t " AC.E ie - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, APRIL IS, 1982 No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, in Memoriam, Situation Wanted Wanted to Rent Wan fed To Buy. and Garage Soles MUST be paid in advan ce The Plaindeoler is not responsible for errors in classified ads after the first insertion Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistokes OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI.S:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. SATURDAY 912 P.M. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4:00 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER • WEDNESDAY 4:00 P.M. PHONE 815-385-0170 19 CUBIC FT AMANA Side by Side Refrigerator; 36" gas sieve. Both Harvest «old C 2 WI DITIOr Carrier BTU F green $15.00 € after 6p FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1981 Yamaha MX 100; 1980 BUSINESS SCRUMS D O G O B E D I E N C E COUCH & LOVESEAT. black naugahyde, excellent condition $125.00;; Ex- THOMAS ORGAN. 2 JUST REDUCED Frc keyboards with rhythm $20,000 to $14,500. 5 acr section, excellent condition Giant Oaks Estates. Ho\| Nc CLASSIFIED ADS! SUN SCREEN SHADES for Store Windows, tnanv sizes 7-24-7-31c FOOSBALL TABLE $225.00. 7-24-7-31C 5 HORSE POWER Clutch driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks AUTOS FORD 1977.:i i ton Super Cab Camper Special, power electric 5i5.uo; 4 Musnroom, beige-brown pattern, vinyl placemats $2.00. Call after 5pm after 5pm. Cash only, all prices firm. 7- Lunnti unuA« t.ncore with Magic Genie, doulbe keyboard, 3 years old. First FOR SALE rairways, ueautitui REAL ESTATE ACRE High and Dr wooded Corner lot in Boat SUSWESS SERUIttS BUSINESS SERVICES QU1NN CONSTRUCTION. Building since 1967. Fireplaces, Additions, Plumbing, Heating and Electrical. Bath and Kitchen Remodeling. Call for free estimate. 312-639-0700 . 4-2tfc TYPING FOR BUSINESS- College. Fast, accurate, IBM equipment. Call for rates. 815-385-8208. 4-2tfc STEAMEX STEAM CAR PET cleaning "gentle but thorough", living room & hall $45.00, additional rooms $20.00 each. Bauman Carpet Cleaning 815-943-4793. 4-2tfc J E N S E N W O O D RESTORATION. Antique, furniture repair and refinishing. Also Custor?i Woodworking. 815-385-4024. 4-2tfc JIM'S RESALE 5103 McCullwn lake M. Gate 6 Now open for the summer New ft Used Merchandise FridaySaturday Smday 10 am to 5 pm We Buy & Sell ROOF REPAIR DON'T BUY A NEW ROOF WHEN YOU CAN REPAIR SHINGLES-HOT ROOF NEW OR REPAIR WHEN POSSIBLE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED 815-344-1020 REID&SON CONST 4 2TF xnd t McHENRY \ WELDING SERVICE -ALL TYPES WELDING- SPECIALIZING IN *Boat Prop Repairs 'Custom Trailer Hitches 2712 W. Rte. 120 McHenry V 815-385-4929 2/ "THE DECORATING DOCTOR" Quality Exterior and Interior Decorating and Repair All phases of home improvement, carefully and professionally done at reasonable rates. Free Estimates ft Consultation 815-675-2536 ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Now Taking Orders •Parking Lots*New Drives •Long Lanes*Patching •Resurfacing*Seal Coating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 815-459-3960 Call Now ft Save 3 10 4 21 3 10 4 21G RUSSELL RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING • REPAIRS • ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING Installation of new septics 815-385-6445 WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Serving your area 28 years experience. We are now taking orders. Deal direct with owner & save!! " ^ , Seal Coating -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES- GRAYSLAKE 3122235634 LIBERTYVILLE 312 367-0676 C O M M E R C I A L • R E S I D E N T I A L 3 31TF 3 31TFG £ r PIONEER BLACKTOP PAYING R e s i d e n t i a l - C o m m e r c i a l - I n d u s t r i a l Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisf ied customers." SPRING DISCOUNT •Machine Laid 'New Drives •Resurfacing •Parking Lots •Seal Coating All work guaranteed Free Estimates „ 312-546-5600 __ p w G r a y s l a k e , I I I . U r D R BUILDING SUPPLIES Senco Guns, Nails & Stapler Wiremesh -- Rebar PVC Pipe & Fitt ings Corrugated Pipe -- Sump Pits Sonotube -- Culverts Duraform Tys & Forms Window Bucks & Inserts Assorted Contractor Tools 1903 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. 