paorib TUESDAY. MAY I* of tcwntnti in what Project. (40 mm.) [Cloted Cop tionod] o MOVK: tko BtcMc ® (29 0® 9:15 PM ID <2$ Uf* Mm) €0 lw>yii Wwfk 9:30 PM Meter tinm 0onofco0? C9itco0o Cufco §f |,§| CD com* a gigolo. GUM* ttorring Lynda Day George and Kan Barry. (R) (AO mm.)' O <29 AHce (E) (32) A« In the CD ns dDffl® © ID MOVW: Ike 6D PKA CD MOVW: IHMo Ceoaer* A *mI tiflu Hood niti to bcconw tH# cxor of gangland. Edword G. Robiwofl, Douglas Foirbonkt Jr. 1931. T-man In an uttenyt to track dawn a ring of counterfort imugglin. George Rett, Nina Foch. George --iMatfaody. 1949 14)0 AM | « I O 39 Moppet Skew s?z CD (29 lM*g Stone* CD T»$ i 0i 9:45 PM QD (29 if* Ye 10:00PM OOOO O <29 ID ID ID Now* 11:30 PM O ID Lata Night wMh David Letteimon David it joined by former Botton CaMc* coach Tommy Heintohn. (40 min.) Q Bob Nawhori O (29 MOV*: 'MaOeed: Piter The nephew of McOomf» girlfriend it killed in a fir* that oppreri to hava boon tat by a profettionol ortonitt. Dannit Waavar, Diana Mutdaur, Robert Road. 1975. QD <22> M*A*S *N ID Mo*Nod Lokrai (3D ® (39 Travelogue ® Qdi Kid* ID ID 03 Oewd* of (Mery: William and © CD ®*ooawk CD (39 Seefetd end €0 teeny HM Skew 10:15 PM QD <29 mow o 10:30 PM CD AUce Flo tatt up a blind data (or AHca. (R) Johnny it joinad by WiRte Nakon. (40 min.) O MfkMne O (23) CD AN kt Ike PemNy ID (22)i ID i (3D ® (39 Tony 14!- e. ..ji. | , a.„ft iwnm "v win® oroTnfrt CD M*A*S*N CD ike hdikri M»«li CD Kmc far Ike Eaweeet 60 (29 • Hegor *uo V »«ka CD (39 1045 PM MOW: It'* Tonight tatt halpt a young private < to find a Mar. Cloud* tt* Cofcert, Jamat Stawort. 1999. 11(00 PM SB SfMff* McOoud rorigni from ftw fore# oflif o dbpvtv ovtF Hit ^ottod into dnopp9oron(̂ of O ̂ ocm ̂ D#ooii Dan MeredMt, Oiiaf Dan Oaarga. 1975. O TenigM Ikew Johnny it joinad by Wifc Nakon. (40 mm.) 0 1 ID ® (29 OedeweH el Now York Mai* 1:15AM I 1:30 AM D MOV* <Ckerlle C«l>iMliiNi|>llweHinlî A private eya i* hired by e wawhy ranchar to d*Bver a young gW whom C-- fty« bmAjniuiiifl He 1WWW ^ daughter. Ralph BeRamy. Blair 1977 7:00PM 0 O O (S liiorodlMo N*0I loMir it token prf- tonar by e trio of mapad femoit . (R) (4Q min.) © (2® CD (29 Bekker CD (39 TwWtgM Zone CD MOV*: 'My Paikld4*n fa*!' A young hoirett. ottrociied by her friend*, lotet the man the lovet to another. Avo Gardner, Robert Mit- chum. Mehryn Douglat. 1951 * CD Ju»t Country 12:00 AM O Lola Night wHk David Utlenwen David i* joined by former Botton Caltict cooch Tammy Heintohn. (40 min.) O MOV*: 'Ateefc of Alweedar Cro**' An international criminal i* ttaRted throughout the world. Bar bara Bach, Paul Shanar, Lloyd Nolan. 1977 O MOV*: There Ooe* My Ottf Although they ara in leva, boy and girl >aportar* become bitter rtvak en a murder ttory. Gone Raymond, Ann Southern, Gordon Jonot. 1937 ID (22) NWo Owl Sorvko CD Dkk Coven ID ID Pento*y Itland A woman travek bock in time to purtue Jock the Rippar and a thy man detirat to tlon. Marco heart of a revolution in China and faRt in lava with en or- (3 hrt.) s 0 ® Nora Ralph Igkat a journey Into the baatt. (R) [Oo*ad Captioned) O MOV* forgotten CMy of tt̂ e Plooet of ftio Aoeo' ID (22) fM. 3) Chmmm 001990 Hoot enfatt the aid aT a dbg- mter for o tuna-up on e 6:00 PM O O 0 0 N .W |D 92) QD Nappy Dey* Again 0M^U (3D ® 39 ID <3® in*oc QD 'YewT Meg, lei Women SUM Ipwkkwe <29 CDlkeTc_ __ - ...- CD <39 AN lelko Pee#? CD Motor L*egui CD Yea Aaked Per H CD Twice e W*1-- 6J0PM O • a 99 become a gigolo. Out Lynda Day George and (R) (40 min.) 0 NHL Heeley Cup Ployarff* CD (39 Rot Poire! CD Atlantic CWy Te night 12:30 AM m liilo<lotnm»nl O ID Yee Ashed Per M <D<29D<22) M*A*t*H tovomo A SMvtoy A Co* ID WMd World of Animal* 3D ® 39 I PM. foot o boHoy ond wHot to look for (3D ® (39 Modta Proke* Pa«t icol Spot*.' Thi* program offert a hu- , [Cloted Capllanod) 8MOVW1 *Nord Country' <9 09 01) We* *e le Pegu* CD NAIL l*i**n Jadifnvl WNkeakere, NC CD (39 O 7>90PM 0O00 KUUe Immm Doao ôN: Tomoo of • 1 1 "I • 1 w CK̂C00O WHHo Som ID Neowte Une 'Eddie Marcki.' BlIgMlm't March*, who ha* craotad Nlj o^̂ ̂ Hot (Q) D 99 Mdtor OM* Rtttntion! to bottor sorvVthe needs of our community, *k back bt flP (19 Now*/Stgn Off CD MOV*: "Ulead Prk* Spanith captain ttationod in the Can ery Itiondt faRt In love whh a boouti tul Princatt. MarceMo Mottroianm, Sitvona Pomponmi, Gutavo Rajo 1955 12i45AM ID MOW fke " - I of ieMe* , . i v miv » MCHENRY Lu m b e r is open SUNDAY ̂ ^00 JniuVafat