Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 May 1982, p. 11

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m SALE tMJLtC SAIi NEW ft USED RR TOES, Balk Gtm Seed. We Nhi • ft Lawn On {JJJ47, Wtfc PMTOOUCTORY Off EH: Rant* Quality Weter Softener for 92.99 a north for like lint 3 m oaths. Free in­ stallation. collect 919-220-2244. Quality Water Conditioning. 5- Stfc AMERICAN BEST, Illinois largest full s e rv ice poo l dtoributors, must sell the big new tin 31* family sise swimming pool, complete with deck, fence, filter and warranty, completely installed for only $••5.00. Financing avatteble. Call Audrey . 813-503-7017 collect, right now while the supply lasts. 5-5-5-29c SEARS INDY STYLE Go-Cert, 1 seater, 3 hp, map, slicks. Excellent condition. Beet offer. 5-7-5-14C DOUBLE OVEN, gas (Menu Magic) self cleaning, coppertone $230.00; Antique chair, needa upholstering $190.00. $13053-9070. 5-7- 5-lOc CANOPY COVER For Shore Station, 21 ft., steal frame work, 96" wid th , s l igh t ly damaged . A proximately 5 years i $400.00 Call Days 915- 385-0170 or evenings 915- 3850404, ask for Tom. 5- Stfc 48" HARD ROCK Maple Table with 8 chairs, 4 leevea. 815-344-4889. 5- 12-5-14C GOLF CLUBS, full set and starter set with bags and golf cart. 815- 385-1135. 5-12-5-14C RAINBOW VACUUM Cleaner with at- tachmenta, take over 'payments or pay off balance. 815-722-8412. 5- 12-8-4C 2 15" 4 Bolt chrome reversed and 4>aby moons, 8 14" 8 bolt chrome reversed and baby moons for Dataun and Courrieri pick-up truck, $250.Op, will separate. Call after 8:30, $15-385-4718] 5- 14tfc 1974 LARK CAMPER, sleeps 5, stove, refrigerator, furnace, porto-potty, $1,500. 312- 5250881 after 5pm. 5-14 HONEY MAPLE Bedroom set, triple dresser with mirror, "cheat with deck, nite table, headboard; antique sewing cabinet; electric dryer; box spring with frames; Ethan Allan harvest table; antique iron home head on post for mailbox or yard light; Admiral 25" color TV console; Scotta seed and fertiliser spreader for tractor garden; chains for garden tractor; VoOcswagon engine for parte; Honda 250 engine head. 815053-4401. 5-14 1885 INTERNATIONAL Harveater dump truck, in running condition and Deere farm tractor. Beet offer. 815-4554804 after 4pm. 5-14-5-21C STRIPPED COUCH and rocker, 2 velvet rockers, an far $75.00. 815-385- 3-14 HOT DOG TRUCK contained, gesrnine generator, stove, steam table and refrigerator, running water, $4500.00. 813-3300883. 5-12-5-14C 1974 to 1978 Cadillac new wheel covers, $15.00 each X list price is $53.25). Call 815-385- 3490. 5-12-5-14C MMtC SALf SUNDAY MAY 13th, 9am to 5pm. Four Family garage sale, 1310 Eastwood, East­ wood ~ Manor. Boat motors; air hockey game; CB base an­ tenna ; ch i ld rens clothes; work bench; an t ique p inba l l machine; dentist chair; computer manuals; "books and much miscellaneous. 5-14 GARAGE SALE, Saturday k Sunday, 9am to 5pm. 2917 Walnut Drive, Wonder Lake. Lawn mowers; Sewing machine; Dehumid i f i e r ; Much misc. 5-12-5-14C GARAGE SALE, 4814 East Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Lake. 9am to 3pm Friday, 9am to 5pm Saturday, May 14th k 15th. No Early Birds! Misc. household items; Luggage; Womens clothes size 12. 5-12-5- 14c 2 FAMILY Garage Sale, Misc. items. May 15th k 16th, 9am to 5pm. 1111 Clover Lane, Eastwood Manor. 5-12-5-14c JOE S INDOOR FLEA MARKET at*. 174 Crystal Lake '/» mi. W. of Rto. 31 Open Sot S Sun Sam - 4pm Super Bargains SALES SPACE AVARABLE $10 par weekend 312-439-2545 J 14 MOVING SALE, Extra Large! May 13th ft May 14th. Maple bwk beds complete $$0.00; Prospers; Tables; MJoc. furniture; Laaspa; Small appliaacea; Linoleum; Knick- Knacks; Toys. Caah. 113 Rotting Lane (Bay road to Weiagart, to Rollii* Lane) 815-3650045. 