Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1982, p. 12

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PAGE 12 - PLAINDEALER*- WEDNESDAY. MAY 28. 1M2 m SA it m mi R I D I N G L A W N MOWER, 4 hp, runs good $75.00. 815-385-3121 after 6pm. 5-26-5-28c REESE BOLT On Receiver fits Chevy or GMC ton pickup $65.00; Bolt on Class A bumper hitch fits Chevy or GMC ton chrome bumper $30.00; Kelcy H a y e s e l e c t r i c hydraulic brake $35.00; One L78-15 white wall tire new with rim $40.00; 1 set Fender mirrors , adjustable clamp $20.00. 497-3358 after 5pm. 5-26- 5-28c 1 WOOD FRAME Window, double glazed 33"x75"; 2 wood frame windows thermopane 20"-61"; 4 wood casement window 33"xl7". No reasonable o f f e r r e f u s e d r Lakemoor 815-385-2933. 5-26-5-28c GIRLS CLOTHING, Excellent condition, size 3T thru 6, coats, pant outfits, shorts, tops, pants, dresses and more 815-385-2117 5-26- 5-28<? FOR SALE, One long Diesel tractor model 455, year 75-76 with 3 point hitch, towbar, counterweights with hyd cylinder for equipment, power take off, 1900 hours only; One 340 International gas tractor, no 3 pt hitch, needs work; One 6' Heavy duty brushhog; One 12" post hole digger; One 8' heavy duty grader blade; One Auburn, 9' boom trencher, digs 8"-18" width, for parts Lakemoor, 815 385 2933 5-26-5 28C mm TO 8UV WANTED TO BUY, Pontoon boat 24 ft., 35 to 50 hp 815-653-7916 5 26 5 28c CASH PAID For Junk Johnson or Evinrude Outboard Motors. 815- 385-4056 5-51 fc WANTED Chris Craft or Century Wood inboard boat, 17 lo 21 ft Finders fee M i k e 815-385-8175 5-26-6-4C WANTED Electric Lawnmower 815-338- '2306 5 26 5 28c WANTED ANY Old Oriental Hugs to Buy, Any Condition Call Roberta 1414 728-6190 Also Selling 3 10-6-25c CASH PAID For Junk cars, running or not Immediate removal; 312 526-3116, , 5-5tfc SLOT MACHINES wanted Paying over $600 cash Any con­ dition Also 78 RPM Wurlitzer Juke Boxes 414 248 3796 1 13 7 2c MOVING? CLEANING HOUSE" Buying An­ tique Furniture, China, Glassware, Lamps, Xmas Ornaments, Etc. 815-678-4141 4 7-5 28c WANTED: Autos, All makes and models, running or not ("ash paid 24 hours pickup service 815 728 1171 5 55 28c FOR RENT INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritzsche Industrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq ft to 15,000 sq ft 815 385 1079 5-5tfc 3 M O N T H S F R E E RENT, New modern building, with plenty of parking Next to Post office and 4 block from bank 5 offices to choose from, rents range from $50 00 per month to $150 00, depending on office selected. Call 815- 728-0404 5-5tfc 1 BEDROOM Apart­ ment, air conditioned, includes heat, stove and refrigerator; $250.00. Call 815-385-3490. 5-26tfc LOVELY 4 Bedroom home in beautiful quiet subdivision of Wonder Lake, $475.00 month. References and security deposit. 815-338-7405. 5- 26-5-28C FEMALE WANTED To share 3 bedroom home, 2 kids O.K., no pets, $325.00 per month, in­ cluding utilities. Wonder Lake. 'Call between 5-7pm, 815-344- 4379 ask for Bill. 5-26-5- 28c 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENTS, James and Third Street. McHenrv. Call 312 381 2059 or 312- 381-6107. 5-5tfc 3 BEDROOM Raised Ranch 2 baths, Large living and dining area, deck, family room with fireplace, Central air, stove and refrigrator. Next to Peterson Park, .('lose to new Jewel and Shopping Center. No pets, $510 00 per month plus security deposit. Available June. 815-385- 6181 5-26-6-4C JOHNSBURG One plus bedroom cottage, on secluded 40 acres Stove and refrigerator in­ cluded, $350 00 per month, plus utilities and security deposit, 312- 787 8686 or 312-871-6225. 5-26 5-28C SINGLE FEMALE, no children, to share 2 bedroom Condominium in Waters Edge Call 815-344 3949 5-21-5-26 * : 2 STORY HOME, 4 b e d r o o m s , f u l l basement, 14 baths, 2 car garage, within walking distance to stores and church, references and security deposit 815-385-0741. 5- 21-5- 28c 4 BEDROOM House in Spring Grove, $375 month, one month security Available June 15, 815-385-1811 or 312- 566-4900, Leave message for Doris. 