815-385-6445 * •v. Siding Wood Decks J?. S. Stake Comtzuetion Quality Custom Built Homes Remodeling Experts Will design and draw plans for your new home or remodeling needs ^ Free Estimates Call John Blake R.T.& R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior. Low prices. Insured. Free estimates. Ron 815-728-0176. 4-2tfc GARDEN ROTO-TILLING. Very reasonable. Call after 4pm. 815-344-4943. 4-2-5-28C INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Painting. Call us for a Free Estimate. We're very af fordable! 815-385-7736 anytime or 815-344-1722 after 6:00pm. 4-2tfc NEED AN ESTIMATE For Your Concrete Work This Spring? Call Ken. Quality Work. All Types Of Cement Work. 815-728-1548 . 4-2tfc R & M LAWN SERVICE" Lawnmowing & leaf service. Free estimates. 312-639-5872 or 815 459-1383 . 4-14tfc R W CONCRETE. Expert concrete work. Reasonable prices. Free Estimates. Call "anytime 815-385-5163. 4-7-4- 30C WILL CLEAN OUT Basements, Garages, Attics and Do Lawns, Light Hauling, Painting, etc. Ask for Leo. Phone 815-344-1033 if not in, leave message. After 4pm, 815-344-4769. 4-7-4-16C PAINTING PLUS, all types painting, wall papering and carpentry. Free estimates, references & insured. Best Price Around! Call Bill 815- 385-2843 . 4-2tfc TOM HUBBARD, Award winning magician, is available for schools, auditoriums, banquets and homes. 312-395-7168 or 312- 395-6006. 4-2tfc MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW FOR SPRING ROTOTILLING 815-385-0208 D & R LAWN MAINTENANCE & LANDSCAPING Lawn care, garden roto-tilling & fertilizing SPRING SPECIALS! 815-675-2191 Serving Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE •Tree Trimming •Tree Removal •Stump Removal •Firewood •Snow Removal •Free Estaimates •Fully Insured (815)385-6733 Roofing --i 385-5593 after 5 P.M. Concrete Patios MATHISON SEPTIC SERVICE New Septic installations, and repairs. Backhoe work. Question about your septic systems? Give us a call. Ask about our yearly check and maintenance plan 815-344-3980 U1L. CUSTOM PRINTED Tee Shirts, Jackets, Uniforms, etc. Check our prices first! Blue Seas Enterprises. 815- 344-1563 . 4-2tfc R&S DECORATING. Custom Interior, Painting & Wall papering. Free estimates. 815-459-4264. 4- 2tfc RAKE YARD, Pickup Leaves, Haul Away, Clean Basement, Alleys, Garage and Attics, Haul Refuse in Dump Truck. 815-459-8692. 3- 31-4-30C -- -- j HELP ME HELP You Plan* Your Financial Future. If You Don't, Who Will. Patrick J. Letizia, Financial Planner since 1968. 815-728-0404 . 4- 2tfc FROM THE BOTTOM UP, no job is too small. From hanging a door to remodeling an entire home. Quality work at reasonable prices. Call Ken 815-344-2449. 4-2tfc INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Painting and staining, fully insured, free estimates. Call Jim 815-459-3677 . 4-2tfc PLUMBING, New work, remodeling, repafrs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners. Licensed, insured. Call Tom 815-653-9725. 4-2tfC LOCAL MOVING and HAULING, reasonable rates. 815-385-9386. 4-2tfc S E W I N G M A C H I N E REPAIR, Domestic & In dustrial, In Home Service-;. We carry parts and supplier, for all sewing machines*!) Keener & Son, Wonder Lake.% 815-728-0672. 4-2tfc MARIA'S ALTERATIONS, for fast service & low prices. Open Tuesday thru Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. 815-385- 3269. 4821 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry 4-2tfc N O R T H E R N I L L . M E C H A N I C A L , I N C . Plumbing, Hot water heat, Sewer & Water, Septics, New work, Service work, Remodeling. Residential & Commercial. Licensed and Bonded. Fully insured. 312-, 546-1474. 4-2tfc SCHUERR WAY Builders. All phases of Carpentry, E l e c t r i c , P l u m b i n g , Heating, Tiling. No job too small. Free advice, no obligation. 