1973 CUSTOM HONDA - ^ TIAiiS r ' I wc to appreciate, $1500.00. (15-944-1012. 5- 1M-14C 1971 YAMAHA YZ SO, sbeohiteiy mint, $800.08. 815-306-7117. 5-12-5-14C 1977 YAMAHA DT 400, set op far dirt, street legal. Good condition, $900.00or beet offer. 815- 5-12-5-14C 1M0 HONDA 4B0, good old THANKS TO ST. Jude for favor received. EH.W 5-14 WORDS CANNOT (Mr sym- and hsipfulneoB to us so beautifully, at the time of our recent rrr.0-you The Family of Martha Gooey 5-14 paint Job, black, $650.00. 815-544-4515. 5-11-5-14 1979 HONDA CX 500, neat shape, beet offer. Call after 5:90 pm* 815- >44-1157. 5-12-5-14C 1979 KAWASAKI 1000 LTD, mint condition, one owner, under 2900 milee, must see to ap preciate 81,100.00. Call after 9pm 815585-5708. 5-7-5-14C 1978 HONDA 750K, full dress. Windjammer * fairing, Batee bags with drome rails, back reet and luggage rack, 8,000 milee, very clean $1816.00.815-544-1978. 5- 5-5-14C 1879 YAMAHA 750 Special, 5,500 miles, mint condition, extras, $5,000.00 firm. Call after 5pm, 815544-9971. 5-12- 5-14C 1875 HONDA 175 Electric start, excellent condition $550.00 or beet offer, must sell. 815-385- 9089. 5-12-5-14C 1875 SUZUKI T500, excellent condition, under 5,000 milee, 2 helmets, sissy bar, luggage rack, $750.00 or beet Paul, 815-385-2126 after 5pm. 5-12-5-14C 1979 SUZUKI R|f 125 Motorcycle, /totally rebuilt,, have all receipte. Good con dition, asking $750.00 cash. Call 815-985-1998 after 5pm or anytime weekends. 5-14tfc 1975 HONDA MT 250, .low mileage, road legal, clean $550.815-985-4904. 5-14 *4 Ati * morons TTFESE^GLASS, 60 hp Johnson, deep V, trailer and cover $1,250.00.815-965-5807. 5- L2-5-14C 12 FT. ALUMINUM Boat and motor, 74 hp,. 1 year old 9600.00. 815- 385-9620 after 5pm. 5-11 5-14C • 1971 SWITZER Craft, yellow, 90 hp I-O, almost new cond i t i on , economica l gas mileage. $2,700 with trailer. 815585-9640. 5- 14 BOAT LIFT, 2400 pound capac i ty , Ro l f e Manufacturer, $900.00 firm. Phone 815-396-6494 after 6pm. 5-12tfc Mercruiser, excellent condition. Summer and Winter cover. Low hours $10,000.00. 815-385- 6874. 5-12-5-14C 1970 KllELGES C SCOW, Full racing equipment, 3 sails, E-Z loader trailer 4 Shore Station. 312-887-9645. 5-12-5-14 14' FIBERGLASS Boat with trailer and 70 hp Mercury $350.00 or beet offer; 20 hp Chrysler boat motor/ electric start and manual and gas tank $400.00 or beet offer. 815-726-1563. 5-12-' 5-140 i9te FIBERGLASS Boat, 16 ft. full cabin, 115 hp Evinrude and Gator trailer $6,500.00. Leave message 615-586- 7577. - 5-7-6-14C 14* LUND Fiberglass Tri-Huil boat, 20 hp Mercury outboard, very good cond i t i on , $1,508.00.815-726-0156. 5- 12-5-14c BANK REPO 1978 Brand new 25' Star- endeer, tall 12 month warranty, 9*5" beam, . f l yb r idge , doub le controls, head. 260 lifrr i nilur Hiwtkr wlvTC. CTUUVi sWWWT Sport Center. 815-366- 5-14 LIST GOLD BRACELET all B" Hnfcm reward, 815-385-9888. 5- 12-5-14C REWARD Lost Saturday, late P.M., ' sports car top. black vinyl ond dear plastic with rippers, on Oak- wood or Wiltshire °t153l5-1467 S/1JS u SITUATION WANTC0 LICENSED DAY CARE. Exce l l en t references. License number 1526704. 815-344- 3909. . 4-28-5-21c CANT SEE OUT Your Windows after Winter? Have squeezee will t r ave l ! Window Washing. 