PAGE 4 - PLAINDE ALER • WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 4. MS -m K EARL WALSH So I Hear We parked our car where a lot of applet were on the ground. Not eo good - but ,Hard ̂eider would really gat yov That brought u§ back to earlier days at something always does. People in town had a few fruit trees. ' Farmers had large orchards, with apples and cherries most prominent. At Grandma's there were apples sll over the ground. Some not so ap petizing after s few days. Farmers took loads of apples to dder mills and didn't bother to sort out the wormy ones. Too much sweet cider was dangerous if you planned to go any distance from home. Grandma dma always told us to eat that toad fallen to the grm spoiling on the ground. My folks had a Ben Davis tree. As far aa apples went, that was a good tree for a rope swing. But, a few paces from ne Deck door a Jonathan tree with shiny red apples the tikes of which I haven't The tree was never sprayed, but the fruit was spotless. Give a Portrait The gift only YOU can gtvet m- Sx 10 NATURAL COLO* PORTRAIT 990 W> 9*frm 0*ff If Ora«ei Mp t» Uf mmmikmr H» pt--ffpfcr c-- Nmii. •Limit: One special offer per femlly every fO deys •Cannot be used with Olmt MlMs CKrh Plans et ether advertising offors. Come early and bring Mils ad te: McHonry, Illinois Ben Franklin 1250 North Croon St. Friday, August 13,1902 HR$: 11:00 AM. 7:00 PM 2? Legal Notice i ' H f i j , i | / FOR J of the FUND: (?) For Auditing costs imdcoUegewqMnee allowance programs $ 160.00 lOft.OO 4,000 00 7« 500 00 1,400.00 10,000.00 10,000 100.00 1,000.00 prevention problem salaries UIPMENT FUND: ITH t of existing For repair a equipment (§) For smallemdpment and fippHtt (e) For repair? c^munlcationKS repair i 4. BUILDING FUND: (c) For land acquisition equipment ING TAXES: 2,100.00 i£5 100,000.00 4,000.00 75,000.00 10,000.00 6,000 00 5,000.00 4,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 17,000.00 3,000.00 NANYO 30,000 00 30,000.00 TWOH made any Item nee shall and be In hill force from 2sf • ™. P^ED:TO«» DanW M. Schmitl, SccreUry STATE OP ILLINOIS COUNTY Of McHENRY f tteMcHanfy' 1 ̂ '"•sagtewi^« ZfW Protection tAKEMOOR-ULYMOOfe AREA Morgoret Koros 365-4904 we could always see a special one on the tree that could be reeched with a stick or by Seeing the price of apples in a store if there are still It was a tonic with a "stick" In It, making it a very . medkine If you wanted te fly t lee lot of fancy i 'lotion on the the fancy stuff, man used witch hasd and kept thslr (aces in top Of courses, if you bed a dale with your best girl, the odor of witch hasd 't get you as far ae the fancy Anniversary Celebration I • m 111,1 m smelling If the Fiesta promotion waa in tended to bring crowds to McIIenry, it wes a huge success. Streets for blocks around the park were crowded with cars, aad people swarmed around in great „ ftsly-two people _ -- the past at the aauiveraary party at Chapel HU1 Country dUb July », in recognition of Lakemoor's thirtieth year as a village. Welcoming gaests were President Richard Hyatt and Trustee Harry Brady. Mrs. Marie Hyatt had been given a lovely corsage by her son the president and Gertie Freund, Dick's sister, also received a A large segment of sold on the Chamber of Commerce slogan "FUTURE PERFECT: McHENRY". The feelii* is that McHenry should strive to be the best dty in the county, not nor warily the lsrgest. I'll buy that. I never had much uee for an alarm clock. They disturb your sleep. We have had one for years that has been ticking along. One morning old rdiable must have become tired and stopped at 4:15. It didn't need win ding. When I rolled out and noticed the time which I knew was haywire, I gave it a good shaking and it hasn't stoooed since. (Rote to George Harker: I didn't have my tool kit handy so just shook it. On some equipment a good kick gds action.) SUDDEN THOUGHT: For my psrt, give me s good juicy hamburger rather than a tough