>v -- I BEDBOOM SUBLET, ss rxns refrigerator, 815-388- , 7-3tfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS. Daily or Weekly rate*. 815488- 3tfc HcHENBY, 4 bedroom home, l bath, garage, IimwiH. Available 8-1 for rent at $475.10 month. Security deposit, Credit check required. 313-541-3230 7-Stfo 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, Nice area. Family room, fireplace, S car heated garage, river rights. Bio pets, $435.00 per month, references, security deposit. Available mid Jiay. 815- 7-3-7-Oc WONDER LAKE, S bedrooms, central air, garage, full appliances, S yews old, immediate occupancy, $460 per month. 312-8S7-7438. 7- ttfe 3 TO 4 BEDROOM Home, McHenry, 3 car garage, available im mediately. References, security deposit. No pets. 1 >943-5134 after 7-2-7-*c ROOMMATE(S), waterfront Home, Wonder Woods, Wonder Lake. $375.00 month. Private beach, available immediately. 315-720-1430. 7-3-7-Oc WHISPERING OAKS, 2 bedroom, 2 bath Condo. Ground level private entrance. Carpeted, air, kitchen appliances, including disposal and dishwasher. Attached garage with automatic door opener. Available August. No pets. Adults. 815-305-5017. 7-7-7-Oc DESIRABLE 3 or Possible 4 bedroom home. 3 bathrooms, Family room with fireplace, air con ditioning, Large yard. Excellent location in town. References, Security deposit required. $525.00 per month. 8154054300, if no aoswer please leave 7-7-7-18C WONDER LAKE, 3 bedroom furnished home to share. Call days 815-344-2212, nights 815- 720-1130. - 7-0 ROOMMATE TO Share 2 bedroom apartment, $100 month, no security. 015-344-0080. 7-0 NORTHFOX Condo, ultra dean, quiet, 2nd floor, 2 bedrooms, 1% baths, all appliances, air conditioned, pool, $975.00 month. 815-385- 2010. 7-0 JOHNSBURG, 3 Bedroom House, 1H baths, Full basement, $425.00 month, Depoeit, Refer eneces, no pets. 015-344-1973. 7-0 BRAND NEW 2 Befroom Apartment in Luxurious Waterfront Home. Central air, all utilites included plus garage. Use of yard and boat facilities. Desire Mature couple, no pets, $180.00 per month plus security deposit and references. Realty Worid-Durbin Stovall, 7-0tfc IN TOWN LOCATION, 3 b e d r o o m s , f u l l basement, no ap pliances, security Cos telle Reel 7-0 CITY OF McHENRY, Lovely 3 bedroom ftneed yard, car attached garage. Available immediately, per month, security. Call 0401 7-Otfc WOODSTOCK, 2 BEDROOM Heme, living room, kitchen ft bath. No pets. No utilities furnished, $350.00 per month. 312- 545*211 7-0-7-10C MODERN McHENRY Condo, 2 bedroom, 1* bath, dishwasher, washer, dryer, air conditioned and pooi $375.00 month plus deposit. Available September i. 312-785- 7-0-7-23C am :toc TMC McHENRY PliMDEALER NEWSPAPER Available At Tha Following Locations: •WHITIHCN PANTtY 1AWVMW •McHfNiY DRUG #SUNNYS,Df ••fU LIQUORS FOOOi •OOi GfftS • ADAMS GCOCIRY DRUG STORK •UTTUSfO* •BSN FRANKLIN •OSCO DRUGS •STSIMYTAF •MCCUUOM LAKS •HORMSRY*S •HCRMSSR CO. •LIQUOR MART •VH1AOCMART •JtRSTORI •NORTHWIST TRAIN •UTS A PISCES •RBVCO DRUG •ISLAND FOOOS HOSPITAL •POOOMART •JILGAS • ACt NARDWARS •COUNTRY II Western Open" July 23-25 Chairmen Wayne » _ invite and Merilee to come test apaMHttee at Knon park soccer field. The contest beglue at o p.m. and