Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1982, p. 7

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J & L Oil Romps To Third Straight 16-inch Win The J .. _ the Old a'» It-inch Softball. TtodS4aftsrtwetnnk«s,JALssnt M MB to the plate in the top of the third end scored SD run on 17 hits for s memento-- lead. The Old Bridge lack ia its half of the innh« J aloe times itself to daisy the 15-nm difference until the sixth what the OUers tallied eight more All 10 batten in the J ft L batting order hit safely lad by tenth man in the order Cliff WaDwto who had-a perfect Mbr-0 Inrhatng a pair of ta*s two hits r» l Taylor s RBI d lee doable and a eastern dhristoa by ales wMu| Mi John's Sa third straight fsme aad first by ifcytor Mi slaughter rule in a 11-4 taftbing ovsr HRs - ( winlsss Taylor Mads Golf. M4H6H M4M4- 4 RBFs. Winning pitcher Dan Quinn aad Gary Bsll each followed with tear hits tnrhsflng sn extra base blow, while Marty Lambert and Jim Murphyhad three hits each irirkidtng BUI Thomas Isd Old Bridge with some fine defense st shortstop snd at the plate with two hits indudii* a two- run double in the third. Ron iUtahsts a pair of hits. rT«ylor Start Stop gd all the U tte top of the first fire tlisss on sta hits. Ths after the sixth aporr slop scored wt tunes m inning to invoke ths 1Mb rule Beraie McKrowski scared the decking ran in the toning m a single by Bob Htoussk. Htoussk bad a Mg night for the winnsn as he became the first this season to bit for the cycle as he also doubled to the first, tripled In the a -- -M * - -a i-- *• - • - -a S4SCQDD* Bmi flOllsCSnOQ ifi UK ^Ht Included in his psi ha manes wars four runs scored and six RBTs. Jerry Brodto and Rick Wskitsch followed with four hits sach aad McKrowski reached base all five timss scoring as many (JSS)Rloassk 1(1). two Oonstructton scored in only the most of ths by edging Phyily's Inn 17 for its sscond straight win. Decker tallied eight runs to its first at torts, went three framss without a hit, then eipledsd for 11 rune in the bottom of the fifth for the win. AaaM S • I ii •! ii J -- M a A.S orfu iMCKtr singmi ana tcorw im on a hit Charlie Jeeki tM winners wnn wrec nits i Decker errors tod to 111 Phyily 's collected nine hits to ths two framss lilghllgtiiwi by neHesrtog triples by Jack White and Mick Davis. Rob White and Into OsveB Isd Phyily's st ths state with three kite each, while Bob Bum hit Ms first homer of the ssassn snd drove In foar lues and Rob White 17 the outfield. Phyily's Inn Decker Constriction HRs - (PI)BJ 8-(M)-0-(ll)-0-x-l» 1(1). (Assf May, IS double and a triple, three runs and three RBFs. Teammate Kevin MIBer also hsd three hits snd sddsd sons nifty dsfense in left field. Phyily's Inn took s temporary 13-1 Isad after four and one half as five JALOUsrs John's I Decker! Old] Phyily's] Tsylor Mads Golf w 1 . s o r o s 1 1 s 0 s - . 0 I Csri Moeschs srnereo s pair oc ntts. timss scoring as msny runs. - - am a • an - liMI Kiornan Wins Singles Handily DlVOt DOllS 31 MCC Bullpen By Carl Dan Kiernan hss hsd little trouble winning singlss hsndily. A junior on the Johnsburg high school tennis teem, Kierasn hss besn coach Denny Spraetz' No. one singles plsyer all season snd hss played like he's number one. A returning stste plsyer, the Johnsburg southpaw is coming to the end of another impressive season as his record reflects. With consistent, overpowering performances, Kiernan improved his record to 11-0 last week snd slso notched the last SHARK conference singles championship. He opened the week by defeating his Woodstock opponent in straight sets, then showed why he wss seeded number one at the conference meet on Ssturdsy by disposing of