PAGE 12 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JULY 71.19*2 HOUSES fOft RENT --- AQUA 7 Year Old Chestnut Mare, $1,000.00. 815-344-3920 after 7pm. 7-21-7-23c MUST SACRIFICE 2 horses. 15 year old ; Gelding will ride English or Western, great personality. 16 year old Mare Strawberry Roan, kid broke, will ride trail, road, parade or anywhere else, great disposition, call 815-385- 1132 or 815-385-6205. 7- 21-7-23C WANTED T« 8UV CASH PAID For Junk cars, running or not. Immediate removal. 312-526-3116 - 7-2tfc CASH PAID For Junk Johnson or Evinrude Outboard Motors. 815- 385-4056. 7-2tfc MOVING? CLEANING J HOUSE? Buying An tique Furniture, China, Glassware, Lamps, Xmas Ornaments, etc. 815-678-4141. 6-2-7-30C ? AUTOS, ALL Makes and models, running or ' not Cash paid 24 hours pickup service. 815-728- \ 1171. 7-2 7-30C N E E D E X T R A Vacation Money? Sell Your Jazz and Rock Record Collection Call Tom, 815-459-4957. 7 16 7-23c ORIENTAL RIJGS WANTED To Buy, any condition Lets talk, call Roberta, 414-728-6190 7 14tfc FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM APART MENT for two Wonder Lake, lease, no pets, $300 per month. 815-653- 9739 or 312-639-0534 . 7- 21-7-23C THREE BEDROOM House in Holiday Hills. Available immediately Call 312-272-7619. 7-21-7- 23c 2 BEDROOM APART MENT with stove, refrigerator and air conditioner Available August l, no children, no pets References, lease, deposit required. $295 00 per month plus utilities. 815 385-7065 7-21tfc ' W A T E R S E D G E . CONDO-McHenry. 3 j bedroom, 14 bath, all appliances including Central air, washer , dryer, dishwasher and ; water softener Im mediate occupancy, 1 year lease plus security deposit. References required No pets Call after 6pm, Monday thru Friday, anytime ! weekends $450 month 815-344 3397 7 21-7 23c CLEAN 4 ROOM Apartment, pay own utilities Couple or single preferred, no pets, $210.00 month, security deposit required 312 367 4675 7-21 7 ?3c McHENRY, 4 bedroom house, i bath, garage, basement. Available 8-1 for rent at $475.00 month. Security deposit, Credit check required. 312-541-3220. 7-2tfc HOUSE FOR RENT, Wonder Lake. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, extra large family room and kitchen, fireplace, 2 car garage, central air, $415.00 month. 815-385- B020. 7-21-7-30C L McHENRY RIVER FRONT, Coach House Apartment. 1 bedroom, partially furnished, air conditioning, carpeting, large sun deck. Close to Hospital, Country Club. $350.00 a month includes all utilities, security deposit required. Small pet O.K. 815 459 9854 or 815-385 8470 7-21-7-23C LARGE ROOM With Private Bath, carpeted, and furnished, for single male or female teacher, week day kitchen and laundry privilege, on water in McHenry, $65 00 a week, 815 385 1190 7-21-7-28C ROOM FOR RENT, in private home, on Fox River, in McHenry Full house and kitchen privileges "• Mature female preferred, $125.00 per month. 815- 385 8150, weekdays only. 7-21-7-23C 3 BEDR(X)M HOUSE, 2 car garage, appliances, no pets References and deposit, $380.00 month. 815 385 2299 . 7-21-7-23C SLEEPING ROOMS, Single or double 815- 385 1948 7-2tfc MODERN 1 BEDROOM Apartment on Water front Walk to stores. Carpeting, Stove, Refrigerator Adults No pets $270 00 plus security deposit 815- 385 3493 7 2tfc MODERN McHENRY Condo, 2 bedroom, l'i bath, dishwasher, washer, dryer, air conditioned and pool. $375 00 month plus deposit. Available September 1. 312-763- 8935 7-9-7-23C J O H N S B U R G , 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, stove, refrigerator Heat and electric included, no pets, security deposit and lease, $425.00 month 815-385-1268. 