Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1982, p. 17

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Legal Notice Vernon W. MCHENRY SAVINGS > AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Corporation, ARNOLD N. MAY; etal., Defendants. NO. 82 CH117 NOTICE r&n&i m tbv siven vou. §n Illinois COURT .«a for Plamttff Dearborn (812) Legal Notice %TIffi CIRCUIT CWRTOFTIffi --WrajUDICIAL mc®w wopDsrotic, ILLINOIS The Sen" filed, notice iji?rssiivenMA^ PAMELA A. MAY; JOANNE MAY MARIANNE E. MAY] a n d A R N O L D STEPHEN MAY Defendants in the above entitled suit, that said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Ci rcu i t , McHenry County, fllinois by the ~ sa id P la in JJjgENRY SAVINGS »ninto«SirI0N' Corporation, Plaintiff, ' -vs- MAY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY etal.) Defendants. NO. 8 CH 140 NOTICE ̂.jr: ^Suaty' im£5en2 NOW, D«tend.nt« nie jour in me corr)plaint suit or otherwise . JM3GT Court of the Judic ia l McHenn County? avmum a?. *ar-y ftSSP- J? nKmjs,oaorj Mh day of lb-4 a Judgement accordance with the of said Woodstock, 26, lttt n a m e d file Ci rcu i t , »4 aforesaid Plaintiff ^The requisite affidavit Street aaainst you and other ?«" publication havirw Chicai for Plaintiff ith Dearborn against you and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage made by McHenry State Bank, as Trustee under the provisions of a Trust Agreement dated April 10, 1978 and known as Trust No. 1476, to McHenry Savings A Loan Associate Mortgagee, con the following dei premises to wit: hereby given you, (Pub. June 2,9 A ion , North 15* B of the West The acres Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26. (except Lot IS of Nottingham W o o d s 2 n d Addition, being a Subdivision of par t of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 46 North, Range 8 East of the Third SSSfofiS CLAIMANTS AND UNKNOWN OWNERS MELISSA MAY PAMELA A. MAY. J O A N N E M A Y , MARIANNE E. MAV A N D A R N O L D STEPHEN MAY Defendants in the above entiteld suit, that said suit has been commenced in the Curatii Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Ci rcu i t . McHenry County, Illinois, by the aforesa id P la in t i f f other for Principal Meridian, according to the P la t thereof recorded December 15. 1978, as Document No. 755672), all in _ Township 46 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Mer id ian , in McHenry County, Illinois. Said property is vacant and unimproved real estate in rural Solon Mills, Illinois; that the aforesaid mortgage was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds , McHenry County, Illinois as Document Number 741852. on August 4, 1978; that summons was duly issued out of the cuuii against you as provided by law, and said suit is still pending. NOW, THEREFORE, unless you, the said a b o v e n a m e d Defendants, file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judic ia l Ci rcu i t , McHenry County . County Building, 2200 Nor th Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 9th day of July, A.D. 1982, default may be entered against you at any time thereafter and a judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint.-- cer ta in mor tgages DEVELOPN&NT Y COMPANY, an Illinois corporation, to McHenrv Savings and Loan Association, Mortgagee, descnltecF fo!'owing wit: PARCEL 1: premises to June 16,1Mb) No. 820237 Legal Notice IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, for the Nor­ thern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. Union National Bank or Little Rock Plaintiff, -vs- Charles E. Kee Jr., et al. Case No. 82 C 2087 Involving a mortgage foreclosure concerning the following described TOTta u» Re- Subdivision of Block 44 of R. A. Cepek's Crystal Vista, a Subdivision of part of Section 1, Township 43 N. , Range 7, E. of the 3rd P.M., according to the Plat thereof Lots 1 to 11, both inclusive and 14 to 31, both inclusive, in Canterbury Heights 7 tn Addition, being a Subdivision of the that part of Nor tn Hal f of Sec t ion 15 . Township • 46 North, Range 8 East of the Third