Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jul 1982, p. 16

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j PAGE It - PLAINDEALER • FRIDAY. JULY 2.1M2 MUSIN' AND MEANDERIN' Last weekend we spent s few en­ joyable hours at St. Patrick'! Sum- merfest. There are few efforts locally as as >Wi undertaking, utilizing talents than run the gamut. The result is not only an evening of fun but of entertainment that is as rewarding for the performer! as it is enjoyable for the viewer. And while we who only watch may direct our compliments to those directly responsible for our pleasure, we are not unaware of the folks behind the scenes who have made all of it possible. The weekend brought our thank*, too, for an MCHS class that has remained loyal to their school and their community through the 40-pi us years since graduation. Realizing that much can change in a five-year period, more than 20 members who fathered in reunion last June deddeato try it on an annual basis. The result was 16 members at brunch last Sunday, followed by three hours of reminiscing as visiting graduates joined thoee who remained in the home town. Each had something of interest to offer, and together, fact and fancy resulted in a good picture of what life in McHenry was like for the young in the Depression years, before growth settled in. A call from a classmate, Clarence Anderson, in Oregon, convinced us that, indeed, home is^rhere the heart is. KAF McHENRY NAMES NEW QUEEN (Cortlmwd from 1) American Legion Poet 401. This year Miss McHenry and*iter mother will enjoy a trip to the World's Fair in Knoxville, Tenn. Fran Olsen, executive director of the Chamber, and Bryce Klontz, president of the Chamber board of directors, presented the gifts, including gold- filled necklaces with gold seeds for the members of the court, and Fiesta Days tee-shirts and compacts engraved with Miss McHenry Pageant 1982 for each contestant. Every girl carried a long-stemmed red roee, gifts from the Ladies auxiliary to the American Legion. The auxiliary annually provides space for the charm course and the pageant, assisting Marisa Merkel in numerous ways throughout the pageant events. Miss McHenry will also have a queen's portrait as one of her prizes. Another highlight of the evening was the announcement of Miss Congeniality. This title is bestowed on a contestant by the girls themselves, and this year they selected Kellie Fleming, 17, for the tenorKwHWk the daughter of the Philip Flemings of 4121 Wilmot, and is a 1982 graduate of Johns burg high school. She plans on a appeal process business major at McHsnry County college. Bonnie Sheehan, mistress of ceremonies, once again deftly guided the girla through the evening's program, as they pirouetted for the judges, answered questions, and tried to remain composed in each phaae of the competition. Lee Steinadoerfer provided the background music that helped add the aura of glamour and excitement to the pageant. In a special tribute, Marisa Merkel presented Bill Dumalski of Chain O Lakes Travel with a plaque honoring him for his many yean of assistance in producing the pageant "He's a quiet contributor", Ms. Merkel said. "I absolutely could not get the job done without people like him." The plaque state* that the 1MB McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce salutes Bill Dumalski for outstanding service. Another poignant moment came when the 1981 Miss McHenry, Erin Mullen, gave her farewells, and thanked Fran Olsen and Marisa Merkel for their constant support and friendship and their consistent help in the many situations a reigning queen faces. She further paid tribute to the people of McHenry for their frien­ dliness, as she had not grown up in this community, and was over­ whelmed by the recognition and kindness she received from local residents. She reiterated a statement heard throughout the evening, that the judges would have a difficult time choosing, and wished each conteetant the best of luck because they were an outstanding group of young women. The new Miss McHenry will preside over Fiesta Days from July 23 through the parade on Aug. 1. The poise, humor, and personality that im­ pressed Judges Dick Foxman, of R and M Kaufmann Apparel, Chria Murray, accounts manager for Amtrak, and Frank Raines, a Delta Airlines pilot, will serve Connie Ann well in the busy days