff attended the conference which included seminars on a variety of topics relating to production of a student newspaper. No Worry Live within your in come and you'll live with out worry--and a lot of other things. -Record, Columbia, S. C. B B B B B B B B B B B B i Safety Hints aOBBOOOQBBBOB By Secretary of State Jim Edgar Motorcyclists have the same right-of-way privileges as other drivers and are entitled to the same courtesy and consideration on the road. Please keep these safety rules in mind when near a motorcycle: 1. Don't crowd a motor cycle. Allow more following distance than you do for a car. A motorcycle often can stop faster than your car because it is much lighter in weight. Getting too close may make the cyclist ner vous and cause him or her to lose balance and fall in front of your car. PAGE 5 - PLA1NDEALER - FRIDAY. APRIL 0, 1W2 2. Regardless of size, motorcycles are entitled to use the full width of a traffic lane. Do not try to stop next to a motorcycle in the same lane . . . either change lanes or stay behind. Do not try to pass a motorcycle in the lane it is using. 3. If you are following a motorcycle, allow plenty of distance when approaching a railroad track. If the crossing is rough or the tracks cross the road at an angle, the rider will need room to maneuver and will have to slow down. 4. Allow even more following distance between y o u r v e h i c l e a n d a n y motorcycle when the road is wet and slippery. If jyou have any questions about. the Secretary of State'sV office, please feel free to use our toll-free telephbne number (800-252- 8980). (A copy of the Rules of the Road will be sent to you upon request. Write to Jim Edgar, Secretary of State, Springfield, 111. 62756.) NEEDLECRAFT CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS Presents ACOUNTED CROSS STITCH WORKSHOP » In Your Area $5.00 Supplies Included SATURDAY, APRIL 17 10:00AM- 12 NOON McHenry Public Library (Green & Main) BY PRE-REGRISTRATION ONLY! KRIS (312)223-2264 CALL: MARGIE (312)356-9446 ANNE (815)344-5647 The McHenry Plaindealer 3S12 VYwt llm Str*«4 (USPS S35-XO) i.tobll>h»d 1S7S McHmry, llllnolt Phon* S1S-3S5-0170 PuMlth*d Every Wtdnndoy A Friday McH«nry. llllnolt S*cond Clatt Pottog* PAID AT McH*nry. llllnolt By McHCNtY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTII SomJ oddrou chongoi to McH.nry Ptalndaclor. M12 W. Elm W t, llllnolt 40060 Subtcrlbort arm rtquttttd proviso Immodloto nolle* of chongo of oddrmt to Tho McHonry Plolndoolvr, Jill W. Ilm St.. McHonry, III. *0050. A deduction ot on* month from tho expiration of o tubtcrlptlon will bo mod* wbor* a chong* of addrott It provided through tho Pott Offl«o department. Thomas C. Miller-Publisher Adel* Froehlich-Editor NEWSPAPER , „ * NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES » Year $15.50 1 Year $24.00 In McHenry Outtlde McHenry County County WE ARE NOW OPEN! SANDY McKIE OWNER & Sons Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer in Fox Lake for mony years, have opened the doors to a new Ford-Mercury Dealer at 90 5. Rt. 12. Our unique joint merchandising plan now enables you to save S100's over our competition! FORD MERCURY 90 S. RT. 12 FOX LAKE J GENE FRANCIS OWNER We're ready to save you money on a new car purchase, and don't forget that we stock a giant selection in our huge TRUCK AND VAN CENTER! Here is one example of our promise to save you money: OUR HUSE NEW CAR SELECTION •T-Bird •New Yorker •Lynx • Escort •EXP •Fairmont •Reliant •Cordoba •LeDaron •Grand Marquis •Horizon DILL HENDRICKSON SALES MANAGER '*2 FORD ESCORT • Baby Blue • Full Factory Equipment $584500 * Includes freight and dealer prep JOHN PRILL SALESMAN Also stop by our combined Service and Parts Facility WE SERVICE ALL MAKES AND MODELS (312)507-4200* 507-4471 OUR HUGE USED CAR INVENTORY PRODUCES THESE VALUES 1077 MERCURY ORAND MARQUIS 11070 VOLAR!2 DOOR Power windows, 4 dr., low miles, power I 6 Cylinder automatic, power steering, locks, power split seats, immaculate con- | power brakes, radio. *3195 I I WEEKLY SPECIAL 1995 SANDY McKIE and SONS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH^AND DODGE TRUCKS SHOWROOM OPEN Monday thru Thursday 9 8, Saturday 9 6, Closed Sunday SERVICE • BODY • PARTS OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8 00 to 5 30 69 SOUTH RTE. 17 . 3 1 2 5 0 7 - 6 4 7 1 LAKE VIEW FORD«MERCURY 90S.RT.12 FOX LAKE 5874200