against proposed routss in McHenry Band In Concert ureen Serri telle, a young enry student, will be guest >t when the city stage band its its fourth concert in Pearl park Thursday, July 1, at • p.m. pril in Paris" and "My Funny Enough", "Opus One", " tine" are among papular old Band" and "Cherokee". Meatiderin * which began on Flag day, comes to an end with July Fourth. It's a time set aside to increase the knowledge of the American public about its cultural heritage, constitutional form of government, and history. It all had its start in 1970, and one of the purposes was to "help knit the ties of responsibility" that strengthen this cow try. McHenry and Wonder Lake climax thefe* individual celebrations at this special weekend with fireworks displays. And as they do, there is a hope that individuals have not violated the law in an attempt to celebrate on their own. The law is much stricter than most people realise. All fireworks, in cluding firecrackers and Roman camBes, are illegal in Illinois without a permit for a public display. And even such a display requires three adults to poet $1,000 bond, provide liability insurance protection and have Iwtl authorities 'tpt* the site where the display is held Unfortunately, just beyond the •tatoie line to the north, fireworks are la great abundance. Attractive Eleven county residents testified cuts on four bus in s lightly County pointed out that the service in which they were interested would not be effected. Robert Kiep, RTA regional affairs officer, claimed that the propoeed abolition or curtailment of runs would save annual subeidies up to 9M.000, mostly in drivers' salaries. Kiep outlined the propoeed cuts and the savings as: ...Elimination of Route 800, a feeder bus service operating between Rich mond and Fox Lake and McHenry to save an annual subsidy of 122,000. Records indicate eight riders who, in effect, receive s subsidy of $11.50 per ride. ...Curtailment of midday service for Route 806 Monday through Friday hfHween Crystal Lake and Fox Lake <• > igfcj i Sum ij • Ills Johnsburg and Mcfienry Frequency would be reduced to every two hours rather than hourly Savings in annual sub sidy estimated as $50,000. .. Route806 westbound from Crystsl Lake to Harvard, elimination of first hour of service, would save $11,000 annually This proposal was one that concerned most obiectors who believed that it would put off the morning trip from Harvard to Crystal Lake and thereby eliminate tran sportation to jobs in Crystal Lake But they were advised that the east bound trips would not be affected Kiep also proposed the elimination of the first and last counterclockwise trips on Saturdays on Route 809 which serves Wonder Lake, Woodstock, McHenry and Crystal Lake. The savings would be $3,600. He claimed that presently the four daily riders on the two trips cost the system $17.75 each-ta subsidy ~ Kiep also noted that theae recom mendations had been preeented to the McHenry County board and to the McHenry County Municipal association and that these bodies had endorsed them with resolutions urging the RTA to take action to modify certain fixed routes in the county. During the testimony, Jerry Boose, member of the RTA board of direc tors, pointed out that with a series of economies and these proposed cuts the RTA hoped to realize a $20 million operating surplus which they would use to raluce an accumulated deficit. An KTA press relations person ex plained this later as a deficit of $53 McHenry's fine city stage band Is shewn la rehearsal fsr the fourth weekly concert ta be •reseated la the Pearl street park Tharodey, July 1. at 6 p.m. 8TAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD time tunes to be offered. The remainder of the program will include "Preooure Cooker", "Show Me The Way To Go Home", "Hot Dixieland The21-day salute to honor America, lure the young, and sometimes' July Fourth Holiday Celebrations parents who want to provide a special Fourth of July for their offspring. Unfortunately, fireworks-related injuries during the national holiday have increased to an all time high of 11,400 injuries in 19SI, and there's nothing special about that! This ex ceeded the number in the Bicentennial year, when the use of fireworks was at its peak. Last year at least one death is known