£ LAKEMOOR-LILYMOOR AREA Margaret Karas 365-4954 P i Women Of Moose *"5 Install Leaders here, there is DO of bed traveling weather, so your reservation at least one day a Lily Ann Baker was installed as Senior Regent of the local Mooae Lodge on June 15, the post to which she had been elected. The ceremony was very touching and impressive. Watching proudly were Lily Ann's mother and father and hier four children. Absent in body but present in memory was Brian Baker, Lily Ann's husband, who had been the leader of the Moose lodge at the time of his death. Their daughter April presented her mother with flowers in recognition of the honor. A large bouquet of roses was also given to Lily Ana Laurie Hertel of Lilymoor was installed as Junior Regent of the women's group. Witnessing her in duction were husband Mike, daughter Patli and son Michael, wearing his uniform while home on leave from the service. Also attending were mother Alma Hueckstaedt, brother Rusty, and sister Cherie and her husband Dick Mumma. The two highest offices in the Women of the Moose are now held by two ladies from our community. Congratulations to Lily Ann and Laurie. Their past efforts in assisting in projects of this worthwhile organization have been recognized. May the next year be a very fruitful one for the hrtge under the dedication and talents |of these two special people, ^r': before by calling mwm nice meal and the c other mature people SOCIAL NIGHT The Lily Lake Ladtas joyed a social time last W« evening. Bunco winners were Ann Brzezinski, first; her sister Jean Dember, second; Sophie Peterson, booby; and Millie Narcarti special. Hostess Millie Nejedly put on her usual delicious generous spread. She en joys baking and the ladies enjoy the fruits of her * FUN AT HOSPITAL Alyce Kowal of Lakemoor, who had volunteered many many hours to make conditions happier for our veterans, hoped to attend the annual fun day for the veterans at the hospital in North Chicago. There were games for the service men with assorted prizes. Pictures were taken and enough ice cream, peanuts and beverages enjoyed to make for many stomach aches. Boat rides were of fered to those well enough to go. Many veterans well remember Alyce and her ready smile and the many programs she initiated for their enjoyment. Alyce can no longer do for the veterans as she has in the past but she has many memories which help ease the physical pains she now en dures. GARAGE SALE SUCCESS Lilymoor association garage and bake sale held on the llth and 12th of June was a success, per Kathy Goodwin, association president. Skip Gurske donated the use of his garage for the sale, complete with coffin. Workers included Kathy, Mitzi Gurske, Laura and Connie Meyer, Marion Vornkahl, Judy Brizzi, Irene Thornton, Phyllis Croswell, Betty Ascola, Irish Winkowski and Louise Hipwell. Donations were also made to the bake sale, including the old fashioned pie made by Mary Behrens. The association was pleased with all the help and contributions. Another sale is being planned for the end of August, so start saving articles for that. The next meeting will be the second Monday in July, as the first is a part of the three-day Fourth of July celebration. LAND CLEARED The lots on the corner of Lily Lake road and Route 120 are being cleared of underbrush in preparation for the new library building. Seeing the pif>perty being readied, makes the n4»v library teally seem^i' v 'Chris President Frank Colomer and doctor's care, building committee chairman, Jim Adams, foresee the start of the project this fall, funding and weather per mitting. DAYS OF CELEBRATION June 23 marks the twentieth wed ding anniversary of Walter and Joan O'Brien of Lakemoor. A Lilymoor couple does the O'Briens one better. Helmut end Marion Vornkahl celebrate their twenty-first year on June 24. Congratulations and wishes for peace and joy to all. Walter celebrates his birthday on the 23rd and Hal celebrates his on the 27th. Birthday wishes also go to Barbara Para on June 24. Missy Gray and Lisa Hibbs both add another teenage year on the 25th. Denise Mayhew of Lilymoor has her day the 26th and Emma Kunz enjoys hers on the 27th. MEET AND EAT Julia Kraus, receptionist at the Senior Citizen center at the Moose lodge, reminds us of the tasty lun cheons served daily for a nominal fee. COMMUNITY CALENDAR June 24 - Lakemoor Village meeting, 8 p.m. June 24 - McHenry Nunda Library Board of Trustees open meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the library. July 4-5 - Independence day remembrance and s free Monday! July 8 - Lakemoor Village meeting, 8 p.m. July 12 - Lilymoor Association meeting, 7:30 p.m. PRAYERS NEEDED of LilyimrfffifchMder ith dear husband Sam doing the nursing. Another strong lady, Anna Odom, is battling illness. Her husband Harry is doing all he can to ease her pain. Eileen O'Brien of Lakemoor is also in need of prayefr f Everyone