Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1982, p. 10

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No cosh refunds on prepaid od* Cords of Thanks, in M*moriom Situation Wanted Wonted to Rent Wan ted*To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in odvan co. * . The Plamdealer is not responsible for errors ir classified ads after the first insertion Check your od after the first insertion and call our attention to ony mistakes OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI.»:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. SATURDAY*-12 P.M. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4:00 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER • WEDNESDAY 4:00 P.M. PHONE 815-385-0170 Hat«sttwett LICENSED CHILD CARE, in my McHenry home, any age. License number 540880 . 815-344- 3895. 6-16-6-18C PACK It SHIPpVia UPS, Post Office, Bus, Air, Boat. Hours 9am to 5pm, Saturdays by appointment, 815-385- 3074. Pack k Ship, 4727 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, Illinois 60050. 6-9-6-30c BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE Professional Dog Grooming. All breeds. Call 815-385 2018 for appointment. 6-2tfc RICKS ROTOTILLING, 16 hp Diesel Kubota Tractor, 42" "tiller, 6 to 12" deep. No garden too big or t6o small. Very reasonable. 815-728-0161. 6-2tfc NOW IS THE TIME to do your concrete work Call for a free estimate. CAE Concrete. 815-385- 3596 6-2tfc MONEY IS Available! If you are in need of a loan, call 815-728-0404 Patrick James Letizia, Financial Planners since 1968. 6-2tfc P I T T S B U R G k BALTIMORE Paints. Latex k oils, interior and exterior. Flats and Semi-gloss, from 16.50 to $11.00 gallon.. Also Latex & oil stains $5.00 to $7.00 gallon. Exterior paints $2.00 more gallon 815-385-3395. 6- 16-6-18C DOLL HOUSES, 815-385- 4315. . 6-16-6-25C W I L L C L E A N Basements, garages. Also do lawn work. Reasonable. 815-653- 68% 6-16-6-25C CONCRETE CON* TRACTOR, Foun­ dations and all types of Concrete work. Quality work, free estimates. 815-385 4390 6-2-7-2C ARE YOU SPENDING this weekend cleaning your yard9 Let us free your weekend with our low priced quality yard care For all your lawn mowing, weeding, planting & pruning needs, call David at 815- 455-5536 6-4tfc STEAMEX STEAM C A R P E T c l e a n i n g "gentle but thorough", living room ft hall $45.00, additional rooms $20.00 each. Bauman Carpet Cleaning 815-943- 4793 . 6-2tfc INTERIOR ft EX­ TERIOR Painting, Staining and Var­ nishing Guaranteed quality work 815-385- 7144 6-4-6-30c P I A N O T U N I N G . Summer iune-up time! Call Vincent Dorr, 815- 385-7961. 6 16-6 25c MATHTSOM SEPTIC SERVICE New Septic Installations. Ofcd Repairs. Back hoe Work. Questions about your septic systems? Give us a call. Ask about our yearly check and maintenance plan 815-344-398? F ROOF RIP AIR DON'T BUY A NEW ROOF WHEN YOU CAN REPAIR SHINGLES HOT ROOF NEW OR REPAIR WHEN POSSIBLE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED REIDI SON CONST. • 15-344-1020 I••••••RLV" --HIKTS DO IT RIGHT AUTO REPAIR Mechanical-Electrical at very reasonable rotes Ft •• Estimates 815-728-1040 after 4p.m. 6 1W ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EMIY BIRD SPECIAL Now Taking Orders •Porking lots*New Dr ive» •Long Lane»*Potihing •Resurlocing'Seal Coating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates •15-459-3*60 Call Now I Save 6 9 7 11 LAWN MAINTENANCE lawn mowing. yard work. Free Estimates 815-385-3788 WON0ER LAKE. IL. J ji a »ir PAINTING PLUS, all types painting, wall papering and carpentry. F r e e e s t i m a t e s , references k insured. Best Price Around! Call Bill 815-385-2843 6-2tfc TOM HUBBARD, A w a r d w i n n i n g magician, is available f o r s c h o o l s , auditoriums, banquets and homes. 