7- 14tfc SLEEPING ROOMS, Working People The McHenry Depot Hotel, 815 385-9738 7-14-7-23c BRAND NEW 2 Bedroom Apartment in Luxurious Waterfront Home Central air, all utilites included plus garage Use of yard and boat facilities. Desire Mature couple, no pels, $450.00 per month plus security deposit and references Realty World Durbin Stovall, 815 385 8060 7 9tfc ON PISTAKEE BAY, one bedroom apart ment, $325 00 month. U t ilit ies included, s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t required, no pets. 815- 385 9872 7-14tfc TWO STORY FAR MHOUSE, 2 bedrooms, l'? baths, carpeted, fireplace, modern kitchen, all appliances '2 Acre, Spring Grove. Security deposit and references required, available August 1st 815 385-6157 7 14tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400 Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12 weekdays or after 6pm 7-2tfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT, References and s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t required 815-385 1079 7-2tfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritzsche Industrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq ft. to 15,000 sq ft. 815-385-1079 . 7-2tfc READY NOW, 2 bedroom apartment, with stove and r e f r i g e r a t o r , d i s h w a s h e r . c a r p e t e d throughout, 24 baths 815-385-2181. 7-2tfc 1 BEDROOM SUBLET, ready now, fully car peted, with stove and refrigerator. 815-385 7890. 7-2tfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS. Daily or Weekly rates. 815-385 |M6 or 815-385-0286. 7 Jtfc McHENRY, CEDAR Home in country set ting, river rights, many, many extras, $475.00 month. 815-385-7879, 815- 344-3076. 7-21-7-23C WONDER LAKE, 2 bedroom furnished Lakefront apartment with fireplace, car peted, no pets, $235.00 per month, available September 1st, security deposit. 815-653-4776 or 312-381-4803. 7-21-7-23C WONDER LAKE, 1 bedroom furnished, carpeted, Lakefront a p a r t m e n t , w i t h fireplace, lovely cabinet kitchen, no pets, $240.00 per month. Available Sept. 1st., security deposit. 815-653-4776 or 312-381-4803 . 7-21-7 23c 30X40 HEATED AND Air conditioned building with 12 ft. overhead door 815-385-6445. 7- 21 tfc WILL SHARE LARGE Attractive Florida Style home, one block from State Park, 5 minutes to McHenry, with female or male. Call 815-385- 5090. 7-21-7-23C McHenry, 3 TO 4 bedroom, 2 car garage, central air, 2200 sq ft., $485 00 plus security and references 815-385-5290 after 5:30pm 7-21-8-6C RIVERFRONT, Available August 1. Large 1 bedroom home, moderate rent. Reliable person or couple. Security deposit and references. 1-815-48#- 4206 7-21-7-23C J O H N S B U R G , S bedroom home, lMi baths, full basement, references, security deposit, no pets, $400 a month or $450 with garage. 815-344-1973. 7- 21-7-23C * SHOP SPACE, 20'x33' section for small , business or storage, zoned B-4, $200.00 per month. 815-385-7065. 7- 21 tfc M c H E N R Y , BRIT TANY Park. 3 bedrooms, 14 baths, 2>4 car garage, very neat, 3 years old, $450.00 month. Days 815-385- 5000, evenings 312-656- 6773. _ 7-21-7-23C OCEAN FRONT, Cocoa Beach, Florida. 2 bedroom completely furnished Apartment. Swimming pool. Call after 4pm, phone 815- 385-0282. 7-21-7-23C McHENRY IN TOWN, 1 bedroom apartment, fully furnished, all u t i l i t i e s i n c l u d e d , Mature female, $275.00. 815-385-6566 . 7-2tfc -- S kit 1 ROOM KIT C H E N E T T E A p a r t ment, all electric, air conditioned, $135 00 plus security deposit. 815- 385 1298 7-21-7-23C CARY, 2 BEDROOM a p a r t m e n t , v a c a n t , s e c o n d f l o o r , n o children, no pets, close to train, shopping 312- 639-2622 7-21-7-23c WONDER LAKE, for rent, 2-3 bedrooms, 14 baths, 2 car garage, tri- l e v e l h o m e , a l l a p p l i a n c e s i n c l u d e d , private beach rights, boat, motor and trailer included with the rental, $550 month plus 1 month security deposit Call after 6pm, 815-728-1580. 