815-385-4808 . 4- 2tfc SEWING ALTERATIONS, For Men and Women. Remodeling, Recut and Repair Mens Jackets, Taper Pants. 815-653-4161 after 5pm. 3-24-4-16c HAVE A SPECIAL BIR THDAY, With "Lizzie The Clown". Games, Prizes, Ballons and Magic Provided. 815-344-2277 . 3-31-4-30C NEED ROOFING, Home and Barn Repair, Wreck and Haul of Buildings and Trees. Call 815-728-0858 or 815-344- 0019 3-26-4-16c BOATS * MOTORS IMP 20' DAY Cruiser, 225 HP OMC, I-O, cuddy cabin, portopotty, sleeps 4V full canvas, mooring cover, E-Z loader tandem trailer, garage kept, everything in excellent condition. Must see to appreciate $8,000. 497- 4238. 4-14-4-16C 1979 CENTURY 19 ft. Mercury IO. Excellent ski or Coho boat. Many extras, mint condition, $10,500. 815- 344-1042 . 4-14-4-16C CENTURY 5000, 22M» ft., 100 hours, excellent shape, $17,500. Call 312-639-7423 . 3- 31-4-21C 16 FT. BAJA SPORT Boat. Full cover, trailer, newly rigged, ready to go, less engine, $1,825. 815-728-1108. 4-16 AUTOS MOTORCYCLES PERSONALS NEW NO DEDUCTIBLE Major Medical Plan. Dad 28, Mom 25, two or more kids, $102.60 per month. For Personal Quote, call Sun- derlage Insurance Agency. 815-338-3328 . 4-14-4-16c SITUATION WANTED •Electrical •Family Rooms •Maintenance Free Decks & Porches •Home Repairs No Job too Small Call Harry L. Vienzens | Construction 3 815-385-2847 4 2 WILL BABYSIT in my home during the day, 8am-4pm. Other arrangements can be made. Will take children of all ages. Call during the day before 3:00pm. Phone 815- 344-0231. 4-16 EXPERIENCED DENTAL Hygienist desires part time work, 2 to 3 days a week this spring and summer. 815-344- 0018. 4-16-4-23C ? NEED HELP FOR Mom, Gram or Auntie? Day, week or weekends, occasional overnight, also children for weekends, mature, trust worthy. Reply to Box AP3, in care of McHenry Plain- dealer, 3812 W. Elm Street, McHenry, II. 60050. 4-14-4- 16c NOTICE Child Core UNLICENSED FACILITIES CANT BE ADVERTISED According to the Child Cor* Act of 1969, it is a misdemeanor to car* for another person's child in your home unless thot home is licensed by the State of Illinois. It is also illegal to odvertise for such services in an unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well-being of the child. For information and Licensing contact: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN • FAMILY MRVICB Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa, 111.60046 312-356-1011 1963 MG SEDAN, 2 door intact and ready to be restored. $100.00. 815-385- 9387. 4-14-4-16C FOR SALE, 1965 Olds 98, luxury sedan $650.00 or best offer. Call 815-385-7685. 4-14- 4-16c 1969 PONTIAC GRAND Prix, 4,000 miles on rebuilt 455 engine, new exhaust and brakes, am-fm 8 track stereo, have all receipts. Very good condition, $1,400.00 firm. 815-385-7127. 4-14-4-16C 1977 DATSUN B 210 hat chback, good mechanical condition, $1,400.00 or best offer. 815-344-4155 after 5pm. 4-14-4-16C 1975 TORINO, 62,000 miles, am-fm stereo radio, good runner, $1,500.00. Call 815- 344-5776. 4-14-4-16C 1978 GREMLIN, 284 engine, 6 cylinder, new GT Firestone radial tires, low mileage, excellent condition, asking $3,000. 312-639-4949. 4-9-4-16C 1977 TRANS AM, Custom paint, pinstripped, TA 6.6 engine, WS 6 option, louvers, power steering, power brakes, mint in and out. $5,000 or best offer. 815-344- 4625. 4-9-4-16C NOTICE $500.00 REWARD for in formation leading to the arrest and conviction of persons responible for digging out thirty 2 to 3 ft. high white Pines out of Martin Woods. Call Bill, after 6pm, 815-344-3285. 