312-395-7168 or 312 395-6006 6-2tfc COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. SmriR| your am- 28 par* experiwci. Wt are ww takiit oriirs. Dial direct wltli owner I save!! ooting Coll anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE 312 223 5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312367-0676 ... 1 PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Rosident ia lCommerc ia l lndust r ia l Biq savings on RoviHontiol wofk Proven by thousands of satisfied customers SPRING DISCOUNT • M a c h i n e L a i d ' N e w D r i v e s • R e s u r f a c i n g • P a r k i n g l o t s • S e a l C o o t i n g A l l w o r k g u a r a n t e e d F r e e E s t i m a t e s 312-546-5600 _ C»t oys lok o I I I • '» rUBIC FT AMANA Side Side Refrigerator; 36' stc kll ioil FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1961 Yamaha MX 100. 1980 IU$MCSS |),,G OBEDIENCE COUCH k LOVESEAT. black naugahyde. excellent condition $125 00;: Ex THOMAS ORGAN. 2 keyboards with rhythm section, excellent condition . JUST REDUCED Frc $20,000 to S14.5P0. 5 Giant Oaks Estat« SCREEN SHADES for ; Windows, many sizes 7-24-7-31C FOOSBALL TABLE $225 00 7-24-7-31c AUTOS :> HORSE POWER Clutch driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks K< >KD 1977. . ion Super Cab < am^er Special, power eiectnc $15 00; 4 Musnroom beige-brown pattern, vinyl placemats $2.00. Call after :>pin after 5pm. Cash only, all prices firm 7- with Magic Genie, doulbe keyboard, 3 years old. First FOR SAU •M- JEUHMIE ACRE High and IHSMOS SCRUKES INTERIOR k EX- TERIOR Painting and staining, fully insured, free estimates. Call Jim 815-459-3677, 6-2tfc P L U M B I N G , N e w work, remodeling, repairs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners. Licensed, insured. Call Tom. 815- 653-9725 6-2tfc LOCAL MOVING and HAULING, reasonable rates 815-385-9386 6- 2tfc SEWING MACHINE REPAIR, Domestic k Industrial,In Home Service. We carry parts and supplies for all s e w i n g m a c h i n e s . Keener k Son, Wonder Lake 815-728-0672. 6- 2tfc N O R T H E R N I L L . MECHANICAL, INC Plumbing, Hot water heat, Sewer k Water, Septics, New work, S e r v i c e w o r k , Remodeling. Residential & Com­ mercial. Licensed and Bonded Fully insured 312-546-1474 . 6-2tfc S C H U E R R W A Y Builders. All phases of Carpentry, Electric, Plumbing, Heating, Tiling. No job too small. Free advice, no obligation. 815-385-4806 6-2tfc R & M LAWN SER­ VICE. Lawnmowing k leaf service. Free estimates. 312-639-5872 or 815-459-1383. 6-2*fc NEED AN ESTIMATE For Your Concrete Work This Spring? Call Ken. Quality Work All Types Of Cement Work. 815-726-1548 6-2tfc MOONLIGHT DESIGN. Signs painted Graphics & Renderings 815-385- 5711. 6-11-618C COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE •Tr** Trimming •Tr** Removal •Stump Romovol •Firewood •Snow Removal •Fro* Estimates •Fully Insurod (815(385-6733 •Electrical •Family Rooms •Maintenance Free Decks I Porches •Nome Repairs No Job Too Small Call Harry I. Viomzems E Ceastnctiee \--} 815 3852847 AUCTION GALLERY Now accepting consignments lor summer auctions J terns on floor for sale at all times Foi more information contact 815-448-4200 Between 10AM & 6PM Open Daily 6 „ 7 „ t II ' IK JIM'S RESALE N«w and Ifcad 5103 MCCUIIOM Like M. • G«tt He. 6 All kind* ol this and that T.V.. lawn mowort, CB radios, tools, glasswaro I kitchon waros. lots of •tc. Closod Monday Tua.