Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Aug 1982, p. 11

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mmm •ui unit MAI 1ST FLOOR North Fox C o n d o m i n i u m , 2 bedrooms, all ap­ p l i a n c e s , p o o l privileges, $39,000 815- 385-5960 8-4-8-6C SUMMER HOME, Riverfront, 2 car garage, pier and boat lift, 135,900 after 5pm. 312-932-9490. 8-4-8-6C NORTHERN ' WISCONSIN La kef rant property. Buildable. 13,500.00 and take over payment. 815-385-0714. 8-6-8-13c $287.00 MONTH. 2 bedroom, m bath, all electric Condominium. $39,870 (97h percent) $5,000 down. 815-385- 0169 8-4-0-6C McHENRY AREA. Gontract Sale, or owner willing to discuss terms on this 3 bedroom brick It frame ranch with 14 baths, family room, full basement. 2t-s car garage. Fenced in yard and deck $60,900 815- 385-2595. 8-6 ESTATE McHENRY. REDUCfeD 'j For Sale by Owner. Modern 3 bedroom ranch, 14 baths, large eat .in kitchen, 1 car attached garage, city "sewer and water, beach rights on McCullom Lake. Owner financing possible, low interest. $48,500 Call for ap­ pointment, 312-497-4315. 7-28-8-27C PAGE 11 • PLA1NDEALER - FRIDAY, AUGUST*.1« 1, JUST ItSTED-McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB 5th Croon- Fantastic v»«w from this oqually as fantostic 2 story Colonial with a full basomont, an outstanding 24x24 family room with brick firoploco. Groat garago with an oroa for a large workshop. A unique homo for a vory jlistic prico of $105,900 SIMPIY SPLASHING Fox River Waterfront ot a roolistk price. Whore else could you get a three bedroom home with cathedrol ceilings, woodburning firepioce and just in time tor o summer season ot fun Owner open to oil kinds of financing-a good waterfront buy at $61.000. i J t? AND HE HUFFED. AND HE PUFFED and he still couldn t blow the house down because it's all brick construction with a full basement. This three bedroom home is a solid investment. Great location, good size yard. Very excellent financing available. Only $53,000. TRY THIS ONE FOR SIZE'-lt can t be too smoll! Ten rooms in this 2300 sq. ft tri level home located in McHenry. Four bedrooms 2'» boths large family room Excellent floor plan of formal ond informal tamily living Ex­ cellent condition, too! $84 000 and some excellent tor ms to go with it. PLOP, PLOP. FIZZ, FIZZ-Oh What A Relief It Is to find this roally sharp aluminum sided home with a separate family room with fireplace. This home is really cute and needs to be seen to be really appreciated. Excellent buy at $44,500 Fi xed 27 year mortgage assumption with approx. $6,000 down payment needed PRICE AND TERMS-Unbeatable price on this 2 story home in town located on almost V, acre with many mature trees. Large oversire two cor goroge Central air. Owner needs to sell ond wants to work with prospective buyer Super buy at $59,900 PBBMC-rUfitplUl rral ratatp ru. "Whtro Service Comes Firit" 385-7050 Ml rvt* if 11 WOULD LI A MR IN RflOCATIO* 804 N. Front St. McMonry HEAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ERA-RDG REALTY 4507 W. Elm St. - McHenry 815-385-9394 We Offer Complete Computerized MLS Service For Buyers and Sellers PRIVATE FAMILY LIVING Immoculate 3 BR ranch with tut^basement and attached heated garage. All perfectly situated on over V, wooded acre. Financing available. $79 900 ° MEW OTEMN5 _ _ . , We ore pleated to present this new cedar/stone ra>sed ranch, with view of river ond open countryside. Country living. Better than good terms Coil lor info. $63,900. FRESH We are pleased to offer this maintenance free aluminum sided tri-level home 4 bedrooms sliding glass doors to patio grape arbor white picket fencing FHA VAX* W0 Inside and outside oil the work is done for you in this 4 bedroom tri-level home. Just relax around your 40x20 in ground pool. Priced Ot $72 500 America's Only NAfKMAL Multiple Listing Servic* TRILEVII AFFORDABLE PRICE on this beautiful 2 bedroom Northfox Condo. Favoroble finoncing available through Marengo Federol Call of- tke tor dotoiis. $4t .900, HERE'S YOUR DREAM older 4 bedroom homo In the heort ot McMomy horo it is I Potential goto™ screened front porch. 