Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1982, p. 2

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I'ACtK 2 - PLAINUKALEK - FRIDAY. APRIL 16. 1982 tLi y MR. AND MRS. ERIC STAVETEIG RESIDING IN NORTH DAKOTA - Newly married Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Staveteig are making their home in North Dakota following their exchange of wedding vows April 3. The Reverend Roger Schneider performed the 4 p.m. ceremony in Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, McHenry. The bride is the former Anne M. Berry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Berry of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Staveteig of McHenry are the parents of the bridegroom. The maid of honor was a friend of the bride, Lori Krier of McHenry. Bridesmaids were a friend of the bride, Pam Miller of McHenry; the groom's sister, Laurie Mangieri of Abington, 111.; and the bride's sister, Janette Berry of McHenry. A cousin of the bride, Dawn Lowry of Mount Prospect, was the flower girl. A friend of the groom, Leslie Donelson of McLeansboro, III. was the best man. Groomsmen were a cousin of the groom, David Staveteig of Thompson, N.D.; the groom's brother-in-law, Jim Mangieri of Abington; and the bride's brother, Steve Berry of McHenry. Ushers were friends of the groom, Jeff Roberts and Alan Zinke, both of McHenry. A reception was held for 145 friends and relatives at the McHenry Country club. The couple both attended McHenry Community high school and McHenry County college. Don Peasley Photo LINDA SALMEN AND BRAD STAATS ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. William Salmen of Wonder Lake announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda Sue, to Brad Staats, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Staats of Valparaiso, Ind. An Aug. 7 wedding is planned in St. Mathews church, Niles, 111. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Woodstock high school and attended the Medical Institute of Minnesota. Her fiance graduated from the University of Arkansas and is a resident of Mount Prospect. HEARING AIDS THAT HELP PROTECT YOU FROM LOUD NOISES Zenith Zenetron compression hear ing aids are designed wi th special e lectronic c i rcui t ry that automat ical ly "cushions' loud, sudden noises. 17th Anniversary Sal* In McHenry I McHENRY HEARING AID DISCOUNT CENTER 3937 W. Main, McHenry (815)385-7661 Robert Stensland (Mgr.) 27 yrs. experience "If You're Not Doing Business With Us You're Paying Too Much!" ALL BATTERIES 40% DISCOUNT ACTIVAIR II MALLORY-RAY O VAC-EVEREADY BUY AT WHOLESALEI SERVICE CENTER HOURS: Wednesday Only 10 to 5 PM Evenings By Appointment SPECIAL OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30. lt«2 NEW AIDS & REPAIRS, Discount Priced! HOUSE CAUS-NO CHARGE! Earmold Salt-All Styles - $10.00 PRICES START AT $195.00 OCLCL Boy Scouts Hold Dinner The Boy Scouts in Troop No 452 will be sponsoring a spaghetti dinner April 17, fi'tfm 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to come to the Eatyn Time restaurant, 4506 W. Elm street, McHenry, for a delicious dinner of all the spaghetti they can eat. Proceeds from the event will be used to send the boys to summer camp. Those attending are requested to please use the parking spaces at the restaurant only. Slate Diocesan Council Of Catholic Women Convention Fiftieth Anniversary "Women: The Word And The World" is the theme of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women's con­ vention to be held at St. Mary's parish center in Oregon, 111., April 24.