Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1982, p. 14

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PAGE 14 - PI.AINDEALKR - FRIDAY. JULY li. 1N2 Time Capsule In The Making Judy Mazrln, left, publicity chairman of Rescue 50, and Jim Wright, general chairman of Rescue 50, present Uielr complete album of pictures and publicity from their 1M2 snowmobile benefit which netted fll.t51.00 for the local rescue squads. At right, Kathy Johnson presents a unique collage assembled by the women of the Fox Ridge Women's club. The collage contains 100 Items common to everyday family life In 1982. More and varied entries for the time capsule are coming into the Chamber office daily. Clubs, organisations, individuals, and businesses are presenting rosters, pictures, programs, newspaper articles, books, and tickets. Space is stUI available. Everyone Is Invited to take some time to capsule their ideas and deliver them to the Chamber of Commerce office on Green street. The following are the latest items submitted for McHenry's Time Capsule: Pack of filtered and non filtered cigarettes Hymnal from 1st United Methodist church u Chamber's check cashing system Liz Nolan's yellow rose Three years of Fiesta Days Guides Beautification committee pictures Three years of Fiesta Days T-shirts Centennial edition of Plaindealer 1961 Year in Review issue of Plaindealer McHenry Street & Road guide Madalyn O'Hair's legacy ERA cartoon ERA memorial Complete woman's outfit Class of 1962 list Taylor made golf club "12 feet of Harn\ony" tape and picture The Gypsy Moth story - Tape from WIVS Mary Kay Price book PYC 85th anniversary booklet. Portrait of Mark Justen Moose Women's Chapter charter Rubik's cube Two 1980 and 1981 pennies Parkland Junior high yearbook McHenry high yearbook McHenry Junior high yearbook Picture album and history Rescue squad Report card Newspaper article of Sweet Sixteen Basketball team of '75-76 Democratic precinct materials 1982 July edition of "On the Go" -"|j PARKS & RECREATION Stretch and Sew The City of McHenry Department of Parks and Recreation is presenting another opportunity to learn the easy Stretch ana Sew method in McHenry. One can create a summer wardrobe by learning these quick stretch and sew techniques. The class will meet at Parkland Junior high starting July 21 and meet every Wednesday for four weeks. The fee for this dags includes a $25 coupon book to use toward the pur­ chase of patterns, notions, fabric, along with a book needed for the class. Sign up is on a first come, first basis, so sign up soon. No sewing experience is necessary, Just knowledge of the machine. To continue the application of these stretch. and sew classes, the Park department is also offering special classes to which one can apply the stretch and sew techniques. All classes will meet at Parkland Junior high The first of these classes is Terrific Tops, in which all new top ideas will be introduced. The meeing date is July 21 The second class is Wrap Skirts in which three all new wrap skirt designs for summer will be presented. This class will meet Thursday, July 22. The third and last class offered is a combined class of Designer Jeans and Rugby Top. Here one can learn to make super fitting designer jeans and also sporty rugby tops. This class will meet two weeks, Wednesday, Aug. 12 and Aug. 19. Registration is being held at city hall. For further information call the Department of Parks and Recreation at 344-3300 BUILDING PERMITS Building permits were recently issued by the McHenry County Department of Building and Zoning to: Norm Joyce, 1010 Hayden drive, McHenry, for a second story addition and other alterations to main floor of existing resident. McHenry township Michael D. Hellios, 520 Bayview lane, McHenry, to construct a 3- bedroom residence at 2916 Bayview lane, McHenry township. Alma Kath, 7356 Carol street, Niles, to construct a 3-bedroom residence for farm help at 6404 W. Bull Valley road. McHenry. Nunda township. Adams Enterprises, 3017 W. Illinois 120, McHenry, for an com­ mercial addition. McHenry township. W t _ \ c / 2 AT lOKNl YAM AW ABLE T O HF.IP Y O U WITH: Wil ls & Is tnU s Personnl ln |ury keo l I stc i t«» Bus iness Zoning Wot l tc i s Comp AnH Other Prob lems You Moy Hove In i t ra l Hour Consul ta