5-13- 5-14C GARAGE SALE, May 14th ft 15th, Thursday ft Friday, 9am to 5pm, 4517 Weat Parkway, Lakeland Park. Small i; Sofa; Baby on up; Some baby furniture; 20 gallon aquarium with stand; Golf cluts; Tape recorder; Toys; Adding machine. 5-12-5-14C MULTI-FAMILY Garage Sale, May 13th ft 14th, 9am to 3pm. Baby, U<fc ft adults clothes; Household items; Toys; Furniture; Books. 3315 Sherwood Forest, Spring Grove, Nottingham Woods off Route 12. 5-12-5-14C GARAGE SALE, 3201 Biscayne, McHenry Shores. Thursday ft Friday, 10am to 5pm. 5- 12-5-14C 4 FAMILY Garage ft Craft Sale. Clothes; Toys; Antiques; Dining set; 12'x2' swimming pool; Weather station; Appliances; Vanity with sink; School desk; Dressing table; Hand crafted pine items and Hand sewed items and much miscellaneous. May 14th ft 15th, 9am to 5pm, P i s t akee Highlands, 1002 West Hayden Drive (3 blocks south of Ringwood Road, off of Wilmot Road). 5-12-5-14C 6 FAMILY Garage Sale, Friday May 14th, 9am to 5pm. Pool table for price of this ad; Fur­ niture; Lawn mowers; Bikes; Typewriter; Camera; Dishes; Baby items. 1303 Hillside Lane (off 120 on Lincoln Road). 5-12-5-14C HUFLEPLANT | 4JTTLCWER All Florist Quality Super saving pricos...houso plants. Goroniums, Begonias. Impatiants, Mums. Our Spacial 10" blooming baskots $9.95. Hibiscus bushos and trees. Gar­ denia bush, over 400 plants on display. Saturday. May ISth, Sam HI 4pm and Sunday, May 14th, 10 am til 4 pm Take Rte. 120 to Wonder. Lake Rd.. North to Widoff, West to Walnut. Turn North on Walnut, follow theYighs^his sale is too good to missf4 ^ ̂ u muRnnstt MULTi-FAMH-Y OARAGE SALE Health Ten. Carter s infant & todcHer s clothes plus twin clothes toys, couch sewing machines, chang ing tables, golf clubs, TV set household miscellaneous and lots of goodies May 13th, 14, 1Sth Thura., Fri., 0-5 Sat. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. ">* 4020 Sanoca Drive Wonder Lake Thompson Road to Rilay Road Follow Signs 5UJ 14 THIS WEEKEND ONLY OK DISCOUNT SALE DON'S RESALE 4105 E. Wonder Laka Rd. Wonder Laka Insida ft Outside Furn i tu re , app l i ances , too l s , lawnmowars, kitchenware. Much more. Sgturday ft Sunday May 15 & 16 9:00 am to 6:00 pm SI IV14 USED WOODEN kit­ chen cabinets, good condition, Oto ft. base plus dishwasher, 12 ft. wall ceNnots and for- top, 9250.00. 915- 5-14-5-21C RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE 1900 JOHN DEERE 111 Riding mower, 42" mower, also tractor weights, chains and bteae. Like new (L290.00.915-244-1544. 5- 14 USED Pre-Aseembtod O'xlO* wood deck, steps and railings included 915-244-9010. 5-12-5-14C ANTIQUES; Sleigh (Cutler); Record Players. 015-290-2004. 5- 12-6-14C ' VAN BENCH Seat, grey, good condition IM.00; Bathroom sink with futures, marble 21" wide 925.00. AT Hew lewel/Osco SHOPPING CENTER fost tafcl&lkMNry 1,275 TO 2,500 so. FT. SPACES AVAILABLE CHARLES REALTY (312)4204)512 GARAGE SALE. Dsatiwm Drive, (Faxridge), May 14th thru May 19th, Friday thru Suuday 0am to 5pm. 5-124-Mc MOVING SALE, Seturdey May 15th, 9am to 5pn, 1200 South Hilltop, MeHenry anOra. oOflW III iutUTC. 5-12-5-14C GARAGE SALE. 4 (UAIC SAIi u-- m ftCNT PAGE 11-PLA1NDEALER-FRIDAY, MAY 14.1902 ftl ttNT YARD frame; family. Many items including Plum Mng; Electrical; Baby it Toys; Clothing sise 0 to adults; Bikee; Tricycles and much mere. Thursday May 19th A Friday May 14th, 0:20 am to 4:00 pm, Saturday May 15th, 9:20 am to 12:00 noon. 2702 and 2912 Berkshire Drive. Windy Prairie Acres , (off R ingwood Road) Johnsburg. 