11 • a liewet he hot a Waller MaHhau, Ingrid Bergman, Gotdto Hawn. 19*9. 91. 7:30 PM 0 O 0 & WKRP M Qndnnati JwwHi it named MW*U of an tO-year-old frwnd'i Mtak. (R) MC Monday ' Tmm to b* CD 0 Yon A*ed Par ft © Jiiwt Kami b Pi ad 9 ScMnMM 0 9 Hognn't I 8:00PM 8 O O ® M'A'S'N Margaret plant an eog- •rty 1111 uhid trip to Tokyo. (R) • • •Ah ' i OSoMOoU 0 (8) MOV* louiea Daddy hat probltmi wllh Mt tttnagt d Mt i AltfT MtSREHAVIN' Neil Carter and Ken Page are reunited in the NBC-TV adaptation of "Ain't Ml8behavin\" inspired by the Tony Award-winning musical tribute to the music of Fats Waller. The special airs MONDAY, JUNE 21. Char- laine Woodard. Armelia McQueen. Luther Henderson and Andre DeShields also are featured. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME • 1 ©11 Cobum, Ruth Ruttoy. 1990 (D Groat MiPWHl ' •fdi: Return of Utyuet.' Socond of 3 pom. Werner HoRwog oppooii at Ulyitei. Trvdolieto Schmidt at Ptnelope, with Itto Zurich Optra OcWro cendmtad by Mkolout Mornoncomt. (3 hr»„ 30 min.) o MOV* Chu Chu and the ® 0 luchoUbre 0 0 M*A»S*H 03) 0 ® loot of the Wld 00 IwlUMwwuiil 0 Mixed U| ® (3HI bifemioiitii 0 0 700 Ch* (3) lonlwd «nd Son 0 MOV* Mabo MO An OMor After her bwbpd liwi her, a onhii O'Neal. John hwtli v». X' A young lawyer driondt a woman oc- cutod of murder, not knowing dial the it Mt mother lano Tumor, Mm Fortythe, Met do Monlalbun. 1966. 0 MOV* XMton KM' A wealthy pukldin it ruinod by par- tonal icandai. Orton WoRet. Jotoph Cotton, Ruth Warwick. 1941. 0 TOMMICO U.S.A. 8:30PM 0 0 O 0 Homo Caftt A now doctor it dk- coverod to bo'a bomotonwai. (Rf 0KAMConMta«io 9:00PM 0 O 0 0 Cagnoy a Ucoy Cognoy and Lo- tey an wilgntd to protoct the Mo 01 an ouHpokon ERA critic. (60 mm.) 10:15PM fondly 10:30 PM In *0 mlddh of warring mob HOT i when bo nh out to udmlggt a crime ring from the mwde Otntto pher George, Jack Warden. Jow Grey 1971. group come up again* Qwincy and Ibe low. (R) (60 min.) O ® Al In the fondly O 0 3® tluiday MgKt ® 0 O I M'A'S'H 12:00 AM O Ub >¥. With David Lottarmnn O MOV* 'Punch and Jody Punch Troven. a man «*o drtpptd m.mpm m mow 'Ctlumbu A MM te Dei# A tut Worm he hat a toonaao -*• tz*~ £5* TTf VT-* ̂ ̂0<M" Ruth Roman. Mk. Mjpa "My. Michael Pom Oriffin 1975 0 *** •"*» OmM Down t Barty light A miMory ItllWWOII academy commandant it iwtpoctod O Mary Tytor Mooro °* a murder dial wouM prevent hit 0tlmiM .. . tchool bom becoming a co-ed p-. * * . . nior coRege Peter Fa*. Patrick C5.712A 122S21 • Mt0o^°"-T- ̂ 1943 0 01 9:15PM 0MOV* 'Atlantic Oty' IE) 0 MOV* 'The Ring' Oarlie Chan b called upon to toko ono*t> myitery, wMi a aMA Ceioil Fir* of two porta WMumi it Rio guM. 9:30 PM 0 0 0 Story of Adote H Relend Winten, Louit Currio. 1947. 0 Stnvo SmM It OMd 0 0 • Mogar gtro ye Robe of Itao Vmm 10:45 PM 9:45 PM I 10:00 PM O O 0 O T« I L A. Jan duct and dettiuctioii of fiofmtf. Chuck Cannon. I9S3 11:00PM | McHerlry County Comprehensive Mental Health Service System Mental Health Crisis Lin* For McHanry County T -600/892-8900 Toll Free 24 Hour Emergency Number Professional Staff will answer your call.