5-21tfc FARM HOUSE, for rent,' 3-4 bedrooms, totally remodeled flat, on approximately 1 acre of shaded and rolling landscape Ix>cated in countryside near Rich­ mond, children and pets welcome $395.00 month, 815-678-4575 5-19tfc VERY CLEAN, 3 bedroom ranch home Large yard, central air, carpeting, drapes, attached 1 car garage, refrigerator, stove, McHenry Shores. No pets $400 00 month, first and lasts months rent in advance References required, 1 year lease, available immediately 815-344-3669 after 5pm 5-26-6-4C 2 BEDROOM Apart­ ment with stove, refrigerator and air c o n d i t i o n e r . N o children, no pets References, lease and deposit required $295 00 month plus utilities. Available July 1st. 815- 385-7065 5-5tfc CLEAN. FURNISHED A p a r t m e n t , O n e bedroom 815-385-8905 or 815 385-0266 5-5tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent Seating capacity for 400 Call 815 385 9860 from 9am to 12 weekdays or after 6pm 5-5tfc READY NOW, 2 bedroom apartment, with stove and refrigerator, dish­ w a s h e r . c a r p e t e d throughout, 24 baths. 8153852181 5-5tfc 1 BEDROOM SUBLET, ready now, fully car­ peted. with stove and refrigerator 815-385- 7830 5-5tfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT, References and s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t required 815-385-1079. 5*5tfc L A R G E O N E B E D R O O M A p a r t ­ ments, $275 00 plus utilities. Security deposit required. No pets 815 385-0292 or 815- 344 1035 5-5tfC CLEAN \SLEEPING ROOMS. Daily or Weekly rates. 815-385 8905 or 815 385-0266 5 5tfc OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT ll it »im« for you to . mow# up? Do*s your current .office spa11> repiotent you well to youf clients? Luxurious space available in modem Richmond Bldg. on U.S. Rte 12 125 sq •». to 1.000 «q It All utilities included. Call Bob May 815-678-4575 j sr» SMALL HOME, Wonder Lake, 3 bedrooms, garage. Available June 15th, one yOar lease, $325.00 per month plus utilities. 312-361-3480. 5- 26-5-28c ' 2 BEDROOM fiOME, in town of McHenry New c a r p e t i n g , s t o v e , refrigerator, freshly p a i n ( e d . C o u p l e preferred, security deposit and references. Available now $450.00. 815-385-2012. 5-26-5-28c HILLSIDE RANCH, 4 bedroom, 14 baths, fireplace, 24 car garage, $450:00 per month, plus deposit. Realty World Durbin Stovall, 815-385-8060. 5 26-5-28c 4 ROOM HOME, prefer working couple, no pets, s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t required 815-728-0681. 5-26-5-28c RICHMOND, 1 bedroom apartment, all utilities plus garage space. Ideal for adults $275.00 per m o n t h A d d i t i o n a l garage space $25.00 per month. Call 815-678-4505. V* 5-26-5-28c READY NOW, Large r bedroom apartment, very clean, carpeted, appliances, big closets In town McHenry. Security deposit. 815- 344-0255. 5-26-5-28c HOUSE FOR RENT in McHenry 4-5 bedrooms, 24 baths, $550 00 per month 815-385-2415. 5 264-28C 1 & ' 2 BEDROOM Apartment in City of McHenry Security, privacy and luxury Call For appointment 815 385 3192 or 815-385-7632. 5-26-5-28c LADY TO SHARE Home and expenses. Private lake, bus and shopping. Reply to Rox MA 3, in care of McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 West Elm Street, McHenry, II 60050 5-26- 5-28c f\ Q U I E T W a t e r f r o n t duplex in town 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, patio, garage Adults, $375 00 plus security deposit 815-385-3493 5-26tfc OFFICE SPACE, 236 sq ft utilities included, plenty of parking 815- 385-8700 5-5tfc 5 BIRTHS LAKELAND PARK & Carol Comlnsky _ LAKELAND SHORES : 365-7246 Sue and Mike Rausch, 553 Amrine Mill road, M a r y s v i l l e , O h i o , became parents of their third child May 9 and named her Michelle lxmise The 8 lbs. 14 oz baby girl was born at MfHenry hospital She has two sisters, Angela and Stephanie. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Alfred Gantert of Marysville. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Rausch, also of M a r y s v i l l e , a r e t h e paternal grandparents M a t e r n a l g r e a t - grandparents are Mr and Mrs Alfred Gantert of Wonder Lake, III Mr and Mrs Mark Slazakowski, 11515 Route 12, Richmond, HI announce the birth of their first fhild on May 17 Joshua Michael was born at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodstock and weighed 7 lbs 8 oz Maternal grandparents are Pat and Roy Kevek $ n d J i m a n d B a r b C o l b e r g , a l l o f McHenry Mr and Mrs Chester Slazakowski of Sterling Heights, Mich are the paternal grandparents Mr and Mrs Edward Steadman of Lakemoor are the i n f a n t ' s g r e a t - grandparents A baby girl was born May 8. at Good S h e p h e r d h o s p i t a l , Barrington, to Darald and Tina Krieger of McHenry and they named her Jennifer Nicole. The 6 lbs 14 oz. infant has a brother Jeremy, age four and a half Dolores Poplar of Williams Bay, Wis. is the maternal grand­ mother The paternal grandmother is Myrtle Krieger of Ml Prospect. Jeffrey Martin is the name chosen by Alvin and Roxanne McKee, Jr.. 2608 Fair Oak lane, McHenry, for theiT second child and first son. The 8 lbs. 4 oz. Girl Scouts Hold ' Year End Events We have some end of the year i about Girl Scout Troop 320 and Brownie Troop 464. The junior girls invited the younger girls to their meeting last week and put on a temne stick show for them. The brownies also learned all about how junior scouts are run and then everyone enjoyed cookies and punch. Troop 320 had their court of awards recently. They can be yery proud of a job well done since they were the ones who planned the whole evening from the beginning to time for deesert, which they also took care of. The brownies held their fly-up ceremony for the older girls going into the junior troop next September. A chicken dinner was served after the ceremony for everyone who attended. Most scout troops take a break during the summer months but not thete girls. They have all become such good friends this school year they decided to plan some events to get together this summer. IN THE HOSPITAL This week's column is very short because Jami Cominsky entered McHenry hospital last Thursday for tests I had a few stories to report but I decided to hold them another week when I have more time. I hope you all join me in sending her good wishes for a speedy recovery. HAPPY BIRTHDAY We send good wishes to Ann baby boy arrived at Memorial hospital for M c H e n r y c o u n t y , Woodstock May 7, He has a three-and-a-half- year old sister, Jennifer Ann Maternal grand­ parents are Rocco and Geri Delfino of McHenry. Alvin and Phyllis McKee,-sSr. of McHenry are | the paternal grandparents. Great grandparents include Mr. and Mrs, Clavelli of River Grove,, III , Mrs Nora McKee of Phelps, Wis ; and Mrs Martha Lange of Forrest Park, 111. G a r y a n d J a n e t Schultz of Wonder Lake became parents of their second daughter May 5. Heidi Jane was born at Good Shepherd hospital, B a r r i n g t o n , a n d weighed 6 lbs 104 oz. Sh<> has a sister, Emily Marie, age 18 months. Maternal grandparents are Albert and I^aura Marulli of Lake Zurich, III Donald and Mary Schultz of Huntley, 111. are the paternal grandparents. V>al>v girl weighing 5 lbs 14 oz. was born on May 1 to Patricia and John Carter of Wonder Lake Tasha Lee en­ tered the world at Good S h e p h e r d h o s p i t a l , Barrington and was e a g e r l y a w a i t e d a t home by her four-year- old sister, Tia Louise. Maternal grandparents are Sidney and Marguerite Jenkins of Aurora, Colo. Ixnaise Carter of McHenry is the infant's paternal grandmother.- Among recent births recorded at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodstock was the May 19 birth of a girl to Mr and Mrs Patrick Hagberg of McHenry; and the May 23 birth of a boy to Mr and Mrs Daniel C.rabow of McHenry \ v~ Kosieriacki and Patty Jo Mullen on May 28. Our neighbor Mike Mohawk has his special day May 27 and he shares it with Johnnie Hemfle, Jen­ nifer Worth, Linda Serpe and Brenda Kreutzer. May 28 is the day Jason Hovan will be 10 years old ̂Rosalie Slonina, Bernard Mayer mid Keith Justen will celebrate on the 29th. Scott Stephens turns 10 on the 30th and he shares his day with Cheryl Nuss and Jim Dawson. Wishes for a great day go to Gail Hutt and Yvonne Arroyo May 31. June 1 is another birthday for George Lauer, Bob Rode, Julie Perry, Sherie Ann Knaack and Matthew Schwartz. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Mark and Linda Serpe will celebrate their ninth anniversary May 26. June 1 is the day two couples celebrate 38 years together. They are Agnes and Joe Prazak and Alice and Jerry Sullivan. Best wishes to each of you. -"v HAPPY HOLIDAY I hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial day weekend. Most of us have three days off, so make the most of it. MUNICIPAL MEETING Mayor Paul Lenz of Alton, 111., president of the Illinois municipal league, will be guest speaker for the May 28 meeting of the McHenry County Municipal association. A 7:30 dinner will be served at the Town and Country restaurant, Harvard, at a meeting hosted by Mayor Godo and the City of Harvard. The nominating committee will present a slate of new officers. Deaths hoy lance _ Roy C. Lance, 88, of McHenry, formerly of Antioch, died Monday, May.24, at McHenry hospital. He was born Oct. 5,1886, in Indianapolis, Ind., to Moses and Belle (Grant) Lance. Mr. Lance moved to Chicago in his late teens and became a purchasing agent for Sinclair Oil Co. where he worked for 40 years. He was a resident of Antioch for 20 years and belonged to St. Peter's Catholic church, Antioch Surviving are his daughter, Laretta "Lone" Andrews of Grayslake; a son Roy df Libertyville, 111.; three grandchildren, James Anzelmo of McHeiry and Barbara Lee EngdahJ and Mrs. Brian (Lynn) Bachofner of Libertyville; and six " great- He was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers and one sister. Visitation was scheduled from 10 a.m. until the time of a Messing at 11:30, in the George R. Justen it Son funeral home, with entombment in Queen of Heaven cemetery. , AMELIA PETERSON Amelia "Millie" Peterson of Regner road McHenry, died Friday, May 21, at Sunset Manor Nursing Home, Woodstock, 111. She was 90 years old, born in Chicago April 4, 1892, the daughter of Karl and Christine (Spurgeon) Erhardt. Mrs. Peterson lived in the McHenry area about SO years, having come from Chicago. She is survived by one son, C. R. "Chuck" Peterson of McHenry; three granddaughters, Virginia, Valerie and Vicld; and three great-grandsons. She was preceded in death by her husband Clarence V. "Charlie" Peterson, Dec. 29, 1974; and one sister, Mrs. Louise Hennig. Funeral services were held at 11 a m Monday, at the Peter M. Justen '4 Son funeral home, with Pastor Thomas Lowery of the First United Methodist church, McHenry, of­ ficiating Burial was in Montrose cemetery, Chicago. The family would" appreciate memorial contributions to the Pirit United Methodist church. CONCHITA SALM Conchita Salm, 81, of McHenry, died Friday. May 21, in McHenry h " * She was born in Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 6, 1900, to Peter and (Domenick) Olle. She became a U .S. Citizen in the late ~ 1920 s; resided in Cary, m. and moved to McHenry nine years ago; was a dressmaker for many years; and had been a member of Alliance Bible church. Surviving are a niece, Sharon Pedraza and a grand-nephew, Ken­ neth Pedraza of McHenry. Visitation was held at 10 a.m. Monday, in the George R. Justen k Son funeral home, with services ' following at 11, officiated by the Reverend Gerald Robertson of Alliance Bible church. IntermeaLyas in the Cary cemetery, Cary, 111;: \ ,r. w„ RIVER WARNING McHenry County Sheriff! "Hank" Nulle announced (hiring the period of const of the new Rawson Bridge ovm" the Fox River this summer, the area Mil be designated a "No Wake" zone. Twelve "slow" ahd "no wake" buoys have been placed on the river to warn boaters for the protection and safety of boaters as well as construction crews working on the new bridge, Sheriff Nulle said. iu • IF HOW 10 SUBSCRIBE 10 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W Elm Street McHenry, ll. 60050 ! 3 YEARS $40.00 ! 3 YEARS • $40.00 • 2 YEARS • $29.50 f 1 1 YEAR-$14.50 [16 MONTHS $9.50 [ ] PAYMENT ENCLOSED Name Address City Prices good in ' A/cHenry County • >•:¥ . «• MY DAD'S THE GREATEST ENTER THE PLAINDEALER'S "MY DAD'S THE GREATEST!" CONTEST. Just tell why your dad is the Greatest in fifty (50) words or less. v Contest open to children Ten (10) years of age and under. P.S. Please Mom, No Help! Tickets To Marriotts MEAT AMERICA! 5 , j X, •>* * *V* "0 *v • j.< i'i • x GRAND PRIZE My Dad's the greatest because « I m All letters will be printed in our Forfar's Day newspaper supplement. June 16 NAME AGE ENTRIES MUST BE RETURNED TO THE PLAINDEALER OFFICE, 3S12 W. ELM ST.. BY NOON, THUR SDAY, JUNE 10th ADDRESS NUMBER OF BROTHERS <* SISTERS : " . ' • -- HI

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