4-7- 4-16c OFFICIAL NOTICE TO BIDDERS WONDER LAKE DAM REPLACEMENT OF SLUICE SATES WONDER LAKE MASTER PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION OWNER: The Wonder Lake Master Property Owners' Association hereby gives notice that sealed Bids will be received in the office of Donohue & Associates, Inc., 2354 Hassell Road, Hoffman Estates, II. 60195 for the following described project. Bids will be received for the Wonder Lake Dam, Replacement of Sluice Gates. The Contract is identified as follows: CONTRACT DESCRIPTION Contract "A" All Construction Work TIME: Sealed Bids will be received until 2:00 p.m., Local Time on the 28th day of April, 1982, in the office of Donohue & Associates, Inc, 2354 Hassell Road, Hoffman Estates, ll. 60195. After the official bid closing time, the Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. BIDS: All Bids shall be addressed to the Wonder Lake Master Property Owners' Association, Attn: Edgar Beard and shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope, marked with the name and address of the Bidder, Project title, and the Contract for which the Bid is being submitted. All Bidders shall bid in ac cordance with, and shall bid upon the Bid Forms included in the Contract Documents. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract Documents are on file for inspection at the offices of Donohue ft Associates. Inc., 2354 Hassell Road, Hoffman Estates, II. 60195. Copies may be obtained by applying to Donohue ft Associates, Inc., 2354 Hassell Road, Hoffman Estates, II. 60195. A $30.00 payment for each set of Contract Documents which covers the Work included in Contract "A" is required, of which $25.00 is a refundable deposit and $5.00 is a non refundable handling charge for each set of Contract Documents to be mailed. Copies of the Contract Documents may be secured in person at the Donohue office listed above, eliminating the handling charge. The refundable deposit will be returned to the ap parent low Bidder and all other plan holders who return the Contract Documents in good condition within 30 days after the opening Bids. These are the only conditions under which the deposit will be returned. Contract document questions should be directed to Donohue ft Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 1067, Sheboygan, Wi. 53081. Phone (414)458-8711. BID SECURITY: A certified check or satisfactory Bid Bond payable to OWNER in the amount of 10% of the Bid shall ac company each Bid as a guarantee, that if the Bid is accepted, the Bidder will Execute and file the Contract, the Contract Performance Bond and Payment Bond, as required by the Contract Documents, within 10 days after the Notice of Award of the Contract by OWNER. Failure on the part of the Bidder to do so will result in forefeiture of the Bidder's cer tified check or Bid Bond to OWNER as liquidated damages. CONTRACT SECURITY: The Bidder to whom a Contract is awarded shall be required to furnish a Performance Bond and Payment Bond acceptable to OWNER for 100% of the Contract Price for each of the above Bonds, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Document*. BID REJECTION: OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, waive any informalities in bidding, or to accept the Bid or Bids, which best serves the interests of OWNER. BID WITHDRAWAL: No Bid shall be withdrawn for a period of 60-days after the scheduled opening of the Bids without the consent of OWNER! Published by authority of the Wonder Lake Master Property Owners' Associaton. By: EDGAR BEARD, President 1968 MUSTANG, 6 cylinder, 200 engine, body and engine in good condition, $1,000 or best offer. Call after 5pm. 815-338-2224. 4-144-16C 1 9 7 7 C H E V E T T E HATCHBACK automatic, clean, good condition, $1,900.00. 815-728-0125. 4-14-4- 16c 1966 CHEVY C-60 truck, V-8, 4 speed, 2 speed, 12' gravel box, twin post, 20 ton hoist, 38,000 actual miles, good condition, 815-943-6473 . 4-16 1977 PONTIAC Sunbird coupe, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, am-fm radio, good condition, oil changed every 3,000 miles, $2,250.00. 815-385-3591. 4-16 1976 PINTO $950.00. Call after 6:30pm. 815-385-0308. 4- 16 CHEAP! 1969 Chevy Impala, needs some work, $200. Call 815-344-4924, ask for Kurt. 4- 16 1954 WILLY'S with new Western snow plow, in good shape, asking $1,400.00. 815- 385-6349. 4-9-4-16C SELL YOUR LATE model car for the price you want! Not a dealer. 815-344-3196. 