mm ahh !' Kll.PLAINDEAI.EH I .DNESDAY, Jl LY 21. IMX froK SALE: 1974 Ford Econoline Van. stan dard transmission, very go»»d running condition SIMM) Call 8IS47S4068 af'er 4:30 p.m. 7-21-7- 23c HClf IMTIS RCU »MTC» UMt( UU FM $Alt t<Mi llnNDA ACCORD, very «4M>d condition, 42.008 miles, automatic MIS-344-1180. 7- S'ffc 1977 DODGE KARRY VAN. 50.000 miles, good nrndiiwin. $3200 00 815- U4IIJK) 7-21 fc buttM CfttbK WOODLANDS On the water, 4 bedroom, 4 bath tn-level, % acre mini estate, 2 fireplaces All drapes, carpeting and ap pliances stay In ground 17x35 ft pool. Drive by at 3308 Cove Court Johnsburg 815-385-7150 y u 7 n WANTED MATURE KespunsiMe woman to WW '<» my home only, i» care f«r 2 children, weekday mornings and occasional all day. reliable person only need apply. 81S-344-MSS. 7-21-7-2SC MEDICAL ASSISTANT tine, experience 1 9 7 1 D O D G E SWINGER. 65.000 miles. Body needs work. $S00 or best offer. 815- 3854944 7-21-723C FORD 1981 ESCORT GL Wagon. 4 speed, p.s.. ph.. sunroof, rust-* proofed. $5,500. 815-344- 5783 7-21-7-23C 1988 FORD FAIRLANE 500. Automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. Call 815-385-5833. 7-21-7-23C 1975 4 1978 LINCOLN, 2 door. Continental town coupe. Striping for parts. 815-728-0125 7-21- 7-23c 1988 SCOUT, Body in excellent condition, new tires, ^engine needs work, best offer. 815-338- 7405. 7-21-7-23C 1987 DODGE DART. 8 cylinder, automatic, air conditioning. $200.00. <*ll after 5 pm, 815-344- 2828 7-18-7-23C 1971 TOYOTA PICKUP With cap. Needs work, besi offer 815-7284)072. 7-21-7-23C 1974 AMC MATADOR, new brakes, new exhaust, new battery, good tires, $850.00. 815- 185-5653. 7-21-7-23C 1974 VEGA. good condition, automatic, asking $490.00; 1973 LTD Ford, needs little work, asking $200.00. 815-456-1654. 7-21-7-23C 1957 CHEVY, 2 door Station Wagon, $1,100. 312-526-1175. 7-21-7-23C 1976 CHEVETTE, runs good, 30 mpg, clean interior, good body, stick shift. $1,500. 815- 385-8564. 7-21-7-23C 1964 GTO, 4 speed, recently painted, $2,500 or best offer, or trade for Trans Am; also GTO parts. 815-344-4864. 7-21- 7-23C 1971 FORD, 4 door, good transportation, good condition $350.00. Call after 3:30 pm, 815-344- 5908. 7-14-7-23C KM. ESTATE IMNE0U1HY Sccr l̂8f Y Rwtpliwisl tot temporary position Job responsibilities in < lode routing colls typing tiling and some booVh Courteous telephone manner 60 wprn typing 10 key ad der and tigure aptitude essential Must bo tle«ible and oble to pay attention to detail u.u nCIWIfT Electric Co. 4012 W. Hm SI. " ii-- a 7 " 7 ff RELIABLE BEAUTICIAN, • ime. flexible Modern shop ' in downtown McHeery. Call 815-385-7140 7-11-7- 23c EXTRA EARNINGS. Need 3 people who have 10 to 15 flexible hours per week. Can to $75 to $100 per depending upon For complete in formation call 4pm to 6pm. 815-344-2977. 7-21- 7-30C ZVt n time. babysi WANTED. FULL TIME Cleaning Person to clean houses, offices and Parade costumes. Must be able to sew and repair clothing. Must have excellent wwrk record. Cai Mr. Gilbert at 312*39-5658 or apply at Fas Valley Markup Systems in Cary. 7-21-7- 23c VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help with handicapped child. Call 815-7»0627. 7-21-7-23C TEACHER, ataimun 2 years college with experience In early cMMbood education. 9:30 - 5:38. C*ll 815286- T-16-7-23C Inter national Company ex pandiny into this area, "ueds young men and women General office, warehouse and manager trainees Can earn $6.85 per hour part time and up to $385 per week full time Will train Students con sidered 112-931-0014 T JI T JO L2LL& OWNER LEAVING STATE Mutt sell or rent. Lovely 4 bedroom. 