•fir »MTU PERSONS TO won ran LOOKING FOR <M Bone Pa " iuuTTuT S PLACE HEAVY DUTY 8i«va»biU HEARING AID6. to income. Writo: M.A. Stott, 4413 East Woodar and Lake Drive, W< 312- Lake, D. i UWSc • tilt tire LADIES Walk 2 hours, 2 EXPERIENCED days per weak DENTAL Assistant, 97.99 per hoar. Call US- Part time, 94 Jt par 6534907 mie «H1I181. »» BABYSITTER WAN TED from 4pm to lam week nights. 915-296- 15SS before 2:29pm. S» 234-25C to it upond oporoto Artos wire cutting IliMHUlTi ond Hoi to wove nNtPIAIfc •oWerin t̂nodiinos. For of represen form equ mounfocturor. hove mechanical electrical ex Must bo willing to travel. Apply in - person at MATHEWS COMPANY 500 Industrial Ave. Crystal Lake, II. Phon# S15-3SS4N9 R O L E N S L A W N MOWER, mrpcipHhi, mnlcher, excellent It HP CUB CADETTE, 42" mower dock. Abo COMBINING TIME! • acrea of oats far sale plus straw, call 915497- ian. 4B4̂ Sc CHILDREN'S 7" PLAYHOUSE, •' loot, r tall, 9199.99. nUB •-B4-SC £2£2J AV( )11 HAY RACE With t!S4S7- MWk iom $$$, wt your own hour*. Soft Avon. 130.00 investment. Ovor IS coll incT Hcdiiw, 115-3154115 4/33 R. N/s Join us in our continuing commitment to quality health care. As an acute care Hospital and Trauma center. We hare a lot to offer the professional nurse. Excellent salary and shift differential. Com prehensive continuing education program. Tuition reimbursement. Disability Insurance. Medical and Dental Insurance. For further information contact: 915-295-2200, EXT. 58* McHenry Hospital 3516 W. Wauk«gan Rood McHonry, Illinois 4/1S4/B IS SR0WTH A EXPANSION We ore constantly seeking ex perienced Individuals with ex cellent job recordi for $tie following positions: • ' "»< • Accounting Clerk • Customer Service • Billing Clerk • Entry Level Factory Help • Quality Control (3 yrs. experience) We ore currently completing tne construction of our new headquar ters in Cory, Illinois. If you are in terested in building o career in o nearby, fost paced, successful com pany, PtEASI CALL MR. FHI (112)439-545* sa APTLY Alt Fes Volley Marking Systems, Ins. 172 S. Northwest Highwoy Cory, Illinois 60013 MU 815-295-1126. Whispering Point Hearing Aid Center, Crystal It HP. GILSON Tractor, lf7». 28" originally 9l.08S.45. excellent condition, sacrifice far 9790.00 ot boot offer. Call Friday i»«*ag or Saturday A Sunday. Phone 815495- 7705. S-184-29C NAUGAHYDE COUCH 9115.00; 1 Epd Tables 915.00 each r Oriental style rag «'x0 . 950.00; GMC Car Seat 930.00; 2 of Antique Satin 990.00. All items in Bood condition. 915- 1 6-294-25C MIMI MU PAGE ii.PLAiMnaaiJtw.unrimMMv .. fOR RENT G A R A G E S A L E , Friday A Saturday 0am to 5pm, Bull Valley To Valley Hill to Pine Ridge. Follow signs. 72" sofa; Air conditioner; Saleemans samplee; Boned porcelain gift- ware; Lawn furuiUae; Good txl2 carpet; Fish tanks; Bird cages; COMPLETE 7 Piece furniture grouping, for roc room or living room, muot sell, excellent condition 9090.00. 915- 905-0791. 8-2S4-25C » AMANA FREEZER M cubic ft, chest, 1 year okL 015475-0990. 0-294- 25c COUCH 900.00; Misc. Furniture; Girls 9 speed 915.00. 8154684824. 8-22- 0-29C MOVING MUST SELL, 1974 Toyota Celica GT, 91700.00.915-544-2299. 