Wifteipal Meridian, "• according to the P la t thereof recorded October 22, 1979 as Document No. 7 8 2 3 8 6 i n McHenry County, Illinois. PARCEL 2 Lot 12 in Canterbury H e i g h t s 7 t h Addition, being a Subdivision of that part of the North Half of S e c t i o n Townshio North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to P la t ^ ther recorded Oc 22, 1979 Document 782386, . . . McHenry County, Illinois. > the ^r ^OWN T as i*ers W \o I i n Fore Said property is vacant and unimproved real estate in Richmond, Illinois; that the aforesaid mortgages were filed for record January 9, 1980 in the 9-12-50 as Doc. 23S218, in Book 11 of Plats,' page 12, in McHenry County, Illinois. c-k-a 1422 Snow berry Lane Crystal Lake, IL., 60060 ORDER THIS MATTER coming to be heard on the motion of the Plaintiff for an Ooder< dtvOetliig the Defendants , CHARLES E. KEEJR.. RUTHANNE E. KE£ and Unknown Owners to appear and file their Answer or otherwise plead to the Complaint to Foreclose Mortgage heretofore filed in this matter and it appearing that an Affidavit of Non- Residence and Petition for Order of Publication having been filed herein, and the Court being fully adviaed in the premiaes; IT IS HEREBY O R D E R E D t h a t Defendants herein, CHARLES E. KEE JR.. RUTHANNE E. KEl! a n d U N K N O W N OWNERS, file their ans- or otherwise plead the - Complaint to oreclose Mortgage heretofore filed by Plaintiff on or before June 30, 1982. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that notice of this order be Kublished in the IcHenry Plaindealer. once a week for six (9) ENTER. Judge Dated: May S, 1981 FISHER AND FISHER ATTORNEYS AT LAW, flranAttss Chicago, IUhMte 88808 S1147S47M (Pub. May 12,19,26, JuneS. 9* 18,1982) No. 880808 Legal Notice recorded Mav 17 Srnarr,! Book 11 aI Plats WO'U." '» MtiMwy Plaindealer J 18,1982). No. 18038 Legal Notice CIROl Y SAVINGS TION, Corporation, Plaintiff, rodltameats and 88oodstock| 87th day ot May AJ> JOANNE MAY. MARIANNE £. MAY a n d A R N O L D STEPHEN MAY. 2$Ch£i&*£S suit has been sssrsi. & Nineteenth Judicial Ci rcu i t . McHenry County, Illinois by the aforesa id P la in t i f f against you and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure or a certain mortgage made by McHenry State l as Trustee under PAGE IT - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JUNE 16,1982 COUNTY OF ) McHENRY ) IN McHENR ILLINO McHENRY STATE lti00;;F, BOLGER, Trustee, Plaintiffs, CIRCUIT COURT vs. mmv?* W ATKINS, Ms wife: and Defendants. ^ No. 82 CH 2 o NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha t in pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court in the above- e n t i t l e d c a u s e , M I C H A E L J . (VAN, Associate the Circuit - , . I on Friday, the 2nd day of July a.D. 1982, at the hour of 9:00 a.m. (Local Time), in Room 309 of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell as public auction to the highest and best bidder for caah all and singular, the following described premises and real estate in said decree mentioned, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to-wit: Lot 12 In Block 14, in McHenry Shores. Unit No. 1, a Subdivision of par t of the Fractional Southwest Quarter of Section 1. lying on _rox part of the Soutl east Quarter - of Section 2, all in .Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third SERVED S FAMIIY STYLE" SINCE 1868 I i. KAIL'S WATXMS PRODUCTS 4508 Elm Leaf Dr. McHunry 385-4816 fOfc Wiilf M ^ the it Court of McHenry County, COWLIN. COWL IN * UNGVARSJCY Attorneys for Plaintiffs 20 Grant St.. P.O. Box 188 Crystal Lake. IL, 80014 (815) 488-8800 ARNOLD N.MAY; etal., Defendants. No. 81 CH 118 NOTICE The requisite sffidavit for publication hsviig been filed, notice is hereby given you, MELISSA MAY. PAMELA A MAY. j of a Trust _ it, dated 1-16- and known as Trust No. 1406, to McHenry Savings and Loan Association. Mortgagee, conveying the following described premises to wit: j The North 766 f«wt of the • West 998.07 feet of the East 2123.07 feet of the Southwest Quarter of Section ~ ~ flip 46 inge 9 e Third 