Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1982, p. 10

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l'.\ bit - PLAINPEALER - FRIDAY, MAY 21. mi COUCH * LOVESEAT. 5 nLthm «nm !!> U4«n * black naugahyde. excellent keyboards with rhythm $20,000 to S14.506. S condition $125.00:: Ex- UBIC FT. AMANA Side Side Refrigerator: 36 st FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1961 Yamaha MX 100: 1900 No cosh r*funds on prepaid ods. Cords of Thonks. In Momoriom. Situation Wonted. Wontod to S*nt. Won tod To Buy. and Corog* Solo* MUST bo potd in odvon CO. „ ' . Tho Ptoindoalor is- not rosponsiblo for errors in classified ods after the first insertion. Check your after the first insertion ond call our ottention to mistakes Giant Oaks Estates section, excellent condition OBEDIENCE Of FICI HOUftS: MON.-Fftl.S:SO A.M. to 5:00 PM SATUtOAY t-12f.M Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4:00 P.M FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4:00 P.M. wurwihbpmsB with Magic Genie, douibe keyboard, 3 years old. First] ^BCTlBSiroSn beige-brown pattern, vinyl piacemats 93.00. Call after 5pm after 5pm Cash only, all prices firm. 7- FOOSBALL TABLE $225.00 7-24-7-31C tai CSTATI ACRE SCREEN SHADES for 5 Windows, inany sizes 7-24-7-31C PHONE 815-385-0170 FORD ton Super Cab Camper Special, power 5 HORSE POWER Clutch driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks High and PldlnavTKni IMKM mmSS mm Will elm nt attics, MSM8WIS, iiflii kailiit paiitiit Ask for If not In, leav* for Lao message I1MU470 offer S>00 P.M ii»}2i SERVICE All Typos Welding- SEPCIALIZING IN m »-- Mil rlip Rlpivri *CistM Trailir Wtctes 2912 W. lit*. 120, McHenry •15-3(5-4929. MET DOIT RIGHT AUTO REPAIR Mechanical-Electrkal at very reasonable rates Fraa Estlmafes 815-728-1040 offer 4 p.m. MAfHitMl SEPTIC SERVICE New Septic Installations, ond Repairs. Sockhoe Work. Questions about your septic systemsf Give us a call. Ask about our yoarly check and maintenance >15-344-3989. RAKESTRAW LAWNS GARDEN SERVICE •Lawn Mowing •Roto-tllllng •Light Landscaping Call 815-344-1971 (Fraa Estimates] JTjls/J RUSSELL R HOT ON SEPTIC SERVICE • • REPAIRS • ELECTRIC - SEWER ROMMi lisuilitioo if m soptlcs 815-3856445 ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EMUT tIMI SPECIAL Now Taking Orders •Parking Lots*New Drives •Long lanes'Potching •Resurfacing*Seol Coating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Istlmates •15-459-39*0 CM No„ 1 _ MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW For Springs RoHtlllloof Reasonable rotas, fraa astimatas 815-385-0208 WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Sorvtat yosr m- 21 |MTS oxpirioaco. Vtironw takiii iriorc. Dnl Hfict with $W88f I sro!! Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 LIBERTYYlLLE312-36741676 '""ol PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING R o s i d o n f i a t - C o m m e r c i a l I n d u s t r i o l Big savings 011 Residential woik> Piovi-n by thousands ol sotisl ied t ustomms SPRING DISCOUNT •Mm hin«» I air) 'New Dnvos •H >s in facing •Parking Lois •Seal Coating All work quoi Frpo (stimatf»s 312-546-5600 F W G i o y s l n k f I I I • " D R BUILDING SUPPLIES Sanco Guns, Nails 8 Staplor Wiremash -- Rebor PVC Pipe ft Fittings Corrugated Pipe -- Sump Pits Sonotube -- Culverts Duraform Tys ft Forms Window Bucks ft Inserts Assorted Contractor Tools 19QS W. Rt». ISO McHenry, III. R1BI8EI44E Wood Docks Siding J?. S. 3(ake Construction Quality Custom Built Homss Remodeling Experts Will design ond draw plans for your new home or remodeling needs -> Roofing Fraa Estimates Cott John Blake 385-5593 ofter 5 P.M. N C<4nc ratf Patios r«i CUSTOM PRINTED Tee Shirts, Jackets, Uniforms, etc. Check our prices first! Blue Sees Enterprises. 