2 story homo. Alt amenities. Desirable neighborhood, on 2 acres overlooking Bull Volley. Owner assisted financing. Priced below market at $1 It,900. ion- tal $690. par month. For details colt I1S4IMMI T/jir/jj 7/JI CUSTOM HILLSIDE RANCH Situated overlooking Home Owners ' Aoooatiori Pasture, (Mm, pool and rec tarn Country kitchen, 3-4 bedrooms, «-•»* tamdy room wrth wet bar. 2 fireplaces, glsssad m porch. 2% miles from McHanry, 30 minutes to Paianne Contract sale ASSOCIATES REALTY CORP. 312-991-6500 1 »7 JJ t t< / a HKNSCNOOt WEST CAMPUS Has the following openings: 'Attendance Secretary, FuH Time 'Guidance Secretary, FuH Time 'Class room Aide, FuH time 'Cafeteria, Part Time Apply in Person or Can Mrs. Creutz 815-315-7077 LitUL TORE PERSON to A infant 2 days a week beginning August 24th. 815-944-3187. 7-21-7- 23c S T A N L E Y H O M E PRODUCTS looking for dealers. Can make $10 to $15 per hour. I will also sell products. Clara Klapperich. Call 815-726- 0226. 7-21-7-23c Avon 6000 WITH PtOW! Put your tolents to work. Thoy>o worth $$$ with Avon. $20.00 investment over 18 coll HacrNcOm I1S-BMIK 7 Jt MAI ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER, Like new 2 bedroom. 2 car garage, on over one acre in Pell Lake, Wisconsin. $45,000 terms available. 815-385- 3762 7-16-7-23C LOT FOR SALE, 60x125, Lakeland Park area, 1713 North Meadow Lane. Sacrifice, best offer. 312-678-8888. 7-16- 7-23c CONDO FOR SALE, Very Clean. 2 bedrooms, 1>* baths, - all ap-, pliances, plus pool privileges, 138,000. Call for appointment after 3pm or weekends, 815- 344-1999. 7-7tfc McHENRY, CEDAR Home in country set ting, river rights, many, many extras, mid 70's. 815-385-7879, 815-344- 3076. 7-21-7-23C BY OWNER $3,000 down, $25,000, 12 per cent contract. Lilymoor, 2 bedroom, 800 sq. ft. house. Lot 100x110, deep well, septic, minor repairs. No realtors please. 815-385-2933 7- 21-7-30C 11 PERCENT Finan cing with small down will buy huge land- s c a p e d c o r n e r overlooking private lake. Breath taking views, Country kitchen with stone fireplace, hardwood floors, gas heat, Jacuzzi bath and more. Call 815-72*0659. 7-21-7-23C OPEN HOUSE By Owner. Sunday July 25th, 1:00 to 4:00. Raised Ranch, 3 bedrooms with room for 4th, dining room, large family room, excellent terms. Assumable mortgage. Rewrite FHA or owner will finance long term contract with $7,000 down and $600 per month for 1st 3 to 5 years. 1906 N. High view Avenue, Lakeland Park, McHenry. 815-344-3288 or 815-398 1881. 7-21-7- 23c WHISPERING HILLS- McHenry Impeccably maintained 2 bedroom ranch for sale. In move- in condition. FHA k VA Buyers welcome, $58,980. Sue Henry- Coldwell Banker Realtors. 312-566-4906. 7-21-7-23C 2,000 DOWN, $240 00 month. One bedroom fix-it house. Gas heat. Vacant. Liveable. $28,970. (9 % percent). 815-385-0188. 7-21-7-23C 3 BEDROOM FIX-IT House. Gas heat. Vacant. Liveable. $29,870. <9% percent) 82,880 down. $245 80 month 815-385-0188 7- 217 23c «<• tti« ,«| ouportunti'-s RN'S Memorial Hospital has opportunities for e* perienced nurses in the following units Nursery 11 -7 ICU 11-7 We provide »»cellent salaries uul TOP benefits Call the Per sonnel Department for mure details 815 338-2500 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ' » Melt*tit, Coontv 527 W South St Woodstock. II 60698 I • |ii.ilOpfttittiiiiit, f t'u>iij,« i W I GRAPHIC ARTS