0- 29-0-25C LARGE SIDE BY SIDE Refrigerator, excellent condition, needs compressor; 90" propane gas stove, very clean; Built in gas oven with cabinet and cook top. All Copper tone; Gas dryer, white. 950.00 each or offer. 915-996- 2295. 0-29-0-25C WOODEN SHUTTERS; Touch wood beams; Metal clothes cabinet; Light fixtures; Storm door; Bicycles, in cluding Tandem; Paperbacks snd wnrngmrinrnm 912-529-9550. iffy AMERICAS BEST, Illinois largest full s e r v i c e p o o l distributors, must sell the big new 1002, SI' family sise swimming pool, complete with deck, fence, filter and warranty. Competety installed for only 9005.00. Financing available. Call Audrey 015-502-7027 collect, right now while the supply lasts. 4-2~0-90c TWO 15" 0 Bolt chrome reversed and baby moons, Six 14" 0 bolt chrome reversed and baby moons for Datsun and Courrier pick-up truck,. 9250.00, will separate. Call after 0:90,015-905-4710. 0-2tfc WASHERS A DRYERS Reconditioned and Guaranteed. 015-905- 0491. 6-2tfc D O G E E N N E L 6'x6'xl2', 9 months old 9900.00.015-944-9042. 6- 2S-5-25C LIKE NEW PENTEX K 1000, with 50 mm lens and filter 9125.0Q. 915- 905-9449. 5-224-25C TRUNDLE BED, good condition 990.00; 10" black A white TV 925.00. 915-944-0779. 94S4-25C 2 STEREO SPEAKERS, 0" woofers, 0"xl4"x24", 970.00 pair; Sofa 7 ft. long; Big soft chair; Twin sice bed; Small tablee and lampe. Beet offer. 815-344-5000. 0-23- 0-25C LIFT TRUCK 5,000 capacity, excellent condition 99400.00; Stand up Reach track, electric 94500.00. 212- 240-1440, Jerry or Brace. S-1S4-29C SLIDING CAMPER 10 ft. long, needs work. First 960.00 takes it. 915- 953-0251. 9-294-26C ELECTRIC MOTORS, 152 phase, 220 volts, 1 bp to 2 hp; 1S-I10 volts, m to 1 hp motors, ttke new, priced km. 915-729- 1129. PICNIC TABLES tor sale, 9 ft. 990.00; 0 ft. 970.00. Very well made. 015-720-1292. O-lOtfc DOLL HOUSES, 915-995- 4915. 9-104-25C 'miwwmn' RR TIES. Bulk Oram Seed. We Deliver. Woodstock Farm A Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47, Woodstock. 0152904200. 0-2tfc INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Rent a Quality Water Softener for 99.00 a month for the first 3 months. Free in stallation. Call collect 015-339-9944. Quality Water Conditioning. 6- 2tfc APPLIANCES: REFRIGERATORS, Freesers, Washsrs and Dryers, electric and gas ranges. Clean and like new at reasonable prices. All recon ditioned and guaran teed. Wahl Ueed Ap pliances, 9421 B. Pearl. 915495-1972. 9-2tfc SOLID MAPLE Kitchen table 990.00; 2 piece couch 920.00; Baby dothss and misc. 015- 995-7704. 0-29 VINCENT mmmr FARM BEDDING PLANTS SCHLESSER'S GREENHOUSE 20199 W. tie. 129 (1 Meek oest of DonoN Ntf) IS Deiy 7 am-lpm Under If 1%fts.) 20* Charge tor 4 qt. 3 miles north of Rich- o- 4i4.tr+mu„ mm 7 Yards 12 Yards 20 Yards USUI 1KASE Ct 312-5S7-S367 WAREHOUSE SALE MEDALLION OAK CABINETS And clearance ee Kitchen ^^0W wOO%w w99 VlllwlWVI Af aaaaaaaaaj>A ^snftileeAe VVQifipOvT vuDlnvvlo UP TO 60% OFF on slightly domoged and discontinued cobinets. Special prices on laminated coun ter tops and cultured marble and onyx vanity tops. We con supply oil your storage