continem to 0 p.m. Square dancing to the esnert calling of Jim Ford of Stream wood will begin at 0 p.m. andconttnoetoil p.m on the tennis courts at Pearl street bark. Co- chairmen George Lane and Don Toole invite spectators, as well as dancers, to Join the fun and colorful pageantry of Weetern good-times. The Bachelor and Bachelorettes club from McHenry, ss well as many clubs from Lake Zurich, Stream wood, Arlington Heights, and many surrounding communities, will be represted that Refreshments will be served throughout the evening. For the very Country-Western oriented, there will be a country western band July 25 as the finale entertainment of Food Fiesta Jan Lazore and the "Windy City Cowboys" are among the top groupe in the Chicagoland area. They have the house band at the Coun- COZY 2 BEDROOM House, basement, garage, large yard, refrigerator and stove included. No pets. Immediate occupancy, $290 phis security. Wonder Lake. 015-330- 5207. 7-7-7-Oc ON PISTAKEE BAY, one bedroom apart ment, $325.00 month. Utilities included, Security deposit required, no pets. 315- 3050072. 7-0 3 BEDROOM HOME, fenced yard, eat in kitchen. McHenry arm, $300.00 per month plus security, one year lease. Available July 18th. Call Carole, ERA Byrnes Bros. 015450-5400. 7-0-7- 18c 2 BEDROOM COT TAGE in Wonder Lake with Boat Howe. No pets allowed, 1 month security deposit, $400.00 month. 815053-1118 and 815053-9070. 7-0 BIBLE VERSE "And the child grew, amd waxed strong in spirit, and wot. im the deserts till the day gf hit showing unto Israel. 1. To what child doe* the above statement refer? 2. Who was his mother and father? 3. What was his mission in life? 4. Where may this state ment be found? 4--w-- I* OMa Vum 1. John, later known as John the Baptist. 2. Elizabeth and Zacha- rias. 3. To prepare the way for the coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. 4. St. Luke 1:80. ate he hoM In Days. 11» dance wS be heM In Pearl Jety 23 at S p.ai 'Weetern Open" is more than may think. Fiesta Days has a "Western Open" this year, beginning with a boot throwing contest and running right into an evening of square dancing Friday, July 23. Anyone can enter. Everyone for such entertainers aa Tom T. Hall, throws the same boot. No one throws Ronnie Milsap, John Conley. and at anyone. Distance is the deciding Jeanny C. Riley They have appeared factor and new boots are the prise. «» at many of Chicagoland's major There will be separate categorioe for country-western clubs. Anticipate $3,000 Savings Through Plow Truck Purchase tryside Open and have opened shows for such entertainers aa Tom T By Kurt Begalka The Village of Wander Lake board expects to save about $3,000 in plowing and road repair costs by purchasing its own truck, and the search is on. According to Superintendent of Public Works A1 Zeman, the village is looking at a used 3.5-ton truck owned by a Harvard construction company. The projected coot will be between $7,000 and $0,000. It is equipped with a plow, hoist and sander, and could poesibly make Wonder Lake in dependent of private contractors. Last *year, each call for outside plowing averaged $300. "It will definitely psy for itself DEATHS ~ SUMMER THOMAS Summer