Must have Voc Cert or 4 years of work related ex perience Contact Mr. Rob Gough Principal Johnsburg High School aiS-JSS-OUJ Between 7am and 3 pm Monday thru Friday 7/JI-7/JJ 7/JtO operating paper section multiple yf Full time day shift, permanent position. Excellent salary and bonuses Apply in person iRRUT LKNCO ELECTRONICS INC. 1 3 3 0 Belden St., McHenry, Illinois Tho Wm. Tonyon Induttrial Pork 7 U-7 JJ R.IM/S-LP.N.S NEEDED We care with love and love to care ROYAL TERRACE is a growing progressive skilled care facility WILL YOU COME GROW WITH US. Excellent benefit package, full time, part time positions available Tor more information call Dora Lindeman R.N. D.O.N. Royal Terrace 803 Royal Orive McHenry, Illinois (815)344-2600 10! 7/JI7/J0 EXECUTIVE MANAGER The Woodstock Chamber of Com merce and Industry is seeking ap plicants for the position of Executive Manager. The successful candidate should be an enthusiastic self-starter familiar with the broad scope and variety of chamber operations The in dividual iflust be skilled in directing. budgeting\membership and detail work; whi&k possessing organiza tional. managerial and effective com munication skills In return Woodstock offers a great liv ing environment and the Chamber of fers a rewarding and challenging posi tion, a good benefit package, ex penses and a salary commensurate with ability, education and ex perience. Please direct your confidential reply with resume to: Search Committee Woodstock Chamber of Commerce and Industry 105 E. Judd/P.O. Box 725 Woodstock. Illinois 60098 an equal opportunity employ* EXPANDING COM PANY Has immediate Openings: Management Trainees, Advertising. Sales, Public Relations. Can earn 97.01 hour Part Time, $350.00 week Full Time. We Train. 312-232- 0550 7-14-O-Oc m UMti MU MULTI-FAMILY Garage Sale, Val Mar Estates. 14U1405 July 24-25 /, 0:00 A.M. till 2:00 P.M. Only. Many h o u s e h o l d i t e m s , childrens clothes and toys, sporting equip ment, and much more. 7-21-7-23C YARD SALE, 1 Day Only, Saturday July 24th, 9-4. No Early Sales. 7709 Orchard Road, Wonder Lake. 7- 21-7-23C r G A R A G E S A L E . Thursday July 22nd 9-4. Cherry coffee table, dishes, new marblized vanity, draperies, decorator rods, stack tables, dishwasher (like new), adding machine, mens suits 38-40, for mats size 10-12, flower girl's dree size 4. much, much more. No Early Birds, 3907 Shepherd Hill Lane. 7-21 G A K A G E S A L E . Rabbits 93.00: Steel windows, several sizes 925.00 takes all; Oscar Schmidt Auto Harp 935.00; Conqueror Classic Guitar 935 00; Holton Cornet H8.00; Olds Cornet 970.00; Yark Trumpet $30:00; Com Trombone 970Jb9; Harmony Electric Guitar $30.00,12" Rock well Radial Disc. Sander 1 HP motor $250.00. 919-399-5711. call between 9pm and 10pm only 7-21-7-23C GARAGE SALE July 23 t 24, 9:00 to 5:00, 5407 Meadowhill Lane. Pistakee Highlands. Household Items, fur niture. size 12 womens clothing, like new. 7-21- 7-23c GARAGE SALE, 2 Family July 22 & 23, tU Household items, toys; c l o t h e s ; m a n y miscellaneous items 4903 Brorson Lane 4 1717 Sundown Lane, McHenry. (Across from Johnsburg H.S ) 7-21-7 23c M O V I N G S A L E , c l o t h i n g . , t o y s , household Items, tools, miscellaneous, Friday and Saturday. July 33 & 24, 9am-5pm. 1320 Hayden. Sunnyside, (Emberwood Sub). 