three op- >i jtiyiiiiiiv Dsn Kiernan Player of the Week May MS pflntttiT in the same """yfT to cap­ ture ths crown. In the conference title match, he won over Marian Central's fine player Scott Truckenbrod M, 7-4. Kiernan has besn ths only payor to defeat Truckenbrod this ssason and he has done it twice. This weekend, Kieraftn looks shsad to the District meet which wiH be held st both Crystal Lske high schosls. He will be one of the top sssdod players in the District, if the not the top seed ana has his goal set on a return trip to stste. My Plsyer of the Week for Msy 8-15: Dan Kiernan of Johnsburg. (Editor's note ^-iCiernan won in straight sets on Tuesday of this week sgsinst Grayslake to up his record to 11-0). HONORABLE MENTIONS Cherl Keller, Johnsburg senior track star who qualified for state after winning the long Jump st ths Lisle District with s nap of 5.08 meters; Arte Aktos, who won the shot put and the 100 yard dash at a Dundee triangular, then successfully defended his FVC titles in the 100 snd the 200 meters winning both events st Saturday's meet; Wade CepaUs, who captured both the one mile and the two events at that triangular then ran on McHenry's winning 3300 relay team at conference; Joyce Ken- nebeck, who hurled, two more wins for Marian Central to improve her record to 4-2; Joe Meyers, who hit a three-run homer .and a two-run single ss Johnsburg dsfeatad Richmond 4-4 avenging an earlier no-hit toes to the Rockets; lUMa Geiger, McHsnry junior whose grand stem homer defeeted Crystal Lake South 10-4; Scott Trackeabred; No. one singles player for Msrisn who won twice during the week then placed second in the SHARK conference meet; 8cett Rhode; McHenry Junior who defeated unbeaten Scott Ahlman of i and placed fourth in the FVC meet at No. one singles; and Bob Stsaeti and Jeha lleadrlssea. John- sburg's No. one doubles team who remained undefeated with a win at Woodstock snd who captured the SHARK conference doubles title Ssturdsy. / Carl Moesche previously Dundee an< jor Division Begins Play A Low Not Fruits of Labor evsnt on Tussdsy the 17th brought a numbsr of good golf rounds for ths tediss of McHsnry Country chib. A staesble list of birdies and chip-ins combined with idsal weathsr conditions mads for ons of ths most pleasant dsys for the gals to dste. Floss O'CotmeU chipped in on No. 1 to hold per as did Msrlens Smith on No. S and Carol Cooney on No. 7. Also recording chip-ins were Speedy Neumsn on IS, Evto Castle on 17 snd Glsdys Msrfield on No. 18. to the birdie tree were Lynn on 12 snd 14, Jsnet Conway snd Jo Ready on No. 14, Marlene Smith on 14 and 14, Kathy Lundqulst on 14 snd Ch»p«l Hill The Tuesdsy Lsdies League standings as of Msy 18 found Mar Ray Costumes leeding by three and one- half for a total of 20 points. Top Dock was to sscond ptoce with lSVfc, followed by Christie Group with 18, Little Chef 14, Ksthy's 14, Fox Hols Pins IS 4, Nowsk Construction IS snd McHenry Floral 12. Lou LsBsy and Libby Johnson tied with s SS for low nets on Msy 11 in class A, Betty Gossell snd Arlys Aim tied with s SS in clsss B snd Msris Tonysn won in class C with s 24. Nsncy Joffers chipped in the hole from the send trap on numbsr 10 for s birdie two. Nsncy McAuliffe got her birdie on number five. Lou LaBay told me she had a bird last wesk that ws failed to report. She couldn't claim s bird this time but wss proud of one putting six holss. There were some nice chip-ins, Judy Dominik on no. 11, Lois An­ derson on IS snd Shirley "Mother" Dswson chipped-in from 100 yards out on No. nins. The only mishap I heard about was when Sharon D^ahanty hit the beD with her three iron and It broke in two pieces, one-hslf following the