to have been caused by fireworks in the state - a 16-year-old Oak Park boy. Others were injured in the same incident. Moot casualties are caused to and by people who bought them Illegally. No one would deliberately blind a child, yet many will be exposed to the risk of blindness this year by wall meaning but careless parents, relatives and friends. ' McHenry and Wondsr Lake civic loaders have done much to provide an enjoyable but safe holiday fireworks display for their communities. We would be downright foolish if we didn't take advantage of the offering. KAF The communities of McHenry and Wonder Lake are in the midst of ex tensive plans for celebrating the Fourth of July. In McHenry the celebration will be the form of a gigantic fireworks display at Petersen park on the holiday. At Wonder Lake it runs the gamut from the Miss Wonder Lake pageant, July 2 to the pyrotechnics on July 3. In McHenry, the sponsoring Chamber of Commerce feels there is no other holidsy "that so well represents s concept that is such s basic part of our lives and yet is so taken for granted". To celebrate the 206th birthday of freedom in this country, Co-chairmen Tim Althoff and John Huemann invite 182 Jail Days In Zelvis Death George E. Walker, 21, of Car- pentersville, was sentenced Monday to serve 182 days in jail and a one-year term of probation on charges con nected with a Sept. 14 traffic death north of Algonquin. Walker's reckless homicide charge was smended to a charge of driving while intoxicated and he pleaded guilty to the drunk driving charge. The charges stemmed from a ratal accident on Illinois SI, south of the Virginia road cutoff, where a 22-year- old McHenry woman was killed. Christine M. Zelvis of 2106 W. Stillhill drive, was pronounced dead at the accident scene by the county the public to enjoy, at Petersen park, the most traditional way of celebrating the July 4 birthday -- a spectacular fireworks display. It will be in charge of professionals The parking lot will open at 6 p m. and refreshments (except for alcoholic beverages) will be available There will be an admission charged for each car, but in addition, any donations will be gratefully ac cepted. The hour of 6 p.m. Friday, July 2, will mark the opening of the Wonder Lake celebration It is at this time that five pretty young ladies will be competing for the Miss Wonder Lake title in a pageant to be conducted on the grounds st 7432 Hancock drive. sponsored by the Jaycees of Wonder Lake A street dance will follow at 8:30 Events will open Saturday morning at 9 a m with a bike contest sponsored by the Wonder Lake Lions. At 10:30 a m. there will be a colorful parade starting at the property of the First Baptist church The Wonder Lake Fire department can be seen in demonstration im mediately after the parade, and the auxiliary will hold a lemonade and ice cream social The Wonder Lake Ski club show is scheduled on the Wonder Center beach at 6 30 Saturday evening, followed by the fireworks display million if the earnings snd economies continue ss projected. By applying the projected $30 million surplus, the debt would be reduced to $32 million, she Wouldn't predict finsnclgl per formance beyond the current year becauee of imminent cuts in federal financing and no prospect of sld from the state Testifying on behalf of a number of handicspped people were Barb Svenningsen end Nsdine Frett, both of Woodstock, who were worried that if the buses were cut off they snd s number of others including elderly, who couldn't drive, would not be sble to go to their jobe st Pioneer center and other places. And the curtailment of weekend service on Route 806 would limit weekend activitiee for this group Ms Svenningsen submitted a list of persons who she clsimed would be affected. Boose responded that the service was only being cut beck and not eliminated. He added that he understood their frustrations snd noted that the RTA was frustrated also because of finances It was tradeoff in frustrations. Charles Nelson of DAR (dial-a-ride) Systems, Crystal Lske, generally endorsed the propoeed curtailments but hoped they wouldn't loee dial-a- ride because pf cutbacks in federal assistance He suggested that RTA set up fixed route buses with deoignated transfer points to which feeder routes could funnel