t ion Sui te B Whisper ing 4306 Crysta l lake Kr) Po in t Center McHenry (815)344 1630 •SSS8SS8SSS Workiag Women The number of married women in the work force with an employed husband pre­ sent rose by nearly 6 million in the 1970's. Youth League Sponsors Johnsburg yearbook Harmony Snowmobile's album of articles and pictures McHenry Police department parking ticket Senior Citizen article appeared in Plaindealer Alithopteris Fern Fossil Token issue from defunct McHenry Shores Pink rose silk corsage McHenry Profile Fox River Basin report Article about ticket agent retention Video tape of newscast Complete man's suit Complete child's outfit Video of Harvard's milk day parade Invitation To Church Rites Merle D. Conklin, pastor of the Wonder Lake Bible church, invites the people of the community to attend any of the services at the church which is located at the north end of Wonder Lake at 7501 Howe road. Sunday school begins at 9:30 a.m. with classes for all ages There is bus transportation on both sides of the lake, and interested persons are asked to call the church for transportation information. Morning worship begins at 10:50 a.m., with nursery provided for babies and toddlers, and Junior church for children 4 years old through fourth grade. On Sunday, July 18, Pastor Conklin's message will be "The Model Church" (I Thessalonians, Chapter 1) The Bible Fellowship hours is at 6 p.m. and Pastor Conklin will continue his series on Jonah. This week's lesson is "When Jonah was in the Great Fish" (Jonah, Chapter 2) Each Wednesday there is a Prayer and Praise hour at 7:30 p.m. The Bible study on "Prayer" will be from Luke 11:1-13. Following the study, the group will divide into smaller groups for prayer. There is a warm welcome for all to the services of the Wonder Lake Bible church. Pastor Conklin would like to become acquainted with the people of the community. He may be reached at the church office at 728-0422 or at 728- 1687 FIFTY YEARS? AGO (Taken from the files of July 21, Itt) Volo will celebrate its annual picnic and carnival in the usual heppy and great manner again this year on July 23 and 24. Volo picnics are known far and wide for the good timea, good and useful articles for prizes, good chicken dinners, good music for dancing and many other reasons, all of which bring many people back each year and cause the old people who have enjoyed this event In the past years to remark, "We never miss a Volo picnic." Weekend specials at Erickaon Dept. store on Main street are: Children's dresses each 99 cents, ladiea' printed voile dresses, each M cents, 100 percent hop flavored malt at three cans for $1 and Ivory soap at six medium bars for 29 cents. FORTY YEARS AGO (From the files of July 23, 1912) While nearby parishea have in the past and will continue throughout the summer to serve devious milk fed roast chicken dinners, the slyness of the Irish must again he recognised in their efforta to surpass, if poaaible, past and future events elsewhere. For instead of an ordinary chicken dinner, only cream fed chicken will be served at St. Patrick's this year by a large group of colleens. Mrs. George Adams, newly elected president of the Altar and Roaary sodality, is taking charge of the management of the dinner together with four or five other capable ladies of the parish. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson said last week he believed it would be necessary ultimately to lower the draft age limit to 18 years. Stimaon said men aged 18 to 20 should not alter their immediate plans in anticipation of being called up. The Colony theater in McHenry featured "Murder in the Big House" and "Frisco LillM Tuesday night, adult admission - 23 centa. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the filee of August 1, 1957> For the second time in its five-year history of selecting 4-H queens, McHenry has had a winner. She is Karen Schmelzer, 19, who was crowned the 1957 winner last Thur­ sday evening along with Lee Shaw of Woodstock, the county king. For the second time in the com­ paratively short history of Junior fair, the local community has claimed a county queen. This year she is Miss Beth Smith, a pretty 16-year-old miss * ho just two weeks previous had been , crowned Miss Wonder Lak«r * * The tractor pulling contest at the county fair was won by a McHenry area man James Faulkner, who placed first in the heavy class and second in the medium and light weight classes.. He received $120 for his ef­ forts. Nick Miller of McHenry won $50 for top honors in the hot-rod light weight classes. The Country Art Fair, highlight of a week so proclaimed by Mayor Freund and now as ready as the hard working committee and the many volunteer assistants can make it, will open its doors to the public Saturday, Aug. 10 On Tuesday morning, July 30, 13 campers, ages 10 to 14, from Camp Northwestern, Lake Geneva, Wia., swam the lake at its widest point from the camp to Williams Bay. The * distance of approximately three miles was swum in two hours and five minutes. Included among the suc­ cessful swimmers were two local boys, Chuck Miller and Dave Miller. Miss Mary Ann Bolger, daughter of Mrs. John Bolger of Richmond road, will be a member of the first graduation class of Northern Illinois university, formerly Northern Illinois State college. A degree of Bachelor of Science in education will be conferred on the local girl. Next fall, she will teach second grade at Edgebrook school in McHenry. TEN YEARS AGO < Taken from the filee of July 28,1972) The old four-story factory building of the former American Terra Cotta corporation located at Illinois Route 31 and Squaw Creek road (Terra Cotta road) is being demolished to make way for a new modern office building. The first Sense ef the smmts fsr the Lather Leagnes at Shepherd of the IRUs Chare k. 694 Nertk Green street, McHeary. are shewn ptaaaiat a specialI yeath meeting From left, seated, are Mariea Geei. Caref Kredet Kiae RehfeMt, Margie Schweitser, aad Chris Carfesa; aad standing. Cheek Haiaaaa. Carolya Hainan, Dea Kredet Fraak Good. Gary Schweitser. Ron Ket. Chack Haack. aad Paster Roger Schneider. at the church. A scai will also be a part of evening's meeting. Serving as sponsors for the Junior and Senior Luther Leaguea at the church include Dave and Laurie Mihevc, A1 and Ann Tilling, Carol Carlaon, Michael Mattio, Janice Mauer, Don and Carole Krodel, Pat Shanhottzer, Yvonne Hartwick, Dana Wallace, Chris Cartoon, Frank and Marian Good, Joyce Lehman, Jackie Mansholt, Charles Haack, Tom aad Aleta Gemmell, Chuck and Carol Haiman, and Gary and Margey Sch­ weitzer. A special meeting of the Junior Luther League at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church wiD he held Sunday, July 18, at 7 p.m. All fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students in the parish are members of the Junior Luther League which will meet to elect repreaentativea to the Youth Council being formed at the church. The Youth Council will plan and implement programs for both the Junior and Senior Luther Leagues every other week. Programs such as horseback riding, tubing, swimming, softball games, bike hikes, etc. have been a regular part of the youth Learning Disability Often Hidden Handicap If a child has trouble reading, listening, or speaking, he or she may have a learning disability because of a hearing problem that occurred earlier-during the pre-school years. The hearing problem, called con­ ductive hearing loas, often cornea with colds, earaches and allergies-all so prevalent during these busy summer months. The Easter Seal society urges parents to have their children's hearing checked often during the pre­ school years. In children with otherwise normal intelligence, an undetected or untreated hearing problem can result in poor school achievement, language and learning. Such children may also have poor social skills. More than half of all children experience some level of conductive hearing loss at least once by the age of 3. The Easter Seal society advises parents to be alert for a poasible learning disability if their child: ...has significant delays in speech and language development. easily distracted. iii'J ,•.!.) lbiiPu^ ...has a short attention span. ...has to be told something many times. ...often reverses words in a sen­ tence. Fortunately, conductive hearing loaa can be detected easily and prevented from causing a learning disability with a machine called a tympanometer, recently purchaaed by the Easter Seal society through a fund-raising drive spearheadedhy the Woodstock Kiwanis. > Testing is simple and painlees and can be done in less than a minute with children as young as seven months. The Easter Seal society for McHenry county will be conducting free hearing testing twice in August. For more information about con­ ductive hearing loss, and its effect on learning, and testing locations in August, contact the Easter Seal Society for McHenry County, at 708 Waahington in Woodstock, or phone 815-338-1707. They will work clooely with the child's physician in diagnosing and treating hearing problems. 