Dswn Thomss, infsnt daughter of Kent and Julie (Kutzler) Thomas of McHenry, died July 5, in Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, 111. She was born July 5, 1083, in Waukegan. In addition to her parents, she is survived by a brother Vito; a sister Lisa; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack (Marilyn) Kutzler of Waukegan', and paternal grand mother, Mrs. Ella Thomas of McHenry. The baby girl was preceded in death her paternal grandfather Paul IF MOO KICK TWt PBWON *ESKMMUe «* most or >«jur iaoueii.es YOO WVOULOMT BE Aftf J TO Srr OOMN KJR.MT unsr 2 vMEKSi The Rev. Thomas Church of St. Paul Lutheran church, Waukegan, will officiate at funeral services, and interment will be in Woodland cemetery. Complete details may be obtained from the George R. Justen A Son funeral home. ELMER BECKNELL Elmer C. BeckneU, 507 S. Draper road, McHenry, died TXieeday, July 8, at McHenry hospital. He was 84 years old, born in Walnut, 111. Nov. 15, 1897, the son of Lewis and Lena (Schwab) BeckneU. A retired farm manager, Mr. BeckneU had farmed in Lake and Kane counties and was s resident of the McHenry area about 35 years. Surviving are his wife Helen (Brooks); a daughter. Mrs. Lincoln (Shiriey^Meye^ said. He added the village would be able to provide better and faster service, since the truck would be immediately available and able to hit the streets before snow gets a chance to build up. Zentan said the village would apply for a loan and foreeeee no difficulty in securing one. The village squad car and truck will be paid off this year. In an unrelated matter, the an nexation of about eight acres into the village became official. The land is located at 8802 Wondermere road and is owned by Elisabeth N. Meyer. At 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug 7, Jacobson park will be dedicated The 30-acre park is located off Thorn peon road near Nippersink creek son BUI of Richmond, IU., three stepchildren; 13 grandchildren, one great-grandchild; and two sisters Visitation was scheduled from 3 to 0 p.m. Thursday at the Peter M Justen A Son funeral home. Visitation was also held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, at the Allen-Garland funeral home, Wslnut, IU. where services were conducted at 1, with burial in the Walnut cemetery. The family requests memorial contributions to the Heart association. EMIL GEIGER EmU Geigcr, 3710 W;iJohnsburg road, McHenry, died Sunday, July 4, at his home. He was 77 years did, born in Tuningnen, Germany, Sept. 29, 1004, the son of John and Anna (Link) Geigcr. Mr. Geiger Uved in McHenry about 23 years, having retired aa a baker, previously owning and operating the Dainty Bake Shop in Park Ridge, IU. for 31 years. He was a member of the Mother Church of the First Church of Christ Scientist,. Boston. Mass. and also the First Church of Christ Scientist, Elgin, IU. Surviving are his wife Elaine (Hall) Geiger; two daughters, Mrs. Wayne < Elsie) WUhelm of Arlington Heights, 111. and Delyte Winkelmann of Mt. Prospect, IU.; two sons. Forrest of Venture, Calif and Kurt of Goleta, Calif. There was no visitation or services and local arrangements were made by the Peter M. Justen 6 Son funeral