PAGE 11-AjUNnî .l̂ MT, JWEll.lttS Portable lights, camp safety ca _ t cad win i well slocked lint aid kit. It begins here. By adding a few other camping accessories to your camping safety checklist, you will not only enjoy more peace of mind but. in the event of an emergency, you won't be caught short . In the first aid box. you should have a supply of aspi rin. bandages, tape, gauze, sunburn ointment, snake bite kit. antiseptic and insect re pellent. In addition, any daily medications or family pre scriptions should also be slocked. If you have a boat, life jackets (in good repair) are re quired by law. when night Explore for gold outdoor* The next time you're on the beach this summer or with the kids at a city park, playground or campsite, you could be making a profit. Exploring where others have been, you can uncover coins, jewelry, antiques, artifacts and even gold nuggets. All you need is a reliable T/R (Transmitter/Receiver) metal detector and some spare time. A good metal detector like the new Brinkmann Trea sure Sensor 5000 can even rccognize the difference be tween "treasure" and "trash" with a device known as a dis criminator. A good metal detector should be easy to operate and tune, sensitive, lightweight, rugged and water-tia new Treasure Sensor >wu can be retuned at the touch of a button with patenied Sensor Touch control. There is more opportunity to search for treasure than you may think. On the beach, peo ple commonly lose jewelry, rings and watches. A camp site or playground is a great place to search for coins left by others. You can easily take a Trea sure Sensor with you on your boat the next time you're out on a lake or waterway and ex plore a nearby bench or sandy shore. Take a Treasure Sensor with-you on vacation to his toric sites and other tourist spots and uncover old coins or valuable artifacts. A Treasure Sensor 5000 is efficient. But remember, a metal detector must be sensi tive end efficient. If it detects bottle caps as well as gold rings, you could spend time fitably. The fun is in the i light or lights, depending on the sine of your boat, onboard to identify yourself from shore. Many stales now require boat owners to keep a work ing fire extinguisher handy A good fire extinguisher is also recommended safety equipment for campers to pre vent camp fires from becom ing forest fires. Unpredictable winds can instantly spread even a well-prepared camp fire In addition, relive high- intensity lightr^ is extremely important when camping. For instance, arriving after sunset you need good light you can to kxatc much if not mare U their car headlights offer to In direct cate your camp site's electrical and water hook-ups. Flashlights are dependent on batteries (which weaken and fail) and don't offer much light. Campers need at least as • light toffert cate landmarks, conduct a search or just be able to see when preparing an evening meal The housing of a good high-intensity light should be made from a lough, durable plastic and be lightweight. Q- Beam high intensity portable lights by Brinkmann. manu factured in the U.S.. are de signed specifically for the outdoors man Powered by the MNMYY I • Ana Q-Beams are powerful --200.000 and 300.000 can- up to five times more power ful than a car headlight on high beam. So there is plenty of light there when you need it for camper emergency repairs or when exploring wilderness trails. Remember to thoroughly check all voer camping equip mcnt before leaving home. And obtain a good map of the camping area to locale com munity hospitals and other key facilities, e.g.. ranger sta tions With the proper plan ning. you'll be prepared to enjoy the summer s fun (§) And discovering objects from the past is not only prof itable but also educational. ny items > man 751 less man 73 yean ago lie now collector's items! $ wweeufLp wwee weei INDENTED 10 6wC RXiOEMBJ A C0WCMGHT PUCK --S WIRE WHEEL COVERS Beoutlful triple chroma plated wire wheals covers Removable bask at for easy cloaning of hub cap and baskat. Has a special retention ring for perfect fit. Moots Foderal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No . 211 Display Box (1 set of 4) SPECIAL BUY $1 B99 AC AIR FILTER Put up • tough defense tor your car's engine With an AC Ak Filler AC Air Filters are designed to include an oil-wetted paper element to promote dirt- holding capacity and help reduce engine wear AC Air Fillers Trust them EACH RfG.PIttCf No. §7770-13" Whool* No. §7771-14" WhooU No. §7772-15" Whoots @0® THANKS. AC. A V . n ' j j . L t N i d . i Sure-Grip Snack Tray Put up a tough defense foe your car's angina. With an AC Oil Filter AC Oil Filters art designed to help protect your engine Built tough to help Alter out Art. Help lieep your engine's oil cieen AC ON Filters. Trust them • M AC SPARK PLUGS VALVOUNE •low 40 Keepecers like new I WD-40 tOZ. SPRAY IfALVOLlllt LIMIT 12QTS. LOW. LOW AVAHAM. UH