7-21-7 30c OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT It It tlm« tor you to mov» «p? Does your currant offic* space repr*»«nt you w«ll to your cli*nt«? Luxurious spoce available in modern Richmond Bldg. on U.S. 12 125 sq ft to 1,000 sq ft All utilities included. Call Bob May 815-678-4575 7/JTf n. READY NOW, large 1 bedroom apartment, vt" \ clean, carpeted, appliances, big closets, in town McHenry, security deposit 815- 344-0255 7-16 7 23c APPROXIMATELY 2500 sq ft Retail space, will divide, Route 120, McHenry 815 385 1116. 7-167-23C POSSIBLE 4 Bedroom house in downtown McHenry, available Sept. 1st $500 a month i n c l u d e s h e a t . Responses to P.O. Box 86, McHenry. II 60050 7-16-7 23c McHENRY, LARGE 1 bedroom apartment, in s e c l u d e d a r e a , fireplace, garage, utilities included, no pets, $350 month plus one month security deposit 815-455-2514 . 7- 21-7-23c M c H E N R Y , 4 BEDROOM Raised R a n c h , a v a i l a b l e August 1st, $485 00 month, security deposit, credit check required. Days 815-385-2052. 10am 4 45pm. Evenings 815- 385-0477 7-21-7-23C In the state of Illinois, at the close of business on June 30, 1992 published In response to call made by Comptroller off the Currency, under title 12, United States Code, Section 161. Charter number 15765 National Bank Region Number Seven. Statement of Resources and liabilities Thousands of Dollars ASSETS Cash and due from depository institutions. ..... 3.450 U.S. Treasury securities 2,758 Obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations 8.785 Obligations of States and politico! subdivisions in the United States 532 All other securities 561 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 1,810 Loans. Total(excluding unearned income) 10,037 less Allowance tor possible loon losses 117 loans. Net 9,920 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bonk premises 268 All other assets 636 TOTAL ASSETS 28,720 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships. and corporations 3,892 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations 20.723 Deposits of United States Government 18 Deposits of States and political subdivisions in the United States 1,275 Certified and officers checks t... 396 Total Deposits 26 304 Total demand deposits 4.391 Total time and savings deposits 21.913 All other liabilities .... 371 TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated notes and debentures) 26.675 EQUITY CAPITAL Common stock No shores authorized 67.000 No. Shares outstanding 67.000 (par value)670 Surplus 885 Undivided profits and reserve for contingencies and other copital reserves 490 TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL 2,045 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL 28.720 MEMORANDA Amounts outstanding as of report date: Time certificates of deposit in denominations of $100,000 or more 1,234 Other time deposits in amounts of $100,000 or more 200 Averoge for 30 calendar days (or calendar month) ending with report dote: Total deposits 26.301 We. the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this statement of resources and liabilities. We declare that It has been examined by us. and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct Ronald I. Graves-Marion 8usse- Horry P. Stinespr mg III Directors I. William J. Busse. Executive Vice-President of the above named bank do hereby dec lore that this Report of Condition it true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. William J. Bust* July 13. 1982 Published July 21. 1982 No 820309 GARAGE SALE, July 22, 23, 24. 8am to 4pm. Vacuum cleaner, books, VW parts, misc. SOS Kashmiri, McHenry. 7- 21-7-23C VALUABLE GARAGE Sole, 18 family. 