815-344-4678. 5-12-5-14C HOUSEKEEPING, Weekly or bi-weekly. Honest, dependable. Call after 3pm, 815-385- 2805. 5-12-5-14C CAN I BE OF Help? Handy house helper. House Cleaning Service. References available. 615-544-3379. 5-144-21C JOB WANTED, Welder, 40| years experience, manual tig, mig, can earn up to $6,000. Vicinity of McHenry. 815-544-5064. 5-14 LICENSEE) T)ay Care, will have openings after June 1st. 815-365-7906. 5-12-5-14C mm TO W THUNDERB1RD 1978, 18* open bow, 186 HP. I- O, OMC trailer. $6,700. 5-64-14C 1979 CENTUltY 19 ft: Mercury LO.. excellent eld or coho boat. Many 8MJ88.88.815-544-1842. 5-7-6-14C W*ll mointoined wottf front year oround horn* on Itw Pom River. 40' Mawoll, lot 40x140. for mal dining room, modern OOt kit kttche 2 b>drooms "tcv.r. ittw, ono loryo bodroom wp- stotri, otao tore* «*dor lW»«d doiot. oil lore* ' oomi. Jofwwbwre oroo. 115-315-2192 JETBim + .WIIWI -- PAGE 8 - PLAINDBALE* - FB1DAY. MAY KW LIKE NEW hillside ranch, with goroge neath. 3 bedrooms. 1 bath, hot water heat, full basement. Landscaped lot dose to take with rights. 815-385-36S5 OMS KY OWNER bedrooms. 1* belli, lorich. 2 c©f goroge. cor pet tog. Foe oppoin- tment coll 815-344-2856 J/14 McHENRY SHORES, 5981 W Vine. New tri- levet 2 or 5 bedkoome. Very flexible terms to purchase. $74,898. 414- 2554812. • 5-14-5-21C McHENRY For Sale By Owner, Modern 3 bedroom Ranch, m bathe, 1 car attached garage, city sewer and water. Owner financing possible. 497-4215. 5-12- 5-19C ERA-RDS REALTY g&MfOFFY1 4CA7 uf ciaaev aa#ucuev .Wrirl A • •VI 4507 W.ftMIT., McHENRY 815-385-9394 Financing CofjBU. MAGNIFICENT TWO STO<{Y Dollar for Dottor you will not find o bottor value for your money. 4 largo bedrooms, 2% botht. attoched garogo, finished basement ond a fireploce, oro just lomo of tho features you will on|oy whan you bocomo tho proud ownor of thHbooutiful homo. Only $79,400. BEAUTIFUL VIEW Orond now 3254 sq. H. con torn porary, situotod on^ almost I % ocres overlooking woods 6 wo tor. Houso bos catbodral coilings. c/o. c/lntercom systom applian- cos, largo firoploco. 3% baths and o largo 2% cor gorogo. Sollor offoring controct solo with excellent torms. Soo it today. WATERFRONT 240' frontogo on channol with your own prlvoto logoon' surrounds this booutlful California stylo ronch. com ploto w/Joponoso gardon and lighting plus ovor 50 moturo troos and evergreens. Floor <lo coiling windows givo you constant light ond a vlow of your lush groons. locatod on a deoderid stroot. ONE YEAR BUYER PROTECTION PLAN INCLUDED $144,900 3 BEDROOM CONDO This condo is tastefully docorotod, has control olr. 1% baths, privacy fence with o beautiful view overlooking Bull Volley. $58,900 WANTED ANY Old Oriental Rugs to Buy, Any Condition. Call Roberta 1-414-728-6180. Also Selling. 3-104-2SC CASH PAID For Junk cars, running or not. Immediate removal. 312-526-3116. 5-5tfc WANTED Baby Scale in Good Condition, call after 6:30 pm. 815-385- 4718. 54tfc WANTED: AUTOS, all makes and models, running or not. Cash paid. 24 hour pickup service. 815-726-1171. 5- 5-5-28C CASH PAID For Junk Johnson or Evinrude Outboard Motors. 815- 3854066 5-5tfc SLOT' MACHINES wanted. Paying over $600 cash. Any con dition. Also 78 RPM Wurlitaer Juke Boxes. 