ahead. As one of the contestants said in a pre-conteet interview, "Whoever wins, I don't care, because all these girls are wonderful, and it's been a memorable experience. I've learned so much about myself, and about other girls my age. It's been worth everything." County Collmgm Reject Tax Break Request Jmw the the of rejected a tax ai from a Spring Grove by Actown Inc., of Spring Grove. The request came in the wake of an amendment to the Iteteiimi Act, effective Jan. 1, which states: "Any taxing district, upon the majority vote of ita governing authority, may, after $e deter­ mination of. the aeeeeead valuation of its property, order (he clerk of that county ter abate any portion of ita taxes. ... Such «i»*n not exceed a period of 18 years and the total aggregate amount ef abated taxes shall not exceed It million." The amendment ppptiw to in­ dustrial firms in ths taxing dttatrict in question which have moved there, are newly created or have expanded Actown-Electrocoil recently com­ pleted contraction of new building at 2414 High view street. MCC President Robert Bartlett reported to the board that dtacuesions with the Illinois Community College Trustees association revealed that only one other community rolkgr in the state had addreaaed the abatement issue. Carl Sandburg college opted for a very general policy supporting tax abatement requests from new manufacturing firms only. Manufacturing was not defined. Bartlett added that other taxing bodies contacted by Actown- fM8 to he of the matter. He asked the beard to think of the homeowner. "Can we abating with Malted reeources?" Added Chairwoman Barbara Kropp, "To tarn around and abate certain people's taxes is con­ tradictory." . Ttuslee Eugene Meyer agreed with the majority. "AO they're trying to do is open up the doer," l» sakL "You'll Mf In here by the It cotrid be thouaanda of dollars smnewLen down the line." Truateee Herbert Lutter and Michael McNerney dteagreed. f argued aueh an n^fiUmfnl would encourage development and asked the board to encourage the long-range impact "I'm in favor of supporting economic development," McNerney paid, "with the idea that it would put county people to work." McNerney aaid he believes the college is not hound to precedent Mite a trial court. Indeed, although this particular request waa defeated, any company la free to submit a request in the future. Actown Preeident Dave Weisberg said the board's action will not affect the estimated 100 to 200 people the new plant will employ. But he added, "In my opinion, it's really sad that (the board) is not going to help us out and make it easier." Environmental Scholarship Is Offered By Defenders In Lake County Act To Dismiss Albanese Charge A motion to dismiss all charges in Lake county has been filed on behalf of Charles Albanese by Defense Attorney Richard Kelly, of Crystal Lake. Albanese faces a charge of murder in Lake county for the arsenic poisoning death of his mother-in-law, Marion Mueller. He was recently found guilty of two murders in McHenry county and sentenced to 'Oesfhtf th?rtwtric'ehnir. It is expected that the execution will be stayed because of the automatic 1 l Outstanding college students in environmental studies will have an opportunity to compete again for the Alta Rush Titus scholarship. TMa 1800 grant, sponsored by the McHenry County Defenders, waa established to encourage students to continue their education in this field. It will be awarded for the 1982-83 school year The scholarship is open to juniors, seniors or graduate students who are legal reekfents of McHenry county. Selection will be baaed on academic record, character, leedership, ability to succeed, experience in en­ vironmental programs and variety of intereets. The applicant must be enrolled in an accredited U.S. college or university, be a fulltime student during the period of the scholarship, be working toSard a degree in the field of environmObtal science, and have a scholi average. ef. oe better. other scholarships doee not applicants. Applications for the scholarship may be obtained by writing to McHenry County Defenders, Box 808, Crystal Lake or by calling 4B8-0460. The deadline for filing applications is July 15. The award will be announced Aug. IS. This acholarship is by revenue the Defenders receive from sponsoring recycling drives in the county. by AIM. financed