needs for kitchen, both, family room, bar, laundry room, or office. Bring in any room dimen sions you hove for free estimate. NOW 11 All sales cash and carry Monday through Friday •<00 AM-4:90 PM *00 AM-2:00 PM "W:* TIP WW CO, EC. i v 76U Hancock Dr. I. * Wonder Lakw, II. "TKA5UK" i SUE : fantastic response to pott toot sole shows wo So hove trooturos! Gems Mils yoor (from 4 families) includes; truck camper top. 60 by 30 of- fico desk, typewriter, chock printer. orcode cor gomo, ,potto door*, oir or. sowing mochine, sor- vor/bor unit. S ft. wot bar. Apocho compor rodiol tiros, cor corner childron to odult clothos. and many household itoms. Cornor of Floren- co and Wost Pistokee Hltts, Ringwood to Wost. follow signs. JIM 2425-26 tH5 NO EAMY BIRDS 911 FLORENCE 1907 FORD PICKUP; 1 yesr old Appalooea Guitar; Brand new Odessey II with 9 car tridges; 10 gallon Hex Aquarium; 90 hp Evinrude Motor; 14' Bow boat with brand new . oars; Food Proceesor 015-944-0039. 0-29 tfc B E E R C A N COLLECTION, aU or single; Weight bench with weights. 915-999- 1529. 5-29-0-25C 1972 WHEEL POPUP Csmper, excellent condition, sleepe 9, 91,000.00.015-905-0995. 6- 23-6-25c ROLL ' BAR For mini pickup, with lights 990.00.015-490-9749. 6-23- 6-25c• 20" BOYS BIKE, Brownish gold. 2 years old 945 00 915-305-0058. 0-23 FUJI S12-S, 19 speed bicycle, excellent condition, recently* maintenanced. 915463- 7521. 6-23-0-25c GARAGE SALE, June 25th, 29th k 27th. tarn to 5pm, 004 Hampton Court. Men and Womens clothing; Tools; Mat tress packing boxes; Books snd Misc. No Checks. 6-23-6-25c MOVING SALE, Everything must go! 4400 Weet Psrkway, Lakeland Park. 915-344- 9892. Friday, Saturday A Sunday, 7am to 10 pm. Oak bedroom set; Tredle sewing machine; Compound bowl with accessories; Sesrs modular home gym; Air condtttioner; Clothing, mens, womens snd infants through sise 7; 25" colored TV; Chest freeser; Washing machine; Garden cart and tools; 1976 Honda 750 (parts); Rooms of furniture; Much, much more! 6-234-25C GARAGE SALE, 6 Different Homes. Keith Drive, Overton Perk, Richmond. {fOllow signs from Rte. it). 5 piece wood bedroom set; Miscellaneous fur niture; Baby furniture and clothes, Toys snd acceosories; Children and Adult clothes; two 20" bikes; Sewing machine; Household items; Washer A Dryer; Fisher Price Toys. June 24th thru June 20th, Osm to 4pm. (No Esrly birds). - 6-23-6-25c GARAGE SALE, 9am to 5pm, June 24th, 25th A 20th. Dishes; Glsss; Gsrbsge dispossl; Frames; Furniture. 1713 West Sunnyside Beach Drive, McHenry, Illinois 6-224 25c * G A R A G E S A L E O Saturday June 26th, Sam to 5pm. Clothing; Air conditioner; Radial arm saw; Misc. 1902 West Indisn Ridge Drive (Sunnyside Estates). 6-29-6-25C HOUSE SALE. Living room, Bedroom A Kitchen Furniture; Loads of Housewares snd Misc. Items. Thursday June 24th A Friday June 25th, 9:90 am to 4:00 pm. 4919 Pistskee Drive, Pistakee Highlands, 2 blocks off Rlngwood Road 6-22-6-25C G A R A G E S A L E . Friday June 25th. 9am to lpm, Saturday June 29th, 9am to 12 noon. Pool pump; Bicycles; Screen door, CB radio; Gas wall heater; Reel lawnmower (needs work); laiggago rack; Much misc 1102 West Elder Ave. (Pistakee Terrace). 