414-248-3796. 1-15-7-Sc MOVING? CLEANING HOUSE? Buying An tique Furniture, China, Glassware, Lamps, Xmae Ornaments, Etc. 615-878-4141. 4-7-6-26C IST CSTATC 5 ACRE Estate lot near Woodstock, solar site with valley view, horeee o k. $45,000 00 by owner. 815-456-5864. 5-12-5-14C AND HE MUFFED. AND HE PUFFED ond ho still couldn't blow tho houso down bocouso it's oil brick construction with o full bosomont. This three bedroom homo is a •olid investment. Groat location with good si*o yard Very excotlemttnoncinfl available. Only $53,000 I LOVE A PARADE-You will too whon you con watch McHenry's big porode as it passes in front of your houso This 4 bedroom home is located in the heort of town I Two-flat possibilities with 2 baths ond kitchens. Fenced yord ond 2 car garage. VA Assumoble loon ot 8%. PITI is only $357.00 a month. Greot Investment for your family or investor. Only $53,500. NATURE AT THE SACK DOOR Here is your opportunity to invest in your future while totolly enjoying a superb lifestyle. This clossy tri-level hos four bedroom* on a wooded acre is located in the exclusive Lakeview Woodlands subdivision just outside Waucondo. Tron sfor-prked very right at $100,000. gP • .15SSB » ONLY THE BEST WILL DO then you hove no other choice by to select this fine Capo Cod home in Country Club subdivision. LOM than a block from tho Country Club and close to everything else In town. Over 2700 sq foot of fontostk living space 5 large bedrooms formal dining room I Super neat and cleon ond reedy to move in to I Booutlful yord. tool Finoncing available $145,000 hill overlooking the Fox River The home hos over 2400 sq. feet with o certain charm and chorocter of a gone by erol Needs some T.l.C • 1% jfret ,and Controct sale with 20*/. down. 10% interest and a 5 yeor balloon* $141,900 CHARMING HOME IN MILLSTREAM SUBDIVISlC'N Right on Boone Creek-in McHenry. This is a super nrce home with 3 huge bedrooms. 2 baths, ond a separate fomily room. Two car garage. Ready to move into! Seller will help in finoncing. $66,000. SMALL IS BEAUTIPULI Especially when it s your dorling aluminum sided ronch lor under $35 000 Come ond see this well maintained 2 bedroom home on o 100* 100 loot lot. Super kitchen. Finoncing avoiloble with 10%-20% fown f33,500 iVING EXPERIENCE is what you II hove when you soo this very well oppointed home with cothedrol ceilings ond o fireplace, with three bedrooms. There is control air ond sailors ore onxious >69.900 S THE BUY -J&. rBBPX-nistpUu real estate ro. "Where Service Comes Fin 385-7050 MIVIBCP WOOL O It AOtll IN UCl OCATION 104 N. Front St. McHENRY MAI {STATE rH 2000 square ft in a raised ranch with 4 bedrooms and 2% botht It s all oluminum sided ond is in good condition Located in the Johnsburg oreo ond best of oil the seller is offering at tractive terms with only $10,000 down. Great invest ment at only $51900 TAVERN A Restaurant, Business and property for sale. 815-385-6064. 5- 12-5-14c MOBILE HOME in Florida On ^ acre. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, central heat and air. $18,500.00 terms. 815- 455-5588. 5-12-5-14C Large home for large fomily! 3125 sq. ft. 2 story alum. home, solid 12" thick walls. 