4- 9-4-16C 1977 CORVETTE L-82, beige, leather interior, tilt and telescopic wheel, am-fm cassette, very clean, must sell, buying house, $8,200 or any reasonable offer. Call 815-385-1186 during day, or evening at 815-344-2668. 4-9- 4-16c : 1981 SUBARU DL, 5 speed, reclining seats, rear def., pioneer in dash AM-FM Cassette, 35 mpg, 5,000 miles, like new. $6,450.00. 815-385-5674. 4-14-4-16C 1980 MONTE CARLO, V-6, a- c, p.s., p.b., rear def., rally wheel's, low miles. Asking $6,250.00.815-385-5674. 4-14-4- 16c OLDS 1977, Delta 88 Royale, excellent condition, loaded, $2,850.815-385-0757 . 4-14-4- 16c 1962 FORD GALAXIE, V-8, automatic, 36,000 original miles. New water pump, battery and rear brake seals. Newly painted. 815- 385-8771. 4-14-4-16C 1976 FORD LTD, 2 door, runs good, good condition. $500.00. 815-344-5043 . 4-14-4-16C 1974 COMET, runs good, body has dent, regular gas, $650.00.815-338-7405. 4-14-4- 16c WE BUY CARS and TRUCKS i n a n y c o n d i t i o n 8153380270 F r e e T o w i n g SNOI0MOIILE NEED MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE? We offer low rates, budget payment plans, 10 per cent renewal discount. Ask about our transfer discount. William Thomas Insurance, 804 N. Front St. 815-385-6646. 4-2tfc 1978 KAWASAKI LTD 1000, one owner, mint condition, low mileage, adult driven, many extras, $2,500 or best offer. 815-728-0617. 4-16-4-23C FOR SALE. 1966 BMW R60 US Motorcycle, $1,200 or best offer. Call 815-653-9001. 4-16- 4-23c 1977 HONDA CB 750 K, Wixom fairing, low mileage, $1,000 takes it. 815-344-2796 after 5pm. 4-16-4-23c 1 9 6 6 B O N N E V I L L E Triumph. Asking $400.00. 815-385-6349. 4-16 1978 YAMAHA XS 750 Special. Rebuilt engine & in excellent condition. $1,550.00 firm. Call 815-648-2818 week days between 8am-4pm. Ask for Jim. 4-14-4-16C PET COLUMN GIVE AWAY, 4 year old Siberian Husky, pure bred, good with older children, 815- 344-0425. ,, 4-16 GIVE AWAY small male white dog with tan ears, all shots and license 815-385-5519 anytime. 4-16 FOUND: MALE bBbwn mixed breed; black Uil, puppy. Vicinity N. Ridgeway in Ringwood. Animal Control 815-338-7040. 4-16 G I V E A W A Y , P u p p i e s , mixed small breed. 815-728- 0382. 4-16 GIVE AWAY, 1 year old male, mixed breed, Golden Lab. Very friendly. 815-728- 0383. 4-16 TO BE GIVEN AWAY: 4 young kittens, ap proximately 3 months old. Take one or take them all. Housebroken. 815-385-5379. 4-14-4-16C FREE TO GOOD HOME; Male Collie, 3Vfe years old, papers & shots. 815-344-3557. 4-14-4-16C FREE TO GOOD Home. Large long hair, white & carmel, declawed & spayed, 6 years old male house cat. Loves attention & playful. Comes with carrying case and toys. Call anytime, 815- 344-3323 . 4-14-4-16C 1978 DEERE 340 Spitfire, used once in last 2 seasons $700.00 with cover. 815-728- 0706. 4-14-4-16C MOTORCYCLES 1977 HONDA XL 100, good condition, asking $375.00. 815-385-7722. 4-14-4-16C 1980 DT 125 Yamaha En- duro, new rings, sprocket, and chain. Mint condition $750.00 and 1978 YZ 250 bought new in 1979, very few hours. Mint condition $850.00.815-385-7127. 4-144- 16c 1966 BRIDGESTONE C90, like new, only 3,400 miles. A classic. Must see to ap preciate $375.00. Call after 6pm, 815-385-1097. 4-7tfc 1970 TRIUMPH 650, semi stock, mint condition, $900 or best offer. 815-653-9530. 4-16 PETS FOR SALE A.K.C. MALE, Lhasa Apso pups, champion blood line, $200.00. Call evenings 815- 385-6883. 4-14-4-16r COLLIE-SHEPHERD PUPPIES. Parents on premises. Good watch dogs. $25.00.815-675-6061. 4-14-4- 30c G E R M A N S H E P H E R D PUPPIES, Purebred, no papers. Red & black and all black. Paper trained, shots and wormed $50.00. 312-587- 7375. 4-I6 PURE BRED Norwegian Elkhound, 10 months old, female, great with kids and great temperament. $75.00. 815-385-4368. 4-16 TWO A.K.C. FEMALE Schnauzer Puppies, 6 weeks old $150.00 each or best offer 815-344-5948. 4-16-4-23c HORSES 4 YEAR OLD APPALOOSA mare, broke Western, ex cellent disposition, $500 firm 312-587-7375. 4.16 P A S T U R E B O A R D Available. 815-344-1370. 4-14- 4-16C I