Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jun 1982, p. 4

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- . 7) PAGK l PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2, 1IW EARL WALSH-- So I Hear be covered, at least in part, by the happier thoughts and memories " Maybe we should be looking into the future instead of going back so much. Trouble is there are many more years to recall than there are years to project. * There is too much turmoil in the world today. Peace on earth is a dream. Have Men relaxing after writing two columns this week. Now comes r realization that a holiday is coming ,4, and a third must be ready for next week !).. Old Timers used to say "No rest for the wicked". Newspaper business can be fun - and wicked. The door swings in and the door . swings out as friends come to our; J! home. We like it. > " Earl "Marty" Conway came a- callin' with a picture that will come into use Told "Marty" he needs a hall for all the pictures and historical clippings he gathers. His memory of people and events is sharp Bud Kidd, formerly of Mississippi, brought us a story about his friend Guy Bush, the Mississippi Mudcat. In a feature "Where Are They Now?" by Rheta Grimsley Johnson, the credit goes "From The Com­ mercial Appeal Northeast Miss. Bureau." V If you go back a few years, you will remember Guy Bush as one heckuva pitcher for the Chicago Cubs. W! RKSCKVI TMIttOHT TO LIMIT QUANTITICS ON SALE ITEMS That was back in the days of Gabby Hartnett, Charlie Root, Pat Makme, Charlie Grimm and other great stars. Guy Bush was known in McHenry He married a local girl, Rosing. There are some things that could if not cure. For instance: ollow the golden Rule. Love thy neighbor, but don't overdo it where your neighbor's spouse is Dolores -j concerned. Avoid whispered or low-voiced innuendoes. Bush played for the Cubs for two years at the fancy salary of 93,000 per year. Of course, he made more during his 14-year stay on the North Side. The colorful Guy Bush and Dolores now reside in his native Mississippi. He was a star who married a mighty fine McHenry girl. It is common to hear people who have passed that three score and ten mark say they wouldn't want to start all over again. _ There have been Joys and there have been sorrows. Never use another person's misfortune as a stepping stone for our own gain. Since television came into our homes and you can turn a tittle knob to see a picture from across the country, I can believe anything. There must be many new things coming. Electric autos will come. We haven't seen predictions come true about a helicopter on every roof, but wait. Scientists will find ways to prevent or cure dread diseases. For that we pray. Life can be beautiful in spite of some bumpy roads along the way. P.O. Box II Crystal Lake. IL., 60014 (815) 4! 459-5300 Exhibit A (Pu bjj s h McHenry on June 2, -- -- No. 820239 i n Plaindealer 9, ft 16,1982). Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT ' COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, WOODSTOCK ILLINOIS McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, an Illinois Corporation, -- Plaintiff, Some say, again --" 'If I had it to do over Legal Notice STATE OF ) ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF ) McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT ' COURTFORTHE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS McHENRY STATE BANK, an Illinois Banking Corporation; andTHOMASF. BOLGER, Trustee, u Sure. If we could put old heads on young shoulders, some things would change. Most of us like to look back on life and find amusement in things that happened. Some unpleasant things can never be forgotten, but they can Plaintiffs, vs. BILLY E.WATKINS andJUDITH A. WATKINS, his wife: and UNKNdWN OWNERS. Defendants. No 82CH2 "NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court in the above- e n t i t l e d c a u s e , M I C H A E L ' J . SULLIVAN, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Friday, the 2nd day of July A.D. 1982, at the hour of 9:00 a.m. (Local Time), in Room 309 of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sen as public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular, the following described j premises and real estate in said decree mentioned, situated in NO S All I BTO mnoB ftf FIHt fff'T AW LWBOtl 385-3200 OUff McHSNftY STOKE ONLY WHHC OUAMTITICt iAST SALE DATES: WED., JUNE 2-TUES., JUNE 8 4610 W. Rt#. 