23rd and 24th. 9:00am to 5:00pm. 501 Dale, McHenry. Queen bed; furnitures; hardwares; housewares; carpet; baby to adult clothes; antiques and collec tibles; lots of small and larfe items. No checks 7-21-7-23C 4 FAMILY SUPER Garage Sale, 8 ft. glass s l i d e r s , b i k e s , miscellaneous kitchen, air conditioner, stereo console, drspes, much more. 7-24-7-25. 2134 Colby - Colby Sub division off Rte. 178 or Barreville Rd. 7-21-7- 23c G A R A G E S A L E , Dishes, sheets, clothes, organ, chairs, tables, dishwasher, T.V., S track player; hand tools, collections, craft items, Avon. 351 Cleveland and Trans, Ford • cylinder and trans and rearend. 1718 Rogers, Lakeland Park, July 22-24. 7-21-7-Sc YARD SALE. Dreaeers, chairs, small tools, artists canvases, mens medium, L, XL clothes Misc. items. Thursday, Friday, July 22-23. • • 8. Saturday » - 1. Everything must go S a t u r d a y . 7 1 0 1 Hiawatha, Wonder Lake. 7-2M-23C ANTIQUE HOUSEHOLD SALE. Furniture, old toola, depression glass, misc. No clothes or toys. 1308 Park St. McHenry. July * 23,24,25,10 to 5pm. 7- 21-7-23C REPORT OF CONDITION, CONSOLIDATING DOMESTIC SUBSIDIARIES OF The First National Bank of McHeni WEEKEND CROSSWORD SOLUTION OAJUCI Hit GARAGE SALE, 7208 Salem Road, Wonder Lake on July 23-24, 9am to 5pm. Cash Only. 7-21- 7 23c ACROSS 1. Asterisk ft. Dtvtngbird to Cascade 14. Oeth 15 16 17 OccMartt »• Operating 19 Yeast 21 Visiting 23 Frontispiece 24 Protana 25 Polaroid 20 Ardor 28 Meal 29 Prescript 33 SeM Wrench 34 Cottar 35 To lead 26 IW atertme ^mss 37 Monopoly 39 Partnership Jt otxecrwp 40 Escape 42 A sauce 43 Mattitpou' 44 Printi 45 --berry 46 Land ownership 47 Snoots 49 Old time 50 Ghost 53 Warnings 56 Lacking /es t two words 57 55 56 Oo by air 59 Bible site AO Roundup Dictator Help Allium Benoid DOWN Manins Gallows Armory Share Pumbo Competed Eiclamation Breasts Among French Sands Low female voice Snear Liege Exercise dance Continent Preterite Germ Obstruct Potto 2S Satellite 30 --Barry , 31 School Insurgent Springs , Nowt 371 Duress 36 V Woe 41 ]Good conduct /(Tao-Ching) Composer Greet Thee a •It "Open 49 Lord 50 Breath 51 Medit island 52 Oath 53 Shakespeare home 54 Nat 55 Vitriolic earth 57 Lion • 1 Gods Latin from HISTORY'S SCRAPBOOK DATES AM EVERTS FROM YESTERYEARS July 22, 1934--Notorious bank robber John Dillinger, "Public Enemy Number One," killed by FBI agents in shootout outside Biograph Theater in Chicago. Jisly 23, 1829--William A. Burt receives patent for his "typographer," claimed by many to be the first type writer July 24, I91S--As passengers crowd to one side to wave farewell to friends, lake steamer Eastland capsizes at Chicago pier. July 25, 1H8 Ulysses S. Grant becomes first full gen eral in U.S. Army. July 26. 1775--^Continental Congress inaugurates U.S. Postal System, with Benjamin Franklin first post master general. July 27. l9S3--Representatives of the commands of the United Nations and the North Koreans and Chinese Communists sign armistice at Panmunjom, ending Korean Wsr. July 28, ltH Peter Stuyvesant succeeds William Kiefft as gov ernor of New Netherlands (later New York). HOW 10 SUBSCRIBE TO THE McHENRY PIAINDEALER The McHenry Ploindooler 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, II. 60CW0 • 3 YEARS • $40.00 I J 2 YEARS • $21.50 n i yiar-$h.»o Lit MONTHS-$0.80 PAYMENT ENCLOSED N o m e • • • • • • • « • • • • ! • • • • a o e e e e e e e e e e e e i A d d f t l l e e e e e e e e e e i Discover Dtinoia Between Its north end south holders, some m miles spert, vastly different lifestyles, geography and cultures are watting to be discovered along the magnificent miles of Illinois. To help find what makes up the fabric of this diversified state, the Division of Tourism in the Depart ment of Commerce and Community Affairs (DCCA) has introduced the Goodtimee Guides to Illinois. They sre five