-Fri. 2 PM to 4 PM ° Sat.4Swn.9AM to 5PM Wa Also Suy 815 385-7413 s i? s n •/IIS 4 J E N S E N W O O D RESTORATION. An­ tique, furniture repair and refinishing. Also Custom Woodworking. 815-385-4024. 6-2tfc R.T.A R PAINTING CO. Commercial k Residential. Interior k Exterior. Low prices. I n s u r e d . , F r e e estimates. Ron 815-728- 0176 * 6-2tfc CUSTOM PRINTED Tee Shirts/ Jackets, Uniforms, etc. Check our prices first! Blue Seas Enterprises 815- 344-1563 6-2tfc R&S DECORATING. C u s t o m I n t e r i o r , Painting k Wail p a p e r i n g F r e e estimates. 815-459-4264 6-2tfc HELP ME HELP You Plan Your Financial Future If You Don't, Who Will. Patrick J. L e t i z i a , F i n a n c i a l Planner since 1968 815- 728-0404 . 6-2tfc WILL REMOVE Any and All Debris from premises Call Tony after 6pm, 815-385-6920 6-16tfc EXPERIENED HORSESHOER Taking n e w c u s t o m e r s . Reasonable rates, call after 5pm. 815-455-397fi •» 6-16-6-18C D&D LANDSCAPING, Seed, Sod, Grading, Light hauling dirt and gravel. For estimate call 815-385-1872 6-16^- 25c FROM THE BOTTOM UP, no job is too small. From hanging a door to remodeliiu an entire home. Quality work at reasonable prices. Call Ken 815-344-2449 6-2tfc PRO TREE SERVICE Do you need a tree removed or trimmed? Call a PRO 312-639-0628 62-6-18C A L B R E C H T C o n ­ struction. specialists in remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates 815-653 6451 6-2tfc I N T E R I O R & E X TERIOR Painting. Call us for a Free Estimate We're very affordable! 815-385-7736 anytime or 8 1 5 - 3 4 4 , 1 7 2 2 a f t e r 6:00pm ' 6-2tfc AUTOS TOYOTA 1980 Pickup 4x4, 8.000 lb winch, am- fm, stereo cassette, twin tanks, regular gas, digital clock, sliding rear window, roll bar, Bosch lights Low miles, excellent condition, 815- 344-1317 . 6-16-6-18c 1968 CJMC H E A V Y D U T Y T r u c k w i t h utility„ box Power brakes, power steering, m i n t c o n d i t i o n . I^ikenioor, 815 385-2933 6 16-6 18c. WE BUY CARS and TRUCKS in any condit ion 8153380270 Free Towing AVTOS 1 9 6 5 M U S T A N G C O N V E R T I B L E , 6 c y l i n d e r e n g i n e , $1,400.00 or best offer. 815-334-6645 call bet­ ween 10am & 3pm. 6-1^ 6-18C 1976 CHEVY BLAZER 350, automatic, 4 wheel drive, trailer hitch $2800.00 or offer 815-459- 3545 after 6pm. 6-16-6- 18c 1973 RANCHERO with cap, power steering, p o w e r b r a k e s , a i r conditioning, am-fm, runs excellent $700.00 or best offer; 1979 G.M.C. K-15, 4x4, power steering, power brakes, auto with hubs, dual tanks, sharp, $5900.00. 815-653-9283 6-16-6-18c 1967 FORD VAN, 6 cylinder, ice box, 2 storage benches and carpeted, $500 00 . 815- 728-0829 after 5pm. 6-16- 6-18c LET US SHOP for Your Auto and Cycle In­ surance Preferred standard, sub-standard. Budget terms. For personal quote call Sunderlage Insurance Agency 815 338-3328 6- 16-6- 18c 1975 P L Y M O U T H Voyager Window Van, 1 owner, automatic, p.s, p.b., a.c., custom in­ terior, very good con­ dition, $1,695 or best. 815-344-5440. 