The scholarship honors Crystal Lake resident Alta Ruah Titus for her years of concern and hard work for environmental issues. She was awarded the Federal Environmental Protection agency's Environmental Quality award in 1977 for preservation. land GOODWILL VISIT Goodwill Induetries local repreeentative, Agnes,. Adams, haa announced that the Goodwill truck will be in McHenry Friday, July 9. For pickup information call 385-0883. Don't buy an IRA until you check Marengo Federal Savings. Put these items on your IRA shopping list: v V V • V • ruada fully Insured Your retirement funds are fully insured up to $100,000 by the FSLIC Why take nsks. Enjoy absolute safety Me Teee There are absolutely qq annual fees or commissions with any of our investment options. High Yields All of our in vestment options pay as competitive a rate as you will probably find. tsiill Minimum Ponooilo A low initial minimum deposit as well as low deposit requirements on subsequent deposits are always on the menu at Marengo Federal Savings. Imreet Itrly in Tor Begin saving for your retirement fund as early in the calendar year as possible - the interest you earn will be ||| free now. U--1 and Peteesml Aeeielestee If vou have any questions after you open your IRA, stop in and talk it over with your personal account repreeentative. Automatic larlnfo We can arrange for you to have your deposits directly taken off your paycheck at intervals you choose or you can have your deposits transferred from your checking or savings account. Mmtnm fltwp Uac your ice cream scoop to put muffin batter in muf­ fin tin cups. It's easier and keeps muffins uniform in size. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE 10 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER The McHenry Plolndeeter 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, II, 60050 C J 3 YEARS • $40.00 [ 1 3 YEARS • $40.00 I 2 YEARS - $30.90 I 1 1 YEAR-OH.SO r 14 MONTHS-$0.S0 D PAYMENT ENCLOSED Noma Address City Farm Land Preservation Policy May Become Law state spending for convert farm land State Rap. (R-Crystal Lake) fane 'In 1888, Gef. James ieeusd Executive Order No. 4 to ^ state agencies from converting farm land to other uses unices the con­ version could be an wteliliehed. written policy," *n**r11" "In had U.7 million acres ef The total in 1881 wee only MA million Each yeer, about 38,088 to leet to "The'state takee relatively little of this land, of important to the people of Illinois so should r "The draM*ieabtiUSB restrict spending for projects that weuld take farm land for non-agricultural usee. "I'm optimiatic about the of this bBL" he said. 1487) that the Senate without any op­ position. I expect it to do as well in the House and I have no doubt the governor will sign it into law.1' KWwm aaid Thompaon'e unified 10 State agencies into a committee and each agency's land conversion ppopos&is hftd to comply with the committee's policy on farm land preeervation before any state funds could be committed to a non-agricultural project The 18 agencies fanning the Joint committee are the Capital Development board, Department of Coneervation, Deportment of Com­ merce and Community Affairs, Department of Energy end Natural Resources, Environmental Protection ef Minae of Tree- Bureau of the Budget, llinois Commerce commlmion and Department of Agriculture. Richmond Pastor Serves • Senior Citizens Council The Rev. Glenn Mowing, of Rich­ mond, became the neweet member to sit on the McHenry County Senior Citizens Council, after he waa unanimously approved at the June meeting. Mensing will fill the remaining three months of former board Preeident Victor Lundemo's term, who reeigned in May after 19 months. Lundemo cited business time conflicts aa his reason for leaving. Mensing, pastor of the Community Church of Richmond, became in­ terested in the McHenry County Senior Citizens Council while his wife worked aa a secretary in the Crystal ifitf office. He alao participated in fund-raising activities in an effort to help the organization reach its cssh match requirements from the Region Two Area Agency on Aging. Last October Mensing said he put his name in the hat for consideration. Fellow Richmond reeident and board member, Wanda Todd, ia pleased with the outcome. "It will work out very well," Todd said. "He has been a very capable church man." She added