6-224-25c GARAGE SALE, Until August 1st, (Except July 4th) 9am to 9pm. 219 North River Road. S-2S4-2SC G A R A G E S A L E , *Yiday A Saturday. Sam to 4pm, 7401 Northwood, Wonder Lake. Lots of miscellaneous; Clothos; Macrame cord and euppUes, 29 percent off original price. 615469- 9-2S4-25C GARAGE SALE, Thursday, Friday A Saturday 24th, 29th A 29th. Assorted clothes; Electrical items; Metal storage cabinets; Too much to print. 4714 Weet Shore Drive, McHenry. 6-294-25C YARD SALE, Cannii* jars; Gun cabinet; Tools; Furniture; More Misc. 9102 West Rlngwood. 915475-6990 Saturday 9am til dark. 6-23-6-2SC M O V I N G SALE, Thursday 24th, Friday 25th, A Saturday 29th, 9am to 4pm. Misc. household goods; Furniture; Appliances; Collectibles; Knick Knacks; Glasswsre; Tools; 1117 Rolling Lane, (Bay Road to Weingart to Rolling Lane). Cash only, Please. 6-2S4-25C GARAGE SALE, 9am to 2pm, Saturday June 26th, 9907 East Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Lake. Many new items. 0-2S4-29C MULTI-FAMILY Garage Sale, June 26th, Sam to 5pm. Corner of Prairie and Central, Lakeland Park. For mica kitchen table; Tape player; Iron; Matching couch and Love seat; Clothing; Curtains; Household; Miscellaneous items. 6- 23-6-25c MULTI-FAMILY Garage Sale. Rolling Acre Subdivision, Chapei Hill Road to Weingart Road to Rolling Lane. June 25th, 26th A 27th, 0am to ? Watch for flap. Several bikes; Household items; Smsll electrics! sp- pliancea; Lampe; Lota of kids clothee, sixes Infant to Childrens size 12; Womens cfdthes; Restaurs nt dishes; Youth bed; Toys; Swimming Pool; Csmerss; Weber cooker; Bsby items; Sears Pong game, Atari; TV and too much more to mention. No Early Birds. Cash only. 6-23-6-25c G A R A G E S A L E , Thursday, Friday A Saturday, June 24th thru June 26th, 0am to 5pm. 3912 Lincolnshire in Windy Prairie Acres, Johnsburg (off of Ringwood Road). Color TV snd stand; Childrens ,toys; Adults snd Childrens clothing; Sch- winn beginners bike; Trike; "Basket Case" Boys bike; Sleds; Youth snd full bed frames; Much misc. 6-23-6-25c GARAGE MOVING SALE, Saturday June 26th, . 9am to 3pm. Clothes; Furniture; Household items; Lots of Misc. 009 Psrk Street, Woodstock. 6-23-6-25c G A R A G E S A L E , Friday only! 9:90 am to 2:00 pm. Much misc. Everything must go! 4414 Msple Leaf, Pistakee. 0-294-29C MULTI-FAMILY Garage Sale, Friday A Saturday 0am to 5pm. Baby A Adult clothing; Toys; Color TV snd Miscellaneous household items. 3007 Buchanan, McHenry. 0- 23-6-25c 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE. Friday A Saturday. June 29th A 29tth. 9am to 5pm. Bike; TV Set; Gutters; Clothing sixes Baby to XL; Baby items; Misc. 4919 Willow Lane. Lakeland Park. 9-294- 25c OARAGE SALE, 517 N. Mill Street, Cooney Heights June 24th, 25th A 29th, 0:00 am to 9:00 pm. Womens snd boys clothing; 99" boys bike; 1979 Chev chrome truck bumper; Trailer hitch; Household items snd much misc. 6-234-25C GARAGE SALE, June 29th A 27th, 10am to 5pm, 0007 Coral Road, Sunrise Ridge, Wonder Lake. Misc. Household items; Smsll ap pliances; Fabrics; Yarn; Much more. 