m sue farm m KNT PAGE 13 - PLAINDEAIJCK. FRIDAY. JULY It. im rat SENT NEW k USED RR TIES, Bulk Grass Seed. We Deliver. Woodstock Farm ft Lawn Center, 2090 Sooth Route 17, Woodstock. S15-SS8-4S00. 7-Stfc INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Rent a Quality Water Softener for 13.00 for the first 3 Free in- Call collect 81S-SSS~3344. Quality Water Conditioning. 7- ttfc APPLIANCES: REFRIGERATORS, Fieeaas, Washers and Dryers, electric and gas ranges. Clean and like new at reasonable prices. All . recon ditioned and guaran teed. Wahl Used Ap pliances, 9431 B. Pearl. 81S-365-1872. 7-ltfc HEARING AIDS. Sales, Rentals ft Repairs. Free Testing. Call anytime 815-385-1135. Whispering Point Hearing Aid Center, 4303 West Crystal Lake Road, McHeory. 7-ltfc 1 year old Appalooea Guitar; Brand new Odessey II with 3 car tridges; 10 gallon Hex Aquarium; Food Proceoeor. 815-344-' OSS. 7-2tfc PLAID LOVE SEAT; Cedar Cheat and Sewing Machine. 815-385-2580. 7-14-7-16 GAS RANGE With Hood, Convection oven, avocado, excellent condition, 1700 list, must sacrifice 8275.00. 815- 385-1919. 7-14-7-16C HOTPOINT ROOM Air Conditioner 5,000 BTU, used once, coat 8250.00 new, sacrifice $125.00; Also Jacobeen Power Burst Snowblower, used once, cost $290.00, sacrifice $175.00. 815- 385-5012. 7-14-7-18C 150 ft. SNOWFENCE $75.00; Awning frame 12x20', $150.00; 10 gallon fish tank with accessories $10.00; Heavy lawn roller 20' wide/24" high, $50.00 815-385-5477. 7-14-7-16C TINTEDtrLASS Pickup Truck Vega Camper. Sleeps 5, complete washroom. "Like new"* $1450.00 or best Offer. 8153850189. 7-14-7-18C 1980 CHEVETTE, Runs good, like new 84,686; Pop up Camper, steeps «. $40000 or best offer. Call after 8pm, 815-728- O37* 7-14-7-18C KOHLER 18 hp Gaa Engine, rebuilt, fits Cadet Tractor $175.88. 815455-0041. 7-14-7-18C LEAR PICK-UP SUde- in Camper, fully equipped, shower, range, oven and water, $1,300 or offer. 815-386- 3138 7-9tfc PICK-UP TRUCK fits Datsun, sma trucks, r $125.00 or 3856516. [ular bed. Can 815- 7-0-7-16C fcf* DOG KENNEL, Sears chain link fence, 4'xl2'x6' High, like new $125.00.815728-0556. 7- 14-7-l6c' ^ %*• BEAUTY SHOP EQUIPMENT: Hydraulic chairs, Chair style hair dryers, Shampoo chairs. Call Mary, 815-3850341 days. 7-14-7-16C MOPED, Like new, low mileage, $450.00 or best offer. Call after 5pm, 815-3850743. 7-14-7-16C WANTED Residential Locations lor Demonstrator SWIMMING POOLS Excellent Opportunity for Family With flight Location Limited Offer Don't Delay Call Now 815-455-1659 r i««7 JIG MEDAUI0N OAK CABINETS . And dooronco on KHchon Kompoct Cabinet*. VP TO 40% wr on slightly domoged ond discontinued cabinets. Special prices on lominated coun ter tope ond cultured marble ond onyx vanity tope. Wo con supply oil your storage needs for kitchen, bath, family room, bar, loundry room, or office. Bring in any room dimen sions you hove for free estimate. NOW)! All sales cosh and carry Monday through Friday •:00 AM-4:90 PM 9:00 AM-2:00 PM TOP FORM CO, iC. 7414 Hancock Dr. Wondtr Laka, II. S15-72M293 ROTOTIUJSR-TROY, ALIM m r> rial uiaer moaei, mv tra and extra tinea $136.88. 