sleek. i nobody cu. • Talk about winning one for the Gipper. The White Sok won three straitf* for the Skipper. YOUR FIRST GARDEN Your first yeer of gardening can be like driving a strange freeway with no map... at night... in a rainstorm. Tneamazing thing about gardening is how quickly you can pick it up once you get past that first year of makii« decisions without information. la a way to make your first of girdsning easier. Put your trust in a non-commercial network of expert flower and vegetable judges acroas the USA and Canada. They are all volunteers and make up the All- America Selections Council of Judges. Every year thaae judgea announce the All-America award winners. These sre the best you can buy. Look for the red, white and blue shidd on seed packets and catalogs. It's the next best thing to having an expert hdp you choose the varieties for your garden. The story we got is Ihet "BUT'has with a wide variety of vegetables. You can tafia the boy off the farm, but-- Fraa Oieee must believe in the power of prayer. After Mr for each person to pray in Ma or own way, Fiesta Days were perfect. The rains came Sunday night when the festivities were over If Fran doaan't decide to rest on her Uiwh. rt« n»jf be to Ms demand - , lnd from different groups Honored guests were judge ana Prayin' Fran- Mrs. Terry Brady, Harry and Othele s Like the old Accordon Man son and his wife. Terry spoke of the years of his growing up in Lakemoor, and the happy memories he has. The he fdt for his bad&ouhd in very evident. Ho pleasure of being with old Meads waa added to by a delicious dinner The evening waa a fitting tribute to the growth of the ViHege of Lakemoor. SURPRISE EIGHTIETH BIRTHDAY When Nathan Lubke of Lakemoor was invited to dinner at his daughter's on the 24th of July, he did not realize that the reason was a party in honor of his eightieth birthday. Daughters Agnes Lubke, Lordte Rogers, Bar bara Kandlja from Texaa, and thdr sister from Pennsylvania, plus son Nate, aka Butch, from California, had all come from the various parte of the country with thdr families for this occasion. Also wishing Nathan a long and healthy life were Myra and Stan Zahroski of Lakemoor, Barbara Borchardt, Harry and Marge Brodin, Kenny Ehrhardt and Freddy Schmidt. The birthday cake did not have 00 candles. One of the guests suggested that next /ear's cake should just be lit with a 75 watt bulb. But how does one blow out a light bulb? A great birthday party was enjoyed by all the guests. WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS Billie and Mike Nejedly, with children Tracy and Ronnie Bonesz, Idt July 16 for a week's vscation in Tennessee. The big memory for Ronnie was the time spent st the World's Fair in Knoxville. The family, accompanied by grandmother Frieda Herd-ich, aunt Katie and uncle Sam, had an exciting time viewing exhibits and enjoying rides. Ronnie liked the giant ferris wheel from Denmark, and skylifts, speaking robots, and ex ploding brilliant fireworks after dark. One of the most popular exhibits was the one from China, which always had Saturday. July 24, With a week of happy times tucked Into their memory box. The last meeting in July of the Lily l^ake Ladies League was hosted by Millie Nejedly. Bunco game winners were first prize, Connie O'Rourke, second Ann Brzezinski, Helen Para special, with the hostess winning the booby prize. Julia Kraus and Helen were unable to be a part of the en joyable evening. CONDOLENCES Zena Cox. 91ryeer-old mother of Mrs. Effie Hertei of Lilymoor, died in the Lake Bluff Health Care grandchildren and three greet, greet grandchildren. Quite a legacy. Aa a girl, Zena lived with missionaries, who were sent into a wildernees area to plan a community, hdp start it and then move on to another unsettled location. She was with the rigors of Our sympathy goes family, with thanks tt lady has found peece ^w^ourOwnr. Red 6 Black RASPBERRIES 2 mi. MSI of Woodstock on HI. 120 H ml. north on Queen Anno Hood HEIDER'S BERRY FARM Open Deily 7:90 s.m.