120, McHenry, Illinois MM. • TMMS. f-lt Carlo Rossi Wines Bacardi Rum .SILVER OR AMBER 750 ML 3 LITRE BOTTLE SPECIAL SAVINGS 6 k. ®| RAC AUDI SPECIAL SAVINGS Old Weller 90° PRIVATE RESERVE Bourbon 750 ML SPECIAL SAVINGS Villa Banfi VALP^LK BARDOLINO 750 ML Bertolli ChianLi Classico 1974 RISERVA 750 ML OUR fVtRYDAY LOW PRICt 2 99 SPECIAL SAVINGS 750 ML 7 Crown 4«» SPECIAL SAVINGS Los hcrmanos Light Wines 1.5 LITRES - SPttlAl SAVINGS Adamo Italian Spumante 99 3 750 ML OUR 1VIR YD AY IOW PRICE When it comes to cool refreshment on those warm summer days,Bell is the spot for great drink ideas! You'll find plenty of ideas for fixin' those long cool ones. We have a large selection of America's favorite brands to make America's favorite summer coolers. And you'll find our everyday low prices throughout the store pretty cool too! It all adds up to cool ideas and cooj prices. d BELL LIQUORS - Your full scrvicc liquor store! Arrow SPEARMINT. GINGER PEPPERMINT OR CINNAMON Schnapps 750 ML 49 SPeCIAL SAVI3& 4 mm Black Velvet Canadian 750 ML SPECIAL SAVINGS Bell'agio Italian White Wine 750 ML SPECIAL SAVINGS Charles LeFra nc MAISON BLANC OR MAISON ROUGE 3 79 1. 5 LITER SPECIAL SAVINGS •M Holland house Mix *n Freeze Cocktail Mixes 99 30 DRINK TUBS 5 OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Schnapple German Apple Liqueur 750 ML 6 99 . Coy International Beer Erlanger Beer 4-12 oz. BOTTLES 4-12 OZ. CANS 1 69 SPECIAL SAVINGS BE SPECIAL SAVINGS Old Style oRr^ Miller Lite^j2fi mm 24-12 OZ. CANS LOOSE PACK OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Blatz Beer 24-12 OZ. BOTTLES 3 99 PLUS DEPOSIT SPECIAL SAVINGS Pepsi Cola OR | J Canfield's OR Sunkist ONE LITER PLASTIC BOTTLE ||OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE tvf ? aZ Barrelhead 1-15 OZ. BOTTLES Seven Up, Diet 7 Up, OR Crush I UOZ. BOTTLES PLUS IV- DEPOSIT lOUR EVERYDAY LOWPWICE Coca Cola, Tab, fresca, Mello yello jjjj^ Sprite • 14 oz. BOTTLES PLUS DEPOSIT lOUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE PLUS DEPOSIT I OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to-wit: Lot 12 in Block 14/ i n M c H e n r y Shores. Unit No. 1, a Subdivision of --: part of the Fractional Southwest Quarter of Section USR 00 -vs- ARNOLD N.MAY; etal., Defendants. . No.82CH lilt The requisite affidavit publication having Fox River­ side of part of theA east Quarter - of Section 2. all in T o w n s h i p 4 4 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, accordir P l a t recorded May 17, 1954 as Document No. 278461, in Book 11 of Plats, page 111, in McHenry County, Illinois. . ing to the Thereof for publics been filed, notice is herebv given vou. MELISSA MAY, PAMELA A MAY. JOANNE MAY, MARIANNE E MAY a n d A R N O L D STEPHEN MAY, Defendants in the above entitled suit, that said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial C i r c u i t , M c H e n r y County, Illinois, by the a f o r e s a i d P l a i n t i f f A D D R E S S LOCA NATION "V OF PROPERTY: 3001 Still Hill Drive, McHei Illinois, together all buildings and improvements thereon, ana the tenements, h e r e d i t a m e n t s a n d appurtenances thereunto belonging. DATED, Woodstock. Illinois, this 27th day 01 May A.D. 1982. VERNONW KAYS, JR., Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois COWLIN. COWL IN ^ & UNGVARS.KY Attorneys for Plaintiffs 20 Grant St., certain mortgage made . b y M c H e n r y S t a t e Bank, as Trustee under the provisions of a Trust Agreement, dated 1-16- 78 and known as Trust No. 1406, to McHenry Sivings and Loan Association, Mort wit "North 766 of the West The ieet 398.07 feet of the East 2123.07 feet of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7. Township 46 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, (except t h a t p a r t conveyed from Thomas Graham Walsh and Dianoe E., his wife, to the State of Illinois by Warranty Deed dated July 21,1971 and recorded ' December 13, 1971, as Document No. 557174), in McHenry County, Illinois. Said property is vacant and' unimproved real estate in rural Solon Mills, Illinois; that the aforesaid mortgage was filed for record in the Office of the Reorder of Deeds, McHenry 'County, Illinois as D o c u m e n t N u m b e r . 