815-344-3783 before 8pm. 7-14-7-Mc 139 WAITS STEREO SYSTEM, Aap Dolby PICNIC TABLES flOr •ale, 8 ft mm-, 6 ft $70.00. Very wefl made. SIMM-MM. 7-3tfc ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT.' JMM * : » f t CLEAN 4 ROOM AporUaent, pay ewa utillttee Couple or 815-386-1838. 7-14-?-16c TRACTOR JOHN DEERE Model A, good condition $886.09. 815- 344-3783 before 8pm. 7- 14-7-16C 14,509 BTU Air Con ditioner. 3 yean $226.09 or offer; Electric range, copper $75.00 or offer. 8157250908. 7-14-7-16C BLACK BEAR Number 2 Compound Bow and all accessories, 815-338- 7-14-7-16C peels, which Include deck, fence, filter mi warranty are available far 1666.86 tally Fimincing arranged. Call collect. 616-6C1- 7-3-7-SOc INTERNATIONAL Overlander Landyacht, aluminum trailer, $4,000 00; 1971 Chevy Stationwagon , 86,000 miles, steel belted tins, trailer hitch $990.00 firm; Ford 8N tractor with front loader, alao 3 point hitch $1,600.00.815- 338-2306. 7-9-7-16C 1975 LINCOLN Con tinental, 2 door, strip ping for psrts, 460 engine, low mileage, 815-7280125. 7-9-7-16C DARKROOM EQUIPMENT. Besler 23 c enlarger; Kalimar rotodrum print dryer; Paterson system 4 film tank; print trays; Accuratid processor and misc.; other equipment. Call after 5:30pm. 815-344-5948. 7- 9-7-16C WATERBED, KING size complete $400 or best offer. 815-344-5625 after 5:30pm. 7-9-7-16C GE ELECTRIC Stove, Almond Color, like new, used 8 months, asking $150.00. 815-344-5948 after 5:30pm. 7-9-7-16C TRADE "4" SAIL Boot, f i s h i n g b o a t , snowmobile trailer, whatever of equal value 1974 Suzuki 750, ex cellent condition. 815- 385-5803 or 815-385-2042. 7-9-7-16C REFRIGERATOR, new white, Westinghouse $200.00.815-344-2087. 7- 14-7-16c WASHER 4 DRYER Kenmore $40.00 each. 815-344-2087. 7-14-7-16C 1 0 G A L L O N AQUARIUM, complete $35 00 815-3850189. 7-14- 7-16C fc l*TF ALFALFA MIX, 80 Bales, 8125 per bale. 8153853871. 7-14-7-16C I B M. SELECTRIC n, Best offer. 313-546-14M. 7-14-7-16C 1976 CADILLAC ElDorado, fully loaded, $4,000.00; 1876 Honda MR SO, $100.09. 815-344- 1973. 7-14-7-16C RIDGID PIPE Snapper $75.00; Ridgid lVfc-4" Die, $400.00; Plumbers Melting pot with tufc and accesaorieo 880.68; Miac. tool drilla, wrenches, etc. Call weekdays after 5:30 pm, weekends anytime, 815- 7250803. 7-14-7-16C 4 PIECE BEDROOM SET, 2 full beds, 2 dressers $80.00 or beat offer; Off white sec tional couch 825.00 or best offer; 1976 Pinto Runabout (Needs new engine) $300.00 or best offer. 312-497-4146, McHenry dial 487-4146. 7-14-7-16C 5,000 BTU Air Con ditioner; New gutters and downspouts; Floor model hairdryer; Old wagon wheel; 2 wire wheels and tires for '31 Chevy. 815-459-4966. 7- 14-7-16C KITCHEN TABLE * 4 Chairs, 869.00 or beet - offer. 815-385-2452. 7-14- 716c 8 HP DAVID BRADLEY Bif Wheel Tractor. Inchidee Roto tiller, Discs, Plows, Hiller and Sulky 8200.00. 815-385-3307. 7-14-7-16C 20 FT. PIER CAR PETING with extra length for extension, $150.00.815-385-7325. 7- 14-7-16C S T . J O H N S UNIFORMS, Jumpers and pants. Call after 5pm, 815-344-0389. 7-14- 716c . 2 TWIN BED Foun dations and frames $80 00.815-3859477. 7-14- 7-16C 4 >4 HP OUTBOARD MOTOR with remote gas tank. Ideal for fishing or pleasure boating, like new, $245.00.815-566-6714. 