816- 344-1563. 5-5tfc RJcS DECORATING. Custom Interior, Psinting ft Wall papering. Free estimates. 815-469-4864. 54tfc HELP ME HELP You Plan Your Financial Future. If You Don't, Who Will. Patrick J. Letisia, Financial Planner since 1968. 815- 728-0404. 5-5tfc Ew. TREE Service. Will do removals, tr imming. Free estimates, fully insured. 815-388-0318. 5-19-5-28C ALBRECHT Con­ struction, specialists in remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates. 815-663- 6451. 5-19tfc HORSESHOEING experienced Blacksmith taking new customers. Reasonsble rates on trimming. Call sfter 5pm, 815-456-3076. 5-19- 5-21C - STEAMEX STEAM CARPET cleaning "gentle but thorough", living rogm ft hall $45.00, additional rooms $20.00 each. Bauman Carpet Cleaning 816943- 4793. 5-5tfc J E N S E N W O O D RESTORATION. An­ tique, furniture repair and refinishing. Also Custom Woodworking. 815-385-4024. 5-5 tfc R.T.ft R. PAINTING CO. Commercial ft Residential. Interior ft Exterior. Low prices. I n s u r e d . F r e e estimates. Ron 815-728- 0176. 5-5tfc COMMERCIAL DON'T BUY A NIW JtOOF WHEN YOU CAN REPAIR SHINGLES-HOT ROOF NEW OR REPAIR WHEN POSSIBLE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL WORK Ingram S1S-344-1SMI J COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE •TfM Tflmmloif *Tff# •Ifvmp Rtmtvil sRuMM beeuiMa • wtty (815)385-6733 S/JT* %' 7H2 •Clsctrical •fiotfly INBS lillimti froo •octalhrdm No Job Tee Smell 1 CeN R*TJ L VIOOZOK 815-385-2874 » ST* JIM'S RESALE Ntw and Used 5103 MCGMM Uln M. 6*lb.t AN kinds of this ond that f.V., lawn mower*. CS radio*, tool*, glotiwore 6 kitchen wore*. Lot* of ••c. Twe.-M.SPMteSPM Set.ftSwn.9AM •* SPM WeAWeSey 815-315-7413 I 11-4/JJ S/tSS/4 TABDEN ROTO TILLING. Very reasonable. Call after 4pm. 816-344-0943. 4-94- 28c INTERIOR ft EX­ TERIOR Painting. Call us for a Free Estimate. We're very affordable! 816-386-7788 anytime or 815-344-1722 after 6:00pm. 5-6tfc PAINTING PLUS, all types painting, wall papering and carpentry. Free estimates, references ft insured. Best Price Around I Call Bill 816-386-2843. 5-5tfc TOM HUBBARD, A w a r d w i n n i n g magician, is available f o r s c h o o l s , , auditoriums, banquets and homes. 312-305-7188 or 312-3064006. 5-5tfc FROM THE BOTTOM UP, no job is too small. From hanging a door to remodeling an entire home. Quality work at reasonable prices. Call Ken 015-344-2440. 5-5tfc INTERIOR ft EX­ TERIOR Painting and staining, fully insured, free estimates/Call Jim 815-459-3677. 5-5tfc PLUMBING, New work, remodeling, repairs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners. Licensed, insured. Call Tom. 816- 653-0725. 5-5tfc LOCAL MOVING and HAULING, reaaonable rates. 815-386 1880. 5- Stfc SEWING MACHINE REPAIR, Domestic ft Industrial,In Home Service. We carry parts and supplies for all sewing ^machines. Keener ft ittfc, Wonder Lake. 815-72*0872. 5- 5tfc MARIA'S ALTERATIONS, for fast service ft low prices. Open Tuesday thru Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Saturday 0:00 am to 3:00 pm. 815-386- 3260 4821 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 5-5tfc NORTHERN ILL. MECHANICAL, INC. Plumbing, Hot water heat, Sewer ft Water, Septics, New work, S e r v i c e w o r k , Remodeling. Residential ft Com­ mercial. Licensed and Bonded. Fully insured. 312-546-1474. S-6tfc SCHUERR WAY Builders. All phases of Carpentry, Electric, Plumbing, Heath No job! advi obligation. 815-385-4808. 5-5tfc R ft M LAWN SER- -VICE. Lawnmowing ft leaf service. Free estimates. 312-630-5872 or 815-450-1383. 