6-114-18C 40 M.P.G., HONDA Civic, very good con­ dition, $1,900.00. Call 815-385*869 6-11-6-18C 1974 VOLKSWAGON Dasher, 2 door, am-fm stereo, stick, very clean a n d d e p e n d a b l e , $1500 00.815-385-4576 6- 16-6 18c 1974 COMET, Runs good, needs muffler and some body work, $600.00 or offer 815-338-7405 6- 16 6 18c 1969 FIREBIRD Con­ vertible, $2,000 or best offer. 815-385-3663. 6-16- 6-18c C L E A N 1 9 7 7 PLYMOUTH Volare P r e m i e r w a g o n w i t h air. 318 engine, 64,000 miles, asking $2950 00. 815-385-9250. 6-16-6-18C 1979 G M C V A N , Customed by LRP, excellent condition, after 5pm, 312-639-0279. 6-16-6-18c 1975 FORD F250 C a m p e r S p e c i a l . ' A u t o m a t i c t r a n ­ s m i s s i o n , p o w e r steering, power brakes, air conditioning, am-fm 8 track . stereo. Mechanically good, body fair $1350.00 or best off«f\ 815-385-2170. 6-16-6-18C 1 9 7 7 C A D I L L A C ElDorado, immaculate, all options, 24.000 miles, $6,900.00 815-385-1919. 6- 16-6-18C M0T0ftCVClfS~ 1975 RD 125 Yamaha Street bike. Excellent condition $375.00. 815- 653-9717. 6-16-6-18C 1979 SUZUKI RM il25, Motorcycle, totally rebuilt, have all receipts. Good con­ dition, asking $550.00 or best offer. Call 815-385- 1969 after 5pm or anytime weekends. 6- 4tfc "\i 1969 HONDA 450, sharp, runs well, $475. 815-344- 4515. 6-11-6-18C 1980 HONDA XL 125, 1900 miles, excellent condition, $750.00 or best offer. 815-385-7115 6-16- 6-18c 1975 HONDA CB 360T, 10,000 miles, red, 6 speed Transmission, luggage rack included, $550.00 or best offer. 815- 728-0737 . 6-16-6-18C 1973 HARLEY FLH 1200, 14,000 miles $3,100.00. Call after 6pm, 815-338-6536 or 815- 338-2088 6-16-6-18C BOATS » MOTORS 15' LONE STAR Fiberglass boat, 40 hp E v i n r u d e m o t o r , electric start, horn and lights, also tilt trailer, $1,295.00.815-385-3355 6- 16-6-18C SHORE STATION, 1885 lb. capacity, good condition, $500.00. 815- 728-0829 after 5pm. 6-16- 6 18c 1979 CENTURY Tsft Mercury I-O, excellent ski or Coho boat, many extras, mint condition, $10,500.00 815-344-1042. 6-11-6-18C SUNFISH SAILBOAT, c o m p a c t t w o m a n , fiberglass, blue, $400.00 or best. 815-338-2398 after 7pm 6-16-6-18C 1972 NOVA. 53,000 original miles, good condition mechanically. D e p e n d a b l e I r a n - sportation. Caljl 815-385- f>247 after 5pm 6-16-6^18 1 9 7 4 M E R C U R Y COMET, 6 cylinder, runs good, nice inside and out $850.00 or best offer 815-385-5653 . 6-16 6 18 rimTTmiSn-i SM0.M • Just pore has* o 1982 ! | Chryslar or Plymouth. I | Altar you hava mod# | • your bast daal. prasaht | • this od lor your $200.00 | mgmmm , i aNieesAUs ! Richmond, II. •lf-471-Mll On*coupon par car Kffoctivo4/l/43 to 4/30/12 1976 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, * 4 door automatic, air con­ d i t i o n i n g , p o w e r steering, power brakes, power windows, trailer towing package, 50,000 miles, $1600.00. 815-344- 1180 6-94-14c ^ 1979 GMC 1 TON Crew Cab pickup, with dual wheels, very clean, many extras, 312-472- 1043 6-96-SOc 1977 AMC PACER Wagon, power steering, air, automatic, clean interior, 40,000 miles, $2,400 00 615-344-1180. 6- 9-6-18c 1979 GMC 1 TON Pickup with dual wheels, very clean, many extras, 312- 872-1043. 6-9-6-30C 1977 DODGE Karry Van, 50,000 miles, good condition, $9600.00. 616- 344-1180 6-9-6-18C 1980 DATSUN King Cab, air conditioning, cab over. Good condition $4800 00 815-3864516. 6- 16-6- 18c WANTED TO IUV m SAU 5' BAR WITH STOOLS $50.00; Sofa 650.00; Picnic Bench $35.00; 815-344-0024. M64-18C LAWN TRACTOR Sears 8 horse, 32" cutting deck, 3 years old. Used only 1 year, new bat­ tery, $450.00. 