2S cor garogo. Zoned farm- horses ore allowed. At tractive terms offered! $125 000. CONTRACT SALE, By owner. Beautiful 4 bedroom bi-level, 5 years old, 2 baths, kitchen, dining, living, family, utility. 2 car a t t ached ga rage , $66,500.00, $4,000 00 down? 9 percent finaning. Call 815-585- 3192 or 815-565-7632. 5- 12tfc * LAKE REGION (t»)344-im WStmKKM MEW LISTING FOX RIDGE-Tri-level* Ovor size lot! 3 bdr. 1V» baths, fomily rm, lender offers 1?.9% int. A.M.L. w 4 points service foe. Priced below market* $65,000. MiiJi 2000 sq ft. hillside ranch bordering water. Super views of Fox River S Pistokee lake' SELLER IS OPEN TO ALL TYPES OF FINANCING' $105,000. WILL SELL or Trade 10 bedroom houee, par tially furnished on Waterfront plus extre lot in rear for... 3 bedroom house on waterfront only, on Chain Of Lakes only. 615-3658085 or 312-264- 7041. 5-12-5-14c ORCAT STARTER OR RfTHtCI 2 bedroom ronch with Fox River water rights! Neat B cleon, - move in condition! Nice double lot! Storage shed, unit air B more! $30,500 NCW LISTING Beautiful home in the country ! 3 bdrm. 2 both, fomily rm w/fireplace. plus FULL basement-portly finished. 1 % acres to ,79 900 FHA ASSUMABLE $32,000 bal 8.5% int. $354. PITI-Possible wrop too! 3 bdrm ranch w/FULL basement! Central air. workshop, storage shed $54,000 CARE HEAL EST ATE, INC. 3717 W. Elm. McHenry. II. 60050 >15-344-1033 Excellent opportunity to own your own homo with a low down payment VA ossumable with under 11% interest Ranch home on nice lot Very low mon thly Assumoble FHA mortgage on this im maculate 3 bedroom ranch Lovely wooded lot Johnsburg schools Asking Whispering Mil|s Beouty lovely, lovely home in immaculate condition Shows pride ol ownership throughout large kitchen and eating area Screened por ch. hall basement all appliances and much more $64 900 McHenry Waterfront 261 ft ol Irontage leading to 64.000 acre water won derland Boat, fish or loaf in the sun and get the tan you ve always wanted. Pnce^^e^gt mi9?? Fo* Ridge neat ond cleon tri level bocks up to acres of vocont school owned property Fireplace, control air. ex- collent finoncing $71,900 > 9% Interest* I • Owner financed years wrth 20% down monthly $949 47 $159 000 5 bedroom 3 bath waterfront on I 73 acres on the Fox SSWOfFYl rBSy Qf| Financing ~Eor Yjoul •Way Qf financing For You Neat, oluminum sided 2 bedroom ranch in excellent condition Beautifully landscaped corner lot with tali evergreens low maintenance spocious kitchen new rool tast^ully remodeled Move right in Only $43 000 Newly listed, immaculate, bright cheerful and maintenance free 2 bedrooms. Oat in kitchen, privacy len ced yard plus water and pier rights Perfect starter, retirement or 2nd home Just $55 000 'Whispering Oaks Well cored for 2 bedroom ranch, large kitchen ond dining area overlooking outdoor patio. Well groomed londscaped sit* Move in condition $55,500 Tastefully decorated 4 bedroom cedar/brick homo. 2 baths, fireplace, new carpeting, air conditioning, at tached 3 cor goroge. fenced yprd, close to kchools and very lovely area. $74,900 BvflBfV We'll Cover - It All...For You Poor Offices: Crystel Lake JMRZLUSML Durbln-Stovall Assoc.. Inc. 421J W. Elm St. (It*. 120) McH*nry, Illinois (616)468-5145 Cory (512)458-6627 (fll»M47U REALTY WORLD.