5-5tfc • NEED AN ESTIMATE For Your Concrete Work This Spring? Call Ken. Quality Work. All Types Of Cement Work. 815-728-1548. 5-5tfc PAINTER LOOKING for interior-exterior painting, staining and drywall repair. Many area references, free estimates. 815-385-3843 or 816-385-5564 5-14-5- LAWN MOWING, yard work. We are presently scheduling for 1882 season. Permanent assignments prsferied. Have own equipment. David 816-486-5638. 5-10- 6-21C Q U I N N C O N - STRUCTION Building since 1087. Fireplaces, Additions, Plumt Heating and Bath and Kitchen Remodeling. Call for (Tee estimate. 312-639- 0700. 8-$tfc CONTRACT CON­ TRACTOR, Foun­ dations and all types of Concrete work. Quality work, free estimates. 816-386-4380. 5-5-5-28C GARDENS ROTOTILLED, Reasonable rstes. Call after 3pm, 815-3866829. 4-28-6-28C BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE Professions! Dog Grooming. All breeds. Call 816-385-2018 for appointment. 6-fttfc RTnr'8 ROTOTILLING, 16 hp Dieeel Kubota Tractor, 42" tiller, 6 to 12" deep. No gardsn too big or too small. Very reaaonable. 815-7284)161. 5-5tfc GARDEN ROTOTILLING 4 SERVICE, available anytime, 615-386-1888. 4- 23-5-28C SELUNG YOUR CAR? Find out why more people are using the Auto ad system to sell their car. Call Auto Ad­ vantage, 815-344-3198. 4- 23-5-28C PIANO TUNING, CaU the Experts. Charlie Jacobson 8166884064, Jim Jacobson 816-728- 1314, Steve King 816444- 2845. 6-7-5-28C NOW IS THE TIME to do your concrete work. Call for a free estimate. C ft E Concrete. 815-388- 6-6tfc ing, Tiling. Np job too small. Free advice, no WASTES TO SIWT Responsible small house MATURE lady needs o r s p a r t m e n t , reasonable rent, must allow long time pets. McHenry or vicinity. Call after 4pm. 816886 - 9337. 5-21-6-28C NOTICE N O T I C E , T H E McHenry County Coin Club sdvises that persons buying or selling coins deal with a reputable dealer. MCCC, Box 2?1, Crystal Lake, II. 80014. 5-19-5- 21c COLOR COMPUTER Club. Join the C0C0 Comrades. Exchange ideas, knowledge, programs and fun. All ages welcome. 816-344- 1519. 5-14-6»21c HOME CARE FOR EMvly or I 4 tims to 24 Ran 7 Bays Ail* Meal Preparation _ Shopping Light Housekeeping Laundry Personal Care ALSO AVAILABLE: Nursing Care Registered Nurses Licensed Practical Nurses Home Care Assistants 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICES: 81S56S-54SS TRULY CARING SERVICES, INC. Km. 201 100 N. NuMagtsa St Marsags, H ' Licensed t Bonded £mplo»mtm Ajencv VT-T/3QTH DEAR MAY: A lady at one of last wesks shows. Social security and Sensible Shoes, referred to the music as the "Band". When cool Tom at the piano and Ray on hot drums are called a "Band", you know darn well how terrific they are. Call Susanna at Borre's for time. 815- Toots 6-21 TMT Farir CARD Of THANKS WE WOULD like to thsnk everyone who helped us and our families st the time of our accident, during our hospital stay and now during our con­ valescence st home. Agsin. . . thsnk you. Barbara Lebak Marilyn Miller 5-21 IN acastua In memory of RalykWatMr who passed away May 22, 1980 It brok* our h«arts to lot* you, But you did not go olon*. For part of u* wont with you, Tho day God callod you homo Loving wife, BOfliCO and Faily s/n FOUND FOUND: EYEGLASSES in esse, Vsl Mar Subdivision. 815 344 3368 ior 312-680- 0000. / 5-19-5-21C N0TKC Child Cor* UNLICSMSSD PACamSS CANT S8 AOVIRTISSO According to th* Child Cor* Act of 1969, It it o mi»d*m*anor to cor* for another p*r»on'« child in your hom* unl*«t that homo it lic*n«*d by th* Stot* of Illinois. It l« alto ill*gal to odv*r ti»* for such »orvk*« in an unlic*n»*d hom* Th*«* lic*n«*« or* ittuod fr** to homo* m**ting minimum standards for th* •afoty, hoolth ond w*ll b*ing of tho child. For information ond Lk*n- •ing contoct: ILLINOIS DST AKTM8NT OF CHILOHINS FAMIiV SSRVKIS Lok* Villa FMd Off ico P.O. Sox 269 215 North Milwouh** Aw* loko Villo. 