PAGE • SATURDAY. APRIL 17 Oliver and Bernard head for • senior citizen# home to perform, but the two thievee who taw them 'hit the jackpot' are right behind them. (Conclueion) «§S The Love Boat Movie-(Mystery)*** "Dragnet" 1969 Jack Webb. Harry Morgan. Two copa inveat igate a aeriea of murdera of pretty modela. with a vaguely identified male, the only auapect. If® Adam 12 15 m Eaater Meaalah Festival • Eyeball To EyebaN: Dilemma In The Newsroom • Movie-<Comedy)** "UpThe Academy" 1980 RonLiebman, Tom Poaton. An Arab ahiek'a son, a black preecher'a eon, a Mafia boaa'a eon and a yokel from Ohio get into trouble at a Military Academy. (Rated R) (87 mine.) »White Box 81 Highlights 0 0 Lawrence Walk Show 1 The Three Sisters ) 0 Tony MltcheH Show ) Legendary Pocket BWards I* Glory Of God ' Uvewlre Persueders Ireland'a Eye 7.-00 0 TMe Week In Beeeball 7:30 Btl Chicago Story Pellegrino seriously conaidera giving up the law when a man he aucceaafully defended on a robbery charge becomea a murderer; and Dr. Caraon fighta Dr. Judith Bergatrom, hoapital regulations, anda prominent physician, to aave a child'a life. (90 mine.) 032 BaaebaN Baltimore Oriolea va Chicago White Sox • Movie -(Drama) * "Ruckua" 1980 Dirk Benedict, LindaBlair. A shell-shocked Vietnam vet rufflea the calm of a aleepy Alabama town in which he doea not f it. (RatedPQ) 31 Baaeball Chicago White pxjre Baltimore Oriolea Rock Of Agee Dr. John Wealey White 7:3ft 0 Baaeball Atlante Bravea va Houaton Aatroa 8:00 •••83 Special Movie Preeentation 'Same Time. Next Year' 1978 Stare: Ellen Buratyn, Alan Aide. A chence encounter between two happily married people turna into a once a year reiationahip that apana three deoadea. (Due to mature theme, parental diacretion ia advised.) at; 2 hra.. 30 mine.) Pop Qoea The Country I Movie -(Comedy) •*% "Modern Romance" 1981 Albert Brooke. Kathryn Harrold. (Paid Subscription Televieion) Hollywood film editor haa ambivalent feelinge for a beautiful parvniai lis and confident banker which drives him to irrational behavior. (Rated tl2hre.) 3t LoweN Lundatrom A.R.T.S. 'Shades' NBA Baaketbatl Detroit Pietons va New Jereey Nets • TeleFrance-U.S.A. 8:30 • Movla -(Comedy) ** "Hollywood Knlghte" 1980 Tony Danza, Robert Wuhl. A drive-in burger joint, the heedquertere of the Hollywood Knlghta Car Club, ia doomed for deatruction, ao the Knighta take revenge. (Rated R) (91 mina.) (9)0 NaehvtMe On The Road • Off Way Of Deliverance 00 Herald Of Truth 9:00 000McClein'sLswThe death of a philandering huebend leada McClain and Qate* to the San Pedro docke where they 'arreet the father end brother of one of the victim'e girlfrienda. (Repeat, 60 mina.) • •• Fantasy Island A woman, tracing her family hiatory. eeta out to prove that a legendary folk hero ie her anceator; and a cookbook aaleaman unexpected ly becomea a wrestling contendor when Julie mieinterprets hie requeetfor inner etrength. Sepeet;60mine.) I News I Butterflies )0 Backetage At The Grand OJeQpry 03S Trinity Hour • S Blackwood Brothers 9:10Q A.R.T.S. 9:30 • Inside Story • Movie-(Comedy)*** "Stir Crazy" 1981 Richard Pryor, Gene Wilder. Two ahowbiz hopefula from New York head Weet to eeek f ameand fortune, but wind up being railroaded intojailto aervea I25yesr sentence (Rated R) (2hrs.) ® • That Good Oie NaahvMe Muelc • Si Rev. W.V. Grant 00 Tints Of Deliverance lOjOO00000O Newa • Solid Gold ® • Father Dear Father • Image Union • Movie -(Drama) •• "Nighth- awke" 1981 Sylvester Stallone, Billy Dee Williams. A New York City detective ia caught up in a dangeroua game of internetional terrorism (Rated*)) (99 mina.) Independent Network Sonny And Cher Bob Welch And Friende Dr. Jack Van Impe What A Fellowship [>*30 MfllOlS Nawi 000 Saturday Night Uve Host: Johnny Cash, Musical fat: Elton John. (90 mine.) ABC Newa 92 An Evening At The "TOW COOUIK SYSTEM ADAM'S B MMMMWma •RARIATNKPAR •AIITO NEATER I •AUTO I TUCK AH DEFiOSTEl REPAIR ConmOMM SUVICE •THERMOSTATS t NOSES •SYSTEMS FLUSHED •WATER PIMPS •GASTAIK REPAIRS i l l Mi l fniM 365-0783 Improv fO David Sueaklnd Show Kup'sShow Movie -(Tlttee Unannounced) ahra.) I That Good Oie NaehvMIe ® Movie-(Drama) *** "Pork Chop Hill" 1959 Gregory Peck. Harry Guardino. The story of s bloody battle to take a Korean Hill, the key to stopping Communist- s...aa told by the commanding officer of the American troop. ..with hia men in action. (2 hra.) IThe Three Slstere 3$ World Vlelon Presents SportsCenter Harness Racing From Rooeevelt Raceway 10:46 • Movie-(Western) **% "El Condor" 1970 Jim Brown, Lee Van Cleef. An escaped convict and an Apache leader head for Mexico during the Civil War, where they intend to steel Maximillian' a fortune-a million dollars in gold bars hidden in the fortress of El Condor. (2 hrs.. 56 mine.) 10:60 0 TBS Evening News 11:00 • Movie -(Science) ** "Phese IV" 1974 Nigel Devenport, LynneFrederick. Scientists do their beet to combst verious species of snts that, becauae of a vague interplanetary diaturbance, have joined forceato cauee a 'biological imbalance' ina remote corner of the Arizona deaert. (lOOmins.) • Movie-(Myetery)**** "Sleuth" 1972 Laurence Olivier, Michael Caine. Agamss-plsying mystery writer lesds his wifs's lover into a diabolical trap. (2 hra.. 40 mine.) • 91 Movie -(Drama) ** "Flight To Holocaust" ig77 Patrick Wsyne, Christopher Mitchum. A team of professions! trouble- shooters sre cslied into action when en airplane craahea part wsythroughthewallola »scraper. (2 hrs.) Movie-(Comedy) ***H "No Time For Sergeante" 1968 Andy Griffith, Myron McCormick. A hsyseed joins the Air Force end turns things upside down. (2 hrs., 16 mine.) • Porter Wagoner Show (S) • Rat Patrol • ® Movie -(Adult Film) * "2089: A Sex Odyaaey" (No other information available.) (90 mlnej S3* ClubPTL(Spanish) Champtonehip Wrestling Connie Martlneon Talks Books 11.30B® ComedyClaealcs ® • Speek Eeey • David Sussklnd Show IB Pop Goes The Country • Movie-(Comedy) *4 "Last Married Couple In Amerlce" 1980 George Segal. Natalie Wood. A heppily married couple are so upset by the breakup ol their merried friends thst they begin to question their own relationship. (Rsted