Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 May 1982, p. 2

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• I PAGE !-PLAINDEALER ^YjMAYMPM | <ZFI/lo±tCy <SOCULL rh JACK SLAUGHTER AND LAURI LANPHIER ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT ~ Mr. n4 Mrs. Jack Lanphler, 1113 8. Hilltop, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter Laurt. to Jack Slaughter, son of Mr. aad Mr*. Jack Slaughter, Sr., ill 8. Totem trail, McHenry. Both are graduate* of McHenry Community high school. An Aug. 14 wedding la planned. Former McHenry Resident Marr i e s In C l in ton , I I . Gerry Camaata, daughter of former McHenry reaidenta, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Camaata, No. 5 Weatgate estates, Clinton, 111., waa united in marriage April 24 to Mike Honecker, son of Mr. and Mra. Bob Ryan of Clinton. Father Creagor officiated at the 3:30 p.m. ceremony in St. John's Catholic church, Clinton, before an altar decorated with roaea and car- nationa, accented with a unity candle similarly trimmed with flowers. Appropriate musical selections in­ cluded "We've Only Juat Begun" and ^'Endless Love". Kim Myera of Clinton served aa maid of honor. Brideamaida were oChrMne Puckarill and Tammy Myera, alao of Clinton. Flower Girls were lYinette Woods of Wonder Lake, 111. and Lori Gibson of Belvidere, 111. The duties of best man were han­ dled by Lee Taylor of Clinton. Groomsmen were Kevin Kivlahan and Frank Camasta, Jr., both of Clinton. Ring bearers were twin nephews of the bridegroom, who carried the rings on heart-shaped satin pillows. A reception for 175 guest* waa held in the church hall. , The newlyweda are residing at Lot 13, Weatside Park eatatea, Clinton, 111, 61727. They plan to take a week's vacation in Hawaii. The new Mrs. Honecker la employed by Baldwin Aaaociatea in Clinton and her husband ia an employee of Action Technology, alao in Clinton. Both graduatecTfrom Clinton high school in I960 C. & P.A. Co-Sponsors Program On Exploring The Outdoors The Childbirth and Parenting association and the McHenry County Conservation District will co-sponsor a program for parents on "Exploring the Outdoors with Your Children", Friday, May 7, at Glacial Park on Harts/road in Ringwood, from 7 to 9 p.m. \ There will be no admiaslon charge and the public is Invited to attend. The program will be presented by Maggie Jung, PatDieckhoff and Quia Reacten. It will conaiat of an easy three-quarter-mile walk and some activities 1 call more information, please of McHenry. i for parenta to participate in. Mra. Celebrate May Fellowship Day Church Women United in Region will celebrate May Fellowship day at noon, May 7, at Redeemer Lutheran church, 1320 Dean atreet, Woodstock May Fellowship day ia the occasion when Church Women United reflects upon, celebrates and commita itaelf to the work of Christian ecumenlam, recondition, and peace in the local community. The first observance waa in 1933. This year's theme, "The Power of Words", invites the community to recognize the potential of words to be both helpful and harmful, and to reaolve to uae worda to bring un­ derstanding and unity. There will be a .sala each one bringing a s share. A nursery wiu b> Fellowship of the collected. Louise Bergquist Celebrates 90th An Open House commemorating the ninettetn Dinnaay <x Louise Kergquisi will be lurid in the hotpe of her son Gene Cook, 219 Town Acres lane, RoseBe, QL, Saturday, May 8. Mrs. Barfatost waa born May 7, 1882, and had lived is McCuUom Lake - For Mrs. Ray (Irene) Raven The Childbirth and Parenting Association of McHenry County is an organization with the primary goal to promote educated approachea to birth and parenting. C.kP.A. offers programs and services for both children and parents of the McHenry county area. y " For more information about the please call Mrs. Rodger ) Bechtold of Woodstock or Kurt (Julie) Smith of McHenry. d buffet, with small salad to be provided and Least Coin will be years ago of Magm Arlington AD of Mrs invited to ahare prior to moving nine is prseer presently a resident home, m. s friends arc happy occasion with her from two to four in the af­ ternoon. The family requests no gifts. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Spring Style Show-noon-Zion church. Annual Poppy day~9 a.m. to 3p.m.