7- 21-7-23C GARAGE & HOUSE SALE, July 24th & July 25th, 10am to 4pm. Everything must go! 4016 Stafford Drive (on P i s t a k e e L a k e ) , W h i s p e r i n g H i l l s , Johnsburg 7-21-7-23c GARAGE SALE, July 23th, 24th & 25th, 9am to 5pm. Justice Hill Subdivision, one mile north of Courthouse off Rt. 47, Woodstock. Many collectibles; Depression glass; Antique furniture; End tables; Skis Collectors Plates; Indian jewelry; Much, much more. 7-21- 7 23c GARAGE SALE, July 24th 4 25th. 3104 Ben jamln. Wonder Lake. Route 120 to Wonder Lake Road. North v4 mile to Maplewood, West 1 block to Ben jamin. 10 hp Wheelhorse garden tractor; 9 ft. work bench with grinder and vise; Cement bird bath: Many electric hand tools; Lawn toots; Sprinklers and Imms; Dehumidifier. Much more. 7-21-7-23c 4 FAMILY GARAGE SALE, Lawn tractor; BB gun; Childs bike; Avon collectibiee; Kids clothes; Golf Balls and clubs. July 22nd 4 23rd, 9am to 4pm. July 34th, 9am to 12 noon. 5603 N o r t h R i d g e w a y , Ringwood 7-21-7-23c GARAGE SALE. July 22, 23. 24 710 Logan, McHenry. 9-5. Baby, childrens clothes 4 equipment. Much more. 5 Families 7-31-7-33C A GARAGE FULL of bargains. Beds but no tools. Thursday thru Saturday 9:30 till 5:00. Wilmot Road at Channel Beach Avenue. Sun nyside. 7-31-7-3Jc FARM YARD SALE. 3019 N. Ringwood Road. Dinette set, attic fan, air conditioner, sewing m a c h i n e , c o n s o l e stereo, 10 speed bike, snow blower, generator, a n t i q u e O l i v e r typewriter, antique c a v a l r y s a d d l e , p r o j e c t o r s c r e e n , western saddle 4 bridle, mena and womena c l o t h i n g . M u c h miscellaneous. Friday 4 Saturday, July 23-24, 9-5 7-21-7-23C MOVING SALE. 4517 Giant Oak, 176 to Roberts to Portens. July 23.24,25 9-5 7-21-7-23C GARAGE SALE. 909 W N o r t h A v e n u e , Lilymoor. Wednesday 21 thru Sunday 25, 10-7. Urge Variety 7-21-7- 23c M I D S U M M E R Miscellaneous Sale includes career gals' clothing 4 accessories, sizes 6, 10, 14. 16; home furnishings, tables, lamps, drspes, curtains, queen bed linens, glasswsre; Scotts lawn mower; tools; bike carrier; little bit of everything. Friday, Saturday, July 23, 24. 9am-4pm. 4919 Front RoyaT, across from W h i s p e r i n g O a k s Community Center. 7- 21-7-23C GARAGE SALE, 1003 Hayden Drive, Pistakee Highlands Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 9:00 to 4:00. Furniture, p a p e r b a c k b o o k a , miscelleneous. 7-21-7- 23c G A R A G E S A L E , Saturday July 24, Rain date, Sunday July 25,10- 5. 101 N North Blvd, Lilymoor, one block west of Lily Lake Road. Storm windows, pocket c a l c u l a t o r , d i g i t a l watch, etc. 7-21-7-23C GARAGE SALE, 7-22 through 7-25. N Gauge train and 4'z6' layout; Yamaha 125 Enduro; TR-4 engine block; toys; ladies clothing size 14 4 16; mens suits, 44 R 4 L; bicycles (2); home furnishings; air conditioners (2); double window, exterior door; bath sinks; chord organ; clarinet; and many miscellaneous items. 707 Meadow Hill C o u r t , P i s t a k e e Highlands. 497-3723 7- 21-7-23c GARAGE SALE. 337 N Lily Lane, McHenry, II. (Lakemoor). July 23rd 4 24th. 9am to 5pm Household Goods; clothes; antique flat ware; some sterling; 1901 Singer, Sewing Machine in oak cabinet, original hand book, attachments 4 tools (mint); Copper wash tub with cover; Antique driving Light; model-T wrenches and other antiques-Dealers In vited. 7-21-7-23C 4 FAMILY YARD SALE. 1306 West Route 130. McHenry. Friday July 33rd, Saturday July 24th, 94. Baby items, clothes, misc. furniture. 7-21-7-23C ftt Mil HONDA ao four, at- tractive side car. adult driven, 4,700 miles. 91,900 or best. 915-729- U90after5pm. 7-21-7- 23c WEDDING DRESS 4 Veil, never been worn, size 13.81S-395-0M1. 