7- 14-7-16C FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONER, uood very little $266.00, coat over $300.09; Stereo; 2 old record players. 815 385-0221. 7-14-7-16C ONE PEXTO 89", 21 Gauge Sheet Metal RoDer ; One HUM TE-17 Hammer Drill; One RktgM 2" to 4M Pipe Cutler; Ten 2" 388 h Brass Gate Valvss; One 16,606 C.F.M. Roof Exhaust Pan and Damper; Two m" by 13' Cable Stags. 815336- 7-9-7-16C PIT GROUP. 8280.66 ler. Call 815- 7-14-7-16C baby and Courrier pick-up truck, $280 60, will separate. Call after 6:39,815466-4716. 7-ltfc WASHERS * DRYERS Reconditioned and Guaranteed. 816-386- 6431. 7-2tfc IMF T> It CASH PAID For Jook Johnson or Evinrude Outboard Motors. 816- 7-2tfc MOVING? CLEANING HOUSE? Buying An tique Furniture, China, Glaasware, Lampe, Xmas Ornaments, etc. 815-878-4141. . 6-3-7-30C AUTOS, ALL Makes and models, running or not. Cash paid. 84 hours pickup service. 815-736- 1171. 7-S-7-89C WANTED FRONT End Parts for 1877 Trans Am and Front end parts for 1881 or 1882 Datsun 310. 815-7M-0125. 7-9-7-16C CASH PAID For Junk cars, running or not. Immediate removal. 312-8253116. 7-ltfc ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED To Buy, any condition. Lets talk, call Roberto, 414-7264199. 7- 14tfc WANTED SMALL BOAT TRAILER, Call Dale after 6pm, 815-385- 7-14-7-16C N E E D E X T R A Vacation Money? Sell Your Jazz ana Rock Record Collection. Call Tom, 815-489-4967. 7-16- 7-23C T3T 8IOT9 a BOX SPRING COM PLETE. full size 82569 CaU after 9pm, 815-344- 2886. 7-14-7-16C SHORE STATION, one year old with full canopy, electric winch, wheels and tow bar, excellent condition, $3,609 or boat offer. 616- 386-7325. 7-14-7-16C SEARS BMX DIRT BIKE, 2 years old, beat offer. 815 663 9648. 7- 7tfc TWO 15" 6 Bolt chrome reversed and baby moons. Six 14" 6 belt pets, $210.66 security deposit M4-7-MC OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT to# Uew ler few le OCEAN Bench, FRONT, Florida. 2 completely Swimming pool. Call j£L rlKJIW ns* 7-14-7-16C TWO STORY FAR MHOUSE, 2 bedrooms, 1H baths, carpeted, fireplace, - modern kitchen, all appttoncoo Vh Acre, Spring Grove. Security depoeit and references required, available August 1st 81540M1S7 7-14tfc FOR SALE OR FOR RENT. Whispering Oaks Condo, Ranch type, 4 pie* 2 2 baths, air, private attached garage. 815- mmm. 7-14-7-Mc 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, $285.66 per month, includes heat and spphanceo. Adults preferred. Lease, deposit and references required. Available August 1st. 815386 6188. 7-14tfc JOHNSBURG, 3 bedroom home, m hatha, full baaement, $416.66, security deposit, references and no peta. 815-344-1973. 7- 14-7-16C ON POTAKEE BAY, one bedroom apart ment, $325 00 month. Utilities included, security deposit required, no pets. 815- 7-14tfc MCHENRY, BRIT- TANY PARK. 3 bedrooms, m baths, m car garage, very neat, 3 years old, $450.00 month. Days $15-388- 5000, Evenings 312-666- 6773. 7-14-7-16C BRAND NEW 2 Bedroom Apartment In Luxurious Waterfront Home. Ceotral air, all utilites included plus garage. Uoe of yard and boat facilitiea. Deeire Mature couple, no peta, 8489.99 per month plus security deposit and references. Realty WorM-Durfain Stovall, 616 188 8068. 