-3 p.m. "fodnosdey 7:30 s.m.-7 p.m. On Route 47, Woodstock McHenry^ County^ Fair August 4-8 SOME HIGHLIGHTS: August 4--Kiddies Day. Rides for children V2 price, Noon-5 p.m. August 4--Miss McHenry County Pageant, 7:30 p.m. Grandstand. August *4-5--Harness Racing (two after noons), 1:30 p.m each day. August 5--4-H Day, crowning new 4-H King and Queen, 7 p.m. Hansen Pavilion. August 5--Jeannie Pruett, country singer, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m., Grandstand. Aug. 18. The four children she bore, gave her 39 grandchildren, 23 great to Effie and her that a peace in the FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING The First Thursday of the month is a busier time than usual at the Moose lodge on Route 190. Free blood pressure readuigs are taken starting at 10:30 a.m., followed by the regular luncheon served to seniors by reserve tion, under the tender loving care of site manager Dorothy* Loss. Last Wedneeday's game time found 48 people, including several from Wonder Lake, enjoying fellowship Julia Krsus, the volunteer recep tionist, helps make the meetings more enjoyable for all. STOLEN 10-SPEED On July 24, Maribeth Karas discovered with dismay thst her bright orange Sanwa 10-speed bicycle was not in the garage where she had left it. Sometime during the week it had been stolen. Maribeth is offering a reward for the return of her only sd of wheels. The thought that a thief is around who violates the ownership of property is very disturbing and adds to the feelings of suspicion and fear. Anyone sedng an unusual orange bicycle where there has not been one bdore. is asked to call 385-4934. BIRTHDAYS Late birthday wishes go to Terrence Bird who celebrated his day July 28. Mike Hertel's birthday was the 31st. Was his birthday cake the standard layer kind, or did it top his wife Laurie's birthday cake, a watermelon with candles? Heather Hager's birthday was Aug. 1, and the following day Sherida Dawdy had her fifth birthday. Vacationing Nancy Martina also received birthday wishes Aug. 2. Charles Hueckstaedt, Jr., (aka Dutch), added another year on the 4th. Another member of the Hueckstaedt clan, grandson Chris Mumma, the Huckleberry-Finn-look- a-like, has his special day Aug. 5. Billy Anderson's is the same day. Othele Brady of Lakemoor also celebrates Aug. 5. The 6th is Normie Croswell's day. Gokhe Withrow, Max Dawdy and Bob Szamlewsld share Aug. 7. Aug. 10 is B day for Marge Peak, Roland Zabroeki and Ann Brzezinski - whose joy and exuberance never diminish. For those birthdays past may the memories be joyous, and for those ahead, may the excitement of an ticipation be fulfilled. ANNIVERSARY TIME July 30 marked the anniversary of Jeannine and Charles Martina. Judy and Terry Bird celebrate their seventeenth on Aug. 7. Fifty-two years of marriage is recognized by Chester and Dorothy Atkins of Lakemoor on the 9th. Phyllis and Mike Odarczenko celebrate Aug. 10. Wishes for health, peace and love go to all. GOD BLESS -50% OFF SALE!! AUGUST 5th • 8th AN PINES $2250 AUSTRIAN PINES $4250 August 6--Junior, Senior and Adult Talent Contests. 6 p.m ., Hansen Pavilion. Augusts-Demolition Derby, 7:30 p.m., Grand stand. August 7--Antique Tractor Pull, Noon, Grand stand. August 7--Livestock Auction, Noon, Hansen Pavilion. August 7-Sylvia, country singer, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m., Grandstand. August •--Farm Tractor Pull. Noon, Grand stand. Augusts-Demolition Derby, 7:30p.m. Grand stand. FREE GRANDSTAND FOR ALL EVENTS FREE PARKING ON FAIRGROUNDS AAcHonry County Fair provides a showcase and keen competition In 4-H, Junior, and Open 2 FT. TO 3 FT. REG. 45.00 ^ 4FT.-5FT. REG. 85.00 > HILLSPIRE JUNIPER 4 • 5 FT. TAIL REG. 30.00 $I5°° CLOU ARBMVITAE 24" ACROSS REG. 24.00 $1200 Ffqwer Shop & Nursery us\i inr S301 E. Torro Cotto "w8:*>-6 Crystal U*o.UliM* V r SUN 10-3 (SIQ4SS-S1S0