7. Townshi iJorth. Ra East of the Principal Meridian, (except t h a t p a r t conveyed from Thomas Graham Walsh and Dianne E., his wife, to the State of Illinois by Warranty Deed dated July 21,1971 and recorded ^ December 13, * 1971, as Document No. 557174), in McHenry County, Illinois. Said property ia vacant and' unimproved real estate in rural Solon Mills, Illinois; that the aforesaid mortgage was filed for recora in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, McHenry County, Illinois as Document Number 723125. on Febniary 10, 1978; that summons wss duly issued out of the court against ybu as provided bv law and said suit is still pending NOW, THEREFORE, unless you, the said a b o v e n a m e d Defendants, file youf answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judic ia l Ci rcu i t , McHenry County , County Building. MM Nor th Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 9th day of July, A.D 1982, default may be entered against you at anytime thereafter and a judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. DATED: Woodstock Illinois. May 25, 1982 Vernon W. Kays. Jr.. CLERK! OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FREDERICK C. CAPPETTA Attorney for Plaintiff Seven South Dearborn Street Chicago. Illinois 6060;! (312) 726-9000 (Pub. June 2,9 At June 16,1962) No. 820236 -- It doesn't take a super man to sland on the corner and throw mud at someone who is trying to do something. NEEB HELP? MIL I t - 11AM ANO FOOM 7 - 9TM MOM. THRU m. 14 HOURS 815-385-2999 LAKE MICHIGAN SALMON FISHING CHARTER THE POT IUK III 32 FT. TROJAN YACHT U.S.C.G. LICENSED CAPTAIN FISH WAUKEGAN TO ILL-W1SC STATE LINE MORNING. AFTERNOON. TWILIGHT BRITE SET APPEARING WED.THRU SUN. COBNTRY HOUSE Rt«. 173, Antloch, II. 395-4211 AisO M AtURING CRAB LEGS WED & f Rl MSI KIS NO SMI TO MINORS OF FNK WRKS ANB U8S0RS v; lEKSS&lMi SMI Mm: WD., MM It-IMS 365-0200 OUR McHENRY STORE ONLY * WMtll QUANTITIES LAST mm.' T888NIS. V-18 n 4610 W. Rt«. 120, McHonry, Illinois MMtM *. m RHINE-ROSE SPECIAL BURGUNDY - CHABIIS SAVINGS • Lambrusco TV*r SMton* pn«lun> vi rrTwmhn \traMa CinnMMm LnwmiH Nfwn «M1 I IItHk Mr iviiliNr m »iMf «kmr I |WM (Rvr wtr t nH I I I I 30 lb. Bag Callulosa Blow In Insulstion Reduce cooling with our do-Jt-yourself In­ sulation. When you buy our cellulose blow-In insulstion offer you free use of blow-In machine. 30 lb. bag your hestina bills drsmsticslly 4400 W. me. 120 • McHenry, II lit 47 A Country Club Roed *** llllnnla WOOQSTOCK. Illinois Dairy • to 9 Sundey 10 to • Inglenook Navallc Wines 3 1.5 LITRES Black Velvet Canadian 99 9 m LITRES SPECIAL SAVINGS ia B & L Scotch 1.75 LITRES SPEC IAL SAVINGS Colony Table Wines (EXCEPT ZINFANDEL) Bailey s Irish Cream 3 LITRES 750 ML . . SPECIAL Liqueur SAVINGS SPECIAL SAVINGS OUR tVtRYDAY IOW PRK f Taylor Lake Country Soft Wines Korbel Brandy 1 LITRE MCHENRY'S I.S LITRE SPECIAL SAVINGS SPECIAL SAVINGS We Have the area's iarftst selection of draft beer. And you'll find barrel beer can cost less than V* the price of cans or Please call us at IM4tN for our current pike and for your reservation on Buena Vista Chablis or Burgundy 1" Corby s Reserve 1 LITRE C0RBYS weekend barret of fun from Bell! OlKMMf OMKOA \OOq\O%* SPtCIAl SAVINGS SPECIAL SAVINGS Canei SPECIAL SAVINGS -- Mi Cheesemaker's Choice Cheese Spreads 09 8oz. TUB 1 SPECIAL SAVINGS Gordon's \ Vodka. iGOMNVi 1 LITRE O m 00 11 M m * " SPECIAL SAVINGS Cabin Still A Bourbon 1 LITRE SPECIAl SAVINGS Old Style Beer *•11 oz. •onus SPECIAL SAVINGS Miller Beer 4-12 OZ. CANS SPECIAL SAVINGS I Lite, Olympia r*^or Old Style lite V99 LOOSE PACK 24-12 OZ. CANS OUR WRVDAYlOWPRKt Black Label Beer 469 PLUS DEPOSIT 24-12 OZ. BOTTLES SPECIAL SAVINGS mmm Canfield's flavors or Barrelhead 8-14 OZ.-- •onus out tvtfMMV low mc( Coke, Tab, Sprite, Mello Velio 69 J-UOZ. •• Ft US BOTTLES DEPOSIT OUR fVtRYDAY LOW PRICf RC Cola, RC100 or Decaffeinated 1 RC 69 0*14 OZ. • PLUS BOTTLES • DEPOSIT OUR tVtRYDAY LOW PRICf Canfield's Mixers & Flavors QUARTS EACH OUR tVtRYDAY IOW PRK f )

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