7-Otfc 3 BEDROOM HOME, fenced yard, eat In McHenry area, 8M0.09 psr month plus security, one year loaao. Available July 18th. CaU Carole, ERA Byraee Bras. 618 466 6409. 7-9-7- 16c Q U I E T N E I G H BORHOOD, Johnburg area. 3 bedrooms, basement, double garage, 6480.66 month ptaa^ security dspooit, credit check requirad. 815-3K-6732. 7-14-7-Mc iMHUilt UK am Data* t 6 2 bedroom apartments. fvtty car- patod. 1 % carwnic both*. weaker, ok c •WW. IIIPI. •iimwi jp, f | eree, 90s hw ie storage a. 6y loka. •avaral Mocka teem down- lam I* J 1811 W.« MN 8*. lake OWN wo. Ml. 414-848-4*71 77m tm your ellwHi? UmrioM oca oveilobl* In Modtffi Richmond SMf. on U.S. >t» 12. 126 e*. H. lo 1,099 a*, ft. AH wtUMiot lartwdod. CoH9obMey 915-479-4575 !OBL 144 6286 CRY OP McHENRY, Lovely 8 bedroom garage. Available immediately, 8466.66 per month, plus eater Ity. Call 815-726- 7-9tfc WOODSTOCK, 2 BEDROOM Home, living room, Kiicnen t bath. No peta. No utllitiea furaiahed, $366.66 psr month. 313- 5456211. 7-9-7-16C MODERN McHENRY Condo, 2 bedroom, m bath, diahwaaher, washer, dryer, air conditioned pool. 8276.66 month plua deposit. Available September 1. 312-763- 7-9-7-2SC VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 406. Call 618 366 9660 from 9am to 12 weekdays or after 7-2tfc I N G L 1 S I D E , 2 bedroom house, kitchen, dining room, living room, fireplace, garage, 8226 month plus security deposit, maintain gram and pay water. 815-386- 0096. 7-16 UPPER 2 BEDROOM Apartment. Near Woods .JofcGifeari. Heat an<2 if at*!4furnished. Adults only. No pets. Immediate occupancy. 8153360226. 7 14-7-16 DESIRABLE 3 or Poeslble 4 bedroom home. 3 bathrooms, Family room with fireplace, air con ditioning, Large yard. Excellent location in town. References, 8ecurity deposit required. 8625.00 per month. 8MM606, if no answer please leeve message 7-7-7-16C READY NOW, large 1 bedroom apartment, very clean, carpeted, appliances, big clooets, in town McHenry, security deposit. 815- 7-16-7-22C APPROXIMATELY 2866 sq. ft. Retail space, will divide, Route 126, McHenry. 816466-1116. 7-16-7-23C POSSIBLE 4 Bedroom house in downtown McHenry, available Sept. 1st. 8666 a month I n c l u d e s h e a t . Responses to P.O. Box 86, McHenry, a 66060. 7-16-7-23C WILL 8HARE 4 Bedroom Modern Ranch Home, John- sburg ares 21 or older, single, references. 815 344 <6W or 8154854087 aak for Karen. 7-14-7- 16c kcHKNRY TN TOWN, l bedroom apartment, fully furaiahed, all utllitiea included, Mature fsasale, 8276.66. 7-2tfc FLORIDA RENTAL HOME. Available now through October. Summer rates $125.66 esshty, $666.66 month. Completely furnished, 46 miles North of Tampa. 8154864234. 7- 14-7-16c MODERN l BEDROOM Apartment on Water front. Walk to stores. Carpeting, Stove, Refrigerator. Adults No peta. $270.66 plua security depoeit. 815- 7-2tfc GIVE AWAY 4 kittens, 36-7-16C 815486-1186. 6- PONY OF AMERICA , Weanling. Muat eee to appreciate, 6496.66. 815- 7 -16-7-SOc - 'TW BEAUTIFUL 2 Year old 01 l0»I 675-6204 SLEEPING ROOMS, Single or double. 615- 365-1946. 