« The gathering begins at 8 a.m. with registration. A Book Sale will be held all day. The convention ends with Mass at 3:45, celebrated by Bishop Arthur J. O'Neill. The cost of the all-day convention includes a home- cooked lunch. Those wishing to register can contact Jean Nosek (in Roscoe) at 389- 3259, Betty Brown (in Pecatonica) at 239-2219, or the president of any parish women's organization. Workshops of interest to women (and men) of all ages and all walks of life will be offered at the biennial convention. Topics include marriage, ministry to the sick and elderly, cults, rural life, tuition tax credits, amniocentesis and genetic screening, teenage prostitution, financial knowledge for women, nutrition, and sex education. There will also be workshops in leadership skills development. These will be geared to club of­ ficers, commission chair­ persons, lectors, general membership, and priests and moderators. The keynote speaker is Father Thomas Monahan, pastor of St. Peter's parish in South Beloit and Church of the Holy Spirit in Roscoe. He will speak at lunch and his topic is "Who Do You Think You Are? Who Does God Say You Are?" Other speakers include priests, sisters, doctors, nurses, female bank of­ ficers, and various com­ munity leaders. They are all knowledgeable and ex­ perienced in their fields. Women and men of all faiths and interests are welcome to attend. Leaders and members of Catholic p a r i s h w o m e n ' s organizations are especially urged to participate. Set Pancake Pageant Announced For Miss Breakfast And Bake Sale McHenry Birthright will hold a pancake breakfast and bake sale this Sunday, April 18, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in St. Patrick's church hall, McHenry. Everyone is welcome. McHenry Birthright is a non-denominational, non­ profit community service organization staffed by volunteers to help women with problem pregnancies. For further information, call 385-2999. Open Friends Night Apr. 22 McHenry Lodge No. 158, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will hold an Open Friends Night Thursday, April 22, at 7 p.m., at 1309 N. Court street. Hugh Cole, who is on the committee on Masonic Education, will present an audio-visual program en­ titled, "Banners of Our Nation and Craft". A potluck supper will be served. Illinois Pre-Teen Entrants The second annual Miss Illinois National Pre-teen pageant will be held Sept. 11, at the Holiday Inn Con­ vention center in Harvey, 111. Girls ages eight through 12 are invited to participate. Prizes await the winner, along with an all expense paid trip to the National Pre- teen pageant to be held in October at Ft. Myers, Fla. Girls will be judged on poise, appearance and personality during an in­ terview with the judges and during stage appearances in sportswear outfits and party dresses. The young ladies will also compete in a talent or essay portion of the pageant. The Miss Illinois National Pre-teen pageant is af­ filiated with the Miss National Teen-ager pageant which has just completed its eleventh year. Young ladies wishing to receive further information, or an entry form, are urged to write to Miss Illinois Pre- teen pageant; Dwight Jordan, state director; P.O. Box 248, Decatur, 111. 62525. Deadline for receiving ap­ plications is July 1, 1982. Senior Walk-In Center Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 p.m the day before at 385-8260. The menu for/he week of April 19 through April 23 is as follows: Apr. 19: Chicken Ala King, French green ^eans, carrot raisin cake,tfrice, white bread, butterscotch pudding, milk. Apr. 20: Cheeseburger pie, three-bean salad, ap­ plesauce, whole grain bread, cookie, milk. Apr. 21: Steakums, spinach, scalloped potatoes, roll, peach half, milk. Apr. 22: Turkey and ham salad, tomato, apple slices, whole wheat bread, bread pudding, milk. Apr. 23: Liver, parsleyed potatoes, tomatoes au gratin, rye, brownie, milk. PANTRY PESTS A lesson on "Pantry Pests" will be presented when the Wauconda Homemakers unit meets at 11:30a.m. Wednesday, April 21, at the Community hall, Wauconda Township offices, on Bonner road, east of Route 12. For more in­ formation, call 312-526-6347. Community Calendar APRIL 16 St. Margaret's Chapter of NAIM-monthly meeting- potluck, 6 p.m.--St. Maryv school Oak room-Bring dish to pass and table service. APRIL 19 T.H.E.O.S. dinner, 5:30 p.m.