PAGE 14 - PLA1NDKALER • WEDNESDAY, JUNK 36. 1S61 LAKELAND PARK & LAKELAND SHORES Corol CorrHnjky 385-7246 A : Dredging Lake I : At West Beach * • I * ! Work began last week on dredging » McCullom Lake at the West Beach. • The berm was brought in Thursday and (he work crew started at 9 a.m. ; Now we have construction going on in # two places of Lakeland Park. Signs were posted early Friday * saying the West Beach is now closed ! for swimming and playing. Anyone • who attempts doing so will do it at * their own risk. This doesn't mean you I can't go swimming in McCullom I Lake, you'll have to go down to the * beach at Petersen park to cool off this '* summer. LITTLE LEAGUE •* The Lakeland Park Little league began the 1982 season on June I, and ;> all the kids have been playing some > great games. The children always >Tenjoy having a rooting section cheering them on to victory so I am printing their schedule for July. All .games are played on the fields at the community house beginning at 6 p.m.; doubleheaders begin at noon. Team 1 is the A's; team 2, Cards; team 3, Sox; and team 4, Expos. July l-lvs4, July 6-2vs4, July 8-lvs3, July 13-3vs4, July 15-lvs2, July 20-2vs3, July 22-4vs2, July 25, a doubleheader • lvs2 4vs3, July 27-4vsl, July 29-3vsl. 4TH OF JULY For the second year in a row the residents of Lakeland Park will have fantastic seats to watch the 4th of July fireworks display. If you want to see the ground displays too, be at Petersen Park at 9 p.m. Sunday, July 4. Monday, July 5, is the rain date, just in case Mother Nature decides to be nasty. Last year's fireworks was a great success but it also cost a lot of money. Donations are being accepted by the Chamber of Commerce to help pay for this year's display. I take this time to wish all of you a happy and safe Fourth. > LLPPOA MEETS The next monthly meeting for the Lakeland Park Property owners Association is Thursday, July 1. Meetings are held at the community house, 1717 Sunset beginning at • p.m. All residents are urged to attend these meetings so we W1 can keep the association going. The lack of com munity interest has made our board members think about disbanding and we can't let this happen. MEETING I'm reminding all members of the Lakeland Park Refunders club that j our next meeting will be Wednesday, . July 7. This should be enough warning ! for everyone to have time to prepare their forms, lists and qualifiers. We will meet again at 4709 Prairie, beginning at 7 p.m. There will be three • new members ioining us that evening and there is always room for more. DOUBLE PARTY Ron and Marilyn Nystrom are very proud of their son Robert for his recent confirmation and eighth-grade raduation. They had a party in their le Saturday, June 19, to celebrate these happy occasions. Many friends and relatives came, including grandparents BUI and VI Nystrom who drove all the way from Florida, There was so much food and beer left over they were able to party again on Sunday. We wish Bob much hick in high school next congratulations on compUshments. year his and ac- SEVENTH GRANDCHILD Ray and Donna Rode on North avenue are now grandparents of seven girls. Their daughter Leah and husband Brad Prasse of Woodstock had a baby girl June 11. They named the 7 lb., 8 or, girl Heather. Now that the Rodes have a harem of grand daughters, maybe one of their children will present them with a grandson in the future. ANOTHER BABY GIRL Six-year-old Kelly DiBlasi is very excited because her mom had a baby girl June 10.' Mr. and Mrs. Tony DiBlasi are the proud parents of Jordan Kristin. Jordan weighed in at 7 lbs., 7 ox., when she arrived at McHenry hospital. Congratulations to all of you, we can't wait for Kelly to introduce us to her new sister. ENGAGEMENTS Two young girls from the area are now proudly displaying diamond engagement rings. Bridget Holas plans to become the bride of Martin Kraft on Aug. 28,1962. It won't be long and there will be plenty of showers to honor the pretty bride-to-be. Joe and Agnes Prazak are pleased to an nounce the engagement of their daughter Jol-Lynn to Mike Crause. No , wedding date has been set. We wish both couples much happiness in their futures together. BIRTHDAY WISEHS Best wishes are sent to Sweeney and