TUESDAY, JULY IS O €B dS Saturday Night QD © mn show CD WIm* This Ciwifcy Need 33) CD © Teny Inm'i iewmel 'A King HoWoy' Hott Brown and guettt David Scott ond J.A. Porker debate the ittue of mok ing Martin Luther Kmg't birthday a national holidoy ffi Mf VeHey Q9 (5® MOV»: 'Oriental Dream*' * beggor'i ingenuity goint him wealth and a prince for the hand of hit daugh'ei Rut told Colemsa. Morten# Dietrich, Edward Arnold. 1944 @ Donee: Petruthke ® ® Reie Ve CD <3$ ® Maude 10:45 PM M*A*S*N 11:00 PM o WKRP in Cincinnati Lei find* himteH in an old biplane with o crazy wor veteran. (R) CD (3D © CD ® MOW HiMI, M faBt for noted ing embatty bo* beau. Walter lynhythynturbi CD CH OfOOQ- ond it MVV» bock to CD MOW 'AM In • MgM*. ̂look of ĵ̂ ot ^ounc r̂ of o Mssile on hit fat*. Seen Martin, Sfcir- ley MacLain, Cliff Robertson. 1961 ̂mnn whoM fotK r̂ wQS killed offer being taught cheating at o O (23) Alice 09 (32) AN lr» the Family Dale Robertson, Debra Paget. 1954 €0 Pawl Syon thaw 11:15 PM CD Putty hlend A gymnatt it hampered in her attempt to win a mafor event end a poor farmer ditcoven the hatardi of a m>- lionoire't life. Ouest (tarring Mau reen McCormick ond Noah leery. (R) (60 mm.) CDo< 11:30PM' O MOVH: 'McCtovd: THo DMM00 DoDof A fro?l of TVIjQ. 1. Who played the title role in "Owen Marshall, Counselor it law"? Henry Fonda and Ron Howard starrad In a series together in tha early '70a. Mama it. What was Nancy Kuip'a name in "The Beverly Hillbillies "? Who did Tuesday Weld play in "The Many Loves olDobie Cillis"? What was Barry Newman's first name in "PetroceUi"? What is Jennifer's last name on "WKRF In Cincinnati"? What was the name of Betty White's char acter on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show"7 In what series did Patrick Duffy portray a character named Mark Harria? What were the names of the noey neigh bors on "Bewitched"7 (c)iM2 Dompuiog *llAaj)i jeuqv pua sApaio 6 „sftue/tv utojjuewMu,, a sueAmuuvens L aMouam g Auomuy g jefiufutien »nem •* AaMamanauar C 'I MH 'I SJ3MSUV FOR CENTRAL MR CONDITIOIIMfi INSTALLATION & SERVICE ALTHOFF INDUSTRIES Mchenry 3&57II ) Rome to New York leodt McCloud to e $2 miSon ttatuette of a hone and quire it. Dennii Weaver, Harry Guar* dfeo, Hehemieh Porsoff. 1973. 0 Mary Tyler Moore OffSwKar In OndwnMI 0 MOW: fride of the Merinoe' After luKng many of the enemy. Marine Al Schmid i> blinded tgr a grenade Thit it the ttary of hit ad|ustm6nt to Win^bete. John Gor- fieid, Eleanor Parker, Dane Clark 1943 CD (32) i CD i 60 Cloadt of etory QS (8) CDsoet of USA CD (39 Am tofcker CD (39 CD 1 11:45 PM C NlghHIne 12:00 AM O Late Night with 12:30 AM . (R) (60 mm.) NSC Newt CD Omova CD(39*« 6) (19 Newt/Sign Off 1:00 AM O NSC CD @3) Varied © CMiKldt CD MOW: lever* And Otter Itrengort' Five itaget in rourtship ond marriage ore depicted through the relationthipt of fnendt ond rela tive* at the wedding of a young cow pie. Gig Young, Anne Jackton. tea Arthur 1970 CD 4m Prank lin Hmw 1:15 AM O At Twelve 1:30AM CD IwlTlitaaiirt CD Pwih Prtreihko €D u.s. CD MOW: -Nerweed' Norwood Pratt, home from Vietnam, decidet (hot civilian Me in Tuat it boring and ta he goet to New York to become o television itar Glen CampbeH. Joe Namath, Carol lynley, Pot Hingle 1970 O (23) MOW: 'MeClowd: A Cowboy In Paradise' A nightclub tmger it involved in o plot to fromc McCloud'» boti in e murder Denntt Weaver, Don Ho. louite Latter. 1974. CE) <32) MHo Owl Service m DM CaveH Firtt of 4 porn Actor Richard lurton it the guet' A gymnatt it her attempt to wm o major avent and a poor former <*« covert the hatardi of a mHlionair»\ life. Guett ttarring Maureen McCo' micfc and Noah leery. (R) (60 min CD O tot Patrol CD MOW -No Chomplemhlp CD n< CD MOW: *Srood Of Mm Weil' 1:45AM Snow. O MOW: 'Monicoa Spitfire' A man impertonatet a visiting Engkth lord in order to tave a contract for the tpitfire'i hutband. Lupe Velei. Leon Errol. Donald Wood*. 1939 200 AM o MOW: Tko PWtt 36 Heurt of Dr. Dvreef During hit firtt 36 houri on cod, a young turgr col rettdem confront* the horth reak ttet of medical etfect. Scott Hylandt, Lawrence Prettman. Ketherme Mel mend 197$ 12:15 AM O MOW: The Saint in London* The Saint pickt up a wounded man an a country rood, leading him into web of intrigue end taper crime. George Sandert. SaRy Grey 1939 CD Pantaty Island A gymnatt it hampered in her jttempl to win a covart Ae hatardi of a mAenmrt ' I Maureen McCw O 21 Newt O Nightbaal CD MOW: 'MaAgon't i A rony Treaturey agent it tent to Rome *o recover a "hot' nitfcon dol Ion. Dot'ln Hoffman, EltO MartineRil, Cetor Ronteio 1967 2:T5 AM ®n.«. 2:30 AM O MOW. brueh Trail' Wevrern. Starring John Wayne 1933. €0 Ctoudt of Olory CD Avto lacing 'It: SCCA Super