723125. on February 10, 1978; that summons was duly issued out of the court against you as proyidef^v law jmd 1 suit is still toW. THERJ unless you, the a b o v e n a m e Defendants, file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the office of the Clerk of the circuit Court of the Nineteenth J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t , M c H e n r y C o u n t y ^ County Building, 2200 N o r t h S e m i n a r y Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 9th day of July, A.D. 1982, default may be entered against you at anytime thereafter and a judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. DATED: Woodstock, Illinois. May 25, 1982. Vernon W. Kays. Jr. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FREDERICK C. CAPPETTA Attorney for Plaintiff Seven South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 (312 ) 726-9600 (Pub. June 2,9 & June 16,1982) No. 820236 , HOSPITAL NOTES WOODSTOCK • Admissions: Alvin Otto and Darryl May, both of McHenry. HARVARD Admission: Shirley Lenart of McHenry. DEATHS CRESCENTIA WESA Crescentia M. Wesa, nee Nite, 75, a resident of McHenry, formerly of Fox Lake and Spring Grove over 36 years, died Friday, May 28, at McHenry hospital. She was born Sept. 3,1906, in Mt Calvary, Wis Mrs. Wesa had been a long-time employee of Gefco Corp, Grayslake. III. prior to her retirement in 1971. Surviving are one son. Emil Wesa of McHenry; a daughter, Mrs. Irvir (Chris) Sorenson of McHenry; two grand sons; two grand­ daughters; two great- g r a n d s o n s ; s n d t w o great-granddaughters Also surviving is a brother, Norbert Neis, two sisters, Adell Gauthier and Leona Falk, all of Wisconsin; many nieces, nephews, and other relatives. She was preceded in death by her husband. Emil A Wesa; a grandson, Mark Wesa, and several brothers and sisters. Visitation was from 3 to 9 p.m. Monday, at the K. K. Hamsher funeral home. Fox Lake. Services were held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, with the R e v e r e n d W i l l i a m Johnson officiating, and interment was private In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate memorials in her name to the Cancer fund. 'SUM? LOM Tribe The 3,000 members of the Kalash tribe, in an isolated mountain area in northwest Pakistan, are alone among tribes in the region in that they never converted to Islam, National Geographic says. irsiunotui I akc it fronvus there's oolv one thing idv or that heats a great Frigidaire appliance great Frigidaire appliance ON SALE! That's why NATIONAL FRIGIDAIRE WEEK is the time to buy For a few special days you can get famous Frigidaire dependability at the lowest pric es of the year Come in today Save big money on the Frigidaire appliance you want And start your own Frigidaire dependability story " FRKHMURL HERE TOMX HQS TOMORROW. AND ON SALE NOW! Enjoy plenty of organized space in this energy-saving 19.0 Cubic Foot Frost- Proof Refrigerator. • Textured Steel l>x>rs to hide fingerprint , • Fully ad|ustable cantilevered shelves • Electn-Saver switch tc > lielp conserve energy •Special Meat Drawer for organized storage Buy this Frigidaire Range .. .get the Wear-Ever® Silverstone* Cookware set FREE! BFhgidaire rPI NTK ON SALE NOW Introductory Offer! Buy the new Frigidaire Stowaway" Microwave Oven... get this 6-piece Nordic Ware Cookware Set FREE! • Fits over V)" Range, replaces range hood • Pri a ides wi irklight and airtlt >\\ vent • Ti >uch N Cook Controls • Ten Power Levels • Meal Minder Profy- • Stt >rage G >mpartment It >r Co*»kbiK)ks ON SALE NOW • Con(muuu*< leaning Oven •G * muster Mop Time Gmtnil • Energy Efficient (as U Miking • s« >IKJ Suie Electn Flame Ignitu MI • InhmteK Adjustable Burner Gmmil' • Lift Off Oven Dt*>r 11 OMIT HAPPENS ONCE A YEAR I %«•** fMn Aluminum Im "I>14.•« - T• jjrtturvli<il>pftnuuni>h « «vl -urUr LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 385-0882 1005 N. Front (South Route 31) McHenry, Illinois

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