6-23- 6-25c , MOVING SALE, 2 Man Rubber Boat, used once; Books; Bunk beds; Clothes; 90 cup coffee pot; Ping Pong table and more. Saturday A Sunday, June 29th A 97th, 0am to 5pm, 4714 Weet Lake Snore Drive, Gate 2, McCullom Lake. 0-234- 29c GARAGE SALE. 9 households. Craftsman electric and manual tools; Bookcase; Housewares; Men's clothing size 42- Fishing tackle a) Sports ware; Many nc items. Friday June 25th, 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, Saturday June 29th, 9:30 am to 12:00 noon. 914 O a k w o o d D r i v e , McHenry. 6-23-6-25C GARAGE SALE, June 24th, 25 th A 26th Thursday, Friday A Saturday 0:00 am to ?, 1400 West Sunset Drive. Holiday Hills. Double window fan; Single fan; Slow Cooker; Fryer; Electro broom; Lots of clothes. 6-23-6-25c 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE, 4710 West Bonner Drive, 120 to Meadow to B o n n e r , ( b e h i n d Phillipe 00) Friday, Saturday A Sunday, June 25th, 29th A 27th. 0am to 5pm. Sears 4 hp, 2 stage snowblower; 3 motorcycles; Stereo; Sears power spray vacuum; CB's (bsse and mobile); Tools; Kitchen items; Books; All sise clothing; Much misc. No Reasonable offers refused Cash only 6-23-0-25c GARAGE SALE, Mem, Women, Children A I n f s n t C l o t h i n g ; Household acceeeories; Bsby sccessories; Older snowmobile snd more! 5313 West Shore Drive (Brittany Psrk), Thursdsy A Fridsy, 0am to 4pm, Saturday 0am to 12 noon. 0-234- 25c GARAGE SALE, 5115 Weat Home, Lakeland P a r k , M c H e n r y . Friday, Saturday A Sunday, 0am to 4pm, on June 25th, 20th A 27th. 3 Family Thing! Roll-a way bed; TV needs r e p a i r ; C a m e r a s ; S e w i n g M a c h i n e ; Ironing board; Old chairs; Electric Skil saw; Needs of sll kinds; Plus Kids Gothes, from Infsnt to 14,^ plus Adult Clothes and Shoes new and used. 6-234-25c MULTI FAMILY Ysrd Sale. From Baby items to Snowblower; Fur niture and Much more 9600 Howe Road, Wonder Lake. Saturday June 20th, 0am to 5pm, Sunday June 27th, 0am to 5pm. Rain Date, July 10th A Uth. Oam to 5pm. 6-23-6-25c G A R A G E S A L E , Thursday, Fridsy A Saturday til noon, 503 West Dowell Rosd. Books; Beercans; TV; Clothing; TV rotor; Tools snd much, much more 6-234-25c G A R A G E S A L E . Furniture; Lsmps; Vacuum cleaners, 24" bikes; Boat ladder; Children's games and toys; Metal tool box for truck; Some home improvement and misc household items. Much More. Thursday. Friday A Saturday, Oam to 4pm, 1700 Grandview, Sunnyside Estates 0-23- 0-25c HUGE GARAGE SALE, June 24th, 25th A 20th, Oam to 5pm. Furniture; Clothing; Fireplace; Golf clube; Ceramics; Mary Kay Cosmetics; Bike; Stereo; Toys; Crafts; Housewares; Much more. 1711 W o o d l a w n P s r k , McHenry 0-234-25C MOVING SALE, Full house of Good Furniture and Appliances. Stove; Refrigerator; Washer; Dryer; Thursdsy. Friday A Saturday June 24th. 25th A 20th, Oam to 5pm. Cash only. 5720 Niagara, Wonder Lake. Watch for signs at Barnard Mill A Summit A Wonder Lake A Lilac. 6-23-6-25c GARAGE SALE, Baby clothes; Misc. Friday June 25th, 9am to 5pm. Seminole, Wonder 9-234-25C CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS. Daily or Weekly ratee. 