7- 21-7-23C TINTED-GLASS Vega Pickup Truck Camper. Sleeps 5. complete washroom "Like new!" 91,450.00 or best offer 815-385-0109. 7-21-7-23C RED SPANISH Sofa with attached slate end tables, matching slate coffee table, velvet trimmed lamps, $225.00. Spanish hanging lamp- table $50.00. Wrought iron candelabra $35.00 815-385-4142. 7-21-7-23C 2 TWIN BED Foun dations and frames $75.00 815-385-9477 7-21- 7 23c 5 PIECE BEDROOM Set $200; Complete King size water bed $200; miscellaneous childrens toys and clothing, very good condition. 815-344- 3587 7-21-7-23C TWO 15" 6 Bolt chrome reversed and baby moons. Six 14" 6 bolt chrome reversed and baby moons for Datsun and Courrier pick-up truck. $250.00. will s e p a r a t e . C a l l a f t e r 6 30.815-385-4718. 7-2tfc ANNOUNCEMENT Joan's Resale Shop 1312 Riverside Dr. Mchenry. II. 385-1882 To meet the ever increasing demand lor our merchan due and to better serve our customers by securing a larger selection of clothing m a variance of sues, begin rang Mf 1Mb we wi be limiting our consignments to 20 items per conagnee par weak We wit continue to accept consignments daily and ask that you ptoM check al merchandise before bringing it m for sate AH clothing men be on hangers, we will not accept any soiled or damaged items Al miscellaneous merchandise must be m working order, no cracked items, daps. etc. We thank you for your past patronage and hope to serve you even better in the future Joan ,/Sm2 LEAR PICK UP Slide- in Camper. fully equipped, shower, range, oven and water. $1,200 or offer. 815-385- 3159 7-9tfc 2 CHAIRS, One Blue Floral swivel rocker, •me brown vinyl chair with ottoman, $50 00 each 815-385-3837 . 7-21- 7 23c SEARS ORGAN with bench $225 00 ; 90" blue couch $80.00; Welding iorch kit and tanks new $300 00; Kitchen nook with table and chair $125 00 or best 815-459- 0416 7-21-7-23c ZENITH 50" Giant Screen TV. like new portable. Remote control, cable ready, programable. $99500 815-344-0879 7-21-7-23c BEDDING PLANTS 0«r«nlwm«. Mwmi Rom 6 CUmatlt Cactwa and Hmm Plant* SCHLESSER'S GREENHOUSE 29499 W. Rte. 120 (I Mock Mil of Dorroll M) r w . F0K $ALE Used Selectric and Electric Typewriters Excellent Condition No Warranty $250.00 Each or Best Offer PHONE 385-0947 City of McHenry City Clerk's Office MOVING SELLING DRAPERIES One pair sheers, drapes and rods to fit picture window 12* wide by 6'10" long, light beige. One pair antique satin light green I2'6" wide by 6 8" long; One pair antique satin gold .V8" wide by 6'10" long; One pair gold 6'3" wide by 7' long, double spread lo match; Two pairs medium green 5'8" wide by 4'5" long; Two pairs gold drapes and sheers 5'6" wide by 5 3" long Call 815-385- (1965 after 5pm 7 217 23c GOLF CLUBS NEW. $110 00 & up. 8 irons, 3 woods Up to 60 percent off list 815-728-0177 7 21-7-30c NEW & USED RR TIES, Bulk Grass Seed We Deliver. Woodstock Farm & Lawn Center. 2020 South Route 47, Woodstock 815-338-4200 7-2tfc WASHERS & DRYERS Reconditioned and Guaranteed 815 385- 6431. 7-2lfc PICNIC TABLES for sale. 8 ft. $90 00 : 6 ft $70 00 Very well made 815-728,1292 7-2tfc ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT Limited Time Only! The big. new amazing 31 ft. 1982 family size swimming pools, which include deck, fence, filter and warranty are now available for only $995.00 fully installed Financing arranged First come first served Call collect. 815-562- 7027 c 7-2-7-30C 1959 JEEP TRENCHER with snow plow, 1970 Melroe 'Bobcat. 