mm a UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT SALE! MIL , AT FOX VALLEY MEATS - ELGIN. ILL • NO CHARGE FOR CUTTING AND WRAPPING! • DRAWING HELD EACH MONTH THROUGHOUT SPRING fr SUM MER FOR FREE SIDE OF OUR PRE-TRIMMED BEEF I 'o do _ •ST yo° or£r% 'tsS.rS'-sSa S<* Sec*1"* ***°<» ATTENTION 99' BEEF BUYERS; ' prlcti or* going up I To help you got the most for your monoy when buying your next lido of boof oak these lestions. •What yiold grade is it and what doos this moan? Example: YS (Exceptionally wastefull.) •What is the difference between full cattle ft pro-trimmed? •What will your percentage of cutting loss be? •Is your bonus and finance charge actually for free or will you pay for it in the price of your beef. •If you nood more information coll us. We carry nothing but the best Prime Beef at the lowest prices possible to still stay in business,. U.S.D.A. PRIME FULL CATTLE HINDQUARTER CXAMPlt: lorn and Round 150 tb» otBeetol$l 99 p., lb Total SIM M YIELD 2 fr 3 (LEAN TO AVERAGE WASTE) U.S.D.A. PRIME FULL CATTLE (FORE QUARTER) IX AMPII: l».bond Chuch 150tt>« o» Beef ol 11 89 per lb Totol till. SO YIELD 2 fr 3 (LEAN TO AVERAGE WASTE) U.S.D.A. PRIME FULL CATTLE BEEF SIDE KXAMPtt: 300 tb Beet Side ot$l 79 per lb Totol *S37 00 YIELD 2 fr 3 (LEAN TO AVERAGE WASTE) M.I Hff SOLO HAMONM WfKJMT ACCOMD<MO TO WfMMT* AVAILABLE U.S.D.A. PRIME PRE-TRIMMED HINDQUARTER IXAMFIC: loin ond Round 125 lb> ot Beef at $2 19 per lb Total 1273.75 YIELD 213 (LEAN TO AVERAGE WASTE) U.S.D.A. PRIME PRE-TRIMMED FORE QUARTER IXAMPII: Rib ond Chuck 125 lb* ot Beet at $2 09 per lb Total SMI.1S YIELD 2 ft 3 (LEAN TO AVERAGE WASTE) U.S.D.A. PRIME PRE-TRIMMED BEEF SIDE f XAMFli: 250 lb ot Beef at $1.99 per lb Total S4*7 $0 YIELD 2 ft 3 (LEAN TO AVERAGE WASTE) 9-e Fox Valley meats 920 Villa [Bus. Rt. 20], Elgin. IL 697-2616 CHARGE rri SHORT CREDIT APPLICATION REQUIRED 3*«*9*12 MONTH FINANCING AVAILABLE! "3| roan i--- J