5-12-5-14C 2 FAMILY Garage Saille, 521 Kensiigton Drive, Foxridge, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, May 12th, 14th k 15th. 5-12-5- 14c 4 FAMILY Garage Sale, Friday k Saturday, 1012 Park Lane, Lakeland Park, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. 5-12-5-14C GIGANTIC Garage Sale, In Our Giant Garage! May 12th, 14th k 15th. Hundreds of items, all new! Fur­ niture and bedding up to 90 percent off. Martins Furniture, 990 Lake Ave., Woodstock. 915- 330-0404 5-12-5-14C GARAGE SALE, Large se lec t ion . Cooney Heights, 4204 South. Thursday, Friday k Saturday, 9am to 5pm. 5-12-5-14C GARAGE SALEf ,* Thursday, Friday k Saturday 9am to 5pm, 1204 Clover Land, Eastwood Manor. 5-12- 5-14c GARAGE SALE May 13th, 14th k 15th, 9am to 4pm, 3509 Oakdale, D u t c h C r e e k . Snowmobi les and trailer; Water skiis; jfltsc. 5-12-&-14c SPECIALIZED Garage Sale. Childrens clothing, sizes infant to OX; Toys; Bike seat; Car seat; Childs desk. Friday 9:00 am to 3:30 pm, 4209 Crestwood, Cooney Heights. 5-12-5-14C GARAGE SALE, Friday k Saturday, 9am to 6pm, 3120 River- s t r e a m D r i v e , McHenry, (by Country Club). 15" tiree; Toys; Clothes; Tools; Copier; Bike and more. 5-12-5- 14c GARAGE SALE, 4902 Ramble Road, Lakeland Park, Thursday, Friday 9am to 4:20 pm, Saturday 9am to 3pm. Vacuums; Roaster; Childrens clothing; E lec t ron ics ; P lan t S t a n d s ; T o y s ; Household; Changing Tables; Hobby horse; Mary Kay Cosmetics. 5- 12-5-14C 20 FAMILY GARAGE Salet Fox Ridge Sub­ division. Saturday, May 15,9-5. 5-14 SATURDAY NfcAY 15th, 9-4. Boys clothing, sixes 9 & 9, womens 9-10 k 10's, miscellaneous. 212 Canterbury, Fox Ridge. 5-14 iy Oth bike bike table; trailer k 5102 E. Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Lake. 5-14 GARAGE SALE, Saturday May 15 only 9am-5pm. Billiard table; green carpet; drapery curtain rods; window shades and treatments; bur stools; riding mower, new baseballs and soft balls; light fixtures, toys; in fan t fu rn i sh ings ; chlktans clothes; girls- infant to2T, boys to size 4. 2119 Woodbwn Park, McHenry. V< mile north of Linclon Road, off Chape) Hill Road. 5-14 GARAGE SALE, Friday, Saturday, 9-5. 009 N. Fleming Road, Woodstock. * Western saddle, house plants. 5- 14 LARGE GARAGE SALE, Must see to believe! Construction supplies; Windows; Sinks, etc. Furniture; Clothes; Misc. 1517 Woodlawn Park, v« mile North of McHenry on East side of River. FridaySaturday 9am to 0pm. 5-12-5-14C GARAGE SALE, Tools; Lawn mowers k Misc., Silver Lakee, Oakwood Hills subdivision of Cary, Illinois, 6207 Hi l l c res t Road , May 14th, 15th k 16th. 9am to 5pm. 5-12-5-14C GARAGE SALE, Six Families. May "13th thru May 10th 9am to 6pm. 119 East Navajo Trail, Worthmoor Estates, 1.5 miles west of U.S. 12 off Bay Road. 5-12-5-14C GARAGE SALE, 3506 North Chapel Hill Road, Johnsburg. Childrens clothes; tfar stools; Bsby crib; Corvette wheels; , Air con­ ditioner; Toys, Many items too numerous to mention. 9a* to 4pm, May 14th k 15th. No Early Birds, no checks. 5-12-5-14C MOVING crib dresser,- white oak 9175.00'; 2 air con­ ditioners 11,000 BTU's, 0,000 BTU's; Wurlitzer Piano 9250.00; Couch; Tables; Humidifier; C lo thes ; Misc . Everything must go! Thursday, Friday k Saturday, 9am to 4pm, 2900 Wright Read, south of McHenry off Green Street. • 5-12-5-14c GIANT GARAGE SALE, One Day Only! Saturday May 15th, 9am to 4pm, Many, many Goodies! 4 families. 2602 Holiday, Holiday Hills 5-12-5-14C GARAGE SALE, Ping pong table; Sofa; Stereo components; Clothes and Household Items. May 15th k May 10th, 9am to 5pm 4721 Weet P ra i r i e Avenue , McHenry. 