R) (2 hrs.) ®0 700 Club • 39 Stratford Revival Hour • WCT Tennis • Jeff Conrad Show 11:46 09 Movie -(Comedy) *•• "Stir Crazy" 1981 RichsrdPryor, Gene Wilder. Two showbiz hopefuls from New York head Westtoseekfamesndfortune.but wind up being rsilroeded into jsil to serves 125yearsentence (Rsted R)(111 mins.) 11:60 • Movls -(Drama) *** "Back Street" 1932 Irens Dunne, Psul Lukes. Story about a prominent man'a life-long love affairwithewomencontenttostsy in the background. (2 hra , 30 mina.) « 12:00 • SCTV Comedy twork I Entertainment TNa Week tO Nit e Owl NaehvMe On The Roed I Rock Concert 10 Old Time Goepei Hour >99 Roea Bagtey Show ) Movie -(Horror) * "House Of Seven Corpaea" 1973 Faith Domergue, John Ireland. Strange occurancea take place in a deserted Victorian maneion being ueed aa a aet by e motion picture company. (2 hra.) • Atlantic City Tonight 12:30 • Movie -fHtlee Unsn- nounced) (2 hrs.) • ® Movie -(No Information available) "QirtaWhoDo" (Paid Subecription Television) (90 mine.) • All Night At The Movies 'Frightened City' Seen Connery. 2) 'Lost Ranch' Tom Tyler. 3) 'Guerrilla Girl' Helmut Dantine. (5 hrs., 30mins.) 12:40 0 Common Ground 12:41 • Movie -(Drama) ** "Panama Lady" 1939 Lucille Ball, Evelyn Brent. An oil proapector is rehabilitated by s dance hall girl. (80 mina.) 1:00 0 Teles Of The Unexpected (9)0 Newa 1:16 • Nlghtbeat 1:30 • Rock Concert • Movie -(Drama) *** "Sldewelke Of London" 1940 Cheriee Laughton, Vivien Leigh. A atreet entertainer looees his female protege to an ariatocrst. (ItSmine.) • Movie -(Comedy) *H "Ueed Cars" 1980 Jack Albertson. Two brothers fight over e used car lot. Sited PG) (2 hrs.) SportsCenter 1:40 • Movie -(Weetern) **** "Ride the High Country" 1962 Rsndolph Scott, JoeiMcCree. Two sging gunmen, down on their luck, teem up to guerd a gold ehipment. (110 mine.) • Don Rlcklea And Ma Wise Quys 1:46 • Movie -(Weetern) "Belle Starr" 1941 Gens Tiemey. Dene Andrewe. Life story of a woman who beceme the Bsndit Queen. (105 mins.) 2:00 • 0 Ntte Owl (Conttnuea) 0 ® Movie -(No Information available) "Channel Zero" (No other information aveiiable.) (60 mins.) 0 Movie -(Drama) ***% "Tomorrow The World" 1945 Fredric March, SkipHomeier. Young boy from Germany comes to live with e relative in the U.S.. THEY LEARN HE'S AN OUT AND OUTNazi; setouttoeducatebeeic ' thruthsinto him. (119 mins.) 2:02 0 Reflections 2:20 0 Movie -(Drama) ** % "GuneOfZangara" 1960Robert Steck. Robert Middleton.AnF.B.I. Agent tries to prevent the essassination of President Roosevelt by e medman. (2 hra.) 2^0 0 Newa 0 Top Rank Boxing From Las Vsges 2:40 0Movie -(Adventure) **% "Volcano" 1989 Diane Beker, Meximillian Schell. A group of edventurers ere searching for aunkentreasureinthewetereneer Java in 1883 when a volcano erupts. (2 hra., 20 mine.) 3:00 0 Movie -(Comedy) ** "Ceddyshack" 1980 Rodney Dengerfield, Ted Knight. Wild antlcaofgolfersendemployeesof en ultra exclusive golf course. Sited PG) (98 mine.) ® Movie -(Comedy) •* H "Modern Romance" 1981 Albert Brooka, Kathryn Harrold. (Peid Subscription Television)