1974 J &J equipment trailer Call 815-459^6616 Or 815 675-2291. 7 21-7 23c WINDOW AIR ^Con ditioner, $20 00 or offer 815-385-3533 . 7 21 7 23c 1975 GMC ALL STAR Motor Home Air conditioned, self con tained, 10.000 miles, $9,000 Call 815-344 3684 after 5pm 7-21-7 23c AMANA 28 CU FT Chest Freezer, Garden King Rototiller; Bee Equipment, Bee hives with bees large amount of miscellaneous tools Call after 5pm, 815-675 6330 7 21 7 23c PULVERIZED TOP SOIL DELIVERED 7 Yards 12 Yards 20 Yards $M.N $«t.M $ I. PEASE CONSTRUCTION CO. 815-675-2582 312587-9367 I year old Appaloosa Guitar, Brand new Odessey II with 3 car iridges. 10 gallon Hex Aquarium; Food Processor 815-344-0033 7 2tfc WAREHOUSE SALE MEDUtlON OAK CABINETS And deoronct on Kltchon Kompoct Coblnotf. UP TO 60% OfF on slightly damaged and discontinued cabinets. Special prices on laminated coun ter tops and cultured marble and onyx vanity tops. We can supply all your storage needs for kitchen, bath, family room, bar, laundry room, or office. Bring in any room dimen sions you have for free estimate. NOW!! All sales cash and carry Monday through Friday •:00 AM-4:30 PM Saturday 0:00 AM-2:00 PM TOP FORM CO., INC 7616 Hancock Dr. Wondor Lak«, II. SI5-728-0203 6 IOTP G M0I* L A Z Y B O Y RECLINER, gold swivel rocker, excellent condition; mini-bike; I^awn boy lawn mower 815-385-5054 7 21 7 23c SEARS BMX DIRT BIKK. 2 years old, best offer 815 653 9648 7 7tfc INTRODUCTORY OFFER . Rent a Quality Water Softener for $8.00 a month for the first 3 months. Free in stallation. Call collect 815 338 3344. Quality Water Conditioning 7- 2tfc APPLIANCES: REFRIGERATORS. Freezers. Washers and Dryers, electric and gas ranges Clean and like new at reasonable prices All recon ditioned and guaran teed Wahl Used Ap^ pliances. 3421 B Pearl 815-385 1872. 7-2tfc HEARING AIDS Sales. Rentals & Repairs Free Testing ('all anytime 815-385 1135 Whispering Point Hearing Aid Center. 4302 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry 7-2tfc JOHNSON MOTOR with less than 50 hr useage; Seylor 2 man rubber boat, oars and cushions Used twice, worth $150 00 now $75 00, stereo unit with speakers. autique portable organ, 5 hp lawn vacuum sweeper Call 815 728 (1659 7 21 7 23c OFFICE DESK, and chair, like new Call Fred, leave message 815 344(1670 7 21 7 23c N E W W I L S (> N Blueridge K"lf clubs, cart and bag, KDA 12" B W TV, maple coffee table, marble table with leaf, 30 gallon aquarium with equipment, ad vance rug shampooer. floor buffer. R('A 25 color TV, Zenith stereo.' car carrier, desk, as is 497 3381 7 21 7 23c LADIES BIKE $45 (Ml; Dining Room Table $75.00. Dresser $50 00 Antique Cabinet $60 00; Manual Typewriter $30 00 Cockateil Cage $30 00; Clothes baby lo adult 10 cents and up. Suzuki Endura 100. $125 00 815-385 8883 7 21 7 23c "TOT" COLUMN GIVE AWAY, Small white male puppy Call 815-675-6371 7 21 PCTS FOR SALE M A L E G E R M A N Shepherd pup, A K (' registered, whelped T» 21-82, large boned sable, wormed, $125.00. 8ir> 385-4718, 815-344 2976 7 211 fc HOUSES PONY OF AMERICA Weanling Must see to appreciate, $450 00 HI5 675-6204 7 16-7 30c 4 YEAR OLD Appalosa gelding, 164 hands, good disposition, flashy, requires experienced rider. $1.350 00, offer 815-45MJ968 evenings 7 0-7 30c 3 HORSES FDR SALE. 815-459-85&1 7-1Mfc mnmmt urn TURN OUT, If DESIRED MAY CRAM •URtt OUTDOOR RMMS ARENA •NEW N'lW'MOOOR ARENA 4AR6E FOALMC STALL AVA&AMi •MOOR ARENA AVAtAME IYTNEN00R •Af t 'A Citi 8417 REINER RO