5-12-5-14C m H C W T ROOM IN Lovely lakefront executive home, 950.00 week, utilities neid, long stay preferred Fishing boot ava i l ab le . Ki tchen privileges. Call Doris 915-395-1911 or 312-506- 4900, leave meeaage. 5- 5tfc 5-12-5-14C HOUSE in Crystal Lake, FOR RENT WITH 2 bedrooms, stove, option or contract sale. 2 refrigerator, large £bwom ranch. Woadsr finished basement, 5-7-5- fsnced in. 212- 14e 5-12-5-14C _ Tt MAT 7 4 BEDROOMS, 14 bathe, full basement, garage on 1M» acres with fruit trees. McHenry area. Available June. Call .Mrs. Zafce, work 312-229-0922 or reoktence 915-395-0141. 5-7-5-14C WANTED PERSON to share 3 bedroom air conditioned houae in - Lakeland Park. 9250.00 month includes utilities. Available immediately. 915-244^0490. 5-5-5-14C LEASE WITH OPTION To Buy, Four bedroom home, family room, 2 car garage on half acre site. 9450.00 plus ad­ ditional 950.00 option money Call for more details. Realty World, Durbin-Stovall, 915-395- 9000. 5-12-5-14C FOXRIDGE, 3 bedroom Split Level. 1H bathe, family room, all ap­ pliances, 2 car garage and deck. 1 year lease. 9500.00 per month. Realty World, Durbin- Stovall,615-395-0090. 5- 12-5-14C CLEAN, FURNISHED Apar tment , One bedroom. 915-3954905 or 815-3954996 5-5tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating .capacity for 400. Call 915-305-9090 from 9am to 12 weekdays or sfter 6pm. 5-5tfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT. References end secur i ty depos i t required. 815-395-1079. 5-5tfc 2 BEDROOM Apart­ ment with stove, ' ^ re f r ige ra to r and a i r cond i t ioner . No children, no pets. References. Jesse end deposit required. 9295.00 month plus utilities. Available July 1st. 815- 385-7005 5-5tfc NG SALE, Baby Ctrnipfc* < wtth uVtitUIIM -- UKlttKM I h oporf mints. v. idily car pata&. 1 V, coramic both* coldr appliances, dith woihtr air conditioning, laundry larga »torag« araa gat haat By laka tavarol blocks from down­ town Gam Lata Aprtmb 1321 W Main St. Laka Oanava. Wl. 414-34S-4572 , ,rt| OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Is It tima far yaw ta mova wpf Do** your currant oftica tpaca rapratant you wall to your tli*nt«? Luxurious tpac* available in modern Richmond Bldg on U S Rte 12 125 »q (t to 1 000 »q ft. All utilities included (tall Bob May S1S-678-457S » Slf abl« it :ohiV space avail lower level at 330 W. Terra Colli Crystal Lake Wil l r emode l Coll •15-3S5-1050 i y% i» McHENRY, 2 bedroom ranch, 9449.00. Evenings 915-244-4097. 5-7-5-14C LOVELY 4 bedroom house, district 200 schools,' reforencee ***** security depoelt, credit check, 9475.00 month. 915-320-7405. 5-7-5-14C L A R G E O N E BEDROOM Apar t ­ ments, 9275.00 plus u t i l i t i e s . Secur i ty deposit required. No pete. 915-395-0292 or 915- 344-1025. 5-5tfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritssche Industrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq. ft. to 15,000 sq. ft 615-395^079. 5-5tfc WONDER LAKE. 3 Bedroom Ranch . Central air, full ap­ p l i ances . a t t ached garage. 9475.00 month, security depoeit and 1 year lease. Available June 1st. 312-537-7439. 5- 5tfc 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENTS, James and Third Street, McHenry. Call 312-391-2060 or 312- 391-6107. 5-5tfc NEW 2 BEDROOM Apartment, McHenry area, 14 car attached garage, dishwasher, central air, cable TV, washer, dryer hookup. Security deposit, no pets. 9390.00 915-339- 0090 weekdays or 915- 653-9396 weekends 5- 5tfc WONDER LAKE, East Side, 2 small, 2 bedroom homes. . Range k Refrigerator 9240.00 and $255 00 month. 