Morning's motivation has besn sorely mimed on the council. "I will attempt to serve the senior citizens of the county and try to make my presence known," said today. "Through my ministry f have been intereeted in senior citizens and their welfare in the county." He addsd he hopes to awaken people to seniors' concerns in Richmond and move to get more senior Council representation within the nor­ theastern corner of McHenry County. Menaing said he haa no immediate goals, but will deal with queetkns aa they arise. "It gives me a chance to get my feet wet and aee what can be done in a full term." He will be up for re-election in October. GOP Women Name Program --c? Committee For Meetings When the McHenry county Republican women met June 23 at Republican headquarters in Crystal Lake, a committee was appointed to plwr future meeting programa. NdBjO Is asr<ss a si s Joan Vonci, Kathy Harper, Carmella Nowakowski, Dorothy Miller and the preeident, Virginia Brunschon. Louise Kreutser will serve as publicity and public information chairperson. Jesn Dobbie. chsiroerson. presented the by-laws and after Conduct Charge Following Fracas A McHenry man was charged with disorderly conduct after he reportedly punched a woman laat weekend. Michael W. Zeller, 24, of 708 S. Route SI, McHenry, was arreated after he allegedly punched Kelly J. McClure, 20, of 807 Devonahire, McHenry. Tyler Weinrich, 21, of BIS Victoria, McHenry, waa much they _ and approved by the membership. Mrs. Marie Kazmer waa appointed to act as July 14. County Fair in Augu8i and aty Republican Play day s* The organization invitee-all women in McHenry county to Join them. Us next meeting will be Sept. 8 at 7:9f p.m. at Republican headquarters. ; ARRAIGN IWERT The arraignment of Susan M Iwert has been scheduled for July. 8 in 19th Judicial Circuit court, Woodstock. Ms. Iwert is charged, with the stabbing deaths of her J two children, Amy and Jeffrey. The Fox Ridge woman haa been hoapitalized and has undergone paychiatric evaluation since the, murders occurred in mid-April. structing a Prices good in McHenry County charged with ob- peace officer after he shoved a McHenry Police Officer who was taking a youth into cuetody. The youth, Thomas G. Ketchum, 17, of 2915 Victoria, McHenry, waa taken into cuetody at 1:20 a.m. far a violation of curfew. Richard S. Layton, of 108 Pheasant Trail, Lake-In-The-Hills, was arrested and charged with transportation of open liquor in s motor vehicle end possession of s firearm without a Firearm Owner's Identification (FOI) card. PATRICK HENRY Patrick Henry, 1728-1798, was the orstor whose speeches ignited Virginia's resistance to Britiah en­ croachments But this back-country lawyer did not write his speeches and the ezact wordings of many of his celebrated declamations have never been eetabliahed. Nonethelees, he gained statewide redMnition, and after the Declaration otfmdependence was proclaimed, Henry became the first governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. His dedication to his native state was so strong that he initially oppooed the Conetitution on the grounds that it infringed on states' rights. $9000 Theft From Car Near Tavern. McHenry County Sheriff's pottos are inveetigating the theft of an estimated 18,000 from an auto in Johnaburg laat weekend. Larry Moore, of 912 Elmdale road? broke into the vehicle and took a briefcaae. The brief caae reportedly contained 80,000 in cash, two checkbooks and the tax records of Family Center Arco, 2008 W. Elm street, McHenry. A* cording to the police report, Moore Is the night manager of the station. the Whan vou add it up ••• wnenyouaaa you'll shop and save at Marengo Efedetal Savings. All Msrengo Federal Savings retirement accounts insured up to 8100.000 br die FSLIC. I Marengo Federal Savings M*mb*i fsuc and loan association ** % 3012 W.Rt. 120. McHsnry MEET FOR REFUNDING An invitation is art ended by Foxy Refunders for the public to in the fun of refundb* Me held once a month. Unwanted i and coupons can be exchanged for others. For further information, cal "gcrr B wwigi Mg BE --are" w ivtxv ran tw irk hkiii FEATMK CSPIETE IMS IF- •OLYMPIC STAIN •LINCOLN WINDOW*! •OAf SMINGLIS I •FMHNMimi PANKUNC •STANLKY •ARMSTRONG GARAGCDOOR CEILING SYSTCMS OPERATORS Phons 395*1424 909 N. Front St., McHenry

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