815-338- 9588 6-16-6-18C TRIPLE DRESSER with mirror $75.00; Blue floral love seat couch and solid velvet chair (comtemporary) ex­ cellent condition with matching antique satin drapes, 2 pair, $300.00; 1911 White Sewing machine with cabinet a n d a l l a t t a c h m e n t s (works) $50.00; Huge Antique roll top trunk $ 6 0 . 0 0 ; A n t i q u e mahogany Secretary $150.00, Double canopy bed complete $50.00; Heavy wooden high- chair « $30.00; Avon complete ceramic stein collection, originating 1976, $125.00. Best of­ fers 815-338-8675 anytime. 6-16-6-18c FOUR 10x15 All Terrain Firestone tires $40.00 or best offer; Deluxe weight bench $50.00; Weight set $20 00. 815- 385-1208. 6-16-6-18C CAMPER Sleeps 4, $400.00; Stereo cabinet 8 track Girard turntable am-fm radio $150.00; Gold couch $50.00; Green rocker recliner $50.00; Bedroom set $50.00. 815-728-0789. 6-16- 6-18C BEDDING PLANTS Flo wars, Vagatablas, C*raniums, Mums Rosas 4 Clomatls Cactus and Nous* Plants SCHLESSER'S GREENHOUSE 26699 W. Rt«. 120 (1 block aast of Darrall ltd) 6 2TF FUGI S12-S, 14 speed bicycle, excellent condition, recently maintenaced. 415-653- 7521. 6-16-6-18C FRIGIDAIRE Frostless Frig $100.00; Complete set kitchen cabinets $150.00. 815-344-1631 after 5pm. 6-16-6-18C SETS OF GOLF CLUBS, Reasonable. Also some Golf Bags. Call anytime 815-385- 4400. 6-9-6-18c AMERICAS BEST, Illinois largest full s e r v i c e p o o l distributors, must sell the big new 1982, 31' family size swimming pool, complete with deck, fence, filter and warranty. Competely installed for only $ 9 9 5 . 0 0 . F i n a n c i n g available. Call Audrey 815-562-7027 collect, right now while the supply lasts. 6-2-6-30c TWO 15" 6 Bolt chrome reversed and baby moons, Six 14" 6 bolt chrome reversed and baby moons for Datsun and Courrier pick-up truck, $250.00, will separate. Call after 6:30,815-385-4718. 6-2tfc WASHERS k DRYERS R e c o n d i t i o n e d a n d Guaranteed. 815-385- 6431 6-2tfc GOLF CLUBS $120.00 up; Spalding balls $7.00 dozen; Bags $20.00 up; Irons, putters, coupon books. Save 30 to 60 percent. 815-728-0177 6- 2-6-18C 1965 SWITZER Shooting Star, 154 ft., 100 hp Mercury outboard and trailer Fast! Fun! Sharp! Best offer 815- 344 5440 or 815-338-7886 6-16-6-18C 2~1' SEA SCOUT Sail Boat, with Shore Station, $2,900 00. 815- 653-6589 6-16-6-18C PULVERIZED TOP SOIL DELIVERED 7 Yards 12 Yords 20 Yords $66.66 $96.66 $1)0.00 I. PEASE CONSTRUCTION CO. 815-675-2582 3125879367 WESSIX NOVSE 40% off on quality nam. brand lurnitura. Morchan dis* Mart and Dacorator Sarvicas available. WESSCX HOUSE SHOWROOM is locatad 2 miles north ol 176 on Rt*. 31 (In Flama A Haarth Bldg.) 815-455-47SO t-ltc S-H/S-IS GREENWARE SALE 50% OH, Jun* II from 9:90 to S, Jun* 19 from ' 9:30 to 4. CERAMIC BUG SUPPLIES 17220 Gordon ValUy Rood Woodstock, Illinois S15-56S-7663 Bring your own bo*** 6 l«C * / t * CASH PAID For Junk Johnson or Evinrude Outboard Motors. 81S- 385-4056. 6-2tfc MOVING? CLEANING HOUSE? Buying An­ tique Furniture, China, Glassware, Lamps, Xmas Ornaments, etc. 815-678-4141. 6-2-7-SOc AUTOS, ALL MAKES and models, running or not. Cash paid. 24 hours pickup service. 815-728- 1171 6-4-6-80C WANTED ANY Old Oriental Rugs to Buy, Any Condition. Call Roberta 1-414-7866160. Also Selling 3-104-2&C CASH PAID For Junk cars, running or not. Immediate removal. 312-586-3116. 6-2tfc SLOT MACHINES wanted. Paying over 6600 caah. Any con­ dition. Also 78 RPM Wurlitzer Juke Boxes. 414-846-8766. 