home. CMISVftY 10 AM Sunday Bible Study for All Ago Croups 11AM Sundoy Worship 6PM Sunday Evening Worship 7:30PM Wodnosdoy Eve. Worship (ftp (Eljurrij of (CljrlBt (V4 block north o4 Rte. 176) Raymond T. Exum 401 N. Oak St., Minister Crystal Lake 459-414# JOHN L FREUND FREUND FUNSRAL HOMES • WONDER LAKE 7411 HANCOCK DR. 815-72*02*3 COOPER-FRTUND •MARENGO 205 N. STATE IIMtt-7141 ̂ Awsc l̂omoiw the rtflttarronoomofVi lor you wedding ** ^11-0 P100® ̂ ° Weleome *bpon NMAIVWED PAflTY • love* gas tor you Rus usefc mggo»ion> and hofcM tttormahon from o wtde range of wedding professionals CaO and lePi reierve a ptooe lor you Carolyn Forrinyton rm ueuoOy at *ome Mi tcJoinUs InMteiiip } v IN THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE 'WW* FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 509 FRONT ST.. McHENRY 385-0083 REV. MARSHALL E. WERRY Hi Ckmk li St May of the Assinption lav. Jama* O. Oaynor. Pastor Rov. Jam** Novak, AM*. Prlost Rov. WaKor Johnson, M.M. Rov. Stonloy Rysnor Rov. C. AMrad Dlotsch Sat. Ivo. Mat* SPM Fulfills Sunday Obligation Sunday Mossos 4:90. B:00, 9:30, 9:44, 10.44, 11:00, 12 NOON Ndtary Emtilical FrwCkirck 9031 Lincoln Rood 944-1111 Church jj Pootor Roy Wtsnor I-449-9474 Sunday Sarvlco 10:90 Sunday Ivo Sarvlco 4:00PM Sunday School 9:14-10:14 Wonder lake" MMtChnk Phono:728-0423 or 734-I4S7 7501 Nowo Drlvo Wondor I olio Illinois Mori* D. Conk lln Pastor Sunday; Sunday School 9:90 AM Morntnf Warship Sarvlco I0:S0 AM Pravor Hour-Wad. 7:90PM First URltM MitMist Ctwrdi 3717 W. Main Stroot Church phono 904-0991 Thomas La wary, Pastor Parsonafo phono 90S-1942 Sunday Sarvlco 9:30 rtlul ntSiytinM Clwrch 2107 Wast Lincoln Rood (Across from outdoor Thoator) Worship: 4:90 S 10:44 Chlldron 8 Adult Sunday School 9:90AM SlMo Study-Wads 9:90AM Pastor: Dr. Irk J. Snydor Nursory So r vie as Avollokls Horn# of TKr Molso Christian Praschaal St. MI DM Baptist Catholic ClMrcfc Roctory Phort î 904-1477 itBsastsepM Sun. Mossos 7, 9. 10:90 8 13 NOON Wookdoys 7:90 8 9-Sot. SAM SlFmch Pilisk Rttiaul CitMic Ctardi 11AM Fothor Jo soph Brtok, Pastor JkssMklyilM Lowronco Xhampson 1909 N. Court St. 944-0447 Sunday School 9:90 Warship 10:44AM. 4:00PM First Baptist Ctardi 49101. Wondor LohoRd. I otto llllviolo Phono: 720-1091 Pastor • Oonnls Shaw Sunday Worship 11 AM Slhlo Study ISAM Wodnosdoy Prayor and SlMo S^dy 7PM Tin Ewfillcil litkm Ckwck if All Stills 912-407-7727 (Offko) 912-497-4437 (Pastor's OHko) Rov. i. W. Hugh as. Ill IusiiIMW CrKmliila • jvnoHy e* neevte • Worship Sorvkos S: 1 SAM and 10:90AM Sunday School 9:14AM Siliri Ejisctnl Cbarcti 904-0990 9704 W. St. Paul's 8 Oroon Rov. Wm. H. Morloy. vkar Sunday Sorvkos 4:00AM Holy lucharlst 9:90 AM Holy lucharlst and Sormon Nursory provldod Wad. 9:90AM Holy lucharlst llnct Bible Ctank 9S14W. Bull Vallay Rd. Rov. Gorold Rohortson Pro-Sorvko Prayor S: 14 AM First Worship Sarvlco •:90AM Sunday School 9:44AM Socoad Worship Sorvka ••> 11:00AM Choir Practko 4:00PM Ivanlnf Sorvka 7:00PM Wodnosdoy Blhlo Study 4 Prayor 7:90PM Church of Christ Jamas Bush Orado School 3117 W. Church Stroot Johnshurf, Illinois Worship: 9:90AM Bihio Claas: 10:90AM Phoao: 414-944-0447 OR 4I4-944-S447 (NTfll-JaStN FMisfit Home 9419 W. SIM STRUT McHINRY 904-2400 tlaviaa's Nrtaias 414 S. ROUTI91 McHINRY 904-9744 Iraki Parts Cat P.O. BOX 11 Act Hiriviin 9739 W. ILM STRICT McHINRY 904^722 MCHMTY Track UM, he. P.O. BOX 47B 88rMiM>V M WdoBVvH I $ • 904-0712 >!