Elizabeth Becker June 30. Kelly Watkins will be sixteen' July 1 and she celebrates with Ginger Koch. Elizabeth Heuer will be 11 ydsrs old on the 2nd, and she sharei her day with Norb Kwiatek, Ray Barle Jr., and Jack Cuevas. July 3 is the day we wish Wayne Dettmer a very happy day and Julie Dpjan turns three. Debbie Benes, Howard Beam, Michael Aklrich and Doug Hallberg see fireworks on their birthday, July 4. Donna Kaminski, Robert Nystrom and Dreama Bearfield add another year July 6. ANNIVERSARY WISHES Sandy and A1, Etten will be celebrating their tenth wedding an» niversary July 1. Jerry and Connie Bunting are together 16 years July S. Congratulations to both fine couples celebratting this week. PARISH CARNIVAL Father Joseph F. Kulak, pastor at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish in Crystal Lake, has announced that his psrish famil) carnival on I dedicated churcl the corners of McHenry aVenue and Dartmoor drive in Crystal Lake. The carnival will take place the weekend of July 9, 10 and 11. Everyone is welcome to come and join in this very special summer celebration. on ie, nas announced inai nis ily is sponsoring the first the grounds of their newly ihurch, which is located on ADDITIONAL s50 Savings We have a few 1982 Model KITCHENAID DIShWAShERS remaining in our stock. You can save an Additional *50.00 off of our Everyday Low Price. Model KDC-19 KitchenAid Dishwashers offer more dlshscrub- bing and lona-llfe durability features than any other dishwasher Backed by a lO, & and 1 Year Triple Protection Warranty. The KitchenAid Trash Compactor reduces a week's trash Into one small package. Puts the squeeze on boxes, cam botttei paper and more. And only KitchenAid offers the exclusive Litter Bin* Door for quick throwaways. NCS-IOO SorviBi to NcHmtt Aih for mt 511%m CAREY APPLIANCE UUSISBMCE 1241N. Grtt« Strut TTTS"3EIT Open House For Siblings Memorial at Woodstock presented its first sibUî opto last weekend, the first program of its The program Urea with an the obstetrical ft of the hospital. . Hie program consfa stations. At station enliven cuuju ted of four Number- 1, the garments used by the doctor and their father in the labor and dsMisij area. They were given the opportunity to try on such things 66 amb cape, bnntki maaks and gloves. "By dressing up in sm«teal attire, we feel children have a better awareness of what Imogens in the delivery suite." co-head nurse in the explained. At station Number 2, children given the opportunity to taste for mula, diaper a baby do0, and aak questions sbout caring for their younger brother or sister. Bach child received a bottle of formula and a disposable diaper to save for their new baby. • At station Number 3, they to view the babies in the staff member was on hand to \ any questions osamalng the babies or the <mui|ri>*"J They concluded the program at station Number 4, where Certificates of Achievement were awarded to each chtkL Balloona which said "I'm a big brother" or "I'm a big sister" were given each child. Bom parents and children were invited in for refresh ments, while staff members were available to talc to the chikfcen and make them fee! comfortable in the hoapital setting. . newborn nursery, CLOSE DRIVER FACILITIES All offices and facilities in the Secretary of State's office win be over the Independence day Secretary of State Jim announced. Edgar said driver services facilities outside Cook county will be Saturday, July 2, and will Tuesday, July 6. All other ofAess and facilities will be closed Monday, July 8, and wiO resume business Tuesday, July 6. WONDER LAKE Ann* Sowers 633-9549 Plan Red, White And'Blue Weekend »i5 If yon failed to register and are stiU interested, there are a few openings. Catt Mary McCarty, chairwoman, at It finally has arrived! The big weekend of the summer season wUl be celebrated in Wonder Lake style starting Friday night. The ramp is in position behind Letlzla Financial building for the Miss Wondsr Lake contest to take place July 2, at 6 p.m. The bands will begin playing at 8:90 p.m. for the Street dance where the 1962-83 queen will reign, along with her court. All the final touches arc being ap plied to the decorated bikes by those who will enter the bike conteat to be held