--China Lights restaurant--1266 Green street--fun and fellowship follows-at First United Methodist church. APRIL 20 '/ W.O.T.M.--business meeting and nominations, 8 p.m--Moose hall McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-stated and special meeting, 7:30 p.m--first degree. Fox Ridge Women's club- monthly meeting, 8 p.m -- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. Whispering Oaks Garden club--10th anniversary luncheon, noon-Chapel Hill Country club-reservations, call J. Lyons, 385-3925. APRIL 21 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-annual meeting, 1 p.m --program. "Fun & Games". APRIL 22 "A Day of Spiritual Renewal"-First United Methodist church, 9:30 a.m. McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM--open, friends night-potluck supper, 7 p.m. Hopi Girl Scout Neigh­ borhood meeting-9:30 a m -- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church APRIL 22 & 23 Spring Rummage Sale-9 a.m.-3 p m.--Pistakee Highlands Community center-sponsor, Pistakee Highlands Woman's club- Bake sale Friday only. APRIL 23 Craft group, 12:30 p.m -- First United Methodist church parlor-baby-sitter provided Other Locations: Mount Prospect • Aurora Oak Park - Chicago VI PRICE SALE APRIL 22 & 23 OPEN 9:30 til 4 PM WE'RE OVERSTOCKED EVERYTHING GOES ON SALE IN OUR LADIES APPARELSHOP TWO DAYS ONLY SORRY, THIS SALE IS CASH ONLY 3307 W. Elm(%«*. 120) McHenry 3 8 5 - 1 1 7 2 APRIL 26 McHenry Senior Citizen's club-regular meeting, 7 p.m.--East campus- entertainment. McHenry Woman's club- Board meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public Library. W.O.T.M -luncheon and card party-Moose hall, 1 p.m. St. Patrick's Ladies guild- Board meeting, 1 p.m.-- McHenry Public Library-all members welcome. Women of the Moose- Spring Luncheon-Card Party-l p.m.-McHenry Moose Lodge-3816 W. Rt. 120. APRIL 27 McHenry Chapter 547 O.E.S-- stated meeting, 8 p m.--worth matron and worthy patron night. APRIL 28 sMcHenry Grandmother's club- annual Dessert-Coffee Card party, 12:30 p.m.-St. Patrick's parish hall--tickets at the door-public invited. APRIL 29 St. John's annual Rum­ mage Sale-Johnsburg Community club basement- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Johnsburg high school- Shakespeare's comedy, "Taming of the Shrew"-8 p.m APRIL 30-May 1 Johnsburg high school Renaissance festival-6 to 8 p.m.-Shakespeare's comedy, "Taming of the Shrew-8 p.m. MAY 1 McHenry Junior Women's Civic group-May Day Party for children. MAY 3 U.M.W. Mission Team (Executive committee)- 9:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. MAY 4 Koinonia Study group-10 a.m. to noon-First United Methodist church parlor. Marcia Mary Ball Circle- noon-First United Methdist church parlor-hostess, Lonah Wendlandt. Women of the Moose- Chapter night-meeting, 8 p.m. MAY 7 Evening Circle, 7:30 p.m-- First United Methodist church parlor. MAY 8 Friendship Club Potluck Dinner and Meeting-5:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church-Fellowship hall. MAY 11 McHenry Junior Women's Civic group-installation of new officers-potluck dinner, 7:30 p.m.-St. Paul's Episcopal church. MAY 12 Spring Salad Bar Lun­ cheon and Style Show-noon- Zion Lutheran church. MAY 13 „ Priscilla Circle-9:30 to 11:30 a.m.-First United M e t h o d i s t c h u r c h - - babysitter provided. MAY 14 Craft Group, 12:30 p.m.- First United Methodist church parlor-babysitter provided. MAY 18 Women of the Moose- Business meeting, 8 p.m. MAY 20 United Methodist Women- "Mad Hatter Tea", 1 p.m.-- First United Medthodist church. MAY 28 Craft Group, 12:30 p.m.