. ) . PAGE 21 • PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JUNE 23. IMS College Honors the Faculty's office in Waverly, Iowa. Among them is Era Lorenz, daughter of Mr. «id Airs. Frank Loram. In order to be named to the Dean's Hat. a student must earn a grade point of 3.40 or better (on a 4.0 Graduates TIMOTHY OAKLEY Timothy Oakley, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oakley of SMI N. Bunny avenue, McHenry, graduated recently with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Valparaiso unive^ity, Valparaiso, Ind. 11m Is employed by an Environmental Engineering firm in Warrenville, III. Len Abruzzo Is Graduated Len Abruzzo of 5201 Home avenue, McHenry, graduated June 13 from the University of Illinois, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Business degree. Abruzzo's wife, Pat, and two children, Mike and Lenny, attended , the graduation ceremony. The graduate is employed by one of the Airlines. Eva Lorenz On Dean Honor List Two hundred thirty-five Wartburg college students have been named to the Dean's honor list for the spring- May term, according to the Dean of basis), elect to take no paaa no credit in at least five Present M.D. Degree Parte * Recreation To Michael Thornton MILL STREAM COIN-WASH 1304 North Front Street McHenry 385-2042 BUSINESS PERSON SPECIAL 70* SHIRT with any dry cleaning order of $3.00 or more minimum 5 shirts - maximum 12 shirts We specialize in PROFESSIONAL service. W A Dav •e Dells Dn HOOVER! options and earn credit courses Ph. D. Degree To Ned Rusln Ned Rusin of 1030 N. Riverside drive, McHenry, has received Ms Ph. D. degree in Clinical Psychology from Georgia State university, Atlanta - Dr. Rusen earned Ms Bachelor degree from George Washington university and his Master degree from Georgia State. The family, including three sons, have resided in McHenry for six and one-half years. ON HONOR ROLL The Wisconsin State university conference has named 101 University of Wisconsin-Stout athletes to the conference's scholastic honor roll. To be named to the honor roll, an athlete must maintain at leaat a 3.0 grade point average (B) for two consecutive semesters. Named to the honor roll from McHenry was Anthony Huemann. Top Student PATRICIA ELLIOTT Patricia M. Elliott of McHenry, daughter of Louise Elliott and the late Glenn J. Elliott, was named to the Dean's list with a 3.M grade point average in her sophomore year of pre- med studies at Roosevelt university in Chicago. EARNS DEGREE Saint Mary's college, Winona, Minn., conferred degrees upon 304 seniors and graduate students at commencement exercises Saturday, May 15. This included 223 bachelor of arts candidates and 81 master's degree candidates. Mark W. Hesch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hesch, 1012 Cherry Valley, McHenry, received his B.A. degree DR. MICHAEL THORNTON Michael Thornton received Ms M.D. degree June 11 from the University of Illinois, Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine, in Chicago. He will begin a three-year residency in Family Practice at West Suburban hospital in Oak Park July 1. Mike, a 1974 graduate of McHenry high school, graduated from Wheaton college in 1978. In a ceremony commemorating the 100th anniversary of the medical school, the graduates were presented with their ceremonial emerald green hoods and stoles designating their chosen field of medicine. Dr Thornton resides in Oak Park wi th his wife, Jennifer, and their infant daughter, Krishna Lynn. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thornton, reside in McHenry. - Children's Outdoor Theatre The CUy of McHenry Department of Parks and Recreation is sponsoring its second Children's Outdoor Theatra at Pearl Street park Tueoday, June The moviee are frek to the peMIc and will begin at duek. His week's movie is "Hey There, It's Yogi Bear"! Those attending should bring that blankets or lawn chairs and enjoy an evening under the stars. Cnnfiici will be available at the park. ; For further information call tfef Department of Parks and Recreation at 344-3300. * Beach Sampling: <• Water samples collected fitnQ \Wa sWim COun artd 1 Baby Postpones Arrival For Busy Mom's Graduation Mrs. George (Kathleen) Spyrnal of 8221 W. Chickaloon drive, McHenry, very nearly found herself in a serious conflict of schedules recently. She was awaiting the birth of her second child. Jonathan Michael, on May 30, the same date she was to graduate from Loyola university, Chicago, with a Master's in Nursing degree. Mrs. Spyrnal continued to attend classes in Chicago and graduated with her class on the appointed day. Very EARNS DEGREE Charles William Pintozzi, son of Mr. and Mrs Charles Pintozzi of 1305 E. Brookwood, Arlington Heights, for merly of McHenry, was one of more than 777 seniors who received degrees at Bradley university's com mencement in Peoria recently. Charles earned a Bachelor of Science degree in construction ON DEAN'S LIST Ruth Marshall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Donald Gierloff. 