Reveal Bird Count Findings The State Audubon society recently conducted its tenth annuel Spring Bird count. The McHenry county chapter of the Illinois Audubon society has participated since the beginning, when three teagu and other birders checking their own properties, a total of 14 people, reported their findings to the state tabulator. • In the latest count May 8, there were eight teams consisting of 34 par ticipants. Reports have been turned in to Tabulator Dave Frey and show a noteworthy 142 species seen in McHenry county on that day. TMs is strictly a one-day count from sunrise to swset plus "owling", hours, so it can point up the migration pattern in the entire state at the height of the spring migration season. Barb Meding's team was assigned the area of McHenry Dam state park and Moraine Hills state park. A local resident, she is president of the county chapter. The Fiake-Carroll team reported the greatest number of species (106) as they have every year since the Spring Bird count began in 1972. They led in the number of Vireos (including the rare White-eyed Vireo), Grosbeaks and Sparrows, including the rarely seen Lincoln's and the beautiful migrant White-crowned and White-throated Sparrows lingering in unexpected numbers. This Central team and the Molino Northwest team both counted 19 Warbler species. The Northwest team which cen- sused two Conservation District woodland areas led all teams in the number of Catbirds, Brown Thrashers and Thrushes. All seven Thrush species seen in Illinois were sighted. The team birding in the state parks found the greatest number of ducks "Wander s With Wlngate" A guided trail walk to explore some of the common plants at McHenry County Conservation district's Glacial park will be conducted by MCCD Trustee Bill Wingate Saturday, June 5, at 9 a.m. The walk will cover about two miles on trails, and is free and open to the public. The program at Glacial park will be the first in a monthly series of "Wanders With Wingate ". Other MCCD sites to be visited in later Wanders include Marengo Ridge Con servation site, Deep Cut marsh, Indian Ridge, and the Hollows Con servation site. The "Wanders Willi Wingate" have been very useful to people seeking to become more familiar with the plants of McHenry county, and t h e i r s t o r i e s . Geographic origins of plants, name origins, uses by early settlers and modern day her balists are all woven into the interpretation Wingate provides. The June 5 Wander will start from the main parking lot at Glacial park, accessible from Harts road. Walking pace will be leisurely. For further in formation, call the office of the McHenry County Conservation district at (815) 678-4431 or (815) 338-1405. and shorebirds as well as Great Blue Herons and water-loving Tree Swallows that were expected in thoee areas. Winter docks such aa Ring- necked and Lsaeer Scaup were also sighted by Fiske and CarroU. The Auduboners felt that the migration of waterfowl was delayed since ducks that winter here still lingered and the expected flux of migrant ducks had not occurred. More hawks were seen in the state park area than any other, but the raptor count in general was low. Red- tailed Hawks were seen by every team, but only 3 Marsh Hawks, 2 Broadwinged, 1 Cooper's Hawk and 6 Kestrels were reported. This low count is very ctoee to the *81 Spring Bird count. report, and the Auduboners hope the pattern will begin to change. Seen this year but not on the *81 count were Shoveller, RlfigiiwIwHH and Bufflehead ducks, Virginia Rail, Herring Gull, Golden Plover, Ret* breasted Nuthatch, Cape May, Black- poll and Connecticut warblers. Or chard Oriole and Purple Finch. Notable decreases in the *82 count were Blue winged Teal, Wood Duck, Canada Goose, Coot and Mourning Dove. Species that increased notably were Sora Rail, Horned Lark, Blue Jay. Tree, Rough-winged and Cliff Swallow, Flickg- and lingering Myrtle and Palm warblers. The colonies of Yellow-headed blackbirds reported in 1881 seem to be well established and two new colonies were found which the discoverers will continue to observe through the nesting season. No heronries and thus no Night Herons were found but the Great Blue and Green Herons were well spread throughout the county. Sandiill Cranee, migrating so late that they were not even listed on the state checklist were seen or heard by three teams and the Marsh Hawk, another unlisted late migrant, was also righted. Birds found in all areas of the county were Great Blue Heron, Red- tailed Hawk, Kilktoer, Flicker, Tree and Barn Swallow, Wren, Catbird, Brown Thrasher, Robin, Chickadee, Baltimore Oriole, Cardinal, Goldfinch and Song Sparrow. And in all but one area were Red-headed, Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers, Myrtle and Palm Wafblers, Bobolinks, Eastern Meadowlarks and Chipping and Field Sparrows. Team members from McHenry were Tony, Chris and Jennifer Strumbris and Barb Meding. Commend MCHS Solar Home . --^r---'-v 1--J Eighteen Illinois schools that have built solar-heated homes as part of their building trades vocational training program have been com mended by Governor James R. Thompson. One of them is MCHS Building Trades home at 4724 W. Crystal Lake road. The schools participated in a program the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, which is the state energy agency. During the 1981-82 school year, each of the 18 high schools, vocational schools and community colleges built passive solar homes. The department provided house plans as well as sr PAGE 18-PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2,1882 Award Three Scholarships Myrtle Procter* president of the McHenry Woman's club, and Carolyn Baser, chairperson of the Scholarship committee, present scholarships to Anita Ballstaedt, Marty Koleao, and Douglas Mitsven, each to atte^R summer camp in Art or Music. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD listance grants and technical The McHenry Woman's club has granted scholarships to three out standing McHenry students in the fields of art and music. This year's winners are Anita Ballstaedt, Marty Koleno, and Douglas Mitsven. Anita Ballstaedt is a freshman at Mc Henry East, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ballstaedt of Riverside drive. Anita plays the tenor and alto saxophone in the band and has been given a music scholarship to Illinois Wesleyan at Bloomington, IU., for a week at the Music camp this summer. Marty Koleno, a Junior at McHenry East, was chosen to receive the Art scholarship. Marty is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Koleno Sr., of Green street. His scholarship consists of a week at the Federation Art school, Normal, 111., this summer. The third scholarship was awarded to Douglas Mitsven. He plays the trombone and his scholarship consists of a week this summer at Eastern Music Camp, Charleston. His interest is in the Jazz band. He is the son of Mrs. Charlotte Mitsven of Crestwood drive, McHenry. Label Law Resd labels when food shopping. 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