Saturday, July 3 at 9:20 *.m. at the old firehouse building on E. Wonder Lake road. The categories are buggy-5 yrs.; 6-10 yrs.; and 11 yrs. and over. Prizes will be awarded in each group and then the entries may rids in the*, parade, which will begin at 10 a.m., leeving the old firehouse and culminating at the triangle. Co. 1 Firemen and Auxiliary are planning a big afternoon as soon as the parade activities have finished. Return to' the new firehouae tor their open house and you will be able to see movies, slides, and fire prevention demonstrations. Children will be receiving balloons and adults and children alike wiU enjoy the Ice W1N8 SCHOLARSHIPS Congratulations to Donna Chester, who is the recipient of the Memorial hospital for McHenry county's nur sing scholarship. She wUl receive 8800 renewable each year for the full four years she is in school. In addition to the scholarship, she will have a nursing position waiting for her at Memorial when she recieves her Western Illinois degree from university. Maybe They'N Check (he Tkes Despite production cut back* by the OPBC oil car tel, tow* gaaokm prices could be around well pan summer vacations, an energy expert predicts. But beware, we will have shortages again, says the head of the nation's largest and top-ranked petroleum engineering department. We have hot solved our energy sweet treets of the day. Blood pressure screening wUl also tgke place. You might like to rest for an hour or two at home and then come back to the Wonder Center beach for a pre- flreworks ski show being put on by our very talented Wonder Lake Ski club at 6 p.m. The grand finale to a fun-packed will take place with the display to begin at ap proximately 9:30 p.m. Sunday, July 4, will be a relating day to enjoy those hamburgers and hot dogs cooked on the grill and to think about the great Wonder Lake Fourth of July 1912. two days fireworks SWIMMING LES80NS The Red Croos swimming again be offered by the W club of ¥ wiU n be offered by the Woman's Wonder Lake and the Kiwanis club. They begin Monday, July 19, and continue until Friday, July 20. Bach , . class is held Monday through Friday Jutys~«m. B for 20 minutes and certificates for Parade; after parade, those passing the Red Cross house and ice cream s< requirements are given after claae on the last day. MCHENRY SHORES Nino Keen 344-2665 Go Slow And Drive Safely We would Ukc la wMi *0 oar reeidents a very safe, restful, and fun 4th of July neskend Enjoy the vestber, fireworks, and drive carefully throughout the 1 - While on the subject of i would like to remind aU residents once again to pteaae go skm and obeerve the speed limits throughout the area. There are so many children playing on or around the streets, and too many cars go too fast for conditions during the summer months. The dust and gravel that theee speeding cars kick up is unbelievable, to say nothing of the dnngtr In driving so fast with little ones around. Are we in that much of a huury we would risk a life, just to save a tew minutes getting home? VEHICLE STICKERS STILL AVAILABLE Vehicle stickers from the City of McHenry are stiU available for thoee of you who have yet to purchaae them. Hie stickers, which are available at city hall during business hours are 86 apiece, with alsoa 82 late fee, since it Jackie Stojonic relaxed at the Howard Creek reaort off of BuU Schoals lake. Mary Lou tails me a very good time waa had by afl, though their skin is stfll feeling the effects of too much san! A BABY GIRL! to on the birth Leighc Donna has also received the National Honor Society scholarship. Good luck Donna, we are aU proud of you. ROOKIE STANDINGS Even though official standings are not kept in the Rookie division of the Wonder Lake Boys basebaU, there is hardly a parent or team member who doesn't know exactly how well they are aU doing! The division is for eight and nine-year-old boys and moot of the seeson is used as a training process. The basic fundamentals are taught and developed further eech year. As of June 23, the Dodgers, managed by Bill Stutz, have been undefeeted with a 4-0 record. The cubs have a 2-2 record, the Braves are 1*2; the i Brewers are 9-2. Rookie is past the Theee stickers are required for aU cars and vehicles residing