3617 W. Maple avenue. McHenry, has been named to the dean's list for the second semester at the University of Wisconsin- Platteville To be named to the dean's list a student must attain a grade point average of 3.50 or better, based on a 4.0 system. conveniently, the baby made his entrance June 7. Mrs. Spyrnal, who works in the Intensive Care unit of McHenry hospital, has Bachelor and Master degrees and is a critical care certified nurse. Her expertise is in car diovascular nursing. The couple moved to McHenry from Chicago six years ago. They have another son, Georgie, 3 years old. ASSIST CARE Members of the National Football League Players aasociation are helping CARE raise funds for the international aid and development organization's feeding and self-help programs in Third World countries around the world. After viaiting CARE projects, football stars will give eyewitness reports to their fans in the U.S. One group of players recently visited Haiti and the Dominican Republic. A second group toured Peru and Ecuador. The players saw such projects as con struction of low-cost housing and water systems; training agriculture, forestation and crafts production; nutrition education and food aid. imming beaches by the McHenry nty Department of Health June ]1 15 were obtained from aevenO beaches on the Fox rivet and froiQ some of the lakes in the cd*ntj. • - Those beaches at which the was found to be unaat swimming were: Highland Sunrise Ridge, White Oaks Bay White Oaks Bay No. 2, Wonder " No. 4, Lookout Point, Wll Beach, Wonder Center No. 2 and: Spring Woods No. 1, all in W< Lake > Those beaches at which there wecf two conaecutive unsatisfactory samples and which the Department will be posting as unsafe for swimr ming are Village of Sunnyside and Shore Hills Country club, Wonder Lake. :• Plumbers Ratify i Labor Contract An historic labor agreement made when members of plum Local 93, U.A. of Lake and McHc counties, ratified a five-year lat contract which was negotiated wit the Lake and McHenry Count Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Con tractors association. The new contract, which covers the two Northeastern Illinois counties, provides for increaaed fringe benefit* into insurance, pension and training funds amounting to $3.15. It calht for no wage increase for the next five years unless the annual rate of in flation for the Chicago Metropolitan area according to the Consumer Price Index, as published by the U.S. Department of Labor for the previous year exceeds 3.0 percent. RECEIVE A WSS VALID FOR TWO ADULTS gss $70 VALUE JUNE 1. 1982 t h r u OCTOBER 1.1982 tommy samt sosot WOJLO I A0UIT* Kj HOOVER Celebrity" qs Vacuum Cleaner outer !•"* SERIES MODEL 83113 • Convenient Cord Wrap • On-Off Toe Switch • Full-Time Edge Cleaning HOOVER. Convertible Upright All-steel agitator Big disposable bag e 4-on-the-floor .carpet shift COMPLETE WITH ATTACHMENTS! A Model U4127 YOUR CHOICE Serving the McHenry Area for over 50 Years CAREY APPLIANCE SALES S SERVICE 1241N. 6REEN SItEET 3SS-5S90 McHENtY.lt McHENRY, ILL 2314 W. ROUTE 120 RC, DIET RITE. RC100 MM • 16 OZ. BOTTLES $149 Carlo Rossi Wines Rotsi'i PLUS DEP DacTs Rootbeer, SunKist or SIG FOUR LITERS Bubble-Up BOTTLES REG. OR DIET Pepsi or $ Mountain Dew "NR BOTTLE EFFECTIVE Christian Brothers < UA>1 UAI I tV BACK rUAIIK • NAPA VALLEY ROSE, CHASLIS RHINE OR BURGUNDY Andre s Champagne 7 Crown SEAGRAMS WHISKEY Strohs (REG. OR LIGHT) 98B ll .75 LITER 12*12 OZ. CANS Wolf schmidt BO* VODKA SALE BEER NOT ICED Seagram's Gin BO PROOF Monestary Amaretto 98| N.7S LITER 24-12 OZ RET. BOTTLES Iridocww the rainbow of colors produced by over lapping several very thin Irtt- rtflecting layers--can be seih in everything from humming birds, peacocks, butterflies, beetles, and fish to soap bub bles, seashells. and oil slicks, National Geographic World magazine says. SERVED ! FAMILY STYLE I SINCE 1868 HMW faiNM* WHkm • products yw iBWfcr VMk • ( jrawmnn Ltnfenmt and I tlrrfe. <rr watfMr m ymr emir | Him (pvc mr a tail GAIL'S WA1KMS i PRODUCTS | 4506 Elm Loaf Dr. McHnnry { 3854816 HOW 10 SUBSCRIBE TO THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER » w1 s 3812 W. Elm Stroot McHonry. II. 60050 • 3 YEARS - S40.BB • 3 YEARS • S40.00 • 2 YEARS • S2S.SS • 1 YEAR-SI 4.50 •4 MONTHS- SB.5B • PAYMENT * ENCLOSED Adrm > • • • • • City Prkna good in McHonry County