booklets packed with information about five regions of Illinois and are available this vacation season. These are guides to historical sites, familv and recrestional activities, and lodging in Chicago, northern, central, #estern and southern Illinois. And best of all, they are free. Few states in the union can boast of the variety of attractions Illinois offers. Whether it's Chicago with its cosmopolitan environment or Arthur, where Amish people live by the stringent customs of their great grandparents, it can be found in Illinois. The rolling plains of central Illinois where food for the people of the world is grown or the towering bluffs and clear fresh water lakes of southern Illinois, all are wetting to be discovered. Governor James R. Thompeon'g Advisory council on Tourism worked cloeely with DCCA to provide this series of guides. Its completion highligits en on-going campeign by the tourism division to promote Illinois. Peter B. Fox, the DCCA director, said. "It is easy to boast about Illinois ******* Illinois hes sa much to offer.- The magnificent miles of Illinois are there for evetyone to enjoy. "This is an extraordinary series of guides about the people and places in this extraordinary stela. lbs pages and pegss about places to sse and things to do are perfect evsmptoe of why IlBnote is a greet place to live, work end play." Fox added. Revenue from the advertising that appeers in the guidee was donated to the four regional tourism councils to be used to promote the state. Fox noted that cooperation like this bet- wen the state private business is a prime example of how the campeign "The state and the private sector workii* together to promote Illinois is a primary goal of Illinois, Inc.,** Fox said. Two other goals of Illinois, Inc., are to increase tourism-related revenue from 3.2 percent to 4 J percent and to increese tourism-related Jobs from 194,000 to 150,000. The guides, ss well as the other advertising, will help DCCA achieve both objectives. "The Goodtimes Guide is sn aseet to the people of Illinois," said Lynds Simon, director of the Division of Tourism. "Not only will they show people across the country what a greet place Illinois is to live but they will help Illinoisans discover the ponders that lie at their back doors." Goodtimes Guide can be obtained at the tourism offices in Chicago, Springfield and Marion or at welcome centers across the state, or call 217- 782-7139. Slide Show On Miniatures Sunday, July 25, the McHenry County Historical museum in Union will present a slide program by Mrs. Helen Wright of Woodstock. The 2 p.m. presentation centers around Mrs. Wright's famous miniatures that she has designed and made for the yearly Woodstock Memorial hospital Holiday Hospitality day held each fall. These sought after collector items are scenes created from bits of fabric, buttons, dried woods and planta, seeds and pods, doll forms, and lots of imagination. Artistically arranged into noetalgic story scenes and unique glimpses of miniature arrangements, , they become keepsakes for a lifetime. The slide show will focus on how these miniatures sre designed and will include a number of the signed creations that Mrs. Wright has prepared over the years. The society is very pleased to be able to highlight the Wright miniatures for this Sunday program. The 45-minute presentation will be held in the Music room of the museum. Spinning and loom demonstrations will also take place that afternoon. The museum will be open from 1:30 to 4;30 p.m. There is a small admission fee for non-members. Health Hazards In Hot Weather Ninety-two percent of injured rape victims reported their injuries compared to 55 percent of those injured during an attempted rape. ' Advice on how to help avoid health hazards