915453- 9964 . 5-12-5-14C HOUSE FOR RENT wi th op t ion to buy . Pistakee Highlands, Round Hill Subdivision. Rustic 3 bedroom Raised Ranch, Greet home for family. A must to see. Call in AM or after 6pm, enytime weekends. 9450.00 month, security depoeit, references required. 3125974296. 5-12-5-14C 2 or 3 BEDROOM House, fireplace, fenced in yard. Refrigerator, stove and 'dishwaaher $45070(1 month plus security and utllitiee, one month security depoeit, one yeer loose. 815-395-4142 sfter 5pm Aveilable June 15th. 5- 12-5-14C WONDER LAKE, Wooded Shores. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, like new auality home. Tastefully decorated, good neighborhood, beaement, l car garage. Poss ib le purchsse option or will consider snort term rental, $490 00 month 915453- 9964 5-12-5-14C JOHNSBURG, 1 plus bedroom cottege, on secluded 40 scree, stove and re f r ige ra to r in ­ cluded, 9350.00 month p lus u t i l i t i e s and security deposit. 312- 3,000 SO. FT. of professional office °4_~78T4565 or 3124714225 5-12-5-14C McHENRY, 2 bedroom raised ranch. 2 bathe, large living and dining area, deck, family room with fireplace, garage, central air, stove and refrigerator furnished. Good sited back yard with garden. Next to Peterson Park, close to new Jewel and Shopping center. No pets, $510.00 month plus security depoeit. Available June. 815-3054101. 5-12-5-14C 1 BEDROOM Apart­ ment, right in McHenry. Air conditioned. Stove and Ref r ige ra to r , $235.00. Call 815-395- 3490. 5-12tfc McHENRY 2 bedroom home, newly painted inside and out. Stove and refrigerator, no pets, prefer couple. $390.00 plus utilities, secur i ty depos i t and references required. 815-395-2012 5-^-5-14c 3 MONTHS FREE RENT, New modern building, with plenty of perking. Next to Post office end 4 block from bsnk. 5 offices to choose from, rents range from $50 .00 pe r month to $150.00, depending on office selected. Call 815- 728-0404. 5-5tfc READY NOW. 2 bedroom apar tment , wi th s tove snd re f r ige r s to r , d i sh ­ washer , c s rpe ted throughout, 24 baths 815-305-2181. 5-5tfc 1 BEDROOM SUBLET, reedy now, fully csr­ peted, with stove snd refrigerstor. 815-385- 7820 5-5tfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS. Da i ly o r Weekly ratea. 815-385- 8905 or 815-385-0266 5- 5tfc OFFICE SPACE, 236 sq f t . u t i l i t i e s inc luded , plenty of perking. 815- 3854700. 5-5tfc MAN WANTED, to share comfor tab le , a i r cond i t ioned home in McHenry. 9230 00 month ly inc ludes utllitiee. Available now 815-385-2233 5-12-5-14C HAVE HOUSE To Share with Male, $200 00 plus u t i l i t i e s in P i s t skee Highlsnds. 4^7 4486 after 7pm. 5-12-5-14c 1 BEDROOM Apar t ­ men t , Appl i ances fu rn i shed , secur i ty depoeit, no pets. 815485 7444, leave name and number , wi l l r e tu rn call. 5-12-5-14C OFFICE SPACE, New profess ions ! o f f i ce complex . 1200 sq . f t . Crystal Point Center, McHenry. Call 815-344- 3315 5-12-5-21C 2 BEDROOM House , wssher and d rye r , Johnsburg Schoo l District, 4 acre lot, $375 .00 plus u t i l i t i e s , references snd security deposit needed 497-3541 or 497-4157 5-12-5-I4C SECOND FLOOR furnished kitchenette aps r tmen t , u t i l i t i e s furnished No pets $275.00 month, lesse and security deposit. 8f5- McHENRY, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, garage, air. conditioned, like new, $ 4 7 5 0 0 , m o n t h . Available early July. 312-577-7624. 5-12-5-14C 395-5324 WANTED TO RENT. Reliable Family looking for houae in McHenry 2 or 3 bedrooms, with beaement, 1 or 2 car garage. Call after 4pm. 815-330-2616. 