7-2tfc TO BE GIVEN AWAY, $ year old Gentle CoBie, black male. Due to allergiee. Muat find good home. Call after 6pm. 815444-1846. 7-16 PITS m uiT OLD ENGLISH Sheep Dog Puppies, A.K.C., Champion Blood Line, $266.66 each. 815-648- 7-9-7-16C »MTi» T9 iCWT APARTMENTS FOR RENT, References and security deposit required. 815485-1079. 7-2tfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritssche Industrial Park, Inc., 5,666 sq. ft. to 16,699 sq. ft. 815466-1079. 7-2tfc READY NOW, 2 bedroom apartment, with stove and refrigerator, dish washer, carpeted throughout, 2to baths. 915386-2181. 7-2tfc 1 BEDROOM SUBLET, readv now, fully car peted, with stove and refrigerator. 815-385- 7836. 7-2tfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS. Daily or Weekly ratee. 815485- 8906 or 815-385-0266. 7- 2tfc McHENRY, 4 bedroom house, 1 both, garage, bosement. Available 6-1 for rent at 8475.00 month. Security depoeit, Credit check required. 312-541-3220 7-2tfc J O H N S B U R G , 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, stove, refrigerator. Heat and electric included, no peta, security depoeit and • leaae, $425.00 month. 815-385-1286. 7- 14tfc 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, Nice area. Family room, fireplace, 2 car hooted garage. River righta, no peta, $425.00 per month, references, security deposit. Available mid July, 815- 385-4424. 7-14-7-16C SPACIOUS NEW S bedroom houae, 2 car garage, 1^ bath, roc room, 8480.66, security depoeit and references. Dan 312461-4663, 815- 344-0664. 7-14-7-16C McHENRY RIVER FRONT, Coach Houoe Apartment. 1 bedroom partially finiahed, air conditioning, carpeting, large sun deck. Clooe to Hoepital, Country Club. 8380.00 a month inchidee all utilltiee, security depoeit required. Small pet ok., 815-4664664 or 815-3854470. 7-14-7-lOc SLEEPING ROOMS, Working People. The McHenry Depot Hotel, 815-3659738 7-14-7-23C F O R R E N T , McHENRY, $325.00 per month. Cosy and clean 2 bedroom home with family room. Water rights and recreation area. Room air con ditioner. Security depoeit required. CaU Mike 815-365-3684. 7-14- 7-16C WANTED TO RENT: Parente are viaitlng August 15th thru Oc tober 15th and would like to rent In town McHenry a 1 or 2 bedroom furnlahed Condo, Apartment or Home. Please call 815- 646-4328 after 6pm. 7- 7tfc WE HAVE MANY Clients in need of ren ting 2 to 3 bedroom homes. If you have a house available for rant, call us now! Century 21 Care Reel Estate, 815 344-1033 7-14-7-16C SHELTDB, 16 Month Old Blue Merle Female, Good with Children, $16660 815466-5446. 7- 14-7-Mc BEAUTIFUL PEDIGREE Siameoe klttena, 6 weeks. Also Buimooo, 4 generations On promisee, 835.00 to $86.66.312487*7812. 7-14- 7-Mc 5 WEEK OLD AKC Male Black Labrador Puppiee, dew clawe removed. Parents on promisee, $186.66 each. 815486-4534. M4-7-16C GERMAN SHEPHERD Appalooea Gelding, well broke, sound. Great , Pleasure horse, $606.66 or boot offer. 815448- 4334. 7-14-7-16C r ° eti 3 HORSES FOR SALE, 8154864683. 7-Otfc j:» ___________________ 9 YEAR OLD itered Appalooea tT Profeosionally ci1 trained, Experience necessary For in- formation call 915495- ">< 3940 after 4pm. 7-14-7- <n" 19c oVV --. 