915-396- 9906 or 915-90S4S99. 6- 2tfc IN JOHNSBURG, i bedroom apartment. Stove and refrigerator furnished, 9225.00 month plus security. Pay own utilities. No pets. Available July 1st. 915- 395-5051. 6-234-25C VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 915-395 9090 from 0am to 12 weekdays or after 0pm. 0-2tfc tRTMENTS FOR RENT, References and s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t required. 015-295-1079. 0-2tfc FOR RENT In Sun nyside, 2 bedroom Raised Ranch. Large country kitchen, family room, m baths. Newer h o m e c o m p l e t e l y carpeted and decorated, 24 car garage, fenced in yard. No pets, 9490.00 month with one months s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t . Avsilable August 1st. references reouired. Johnsburg Schools. 015- 305-7544 0-234-2SC McHENRY, SMALL COTTAGE Apartment. All utilitiee paid, cloee to town, 9240.00 month. 015-344-3076 6-234-2SC 1 HAVE A Remodeled F a r m H o u s e w i t h 2 extra bedrooms in the Hebron area. I would like a single or couple to move in. 015470-4250 after 5pm. 6-234-25c LOVELY 4 BEDROOM Hillside Ranch, Quiet subdivision of Wonder Lake. Security depoeit and references, 9475.00 a month. 915-339-7405. 0- 23-6-25c YOUNG LADY to share 2 bedroom house in Wonder Lake, 9190.00 includes utilities, plus security deposit. No pete 915-720-1439 after 6pm 6-234-25c J O H N S B U R G 1 b e d r o o m c o t t s g e s e c l u d e d s c r e s g e 9350.00 plus security and utilities. Call 312-797- 0606 or 3124714225.. 6- 16tfc W O N D E R L A K E , 3 bedroom, central air, 14 car garage, fenced yard, full appliances 9475 00 per month One month security, one year lease 312-537-7439. * 6-16tfc MODERN 1 BEDROOM Apartment on Water front Walk to storm. C a r p e t i n g , S t o v e , Refrigerator. Adults. No peta. 9270.00 plus security deposit. 015- 385-3403 6-16tfc M c H E N R Y , R e n t o r Lease with Option. 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Family Room, 2 Car Attached Garage, Air Conditioned, Carpeted, Appliances, 9575 00. 312- 945-0419 6-16tfc McHENRY IN TOWN. 1 bedroom apartment, fully furnished, all utilities included, Mature female, 9275.00. 915-3954900 S-lOtfc McHENRY. 4 bedroom hotae, l both, garage, basement. Available 6-1 for rent at 9475.00 month. Security depoeit, Credit check required. 312-541-2220. S-23tfc SLEEPING ROOMS, Air conditioned single or double. 015-995-1049 9- 234-25c FOR RENT, Upstairs apartment in house, located at 3417 North Richmond Road. Heat, refrigerator and stove furnished. Call 915-395- 4340. References snd Security Deposit. 6- 23tfci IN TOtVN, 2 bedroom home. Brand new c s r p e t i n g , f r e s h l y painted in and out, 9400.00 month plus security, references required. 915-305-2012 6-234-25c ROOMS FOR LIVING, Carpeted, Clean, Cable TV, Kitchen privileges Working peojple only. McHenry Depot Hotel, 9 1 5 - 3 9 5 - 9 7 3 9 s s k f o r Manager, Apartment 1. 6-23-7-2c EDGEBROOK HEIGHTS, ,3 bedroom ranch, family room, 2 car garage. Available immediately, 9450.00 per month. 414-275-3304 days, 414-275-6670 evenings. 