in the city of McHenry, and the city witt enforce this ordinance. COUNCIL MEETINGS A reminder to aU interested that the McHenry City Coundl meets on the first and third Monday of each month at city hall for their coundl meetings. The public is invited, and encouraged to attend. These meetings are most informative, and we encourage any interested citizens to attend, and see our city at work. Due to the 4th of July weekend though, the next city coundl meeting wiU be Monday, July 12, at 8 p.m. ARKANSAS VACATION Two Shores families recently returned from a beautiful week of fishing and swimming in Midway, Ark. Fred and Mary Lou Haakl and their family, along with Ray and of their daughter Sandra Loigh, born June 12. Sandra weighsd In at 8 MM., 9 os., and waa welcomed hoese by her four brotbsrs and shrters. As for this reporter, I am stffl hanging in there, and hopefully witt have a headline of my own, for the very next column, I HOPE! SHORES RESIDENTS ON CITY COMMITTEES Our congratulations to Larry Weber and Donna Tobeck, who were both recently named by Mayor Joseph Stanek to positions with city com-" mitteee. Larry was named to the City of McHenry Planning Commission. Larry served on the McHsnry Shores Planning Commission for several years, and we know he wUl be a valuable asset to this commission. Donna was named to the City of McHenry Zoning Board of Anneals. Donns is a former trustee with the Village of McHenry Shores, and her knowledge of village and dty func tions and workings also win bring much to this board. We are very proud to have Shores residents Involved with our City of McHenry, and know they wUl do a fine job. SPECIAL WISHES A very "Happy Birthday" wish to a special lady, Bernice Wilson, who celebrated her day June 22, with a beautiful dinner out with her husband "Hack", daughter Joyce and son-in- law Howie Lexow, and also grandson Loe. Best wishes for many more birthdays to come. Also making news in tbs Lexow family, is son Lee, who wUl be leaving July 12 for four months of training in the Air Force Reserve in Texas, at Lackland Air Force Base. We wish the best of luck to Lee, who wUl be missed dearly by his family and friends! HAPPY SUMMER! SUNNYSIDE AREA Detty Messer • . 044-2494 games ire held st Cristy field, behind irrison school. SPECIAL DAYS A belated "happy birthday" to Chris DeCicco, who celebrated his birthday June 14. Today, June 30, Derek Graff will be blowing out 10 candles on top of his birthday cake. It will be a great birth day for Derek because he wUl be doing one of his favorite things - playing ban when his teem, the Yankees, takes on the Indians. Starting off July, we find Mary Lee Berndt celebrating her special day, July 1. The DeCicco family is busy with summer birthdays. Happy birthday on July 2, to Carly, and July 3, to John. COMMUNITY EVENTS July 1 - Pinochle dub; Christ the King; 7 p.m. July 2 - Miss W.L. contest; 6 p.m. Street dance; 8:20 p.m. Bike contest; 10, firehouse open 6:30 p.m. Ski show; 1:20 p.m.*s July 4 - Relax! l i fe mm The Way to Happiness Man's eternal search is for an everlasting youth filled with the joy of healthy, happy living. No means hat been found to extend life beyond the mechanical limitations of the human body. When the body ceases to function, life ebbs away. Disorder and disease rob man of many years of useful and happy life. Simple care of the body, preventive maintenance, can prolong the time when normal wear and tear will destroy life. Regular chiropractic care to assure that the nervous system is functioning efficiently in response to nerve impulses from the brain through the spinal cord to the millions of tiny nerve fibres throughout the body is an excellent "preventive maintenance" program. Through scientific examinations and com petent adjustments, the chiropractor maintains the nervous system aad permits efficient operation of the nervous system. Nerve energy reaches its proper destination, and nature is able to perform her healing miracles in the body. With efficient bodsa/ functions maintained, the glow of happiness remains, unhampered and undiluted. Another Life and Health Article from the office of DR. REKMCK HUT COUPON DONUT LOVER'S | DOZEN 1 $199 Invite All 7b Hall Dedication The Village of