4 YEAR OLD Appaloaa gelding, 164 handa, ^ good diapoeition, flaahy, requires experienced rider, 81,380.00, offer. ^ 815-456-0666 evenings. 7- ' 9-7-30C ' ' * RECIPE VI LOOKING TO SHARE House, McHenry area. Call Ray after 6pm, 815- 344-2994. 7-14-7-16C FOUND. Reddish- orange long haired cat, 4 white pews, white bib and white frecklee on nose, front pews declawed Vicinity of Mason Hill Road. 815- 3350655 7-14-7-16C GIVE AWAY Male Dog, 10 months old, good watchdog. 815-7264982. 7-16 Puppiee, A.K.C., male and femalea, welped 5 21-62, large boned sablee, wormed, $125 to $186. 815485-4718 or 815 344-2976 7-2tfc 9 SAMOYED PUPPIES, pure white sled dogs. Best offer. 815385-9681. 7-14-7-16C 2 YEAR OLD Shepherd- Collie mix, plus sll scceesoriee. 815-338- 8887 7-14-7-16C WELSH CORGI PUPS, 9 weeks old. 815453- 9411. 7-16 GERMAN SHORTHA1R Puppiee, born June 7th, excellent bloodlines, A.K.C. registered, $800.00.8153440686. 7-9- 716c S| knl kmm SaMN Homcmakers wrlcomc easy pic recipe* for lummrr desserts. Keep a supply ot prepared pie crusts on hand EaayFte I can condensed milk Juke of I or 2 lemons I 9 oi. carton whipped lopping 1 large can crushed pineapple (drained! 2 prepared pie crusts Mix condensed milk and lemon juice until thick Fold in whipped topping, then drained crushed pineapple Pour into the two baked (and cooled) pie crusts. Keep in refrigerator until served i-H r? ••u 1 CV o . *0 •i** id Of High Jump 1(h Mountain lions can jump i,| 13 to 20 feet off the ground, reports National Geographic ̂ World magazine For Office.. Store.. Plant.. Business PROVIDE ALL THE CONVENIENCE OF A SNACK SHOP WHILE CUTTING WASTED COFFEE BREAK TIME AT LEAST 1 / rv> lot n«. •a ,;r [Fn AUXANNR Iffflffflt CO "WT W (IKRY1MI m IK HUO" FEATURM COMPLETE IMS OF: •OLYMPIC ST AIN •LINCOLN WINDOWS rantaitrt •OAF SHINGLES •ANOIRS8N •SLHLDCRS HARDWARE WINDOWS •PRC-HUNG OOOtS w T UlrlflltnlU PANELING •NORO SPINOLSS •STANLEY •ARMSTRONG GARAGE DOOR CE1UNO SYSTEMS OPERATORS Phon« 3SS-1424 909 N. Front St., McHenry $ Now you con en|oy all the comforts and convenience of a coffee shop right in your own establishment . . . always available ... no worry about coffee shop hours. .. enjoy a snack at your con venience ... 24 hours a day... when you want it . .. when you have time for it... with no lost time going for it... reduce wasted coffee break time at least 50%. Fr§§ Use of HoMngeHa/i All you pay is for the Psks of Snscks ss selected end ordered by you! We will supply you with such delightful, delicious snscks ss..,. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE YUBAN SANKA PIPING HOT SOUPS HOT CHOCOLATE HOT TEA Just pick a psk ... sdd hot wster, stir for a moment end enjoy. SAVE MONEY. TOO! A few pennies per serving. This seves ss much ss 50% to 60% on every cup. You csn now offer FREE Snack Service. Or, you can charge and use profits for office collections, parties or your fovorite charities. Phone NOW for FREE Installation . . . a v a i l a b l e t o a l l b u s i n e s s e s w i t h 4 o r m o r e p e o p l e o n p r e m i s e s . tieveras* Oar Service also available in outlying cities). JOHNSON'S SERVICE BAR 1942 TRPPflN STREET, WOODSTOCK, III. 60098 (819) 338-48SO