has a need. With com passionate families and friends, and with the grace of the'Lord, the pain is bearable. GOD BLESS Summerfest Will Open June 25 P«' iblii furiously assembling one of the largest social events to come to McHenry this year. The summer fund raiser, Summerfest, opens this weekend and Montini Primary center is a hive of activity with rehearsing, building and decorating. Dancers and musicians are as sembling for the five cabaret shows. Not the least of these entertainers are the Rev. Edmund Petit and the Rev. John Stringini. Father Petit's tenor is legendary in his pariah, and he'll be delighting audiences on the main stage with sentimental favorites. Fr. Stringini has captured the "Good Sport" award for enthusiastically tackling an old fashion dance routine for the same show The public can demonstrate their own terpsichorean talents at dance contests Friday and Saturday. Jit terbug, loosely interpreted, will be admired and applauded on Friday night at 10 p.m. when patrons vie for prises. Polkas will be judged Saturday night at 10 p.m. Everyone is invited to join the fun. Summerfest gates open at 7 p.m. There will be tickets available at the gate, and all this week at some of McHenry's financial institution. Summerfest is s vsried en tertainment. Five cabaret shows, a game room, two restaurants and street dancing will liven up Friday, June 25, and Saturday, June fcffor adults in the community. Fest-goers can enter the festival anytime after 7 until approximately 2 a.m. at Montini Primary center, 3500 W. Washington street, McHenry. For information, call 385-1484. <y* ire ye ye irit Ve ee ee ye ee ex ee x * ye ee ye ye ye ye ye ee ye ye * evtt ye DR. ROMAN J. DYKUN Announces The Opening Of His Office For EAR, NOSE and THROAT and ALLERGY and FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY ot • 523 W. South Street Woodstock (815)356-4600 ond • 4911 South Route 31 (Near the Ambutal) Crystal Lake H (815)455-4690 E OFFICE HOURS 0Y APPOINTMENT * tee . i# i»ir- *'-*m Boat Parade Memories LAKELAND PARK 6 LAKELAND SHORES Carol Cominsky 385-7246 ' Water heaaty like this will he repeated when the Fiesta Days hsat pan held on the Fes river Saadav. Jetv 25. Aa iavitatioa has heea extended to through forms mailed recently to all water-related to Chamber members. la the area and Jt SERVICE NEWS Mountain Warfare Training At End Marine Sgt. Christopher L. Mon crief, son of Berne and Jane Moncrief of 1500 Briar, Spring Grove, recently completed mountain warfare training at the Marine corps Mountain War fare Training center, Pickle Meadows, Calif. He is a member of 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, Camp Pendleton, Calif. The intensive "Summer Rock Package" included patrolling, land navigation and individual survival as well as rappelling from steep or vertical slopes. The training culminated in an aggressive two-day mock war, where the men were required to utilize all the techniques leairned during the course. Selof In England Sgt. Dennis M. Selof, son of William and Ann Selof of 803 W. Florence street, McHenry, has arrived for duty at RAF Mildenhall. England. Selof has been a weapons systems security policeman with the 513th Security Police squadron at Davis- Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz. He is a 1978 graduate of McHenry high school. Still Advisable To Boil Water The telephone was ringing all last week and everyone wanted to know what is going on with the water. We all received notices the end of May saying we would have times we'd be without water and that we'd have to boil all drinking water for the first two weeks in June. So many people were caught off- guard on Monday, June 14, when some areas were without water all day. Most people thought the work would have been completed by that day. I spoke with Frank Higgens at our water companyafiffTfe said it should be just a few more days until the work on the water lines is completed. It would still be a good idea for all residents to keep Skene containers of drinking water on hand in case of an emergency during the Meadow lane construction EMERGENCY SURGERY Tom Jenkins was having some pretty bad pains in his stomach Sunday, June 13, while his wife Beth as at work, so he put daughter Kelly his motorcycle and off they went to cHenry hospital. Tests showed there was a problem in the area of his ap pendix so before the day was over he was in for emergency surgery. Kelly was such a brave young lady helping her sick dad until Beth arrived. We hope that by now Tom is back home receiving plenty of T.L.C. and on the road to recovery. VISITORS Jan, Norma and Vicky Stoeur are entertaining their cousins from Birmingham, England for the next six weeks This is their relatives' third trip to McHenry in the last five years They usually just see the sites in the area but this time everyone is going to Florida to see the Stosur's son John Before the summer is over Norma expects her stepmother to come from England, her very first trip to America WORLD'S FAIR Tony and Ceil Serritella packed up their camper with all their kids and beaded for Knoxville, Tenn., last Thursday. They drove straight** through and spent two days at the 1982 World's Fair. They had hoped for more time to see all the sights but at least now they can say they got to see a world's fair. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Twins, Jill Ann and Julie Lynn Leopold will be celebrating their <• fifteenth birthday on June 24. That is also the day Danny Schooiey turns 19. Johnny Koch and Susan Wautlet hear the birthday song June 25. Best wishes go to Cathy Schooiey on the 26th. June 27 is the special day for ' Gunther Borchert, David Cygan,; Maureen Johnson. Nancy Ghilanhicci and Linda Blisnik. Edward Scar- brough will be another year older on the 28th Eric Arthurs will be old enough to drive on June 29. HAPPY ANNIVERSSRY Joel and I are going to be married 19 years on June 26 and we will be % celebrating, along with Dorothy and * - Bill Meineke and Helen and Ralph ' Stippick Three more couples will celebrate an anniversary on June 27 They are; Betty and Jim Beno, Robert and „ Roberta Humphreys and Jim and ", Sandra Neff. June 28 will be Helen and Joe, Gerambio's fortieth anniversary and ;. Curt and Sandy Freund are together • 18 years that day MEET FOR CONSERVATION The board of trustees of the McHenry County , Conservation district have called a special public meeting for 9 a.m. the morning of Sunday. June 27. It will be held at the district offices at 6512 Harts road, Ringwood. The only item on the agenda will be to vote on a motion to hold an executive session for the purpose of discussing and touring sites for possible land acquisition. (environmental T rwMHI Selenium, an eiemenr flush ed inio hays and marshes from salt domes being prepared for oil storage and hy routine agricultural and industrial activities, shows signs of ac cumulating in animals low on "the food chain. Biologists found nearly a )0-fold in crease in selenium levels in phytoplankton and oysters tested i=s i Bargain? on irga [ridings and bins* i t tun ilM'j («*il i« r»fv ^ 40' x 80' x 14* Building Package Includes: • 1 20 x 14 EWS Obi Slide Door • 1 24 x 14 SWS Dbl Slide Door •1 3068 Solid Steel Walk Door" •4 9 ft. Skylites S13,020°° 36' Dia. Bin With Walk Door 18,600 bu Storage for 57f/bu Includes: •Ladder, Outside •Floor and Steel Supports •Grain Spreader •Aeration Fan •8" Unloading Equipment '10,595°° t * Building artees Include construction using QROtt/MAftKs Zone 1 letwr. Bet do not include eon- cr#t#, fifctfictl oofin#ctton, or joidlnj intf unloillnj Ofiln lyttfffi pHoti do not Iwcludti frtlfht, coocfUi, cooitf uctiofi, connection of tex. "OTHER PACKAGES AVAILABLE AT SUMMER SALE PUKES." McHENRY FS Marengo McHenry Huntley Elkhorn Chemung Zenda DADLENE ST&BLA CCOIS, ACSW CSW COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY Individual. Couple, Family And Group Therapy (815) 721-1039 OA¥l,fVfNI HOUl tSNWG^AI NO SATURDAY 'OINTMENT McHenry County Comprehensive Mental Health Service System Mental Health Crisis Line For McHenry County 1-800/892-8900 Toll Free 24 Hour Emergency Number «»vt MiiMHon <*»u V"> . i Professional Staff will answer your calf! MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE Mercmjunmse Clemmce Center 301 W. Virginia Street CRYSTAL LAKE 815-455 0333 5 Mon Tues 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Wed.. Thurs.. Fri.. 9 a m S p.m. Sat 9 a.m. 5 p.m Sun 10 a.m. 3 p.m Use Cash MC Visa of ouf own Check Purchasing Card' V V '1 ' w Sale Dates June 23rd thru June 29th While Quantities Last Have you Ws/fed our store In Wauconda? IRON WARE DISH SETS GLASSES PLASTICS COOKWARE HOUSEWEARS 40% OFF OUR REG. STORE RETAIL BAKEWARE KITCHEN QADQETS CANISTER SETS FLATWARE OUR BONUS SPECIAL IN HOUSEWARES IS 20-PC. SETS SERVICE FOR FOUR DINNERWARE RADIANT ROSE Reg. 44.99 VOfiQ PWO/PP CONSTABLE IN PINK Reg. 44.97 1 ~rnm ~ CONSTABLE IN BROWN. . Reg. 44.97 S <4 Q99 OLD ENGLISH IN BLUE . . Reg. 35.99 | We Have Completef Sets at 40% OFF REG. PRICE HIS AND HERS ELECTRONIC ALARM CLOCK REQ. 15.00 SALE $750 LLOYD'S AM/FM CLOCK RADIO • DIGITAL CLOCK REQ. 35.99 SALE $18°° SCREEN PRINT SHORT SLEEVE TOPS REQ. 2.25-1.50 MU1,s-751 BOYS S GIRLS SMACS JEANS REQ. (.60 SALE $425 ELECTRONICS 50% OFF OUR REG. STORE RETAIL FALL MERCHANDISE AT THE ELECTRONIC SECTION IS INCLUDED IN SALE CHILDREN'S WEAR 50% OFF OUR REG. STORE RETAIL OUTDOOR PRINKNING FOUNTAIN EVERY CHILD SHOULD HAVE ONE FITS ALL OUTDOOR HOSE FAUCETS REG. 11.37...NOW $499 THE OWL SOLID STATE AM RADIO Rag. 8.99 SALE $450 DORCHESTER AM/FM RADIO RECORD PLAYER REQ. 59.99 SALE $30°# GIRLS SWIM SUITS REQ. 3.99 SALE $200 GIRLS BLUE 8 WHITE SUN DRESSES REQ. 3.00 SALE so V M C C C A T A L O G O U T L E T S T O R E M C C C A T A L O G O U T L E T S T O R E