•>!• J " lL - » URIlN HNiDOBISl 1014 W. Broadway Plstakoo Highlands William O. Johnson, Pastor Sunday School: 9:14 a.m. Worship Sarvlco: 10:90 a.m. CIMTCII Of Goi Wondor Lako. Illinois 4010 Was twood Drlvo Wondor Lako 415-449 9900 Janlo A. long. Pastor Mominf Worship Sorvka 11:00a.m. Ivanlnf Prayor Sorvka 1:90 p.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. ' Onto Otitis Eni|ilicil CovoMit Church 4SI4N. Wllmot Road Rov. MHcholl Consldlno Worship Sorvka 10:00 a.m. Church Phono 497-9000 Parsonofo 497 9040 Ziw Evufollcal Littwrai Clwrch (Missouri Synod) 4204 W. Woukofon Rd. (W. Rto. 120) Rov. Hormonn F. Croof 904 0049 944-1414 Sunday Worship 7:44 B 10:90 Nursory Sorvkos provldod at 10:90 Iducatlon for Itornlty Sunday School Chlldron end Youth 9:00 a.m. Nativity Litturai Church 94041. Wondor lako Road Bos 197 Phono 449 9492 Wondor Lako. Illinois Sunday Worship 4:00 n.m. B 10:90 a m. Surtday School 9:00 a.m. (Nursory Facllltlos Available) IM td Poitictstal Clwrch 2M Sunnysldo Lokomoor Rov. Nolan Hlldorhrond 912-279-4209 Sunday 9:44 a.m. 8 4:90 p.m. Wodnosdoy 7:90 p.m. •in. •. J anPrw OtVOy Friday 7:90 p.m. Youth Sorvka Fraud Feaeral Heaw 7411 HANCOCK DRIVI WONOIR LAKI 1-734-0399 Savlags ft Leaa I3B9 N. CRKCN STRBST McHINRY First Nattaaal Baak of McHetry we eowewseo w 9S14W.RTI. lib UrMilliV M monevON v 4 m • McHnrr PlaiMtoalir 3BI3W. ILM STRSIT 1170 Stats leak 3410 W. BUR STR8IT M-lL-JI-i *L «• meliOBiST INm Ring wood. Illinois Pastor Oordon Smith Ros. 444-3B4S Church 449-4944 Sundoy 9:14 a.m. Church School at 9:44 a.m. FltHgini cmtv Fr eeeweweee s s e e »i-- i«--»--> (waur) 1st 8 3rd Sunday, 11:00a.m. For InlormoHon call 384-0413 or 913-4B9-9B40 Christ HN Klif CUMIc Ckmk •0041. Wondor Lako Rood Wohdor Lako. IMlnak Sun. Mas'̂ os ̂ 4. 10 o r Sat. Ivanlnf Mass ItBB p.m. Fulfills Sunday Ohllfotlon First Baptist Ckmk S09 Front St. 9S4-0009 Rov. Marshall I. Worry SlMo Study-Sunday School 9:90 a.m. Worship Sorvka 10:44 a.m and 7:40 p.m. Wodnosdoy Prayor Sorvka 7:00p.m. SI Patrick's CitMic dank Rov. Idmund Potlt, Pastor Sat. Ivo (Sunday ohlifatton fulfilled) • p.m. 7:14,0:90.9:44. 118 I3ill CkristiM Scltict Siciity Lincoln Rd. and lastwood Lana Sunday Sarvlco 8 Sunday School 10:30 Wad. 4 p.m. Roadlnf Room Tuos. 8 Thurs. 2-4 Saturday 11-12 Noon Church of Koi _4 u-ii 01 mCllBlli | (Pontocostol) 9419 John St., McHonry, II. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Mornlnf Worship 11:00 a.m Sunday Ivanlnf 4:00 p.m. John last, Pastor Phono 304-1304, 344-9940 StapMll On Hills Lithsm Ckwch 404 N. Oroon St. Rov. Rofor W. Schnaldor Phono 984-7784 or 381 <038 Sunday Church 8:38 8 10:44 Sunday School 9: II Nursory Sorvkos AvailaMo Patar M. Jestea Feaeral HaaM 9007 W. ILM STRSPT McHINRY This space available to advertisers for pennies an issue. HAIIAAMI Dnittl OllkAik mcimry rail, visss 3411 W. McHBNRY 984-7983 Mltdall Sales, let BUICK - OLDS 909 N. FRONT STRUT McHBNRY EiasitiCmt 384-1040 4488 W. RTB. 138 .Hi r*RY markit placi