passengers. Nelson noted thst the DAR hss been operating as a feeder already to bus routes and train stations. He said the system needed the cooperation of local, regional and state authorities to survive Boose responded that the RTA had (Continued on poyo IS) Vie For Wonder Lake Title THERE8E SEAVER MARIJACOBSON DEBORAH PARKS MARY H1GG1N8 SUSAN DELPINO ' Police reported physical evidence at the acddnt scene indicated the WaHur vehicle was southbound on Route 21, croosed the center line and struck the northbound Zelvis vshicle. Five yreUy young ladles from the Wonder Lake arcs will vie fsr Ike title of Mies Wonder Lake la compeUtion to be hrM Friday evening. July 3, at 7432 Hancock drive. Thereee Soever, deeghter of Mr. aad Mrs. Eugene graver, will be a senior et Marian Ceatral Catholic high la the fall. She to currently a manager with e il marketlag firm and will continue with and computer study after graduation. Mori Jacobson, daaghter of Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Jscobsen. will sttend Carthage college this fall aad prepare for a career In chemical reseerch. Mary Higgles Intends to continue with her edacetlon st Ilttnoto Wesleysn university, concentrat ktlng c daughter of Mr. and Mrs ires Is a II Is the raeslc-theetre. She Francis Hlgglns. Parks Is a 1979 graduate of Oak Park River Fsrsst high school snd Is currently worklag la Sckaamburg. She: intends to pursue a career with the firm as aa International sales represeetative. Deborah Is ths daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Parks sf W« Susan Delpino, daughter of John Delpino, will be a, in the fall at Richmond-Bar too high school. She Inteads to study et the University of Dallas, Texas, to prepare fsr a' career as a flight sUendfht. Income Deadline Up For Fro* School Meals Pago 16 Moon Eclipse On Holiday Longest Since 185 9 Page 5' . Early Plalndealer Deadline Holiday Issue Page 18 Recommend Variation For McHenry Business Oliver approval of a wituae district to of a h--*i»g business with jaadAir Inc., told the ZBA the ses^ropsrty on Route 120 was Aeesrdag to testimony at the ImartML Mi said he Intended to nam the burineas ta 1306 Park street, which is aooad B-l buslneas. Under the Zoning ordinance, the sheet metal operation is not a permitted use. Bucn also sought a variation to allow more than one nah '-'"'•g on the lot. The plaa proosnlad by Buch called for a 30-foot by 30-foot addition to the garage that owlets sn the property, where the buslnsas would actually be located. Buch said the houee could be used for offices, with an spartment oh the eeegnd floor. It was noted that even with the construction of the addition to the garage, the building would meet setback requirementa in the Zoning B-l to the more intsnrive1 would permit the sheet metal operation. Failing that, ths petitioners were requesting eithor a special use permit or a variation. "We're not concerned with how we get there, just that we gst there," said petitioner's attorney Donald Truckenbrod. The ZBA was reluctant to the zoning to the mora and felt the variation route to follow. ' B-3 the beat ZBA Chairman The motion to recommend approval of two variations: one to allow two main buildings and one to permit the sheet metal operation, and reetricting the size of the addition to 30-feot-by-30- feet was made by Kay Hatveraon and seconded by Fred Kupstis. Voting in favor were Halveraon, Kupstis, Kauas, Cuda, Tobeck and Fouse. The matter now goes to the City Council for final action. •f ~ 1 . -- /\ TBV'Yf 11 If* H jr. TT p.m. Wednesday, Jnae 36, st the American Let One Will Be Miss McHenry these lovely McHenry eree young ladles are shews la flaal reheersal for the Miss McHeary pegeent which will be held et 7:36 m. Wednesday^ June 36, st the American Legion heme en. " seats arson a' left, ere Sasaa Trojan. Cindy Ahlert, KelUe Fleming, Trudy Keck, Michelle Otoea, Deborah Grady, Jennifer Guthrie, Sherry Grevee, Dercy Agnes Holes, Connie Nelson snd Lorl Knaack. PETE MERKEL PHOTO THE MC HFNRY PLAIND F A I F R A lllu ITlV "SERVIMC 9L AJLjlirVX T H E C H A I N - 0 L A K E S R E G I O N S I N C E 1 8 7 5 " K VOLUME 106 NUMBER 96 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1982 1 SECTION 20 PAGES 25,,W Mild Objections Greet RTA •J * Service Curtailment Plan