bsll. "And it wss my fsvorite iron", lsmented Shsron. Obviously she didn't buy It in our pro shop. Let's hope this perfect weather continues every Tuesdsy for good golfing sll summer. Esta Pitts Betty Phelan on 18. The gal to make the best combinstkm. Betty Mohan who flew hsr (hive out of the sand trap and directly into the cup on IS for both s births snd a chip-in While Betty Rode commented that she had her beat game to data, Carolyn Harger said her lips are sealed regarding her game but Bernice Dolce was sncouraged enough with soms of hsr shots to announce she will bs back. With "Sparkle" Miller temporarily out of commission, few contributions are being recorded to the antics dspart- ment. Consequently, much of this report will bs straight golfing rssults. While Alvina Yonp had 82 for low gross of the dsy Floss O'CoansU low netted in Class A with 72. In Class B Gloria Otth took low nst with 71. Shs slso low grosssd in hsr class with an even 100. A low net of 77 put Joan Schloskey in first pises In Class C while s tie betwesn Speedy Neumsn snd Ursuls Cislisk in Class D nsttod them both sn 80. With the greens now coming into fine shspe some of ths gals were exhibiting their skills with their low putts. In thst category Low Putts of the day were rolled In by Evto Castls in Clsss B who nssdsd only M putts to get her sround ths 18. And now thst Betty Phelsn's eyes are working so well she low-potted in Class A with 27. In Clsss C s thrse-wsy tie betwesn Josn Schloskey, Jsnet Conwsy snd Ethel Koehler lave sach of them SS putts. Clsss D slso recorded s tie, this a four-way ons bstwsen Speedy Neumsn, Bstty Gossell, Ursuls Cisliek snd Rita Ssyisr, giving sach of them 32 putts. Next week the snnusl Flsg Dsy tournsment will be played to con- Junction with qualifying for Clsss Match Play. Match Play will bagto June l snd run for thrss rounds. TUthsn, Happy Golfing little League Practice A structured little toegus practice for plsyers sgsd seven snd older will be held on Sst., June 4 st ths V.F.W. field beginning st 4:00 s.m. For more informs tion on this free clinic cell Butch Msyers st 3444172. elines 11m sports The major division of the McHemry Youth basebell program is off snd running giving promise to s tight race. The Owls and the Ravens began their season openers with s 5- 5 tie in sn extra inning affsir. The Owls won their second game by blanking the Bhisbirds 4-0 behind Norm Swsnson's three hitter. In other) ga Howertonfref second snut games, Chris ^registered the out of the season ss he pitched the Hawks to s 4-0 win over the Condors. The Cardinals downed the Falcons 4-5 behind winning pitcher Dels Tirado, snd the Eagles topped theOrioles 4-4 in s gsme closer thsn ths score indies tes. The major division includes 12 snd 13-yeer- olds in s nine teem leegue with gsmes played at the V.F.W. complex. BUI Roy CrtSil Nationally, our consumer debt load (short-term install­ ment credit) averages more than S3.000 for every man, woman and child. spun eons NOW IN STOCK! Adidas Shoe adiaas -4 [Coast toCoast Panasonic Video Cassette Recorder $ 544 Reg. *795°° 00 Psnasonlc PV-1270 205-2009 • Record fsvorite TV programs or home movies with optional camera.. • Built-in digital clock with time on and time off for recording while away. • Record one ststion while viewing snot her • Hss psuse mode snd rsmote pause control. • Auto-digital memory counter for auto stop while rewinding. • Switchsbto from 2 to 4 to 6 hr. recording. • Soft touch controls. • Complete with see. for hook up to all typos of TV sets snd sntennas. [GoasttoGoast McHENRY MARKET PLACE 31*4*55 By Dick Rabbit M H,, -« flelaw unauy winding down ai MCnenry nign. onan wusons Dsespaii crew