111.60046 i l l l iKHUftll Ready Now! RHUBARB for pies, sauce or freezing. ASPARAGUS ^ also available In freezer quantities HEIDER'S BERRY FARM C«n a-tad for larg* quantities 2 mi. east C WoodstocK.on Bout* 120. v« mi N: on Queen Anne Hoed 815-338-0287 m STAINED Glass Learn design construction of a stained glass window. 6 two hour lessons starting June 9-880. Fee includes tool rental. Pre-registration required. Stained Pane. 815-344-4724. 5-19-5-28C TIT LOST MALE" DOG, owner heartbroken, brown labrador, an­ swers by the name of "Hudsy , vicinity of Prairie Grove and McHenry Shores. 816- 409-1791 or 816844-2888. Reward. 5-196-Hc LOST, 4MALL black Schnauzer type dog. Female wirey hair, kx^{ tall, answers to Foxy. Last seen 8:80am Sunday 6-16, Johnsburg. Family misses her. 818- 386-1787. 6-1M-21C G I V E A W A Y Dachshund, male, 8 years old. Retired couple preferred. 8l'6- 385-7321. 5-21 GIVE AWAY 6 week old long haired kittens, pan trained. Call 815-385- 3642. 6-21 FREE 4 playful kittens, 3 angora, litter trained. 815-385-0706. 6-21 HT$ fOft SALt 4 MONTH OLD, pwT 1978 CHEVETTE, 4 door hatchback, A speed, good condition, new tirss, 81,906.818-386-0994 or 816-886-7880 after 8pm. 5-21-6-28C STpCK CAR, 1970 Ckevelle, truck suspension, weight jacks, minus motor and transmission. 8200. After 8pm, 818-838-8221. 6-21 1872 CHEVY Caprice, 4 door, fair condition, 9N0J6 or best offer. After 8pm, 818-844-3000. 5-21 1977 AMC PACER, Excellent condition, new paint, low miles. 816-844-1188, S-5pm. 5- 19-8-21C 1974 CHEVY Nova Hatchback, 6 cylinder, in good condition. 816- 8-19-6-21C bred Siamese kitten, Lilac point male. 618- 3364078. 5-19-6-Hc NSTSIS 12 7EXK fSTO" registered quarter horse gelding. Excellent for speed. 815-456-3000. 5-19-8-21C OUTb '̂ANblNG 3 Veer old, 15.2 hand Egyptian bred Stall ion, for limited time, In­ troductory fee 8400.00, Standing at MAC BON Arabians, Huntley, Illinois, 815-4596585. 5- 19-5-21C HORSES BOARDED, McHenry area, fed daily, daily turn out, clean box stalls, 806 month, riding lessons also available, 816-306- 3840 after 4pm. 6-81 IIT1ATI9N WANTED LICIMSED DAV CARE. Excellent references. License number 1528704. 815-344- 3300 . 4-28-6-21C JOB WANTED, Weldsr, 40 years experience. Manual, tig, mig, can earn up to 86,000. Vicinity of McHenry. 816-844-3064. 8-18-6-21C HOUSECLEANING by Chris. Keep it clean, keep it bright. Let me do it right. 7 yeers ex­ perience. References. 815-344-4078. S-19-6-21C DAYTIME BABYSITTING In my home. Prefer agea 1-4, 81.00 an hour. Call after 8:30.815-338-2251. 6-19-6- 21c HAVE 4 available openings for your child in my home. Infante welcome. Loving Christian care. No 540000.816-344-4306. 8- 19-5-21C CANT SEE eat year nlntoas after wksler7 Have sqneege will t ravel. Wladew Washing.816-944-4618. 8- 19-6-llc ,1 1 • CAN I BE OF Help? Handy houae helper. House Cleaning Service. 1979 CADILLAC Seville, dispel, 29,000 miles, like new conAtkm, 810,700. 816-344-2443, McHenry 6-19-8-21C 1874 PINTO Hatchback, runs good, or for parte, 8280 firm. Call after lpm, 818-844-2816. 1887 DODGE, 5 or 6 ton dump truck. 82,000 or best offer. Call Fox Lake State Bank. 312- 587-2112. 5-14-6-21C 1979 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 48,000, metallic blue, 4 speed. Excellent gas miles go Needs exhauet. Must see to appreciate, 88,000 firm. After six, 815-728- 681 1880 JEEP CJ5, 6 6*21 ^cylinder, 4 speed, L-60- 15 land rovers, high beck buckets, soft top, 15,000 miles. 