- First United Methodist church parlor-babysitter provided. % mfiRTIN^/ ALL NEW MENU" FOR LUNCH & DINNER! gssssssssssssssssssssss ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT FRIDAY $*50 FISH FRY W -asSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SATURDAY SPECIALS SPECIAL! MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR HARRIS STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harris will hold an open house for friends and relatives in honor of their fiftieth wedding an­ niversary, Sunday, April 25, at the American Legion home, 2505 N. Ringwood road, McHenry. Arthur Harris and the former Doris Dowell were married in Woodstock, 111. April 20, 1932. Included in the bridal party was the bridegroom's brother, <• William Harris of Rich­ mond, 111. and a cousin of the bride, Mayme Dowell of Loyal, Wis. The couple farmed in the Bull Valley area for 35 years prior to retiring in February, 1967 to their present home at 3611 W. John street, McHenry. Their main hobby is working in the yard, and they both enjoy maintaining a large, beautiful, 'weed free' garden. Install New Officers The installation of new officers of the St. Agatha Court No. 777 of the National Catholic Society of Foresters will take place Monday, April 19, at Raymond's restaurant, Johnsburg. All new officers are asked to be present at 6 p.m. to have their pictures taken; dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. The committee for this evening is Laura Schmitt, Marilyn Kumpula, Christine Nobilio, Rosemary Thelen, Catherine Pierce, Sandra Bowe, Vera Huemann, Susie L a F o n t a i n e , B a r b a r a Pierce, Bev Schmitt, Jan Huemann, Mary Ellen Doherty, Cathy Beutel and Judy Jacques. On Sunday, April 18, the 28th annual Rockford Diocesan conference will take place in Sterling, 111. Mrs. Marie Oeffling of St. Agatha Court No. 777 is the treasurer for the conference. Rainbow Ramblers To Sponsor April Dance The Rainbow Ramblers Square Dance club will have a Lilac Time dance Sunday, April 25, from 7 to 10 p.m. at Robert Crown school, on Bonner road, Vfe block west of Highway 12 in Wauconda. Squares will be called by Don Smith, Line dances cued by Helen Smith and the Kammerers will teach and cue round dances the balance of the evening. Interested persons are in­ vited. Homemade refreshments will be served, there will be prizes, and a banner to the winning club. For additional in­ formation, call the Fischers, 344-3074. Marriage Licenses Applications for marriage licenses were recently made in McHenry County Clerk's office by: Alfred P. Parfrey, Spring Grove, and Judith K. Wood, Crystal Lake; John R. Harwood and Pamela A. Minter, both McHenry; Kenneth L. Esmond Jr., Genoa City, and Kristin R. Anderson, Richmond. Rich A. Raimonde and Ruth D. Mueller, both Wauconda; Dennis R. Geary and Marquitta J. R a s m u s s e n , b o t h Wauconda; Fred Finn and Dotty M. Sellars, both McHenry; Jeffrey S. Popovich, McHenry, and Barbara A. Beck, Mun- delein. Retired Teachers Meet The Spring meeting of the McHenry County Retired Teachers' association will be held Wednesday, April 28, with a luncheon beginning at 12:30 p.m., at Crystal Woods Country club, Route 47, between Woodstock and Huntley. All retired teachers need to know and should be responsible for knowing the latest information and in­ terests concerning them. Various committees will report on pertinent in­ formation. A special guest will be Lon Haldeman, Harvard's hero, who has broken the record of cross-country cycling - east to west, west to east. He is now in training for a marathon race. His ex­ periences and difficulties are intriguing. Please call 385-5207 by April 21, to make a reser­ vation to attend. MOTHER'S DAY BRUNCH A Mother's Day Brunch will be held Sunday, May 9, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Lakeside center, Country Club road,-^Crystal Lake. The event is sponsored by the First Congregational church of Crystal Lake. Special entertainment will be provided by the FCC Music department. For more information, call the church office, Country Club road, Crystal Lake. One tablespoon is equal to 3 teaspoons. ( American Legion Post 491 -RINGWOOD MAD, McHENRY-- OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00 - 9:00 P.M.) •PERCH-ALL YOU CAN EAT-OTHER MEW AVAILABLE PLUS GIANT SALAD BAR INCLUDED j HALL FOR RENT PERFECT FOR WEDDINGS, BANQUETS, PARTIES AND MORE

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