1-18-7-20 WAREHOUSE I SALE MEDALLION OAK CABINETS And dsoroncs en Kitch«n , Kompoct Cobln«t6. UP 10 60% OFF on slightly damaged and discontinued cabinets. Special prices on lominated coun­ ter tops and cultured marble ond onyx vanity tops. We can supply all your storage needs for kitchen, bath, family room, bar, laundry room, or oHice. Dring in ony room dimen­ sions you have for free estimate. NOW! I All sales cash and carry • Monday through Friday 0:00 AM-4:90 PM Saturday 9:00 AM-2:00 PM TOP FORM CO., INC. 7416 Hancock Dr. Wondor Loko, II. 815-728-0293 hA *ji 1^' ho }ai I lb I ll H H ! *T 19 rl I-*3 1 W fit SAU 1978 MODEL AMS ^ Moped $225.00; Car ^ Carrier for Moped $25.00; Men's golf set, 5 irons, 3 woods $75.00. _ Call between 4pm-5pm. 815-653-6131. , 6-11-6-18C ; PICNIC TABLES for '1 sale, 8 ft. $90.00; 6 ft. $70.00. Very well made, v* 815-728-1292. 6-16tfc it 54" ROUND DROP LEAF Maple table with 18" leaf k 4 captains chairs $300.00; Maple stereo console $50.00. i 815-385-0433. 6-16-6-18C 16 FT. WINNEBAGO x Travel trailer. Stove, ice cooler, furnace, sleeps 6, lots of storage j« space, $1,450.00. Call - anytime 815-344-0688. 6- -j 16-6-18C ,>. .,,hr P I T T S B U R G k BALTIMORE PainU. >; Latex k Oils, interiq| and exterior. Flats k s<, Semi-gloss from $6.50 to V $11.00 gallon. Also Latex v & Oil stains $5.00 to $7.00 gallon. Exterior paints $2.00 more gallon. 815- 385-3395. 6-16-6-18C ^ 10 HP, 32" CUT Dynamark Riding Mower, shock mounted, electric start, new v. battery $550.00 firm. 815-653-4546. 6-16-6-18C ODDS k ENDS. Double bed with headboard V $75 00; Small bookcase $10.00; Antique night- stand $10.00; Swag style V rain lamp $40.00. 815- ,< 344-1837. 6-16-6-18c ^ 2 BUNK BEDS SETS $15.00 each; l reclining , chair $10.00; 3 dressers , $10.00 each. 815^53-5^91 w after 6pm or weekemto. i 6-16-6-18C NEW k USED RR ' TIES, Bulk Grass Seed. We Deliver. Woocbtock Farm k Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47, >. Woodstock. 815-336-4800. , 6-2tfc ^ INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Rent a Quality H Water Softener for $3.00 a month for the first 3.. . 'V months. Free in- M stallation. Call collect , 815-338-3344. Quality Water Conditioning. 6- 2tfc SELF PROPELLED, K' 34 hp Snowblower with , chains, 1 year 100 ' percent warranty, used half dozen times last ' Winter, lists $500.00, sacrifice $250.00 or beat offer. Owner is moving, see at 218 Ronda, McHenry. 815-385-0081. 6-16-6-18C t L A W N T R A C T O R f Wheelhorse, 7.5 hp with *' mower deck and snowblower. Good ' condition, will deliver ' $550.00. 815-385-9014, . evenings. 6-16-6-18c <t IF YOU HAVE Over- , night Guests, this 3 V, piece corner group (2 couches 4 matching > table) with am-fm radio > and 8 track would be s great for any room. Good condition, used in i daughters bedroom, asking $400 or beat offer. Call weekdays after 9 5pm, 815-385-6136. 6-16- 6-18C ** " SOLID OAK Diniag i Room Table, with 4 H matching ladder back * chairs, custom pad and i extra leaf, 6 months old, / paid $1200 00 will ^ sacrifice for $600.00. ^ Call evenings, Larry .< 815-3856252. 6-164-16C I -- ----; i VEGA CAMPER For Pickup truck. Tinted glass. A-l shape. Bathroom. Like new. ; $1,650.00.815-365^)166. 6- • 16-6-18c 1975 FIAT 186, 4 door, 5 speed, $1500.00; Sears J Moped, like new $400.00; 4 Schwinn 24" Breeze ? bicycle $50.00; McHenry < Jacket and gym shirt > size 44, 646.66 815688- ' 9438 before 2pm. 6-100- > 16c 9

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