88,000. 818- 3869864. 5-14-6-21C ,w^ch' 24100 or 1976 CHEVY Malibu Classic, 2 • door, air, power steering, power brakes, new brakes, shocks and tires. Clean. Asking 82,200. 815-388- 5814. 6-21 1870 BUICK LeSabre Limited, 880 engine, many extras, excellent condition, 88,800 or best. 818-844-3186. 5-21-5-28 1972 PONTIAC Bon­ neville. Low miles, p.s., p.b., a.c., am-fm, new brakes It muffler. Excellent condition 81,386.818486-1836. Ml 1878 TORINO, 62,000 miles, high per­ formance engine, 81,000. Call 818-344-6778. 8-21-5- 28c 1975 CHEVLUV pickup, good runner, some rust, 8400 or best offer. 816- 388-0876 or 815-388-9377. 5-21 1067 CHEVY 4 door hardtop, good condition 83,280 or best offer. 818- 344-1718. 8-21-8-28C 1888 F 100. Fsir body, good tires h springs, shocks k exhaust system. Engine needs repair. Truck in McHenry. 8178.00 Arm. 312-098-7081. 6-14-6-21C LET US SHOP For Your Auto k Cycle In- suranace. Preferred Standard, Sub-standard budget terms. For Personal Quote, Call Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815438-3328. 8- 19-5-21C 1976 KAMBACK VEGA, 63,000 miles, rsdial Urea, Zebart, standard transmission, 81000 or best offer. 8184368292 after 6pm. 5-19-5-21c 1971 IMP ALA 400, brakes, 8800. 018-388- 5863. 6-19-641C 1978 TOYOTA Corona Mark H, 8 cylinder, 4 speed, 4 door, 23 mpg highway, new paint, tires, exhaust. Body excellent shape and running condition. 1078.00.818-726-148. 5- 19-5-21C 1972 MU8TANG Con­ vertible, 6 cylinder, 88,888.8184869188. 6-19- 8<Qc 1978 CHRYSLER Newport Custom, all acess., H.D. trailer tow package, good con­ dition. 816444-1186, 8- 8-196-21C 1974 BLAZER, hitch, 4 W.D., 82; best. 407-4006 or 819444- 1090. 5-19-5-21C CARS FOR SALE owners: 1964 Pi Signet 8850; 1887 Ford Thunderbird 8928 or offer; 1991 Mercury Cspri 86,700; 1972 Triumph GT 0 Mark III 32,250; 1974 Ford Torino Station wagon 8500; 1979 Ford Mustang 84,000; 1909 Chevrolet Novs 8300; 1970 V.W. Beetle, $850; Auto Ad-Vsntage, not a dealer, 815444- 3196. 5-19-5-21C 1973 BUICk CENTURY wagon. California car, 00,000 original miles. Original owner. Perfect condition 81,600. 815444- 2464. 5-19-6-21C 1987 SAAB, 33 miles per gallon, front wheel drive, no rust, $250.00 or best offer. 815-344-1928. 5-19-5-21C 1975 NOVA, p.s., p.b., automatic, V-8, runs great, 81,495. 818468- 1434. 5-19-541C 1976 BUICK LeSabre Estste wsgon, very dependable, some rust, must sell, asking $700. 815438-1318. 5-19-5-21C 1972 VW SUPER Beetle, not running, body good condition, 8300 or best offer. 815-3444832. 5-19- 5-21C 1978 FAIRMONT, automatic, p.s., steel belted rsdisls, fm-8 track, rust proofed, 2Smpg., 26,000 miles, $3,000.818-486-2379. 5-19- 541c 1974 CAPRI, Brown, new Interior, body okay, engine runs strong, 8680 after 0pm. 3124974006. 5-19-541C JEEP 1974 CJ0. Special Edition. Red, black top, new large tirss, white spoke wheels, 304 V4 standard trans, regular gas, lockouts, never plowed or In mud. I'm 58 years old and must sell my beauty. $8,808. 312- 8384080 or 812-409-4273. 5-194-21C 1979 PINTO Squire wagon, air conditioned, power brakes, 36,009 miles, 81,880.00.8164H-0682. 5- 19-5-21 c 1974 COMET, runs really good. Body 8068.80 1978 LE CAR Hat- Lew mileags, 8164444879. 8-144418 LICENSED CHILD day care in my l akelsnd Park Home, McHenry. Call 818-344-8868, License No. 840888. 6-19- 541c 6-19- 641C 1979 PINTO, 2 doer or offer. CaH 816438-7406. 5-194- 21c 1678 MERCURY Montego, 4 door, 8 cylinder,; P-b., p.s., runs great. Needs minor repays, $886 or best Offer. 916-728-1171. 6-16- 841C 1978 LINCOLN .Con­ tinental, 8 doer, 408 all body

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