Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1982, p. 8

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PAtiE h . PLAlNO£ AIJER - FMDAIft MAY U, 1866 'Ci • W " r Mffivri NHB B «P» WW . . / Warning Against 'Silent Killer' May Is National High Blood ProMuro month, and McHenry hospital reminds the public that K 1s vital to troat high Mood u»w--i for 'life'. Known at tbo "Ant killer" > hypertension lyinptomo noticeable in the eerty a of the disease, hWi blood nrewe af­ fects approximately 00 pso fects approximately 101 in tins country. It Is s debilitating condition that increases the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and kidney failure, and the higher the blood pressure, the i the risk of illness and early dseth. The first symptoms thet . may be til i llness or although not everyone with complaints necessarily has high Mood pressure. Whet exactly is meent by the term Mood pressure? The main artery leaving the heart is the aorta, and large arteries diverge from it and branch into small vessels called ar­ terioles. Tbsse stem into even smaller capillaries. As the hsart pomps Mood, it altsrnstaly aspands and contracts. As Mood is forced through the ar­ teries, the veesel walk, which are elastic, stretch and contract in rceponoo to the ptsssurs. The pressure registered against arterial walls eech time the heart beats - usually betoesu 70 and 96 times a minute - Is termed systolic, snd is the higher of the two numbers oood to *•****• Html pressure. The second, or lower number, Is the diastolic pressure, and measures the decreased force of Mood against vessel wells which occurs when the heart relaxes between beats. A normal Mood pressure reading for adults sged IS to 46 is rwiilsieil by most doctors to be between Mteser 10 end 140 over 96. Mild most physicians agree 140 over 90 to 196 over M. Many physicians believe that a diastolic reading high# then 66 can be significant in somepatieots, and may advise reduced sen Make, weight reduction, or other appropriate PLANT NOW FOR SUMMER BEAUTY SHADE & PRIVACY Why waste time and gas? Buy from the Grower. Flowerwood has the most complete Nursery-Garden Center - Floral Service in Northern Illinois BLOOMING GERANIUMS "Carefree Hybrids" Red - Pink - White Mood pressure tends to nm in and can affect people of any ege, including children. If a family has a history of high Mood pressure, McHenry hospital suggests thst the children in me family ihould also have their pressure chocked periodically as part of a examinstion. The risk of high blood pressors at any ags in­ creases if one Is overweight, smokes heavily, or has s stressful lifestyle Any of all of these factors, plus her- sre urgent messages to be ' by s doctor and to begin to trestment. •Hi who are on Mood pressure medication if faithfully, particularly if they begin to fed better. They return to a diet heavy in caffein, salt, or alcohol, and may slack off on thsir weight reduction or exercioe program. High blood pressure is never cared, however, but it can be controlled if the doctor's advice is followed, and if blood pressure is mooltored 3&S appropriate tn Many people preocribed fell to take FOOD FOR FISH-Gary SchmiU, fourth Edgebrook school, proses Is to Principal 1 contributions of feed which will be given to the organisation of FISH (Friends la Service Here). The Moo by Gary through a which o project of eemaiaaity vahw was sslstkid. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD 4 Plant Pak 2.49 32 Plant Flat... '18.50 4f you have never planted N "Carefree" type Bedding Ceraniums you have missed a colorful experience! BIG BUSHY (Reg 2 19) %^ rtk GERANIUMS - 4V," Pot * I .D!# BIG PLANT TUB SALE GERANIUMS Lage 8" Pots $8.49 MARIGOLDS - Bushy Individual Plants *1.49 (Reg $2 10) 4'//"Pots Hardy RHODODENDRONS and AZALEAS in Full Bloom RHODODENDRONS AZALEAS $1 9.88 (Reg 26 50) $1 6*88 (Reg 21 50) EVERGREEN SALE...MCKS Y^W**! 1/2 Price...*19.95 3#w) Fast Crowing Green Cood for Shade HEDGE SALE GLAVEYS DWARF HONEYSUCKLE 24-30 inch potted $8.88 (Reg 12 50) A good compact shrub yellow flowers in May ALL SHADE TREES... Save 20% Sizes from 6 to 15 ft Sale Prices Start At *20.75 Pin Qak & Red Oak (Reg 25 95) GREENHOUSE SALE All Cactus & Succulents SAVE 30% Sale Priced from S1.59 Blooming Gloxinias *10.00 (Reg 12 50) GIFT SALE,,, OFF THE WALL SALE 1/3 OFF ANYTHING HANGING ON THE WALLS IN OUR GIFT SHOP. All Artificial Flower-Door & Wall Hangings - June 2nd Fresh Flower Special... SUPER BLOOMERS CARNATIONS 59Sa. (Ke t l 84 ) The All Around Answer For Lawn & Garden Insect Protection! The Professionals A T Flowerwood Recommend pr <E> Spectracide Accu-Blend Insecticide Sprayer Kit • Eeey to ueo hoso ond sprayer • No mixing, no waeto. • Inciudoo 1 pint can Spoctracide* Lawn & Garden Insect Control Suggested retail value $23.21 (if purchased separately) Our Price $17 .19 SAVE $6.02 it Manufacturer's mail-In refund $2.00 Total Potential Savings $8.02 Nursery Guarantee 100% For A Year Sale Ends June 6 • Open Monday, May 31 Memorial Day 9:00 to 5:00 IIMI94200 owerwo Route 14 0 ITS, Crystal Lake i which go oo yeer- hoepital's public further informatioa on Outreach programs or the Mood pressure screenings which i round, call the relations department at