6-234-25c 3 BEDROOM HOME, rec room with fireplace, river and lake rights, McHenry area. Call after 5pm, 915449-2215. 6-234-25c 2 BEDROOM HOUSE with nice yard in Wonder Lake, 9250.00 per month. 915-239-5307 6-234-25c AVAILABLE AUGUST, 2 b e d r o o m , 2 b a t h Condo, McHenry, 9400 month. No pets. Adults. 915-395-5017. 6-164-25c McHENRY Woll kopt brown roisod ranch In doan neigh borhood. 3 bodroomt, family room, flroploco, dock, convoniont to Potor- •on Park, shopping, aroos schools, and churchos. no pots. 94S0.OO par month plus utllitios, ono month security deposit and references. 115-344-1318 MM/S OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Is H time for yew to meveupf Does your current office spoce represent you well to your clients? Luxurious spoce available in modern Richmond Oldg. on U.S. Rte 12. 125 sq. ft. to 1,000 sq ft. All utilitios included Call Sob May _ 815-678-4575 1 *211 3 BEDROOM, 2 Bath, 2 Car Garage, Carpeted, Finished basement. S e c u r i t y d e p o s i t , References. Can be seen Saturday, June 26th, 10am to 3pm 1709 G r a n d v i e w D r i v e , Sunnyside Estates, Johnsburg 6-234-25c B R A N D N E W 2 Bedroom apartment in Luxurious Waterfront Home. Central air, all utilitiee included plus garage. Use of ysrd and boat facilitiea. Desire Mature Couple, no pets, 9450.00 per month plus s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t a n d re fe rences :** R e a l t y WOrid, DUroin-Stovall, 915-3954000. <r6-234-25c 3 BEDROOM RANCH, full baaement, 2 car g a r a g e . J o h n s b u r g area, 9450.00 month. R15- 395-5732 9-234-25c W A T E R S E D G E CONDO, Unit A, 2 3 b e d r o o m s , 1 < * b a t h s , garage, 9305.00 per m o n t h , p l u s s e c u r i t y deposit. 915-344-0727 6 04-25c - 3 BEDROOM HOME. Immaculate condition, lovely yard, cloee to town, gas heat, central a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g . References 9550 00 month By appointment only Available August 1 s t 9 1 5 - 3 9 5 4 1 3 0 6 » t f c 1 BEDROOM Apart ment, air conditioned, includes heat, stove and refrigerator, 9250.00. Call 615-395-3400. 6^2tfc Q U I E T W a t e r f r o n t d u p l e x i n t o w n . 2 bedrooms, living room, d i n i n g r o o m , p a t i o , garage Adults, 9375 00 plus security deposit. 815-385-3403. 8-2tfc W O R L D S F A I R , Beautiful mountain top cabina, 9230 weekly. 615- 261 2145 5-294-30c INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritzsche Industrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq. ft. to 15,000 sq. ft 915-395-1070 6-2tfc 3 MONTHS FREE RENT, New modern building, with plenty of parking. Next to Post office and >4 block from bank. 5 offices to choose from, rents range from 9 5 0 . 0 0 p e r m o n t h t o 9150.00, depending on office selected. Call 815- 7294404. 6-2tfc R E A D Y N O W , 2 b e d r o o m a p a r t m e n t , w i t h s t o v e a n d r e f r i g e r a t o r , d i a h - w a s h e r , c a r p e t e d throughout, 2tfc oaths 915-296-21S1. 6-2tfc 1 BEDROOM SUBLET, ready now, fully car peted, with stove and refrigerator. 915-395- 7930. 9-2tfc OFFICE SPACE. 239 sq. ft. utilities included, plenty of parking. 915- 3954700 6-2tfc /