'Toddle' Programs Offered Two special outdoor programs for parents and their pre-school children are scheduled in MCCD sites this summer.. At these "Toddle" program*, MCCD volunteers, Chris Rechten and Alice Howenstine will demonstrate a few activities that parents can share with their children in the outdoors. A 20-minute walk on trails is followed by a craft activity to make a simple take-home item. Starting at 10 a.m. the Toddles offer a good chance for moms and dads to get out of the house with little ones for awhile, to learn and enjoy a local conservation site, and still be home for their tod­ dler's nap time. The summer Toddle schedule is July 21 at Hickory Grove Con­ servation site, and Aug. 18 at Beck's Woods Conservation site. Children in the 5-10 year old range are welcome too. Separate activities will be offered for them, adapted from the book "Sharing Nature with Children". For further information or to receive a newsletter describing all of MCCD's summer public programa, call (81S) 678-4431 or (815) 338-1406. section of the building was built in 1994 and an addition was completed in 1909. Louis H. Sullivan, the famous architect, developed the ornamental design for architectural terra cotta that became known as Sullivaneaque design. The Rev. E.H. Happel, president of the Northern Illinois district of the Lutheran church Missouri synod, will preach at Zion Lutheran church in McHenry July 30 during the congregation's special service dedicating its new Christian Education addition. The Rev. Her­ man Graef, pastor of Zion, says that the primary task of the church- preaching and teaching the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ-ijnay be carried on more effectively with the 18 new Sunday school classrooms. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huffmaater of 1210 W. Rocky Bead) road, McHenry, celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary July 21 at their home. merican Legion Post 491 mWWOODIKIU. McHEMtV OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (540 • MO P.M.) •PUCHUl YOU CM EAT •OHO MENU MMUHE PIUS GIANT SALAD BAR INCLUDED HALL FOR RENT PiMCl FOII WEDDINGS (ANOUtTS PARTUS AND MOItC Open Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for your convenience f Marengo Federal Savings vwT fsuc and loon association Marengo, Woodstock, Crystal Lake Free Boat Examination A free courtesy Marine examination will be given and the Coast Guard auxiliary will make the Seal Of Safety a part of anyone's boat by giving a free Coast Guard auxiliary marine examination. A check of the boot's safety-related equipment covers all federal and state requirements. The examination will be conducted only with the owner's consent by qualified members of the auxiliary. If a boat passes the examination, the Award of the Decal is aasurance that the craft is properly equipped for fun and safety on the water. Examinations are scheduled July 18 at the pier in front of Snug Harbor. For further information contact VFC Donald V. Glashagel, McHenry. IDatTal A l/23th scale model of the specs shuttle Columbia will be tested ia Texas AJfcM's wind tunnel ia early summer to determine if be used to prevent ice from fonalag oa the shuttle's large fuel teak. Bnginwri believe to from condensation OP the fuel tank may have broken off, damaging the heat tiles oa previous shuttle flights. Compressed air will be used to simulate hot blasts from rocket amines that de-ice the fuel taak before launch. win vs. 10AM . Sundoy Sibto Study For All Ape Groups 11AM Sunday Worship Sunday Evaninp 7:30PM Wadnasdoy Eva. Worship QHjr <Bt}urri| of (Cljrlat (Vfc block north of Rte. 176) Raymond T. Exum. 401 N. Ook St., Minister Crystal Lake 49M1M

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