- aponaor, McHenry Legion Post 491; MAY 18 Women of the Moose- meeting, 8 p.m. Business St. Agatha Court Officers MAY 5 McHenry Grandmothers club- luncheon k meeting, 11:30 a.m - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church-bring finger sandwiches. MAY 6 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-luncheon play, "Social Security ft Sensible Shoes"--Borre's restaurant, John- sburg-carpools, 11:15 a.m.-cfcurch parking lot. Evening Circle, 7:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. MAY 7 McHenry County Assn.^jpr the Retarded-Annual meeting, 8 p.m Johns burg Community club. MAY 8 Friendship Club Potluck Dinner and Meeting-5:30 p.m.--First United Methodist church-Fellowship hall. MAY 10 McHenry Senior Citizens club- regular meeting, 7 p.m.-East cam­ pus-guests welcome. MAY 11 McHenry Junior Women's Civic group-installation of new officers- potluck dinner, 7:30 p.m.-St. Paul's Episcopal church. Catholic Daughters-annual lun­ cheon, 2 p.m.-McHenry Country club- social hour begins at l p.m. McHenry Senior Citizens club- Wayne King, Sabre Room-depart 10 a.m.-McHenry Market Place parking lot - Mrs. Marie Oeffling installed new officers of St. Agatha Court No. 777 of the National Catholic Society of Foresters on Monday evening, April 19. They are, from left to right, back row, Cathy Kioto, junior director; Zlto Behm, sentinel; Jane Schmltt, conductor; Leu La Bay, trustee; Grace Beats received 28-3 Dehn. The Misaes Sue Deha Marie FreU, trustee; Doris Freuad, financial secretary; and Laura Schmltt, treasurer. Front row, left to right, Mabel Smith, trustee; Elaine Miller, recording secretory; Marie Oeffliag. Installing officer; Katie Dehn, president present for toe pic tori Mrs. Dorothy Hui and Clara Mteheb, conductor. Not to Pat Comatock, Junior director. tare Initiated Into toe adalt court of toe Foreators aad received their ptaa. The 28th Annual Rockfofd Dtoceaaa Conference of the National Catholic Society of Fsrestsrs was held to Sterling. DL on April 18. Katie Dehn, Marie Oefiling, Sue Dehn, Janice Schmltt, Dorothy Hughea, aad Elaine Miller attended aad Dorothy Hughes was elected vice-president of the conference for 1988. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD United Methodist Women Slate Photographer's' Model For Tea The next general meeting of the United Methodist Women of the First United Methodist church of McHenry will Jot held Thursday, May 20, at 1 p.nCjrt which time the Ruth Circle will hosttas a "Mad Hatter Tea". All attendingWe requested to wear a hat; otherwise] a fine will be impoaed on them. The program will be presented by Lillian Bourne, a photographer's model, best known for zany hats. Her hats are all Bes Ben creations and he is a retired north Michigan avenue milliner, noted for imaginative designs that could not be duplicated. Ms. Bourne will display some of her priceless collection of 88 hats which were purchased several years ago at a price of 8125 each. As an added at­ traction, ahe will give a silver six­ pence for good luck (an English custom) to one lucky member of the audience. The April general meeting of the group began in the Narthex of the church with Mae Stinespring's in­ troduction of Doug Prate, ad­ ministrative director of the Alter­ native school. He stated some facts about his background and education philosophy, telling of the purpose and progress of the school. It was a very informative and interesting talk, and he answered many queations. The business meeting was called to order by President Robbi Hurckes, following Prate's talk, and Patricia Esposito gave a reading, ending with a prayer. At the conclusion of the business meeting, the Evening Circle served delicious refreshments, and a social time followed. / , MAY 12 Salad Bar Luncheon and Lutheran Spring Tree, MAY 13 Priscilla Circle--®. 30 to 11:30 a.m.- Ftrst United Methodist church- babysitter provided. McHdnry Woman's club-Si Luncheon, noon-Apple" Ingleside -reservations. Mrs. Raymond Templeman-by May 9. McHenry Senior Citizens club- Bowling banquet-McHenry Country club-aocial hour, noon-luncheon, 1 p.m. MAY 14 Craft Group, 12:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church parlor- babysitter provided. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Commemorates Fourteen Ylgars In April of 1968, an article appeared in the McHenry Plaindealer inviting anyone 55 or older, intereated in joining a senior citizens group that waa about to be organized, to phone Mr. Little at the high school. About 50 people showed up at that meeting in the East campus cafeteria, and some are still members of that club. They still meet in the same ce, have at this date 409 members, A and for 14 years have enjoyed programs, tours, dinners together, and many friendly hours. In the beginning, most everyone was a stranger, the majority having just moved out from Chicago and the suburbs. All needed to make new friends, having left places where the children were raised and homes had been lived in for many years. This year, the group is celebrating its fourteenth birthday at the McHenfy Country club, Sunday, June 16. A social hour will start at noon and a family style dinner will be served at 1 p.m., followed by entertainment. Perhaps some who were among the original eight, the next 25, or one of the 50, would like to rejoin the club, and come to the birthday dinner. A cordial invitation is extended to- all. MAY 15 oppyi IcHen Auxiliary and VFW Post 4600; and Auxiliary. MAY 16 Play, "Kida Under Conatruction"- First United Methodist church of McHenry-7 p.m. McHenry American Legion Auxiliary- noon to 4 p.m.-Legion Post home- Ringwood road-public invited. board meeting, public library. 10 a.m.-McHenry McHenry MAY 24 Senior Citizens club- regular meeting, 7 p.m.-East pus-hobby, collectibles and antiques show. McHenry Woman's club-Board meeting, 10 a.m.-McHenry Public Library. M A Y v £ 7 _ J Rules of the Road Review course- McHenry City Hall-9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.-eye test before registration. MAY 28 Craft Group, 12:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church parlor- babysitter provided. JUNE 3 % Rules of the Road Review courae- McHenry City Hall-second claaa-10 a.m. to 12 p.m. rr JUNE 5 Annual dance aponaored by Firemen of Co. 1-9 p.m. to 1:30 a.m.- VFW clubhouse-tickets at door,c MAY 17 Potluck dinner honoring Gold Star members-Legion Post home, 6:30 p.m.-American Legion Auxiliary. T.H.EX)S. meet for dinner 5:30 p.m.-Circle R reatourant-2214 W. Route 120-then to First United Methodist church for evening. MAY 20 United Methodist Women--"Mad Hatter Tea",- 1 p.m.-First United Medthodist church! McHenry Senior Citizens club-bus trip to Chicago loop-depart 8:30 a.m.- -McHenry Market Place parking lot. JUNE 10 Rules of the Road Review course- McHenry City Hall-third (last) Clasa- -10 a.m. to 12 p.m. JUNE 10-18 St. Mary's annual Rummage and Bake sale-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 8 p in.- -Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.-Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.-Sunday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. * JUNE 14 McHenry Senior Citizens dub- regular meeting, 1 to 4 p.m.-East campus cafeteria-program, Nutrition for Seniors. „ & JUNE 16 McHenry Senior Citizens club-14th birthday celebration-McHenry Country club-social hour, 12 p.m - luncheon, 1 p.m. Change Catholic Daughters Dinner The annual Mother's Day Dinner of the Catholic Daughters of America has been changed to a luncheon to be held Tuesday, May 11. A social hour will begin at 1 p.m. and lunch will be served at 2. Cards and socializing will follow. The McHenry Country club will provide the setting for this gala event. For reservations one may call 459-6471 or 385-6376. Long abaent friends will be especially anticipated. MOTHER'S DAY BRUNCH A Mother's Day Brunch will be Maid Sunday, May9, from 10:30a.m. to 1:80 p.m. at Lakeaide center, Country Club road<-^Crystol Lake. Special en­ tertainment will be provided by the FCC Music department. For more information, call the church office. Country Club road, Crystal Lake. McHenry JUNE 7 / Senior Citizens club- MAY 23 Semi-annual chicken dinner A ON HER DAY. MAY 9 WITH THESE GIFT IDEAS •NIGHTWEAR LINGERIE SAVE 30% S3 .JEWELRY SAVE 50% SALE ENDS MAY8 S5 ONDAY-FRIDAY 1216 N. GREEN ST., McHENRY MOhi.-THUft 9-5:30 V HM9-* T. 9-5: FOft aiSCRVATtONS 8 INFORMATION CALL cucumber is not a vegetable, technically. fruit. KRYSTAL IklearI "WKMMBJN MtMTM SMALL" OFFtamS: OOAUTT By 1fe» Sar Sr Bay /•fins Ski** +WMWW5 wasnei Ifcffl, • hiilia «VITICI MIMIRf •CHi Certificates ^9o 9 ™ ww» MVVWIV^P FULLY INSURED ft BONDED •15-3(5-1177 ANNUAL QUILT SHOW Old and new quilts will be qn display during the fifth annual Quilting Queens Quilt show at Fa* Lake* Fire Station No. 3, M $ Washington street, Inftleeide, 111., Monday, May 17, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Homemade items, as well as coffee and cake, will be for sale. There is no admission charge. * McHenry +• *

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