SM^SSOO, extension 710. Outreach services hi the immediate area include McHenry, senior citizens, first Thursday, 10:46 to \2A$; Moose lodge, Bit W. Roma 190, i McHenry; Whisporing Hills, first Thursday, 2 to S:I0; Community house, Jeffrey-Oeffling, McHenry. SERVICE NEWS The airman will specialized Inotructlo ministration field. He Is a 1661 gradu Central Catholic receive the ad- aate of Marian school PROTECTING PERSONAL MAIL Typing "personal" on the front of s highly confidential letter might not ensure the privacy of a message. For more protection, use a large, colorful marker and handprint the name of the recipient on the front and hack of the envelope. Put the seeled lettsr Into a larger envelope, and again mark personal on front and back. Training Ends For Marine Marine Pvt. Theodore J. Natzel, son of Leslie G. and Judith L. Natzel of 4614 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, has completed recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit depot, Parris island, S.C. During the 11-week training cycle, he learned the basics of battlefield survivsl. He was introduced to the typical daily routine that he will ex­ perience during his enlistment snd studied the personal and profeeaional standards traditionally exhibited by Marines. He participated in an activd physical conditioning program and gained proficiency in a variety of Earns Degree While In Japan Staff Sgt. Robert L. Murray, son of Elaine Murray of 5806 E. Lake Shore drive, Wondsr Lake, bee earned a Recruit Training military skills, including first aid, rifle marksmanahip and close order drill. Teamwork and self-discipline were emphasized throughout the training cycle. A 1961 graduate of Marian Central Catholic high school, he joined the Marine corps in March, 1961. FOXHOLE TAP & PIZZERIA NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH! 11 AM DAILY ^Mond Corner of Riverside Dr. ft Rte. McHenry Call ahead for quicker service I 385-6710 FRONT WHEEL DRIVE ECONOMY Navy Seaman Recruit Gerald G. Baczkowski, son of Gerald P. and Eileen V. Baczkowski of 5001 Bromley, McHenry, has completed recruit training at the Naval Training center, San Diego. During the eight-week training cycle, trainees studied general military subjects designed to prepare them for further academic and on-the- in one of the Navy's 66 occupational fields. Included in their studies were seamanship, clooe order drill, Naval history and first aid. Personnel who complete this course of instruction are eligible for three hours of college credit in Physical Education and Hygiene. He Joined the Navy in December, 1961. Wills To Keesler Wills. SOB Wills of mi Miss., after completing Air Force basic training. During the six weeks at Lackland Air Force base, Texas, the airman studied the Air Force mission, organisation and customs and received special training In human relations. In addition, airmen who complete bask training earn credits toward an aaaodate degree In applied ffHopt through theCommunity college of the Air Force. Maryland in Japan. Murray has completed college studies through participation In the U.3. Air Force ofT-duty, education program. He is assigned at Yokota Air base, Japan, with the 1966th Com­ munications group. Graduates In Air Traffic Airman Darin J. Jaburek, son of Dolores M. Jaburek of 5406 W. Euclid drive, and Airman Rick J. Douglas, eon of Howard ond Betty Douglas of 150S Cedar street, bottk McHenry, have graduated from the U.S. Air Force air traffic controller course st Keesler Air Force base, Miss. Graduates of the 16-wesk course learned procedures to regulate sir traffic and dfroct aircraft to.radar- Qi*d passed the hal Aviation administration ktion elimination. They also earned credits toward an aaeociate dsgree in applied science through the Community College of the Air Force. will now ssrve at RAF Upper Heyford, England, with the 2186th Communications Squadron. He Is a 1660 graduate of Marian Central Catholic high school. Douglas will now oorve at Edwards Air Force baee, Calif., with the 198th Communications squadron. Don't Forget FLOWERWOOD For thet Spectel Gift Be N graduation, wedding, or thi "thank you" tor teacher, we have wWeaotoqaenofoflstoaiqli Hours: Mon.-Frl. M; Sat. 9-6; Sun. 9-8 ,1 I I I I I I I Whot do you do when the load's a hare too big for your Rabbit? 71 CHIVY CHEYENNE PICKUP Red end white, eir. onto, power steering, radio, insulated cop, original '•1 CHEVY CAMARO 7900 milet, oir cond., power steering, power broke*, om/fm radio, woll tires, roily wheels. Like brand 29.000 certified miles • Porfoct for small ears •Carriers up to 7S0 pounds • Stores on ond against well. tone* ote I ••WWf Wilis o o • On® ploco moldod, rust proof body • Compoct construction wolffes only ISt pounds 7? HONDA This 4 cyl. beauty has exceptionally in ond see It 79BUICK RIVIERA Red with white heovy podded landau top. moon roof, hill power equipment. into SO Chevy Monxa Cpe SOSuick Skylark, 4dr 79 Chrysler Cordoba 79 Comoro Serlinetta 79 Monso Wagon 79 Skylark, 4 dr. geld 7$ Monte Carlo !• top 76 Oatsun 6-2)0, loaded 70 knpoib. 4 dr 9-0:lAT .t-lrCLOSSO SUNDAY 3S5-5970 9017 W. Routo 120 AO -- a_6 ̂ llllssjkla IwSCewWflFyf Illinois ss »16.ST^f 9 X

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