4-21-5-14C IF YOU OWN One house too many give us a call... We need a place to live in the McHenry aree, prefer 3 bedroom with full basement and 2 car garage. We'll consider making your payments and main­ tenance of everything and work out a deal to help you sell your house in s yeer or two when the -economy comes back. No kids. No pets 815-385-0954 • 5-7-5-14c STORAGE SPACE Needed: McHenry Lions Club seeking inside storage for their van and equipment year around. Rent con sideration solicited due to amount of community service and charitable activities. Call Joe Leopold. 815-385-9034 after 6pm or write P.O Box 292, McHenry 60050 < 4 - v < 5-7-5-14C 5 BIRTHS \ Kimberly Sue is the name chosen by Kurt and Joan Jensen, 1114 Jasper, McHenry. for their third child. The 4 lbs 13 oz bsby girl was born April 26. at Memorial hospital for M c H e n r y c o u n t y , Woodstock, 111. She has 1 8 m o n t h - o l d t w i n sisters, Kelli and Kristi Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs. Cletus Lafontaine of McHenry The baby's paternal grandparents are the l a t e M r , a n d M r s R o b e r t J e n s e n , 1 f o r ­ merly of Genoa Citv, Wis Steven and Robin Conley, 714 Ringwood rood, McHenry. became parents of their third son April 28, and named him Jaccob Mark. The 8 lbs 13 oz. baby boy entered the world at McHenry hospital. He was welcomed home by his two brothers. Jeremy, age three and two-year old Joseph Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Pettry of Wauconda, 111 Mr and Mrs Conley, also of W a u c o n d a , a r e t h e paternal grandparents John W and Sharon A. Ellicson. 2003 N S h e r m a n d r i v e , McHenry, announce the birth of their third son April 29. Daniel Justin was born at McHenry hospital and weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz He was eagerly awaited at home by his brothers, Andrew, age six and three-year-old Adam Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Alfred Klapp of N Plainfield. N J Mr and Mrs Warren Ellicson of Libertyville, III are the paternal grandparents 5-14 McCULLOM LAKE, 1 bedroom house. Adults, no pets, $290 includes u t i l i t i e s , - s e c u r i t y depoeit 915453-9644 5- 14-5-21C m McHENRY PLAINDEALER NEWSPAPER - Available At Tha Following Locations: . •WHITE MIN PANTHY •LAKEVIEW " •McHENRY DRUG •SUNNYSIDE •Bill llQlK)tS FOODS •BOiCCRS •ADAMS GROC8RY DRUG STORE •LITTLE STORE •UN FRANKLIN •FRiD A IRENE'S TAP •OSCO DRUGS •SUNRISE GROCBRY •JEWEL •STONY TAP •HORNSftY? •McCULLOM LAKI •HiRMCS A CO. GROCERY - •LIQUOR MART •NORTHWEST TRAIN •VILLAGE MART ••ITSAPIKCiS •JAR STORS •REVCODRUG •McHCNRY •ISLAND FOODS HOSPITAL •CONVENIENT •FOOOMART FOOD ̂ •JALGAS •COUNTRY * ACS HARDWARE CUPtOARO Woodstock Optical Woodstock Optical Woodstock Optical • We fill prescriptions or will duplicate present RX... PRICE and COMPARE FINALLY GENERIC EYEGLASSES oo- YES! Fashionable eye wear, top quality, lowest price Single Vifion-lenses 6 frame... '39.95 Bifocals-lenses 6 frame...start at •49.95 Where? Woodstock Optical Service, Inc. 666 W. Jackson St. ' Woodstock • 815-338 0210 imsqiwc the professional do-lt-yours«lf carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental FREE SI.00per hour..for •vary hour thoroaftai (Exampla 2 hours... total charga $1 plus tax. ' Special Rental Rat* Good " M»nd>Y thru Thursday RINSINVAC cloans tha way professional* do^ •t • fraction of the cost. S SUN OVIRNICHT VICIAll 9>S0PM • 9:00AM 919.90 i HOP Woodstock Optical Woodstock Optical Woodstock Optical 4400 W. RTI. 120 McHfNRV .IU.

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