Sunnyside wUl hold the dedication of its village ImU Sunday, July 4. AU residents of the village are invited to attend the dedication and open house at 1818 Channel Beach from 1:20 to 2 p.m. Come and see the haU and meet the officials who wUl be there to greet you. Although the haU has been In use since Dec. 15 of 1861, as a meeting place. Mayor William Mitchell and the board felt it beat to wait for better weather to hold the dedication. The building also houses the office of the Chief of Police and the squad car. Be sure to attend the open house and meet the people who serve the village. VILLAGE MEETING On Tuesday, June 18, the village held its second monthly meeting at the new hall. The upcoming dedication plans were discussed ana everything is moving right along. Representatives of the Chain O'Lakes Urban Aran CouncU were in attendance to discuss ways In which they can help get aid for the village to maint " meet&g of the village wUl be on Tuesday, July 6, at the village haU at 8 p.m. LITTLE LEAGUE As everyone knows, the village has allowed Little League to use part of its park area for a haaebell field. In return, Little League has been taking care of grass cutting st the park. They've been doing a great job of it too. They also police the area after games to make sure no debris is left around the park area. BIRTHDAYS Birthday greetings go to the following: Randy Sandell, who celebrated June 17; Roch Kennsbeck, June 27; and Mary Kay Fredricks, Arisen Krix, Cerrie Colomer and KeUie Fleming, June 28. Carrie Fleming celebrates June 80; Julie Perschke, July 1; Patricia Kennobock and Eugene Januschik, July 2. « Best wishes to you aU and many more to come. ANNIVERSARIES Anniversary congratulations go to the following couptes: Mr. and Mrs. Helm who obeeried June 24; Mr. and Mrs. Berate Kennobock, June 28. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lehman will observe June 20; Mr. and Mrs. RandaU Kriz and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Domski, July 1. Congratulations and best wishes for many more happy yean together. 15 DONUTS FOR itain main arterial roads that run through the eras. This program is new to the McHenry area mid this waa one of the first municipal meetings ths representatives attended. To date, there have bean no bids turned in for weed cutting and ths village is stiU looking for someone to put in a bid for the work. Three members of ths board plan to attend the McHenry County Municipal meeting June 22. The Municipal leegue was holding election of tdftosra for the coming year. staring with grandpa and grandma The next regularly scheduled whuoTlom Is In the hoopla! HOSPITAL NOTE A speedy recovery la wished to Joyce Weinberg of lary in Mi Johnsburg, who lary hospital last cllsnry I Is the daughter'of Betty lesser of i486 Bayvtew Joyce's daughter Angel la I m Tne next regularly scheduled while Mom is in ths b< I Membership Increases I At Historical Museum hMOhktf M3 ROM SIKH (115)3444900 Donut Lower s . right now you can get 15 delicious Dun kin' Donuts for only $1.99 Take advantage of this money-saving offer at all participating Dunkin' Donuts shops Oftff cannot be combtrwd with other coupon* or OFFER GOOD THRU 7/8/82 UMTTt 10 OOMJT&Om Cm*m Pm OM. tsm 4804 W. RTK. 129 Speaking at the meeting of the Historical June 16 annual held at the museum the toiarth IcHsnry County Monday of ths month at 7:88 p.m. and society, membership are opsn to ths poMte. chairperson Lota Clark told the The society was orgsnteed members and guaetaci 6b IncroMS la brind togstbsr those noonte i membership to the Histortee! society In the bfitoryof the county J of 166 over last year, brlnelngtha time it haagrown tea total to 868. She also noted eflsrta over806 and couthuM* to work tonwd were undsr way to brtag the total te ths pcaeorratlon of local tetery and 1,660 by the following annual mealing to ssrve as m sths sllisal reeoweo. which would mark the society's These interested In membership twentieth anniversary. should contnct the mfstsn at 815-923- Monthly meetings of ths society are "NOV BAIQNC COOKKS S, BROWNIES TOO" McHSNRY tOWNIES TOO" j WW P i I A S I C O U * t P f * T H A T t u f f T H C f f l fee A ;% wt s»«fl *•€ \ A l # * I f 1 O O K t * * fan. fix v*