flnishsdoff ths regular sssson this wesk, aad aow are looking forward to a new ssason at the Fresport Regional It ssems sifiy tor a team to travel 70 milss Just to play a bassball gams than dsys. I hops thsy have a nice bus trip.' ' Gary Gray's tennis tsam enters the Crystal Lske South District msst this weekend Highly probable st this writing that the Warriors could qualify a few for the state tourney st Arlington Hsiglrts nsxt assksnd They finished third last wsekend in the Fox Vsllsy, snd ths numbsr two tsam, Dundss Is entered st Larldn of Elgin The girls Softball tssm also doses their rsgulsr sssson this week, and will wait for the state tourney sometime in the future. Dsn Ses ton's girls track team clooed out thsir season last with no ens qualifying tor the ststo finals. Injuries snd iQnsss the Warriors at the tail end of the ssason. Jean Nstoli and hsr badminton team enter the state district this wssksnd. Haven't heard much from the teem this spring,but you can bat thsar will hold thsir own in district play. • •••' - Dsn Boland's track team tied for third last No in ths Fox Valley in the field events rsslly hurt ths Warriors, snd a tion ins relay, reslly hurt the team. aderCoach! 1 Lake Central under < ipwMliinsliln Ths Tigers of meet, ana victory was sweet for the vetsran coach of ths Tigers. Six of Ms distancs runners were ruled eligible on Wednesday, and msy i Dick Ktoepferwonlbe scored 44 of ths team's 133 points, enough to ensure ths victory. Ths Warriors are at BeMdsrs tonight for the District, compsting with ths Rockford schools, DeKalb, Crystel Lske South, end Central, RochsUs, Fresport, snd s few others that I can't name at ths present Competition will be tough, but we are hoping for some sthlstss to quslify for the state finals st Chsrleston nsxt week. On Monday for ths first time in memory or history, Msrsngo will hoot the McHenry County Meet to show off their new sll wssthsr track. This will bs quits s experience tor good friend Rod Poppe snd ths Msrengo s l o t* " ~ * staff, be quite a .asittskc lot of work to run off a successful track svent. Thsre sre s lot of long distsnce running events taking place during ths All of them sre for good csusss, whethsr it bs for the Heart Fund, or some other charitable organisation. If any of you readers are In charge of I beg yc year. IUSSS, A tion. If 4 such sn event, msy I beg you to chock with Athletic Director Joe Scblender of McHenry high school, before sllowing s high school boy or girl to psrticipste. Ths tUtoois High School Athlstk Associstion is reel strict in ths participation of high school athletes, boy or girl, during the school year. Quito a few of the area schools ran Into a lot of trouble this past year, namely Crystal Lake Central, and It is not worth It for a boy to run In a event, that maybe later will make him ineligible to participate for the high school be represents. So if any of you readers sponssr such sn event, check with Jos Sc blender, before letting s student psrticipste. He will fed bettor, you will fed better, snd the sthletic teem ths psrson represents will slso rod better. . MODEL 7114 GARDEN TRACTOR WITH 14 H P. CAST IRON KOHLER INCLUDES: •42" Mower Deck *Hydro-Static Transmission •Rear PTO • Limited Slip Differential •Heavy Duty Automotive Type Battery •3 Gal. Fuel Tank Can be filled without opening the hood. •Heavy Duty Cast Iron Engines Which Are Eosy To Service g Lubricate Without 1A-i- Jhgi /Even Opening The Hood. t SAVE W Sugg retail 4390** NWM.Y *3600" ROSS BUS SALES 1 8 0 1 W RTE 120 M r HE NRY 1 MILE E OE TOWN (815) 344 0822 miiiiiSlfil IIJM1IIIII - 4S4Mxs« ra s • 18 S 4060

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