associated with hot weather has been issued by William L. Kempiners, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health. "The two most significant health problems associated with hot weather," he said "are heat exhaustion and sun stroke." Heat exhaustion occurs when a person builds up too much body heat from strenuous activity on a hot day, in or out of direct sunlight. "With heat exhaustion", Kempiners said, "the victim may feel dizxy, faint or nauseated, and may develop a severe headache. His face will become pale, he will perspire heavily and his breathing may become shallow." Heat exhaustion can be fatal if the patient does not receive prompt medicsl attention. To help avoid heat exhaustion, Kempiners advised consuming extra amounts of fluids, and recommended water, fruit juices or fruit-based drinks such as lemonade. "Drinks like tea, coffee, soft drinks or any liquid that contains caffeine, and alcoholic beverages should be consumed sparingly during hot weather," he said. "These types of beverages often act as mild diuretics, and so increase the loss of body fluid," he explained. In addition to increasing fluid in take, Kempiners recommended staying indoors as much as possible, postponing as much strenuous ac tivity as possible until the weather is cooler, and wearing lightweight loose- fitting clothing that will not Interfere with the evaporation of sweat. "People who work outdoors should take frequent breaks in the shade, or in the coolest available place, and have ample supplies of water or fruit drinks available at all times", he said. "Sun stroke", Kempiners said, "is different from heat exhaustion, in that it can occur with or without strenuous activity. Just sitting in the sun for too long a time can cause sunstroke". In case of sunstroke, the victim's face will become red. His skin will feel dry and hot to the touch, his body temperature will be high, and he may loae consciousness. Prompt medical attention is necessary. Kempiners advised that, if you are in the heat or sun, and you begin to feel nauseaous or dizzy, develop a headache, or begin to feel ill in any way, the best thing to do is to get immediately to the coolest spot available and sit or lie down. If the symptoms do not begin to ease up within a few minutes - or if they become worse - medical attention is needed. "Although air conditioning is desirable during hot weather, it's not essential. You can make yourself more comfortable if you stay indoors and use fans, or open the windows, to circulate air", Kempiners said. "Also, cool baths or showers will help, as will closing the blinds or curtains when the sun is coming directly into the windows." He also cautioned that Jogging, [or other outdoor exercise be ' ly morning or evening hours, and avoided during the hottest part of the day. bicycling or confined to City Pricasgood in McHenry County THE McHENRY PUINDEALER NEWSPAPER Available At Tho Following Locations: •WHITE HEN PANTRY •LAKEVIEW •McHENRY DRUG •SUNNYSIDE ••ELL LIQUORS FOODS •BOLGERS •ADAMS GROCERY DRUGSTORE •IITTE STORE •BEN FRANKLIN •FREDA IRENE'S TAP •OSCO DRUGS •SUNRISE GROCERY •JEWEL •STEINY TAP •HORNSBVS •McCULLOM LAKE •HERMES ICO. GROCERY •LIQUOR MART •NORTHWEST TRAIN •VILLAGE MART •BITSt PIKES • •ilR STORE •REVCO DRUG •McHENRY •ISLAND FOODS HOSPITAL •CONVENIENT •POOD MART FOOD • J 4 L GAS •COUNTRY • ACE HARDWARE CUPBOARD Hmrvntq WEDDING STATIONERY • INVITATIONS AND • G#T ACKNOWIIOOCMINTS • RSCimON NHDS • NAPKINS • MATCHSOOKS • oeoAiPAerroOTi BEAUTIFULLY THERMOGRAPHIC Elegance at low cost . . a beautiful selec tion of wedding sta tionery with pro fessional advice on proper etiquette and procedure See our selection of Traditional and Contemporary designs McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry 385-0170