2 baths fuH basement. 2 cor garage All oMers considered Asking $66 800. Enjoy living in this immaculate 3 BR tri level home Built in extros and oak cabinets in kitchen fireplace in living room; fomily room with bar. patio with gas grill. Walking distance to town ond bmqo $69 900 RENT WITH OPTION Thto lovely 3 bedroom home with fomily room ft firepioce water rights con bo yours to buy or rent with option to buy Close occess to Route 176 8 12 for the commuter Asking$63 500 ° »•> tEAL ESTATE MCHENRY CONDO. 2 baths, dudes HELP BANTED HELP WANTED bedrooms, 14, appliances, feci washer-dryer, pool privileges, 140,090 Tall 815-385-3885 after 6pm 7-30-8-6C W A N T E D C A R - P E N T E R H e l p e r , dependable and good worker need only apply. Call 815-653-5886 after 5:30 8-6-6-11 P A R T T I M E OPENINGS in McHenry for picketers. Hours flexible. Please call 312- 593-3500 8-6-8-11 CONDO FOR SALE. Very Clean. 2 bedrooms. 14 baths, all ap­ pliances, plus pool privileges. 136,060 Call for appointment after 3pa or weekends. 815- 344*1909 84tfc HOUSE FOR SALE By Owner. Older 2 story home. 2 car garage. 5 b e d r o o m s , 2 b a t h s , could also be 2 flat. Needs TLC. but structurally sound new electric and well in­ sulated. In City of McHenry Only 10 percent down, 2 year contract. Price and terms negotiable 815- 385-6233 days or after 5pm 815-385-1089 or 815- 385-5793 8-6tfc INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER Ropid growth has created on outstanding op portunity for on experienced Industrial Engineer to join our woli established company. Three to five years experience in incentive rates, procedure plonning ond plant layout quolifies the successful candidate for this unique newly formed position. You II enjoy our clean ond pleosont working conditions plus on ottroctive benefit program including profit shoring. If you are seeking a secure future with o progressive firm, send resume with salary requirements in complete confidence to Box AU 3 c/o McHonry PlaincUaUr 3812 W. Elm St. McH«nry, II. 60050 •qual opportunity •mployvc m t FOR $ALE 0Y OWNER This maintenance free exterior, 2 flat, situated on ' j acre wooded lot in on excellent location in city of Woodstoifc Of fers many possibilities, zoned family business with a greenhouse and office. 2nd floor needs work. An excollent buy for the handyman or in vesfor. Price $79 000 312-544-5211 H 4 H 6 WHISPERING OAKS Living at its finest Immaculate msirir ,irrt uut l i k e n e w 2 b e d r o o m I V ? bath, all aluminum ranch, central an, 2 cai ga ige 815-344-2Bbti 8 4 H 6 DUE TO CONTINUED GROWTH ond exponsion. we ore constan­ tly seeking experienced in­ dividuals with excellent job records. We are now inter­ viewing for the following positions: • Receptionist •Secretory •Customer Service/Inside Sales •Quolity Control •Accounting Clerk We offer competitive poy. ex­ cellent benefits, and the oppor­ tunity for personal growth and advancement. If you are qualified and willing to work hard, call Mr. Golden 312/639-5656 Or stop in and fill out an application. Fox Valley Marking Systems Inc 1 72 S. Northwest Highway Caiv. Illinois 60013 7 30«8 *> REAL ESTATE "PRIVATE LAKE RIGHTS" 1000 sq ft. ol um frame ranch with formal dimncy r m & r e c . r o o m f u l l basement part finished. IS car Qtt. garage $57 900 OnluK- ml rn £\ LAKE REGION (•15)344-1122 WATER RIGHTS TO FOX" totally lemodeled 3 bdrrn cedar ranch1 For mal dining rm. prtl basement. FINANCING- 20% dn 12*. IrtV 70 yeais S46 500 2400 sq I t b i level in Settlers Woods lake! 4 bd'm 2 baths formal dining tamily rm w fireplaco 2 car gai oq* centrnl^air lencod yard S88 000 NEW LISTING 4 bdim I "j bath, raised ranch with finishea lower level' Family rm w/fireplace antral air 2' » cor garage on lorge lot Water rights $85,000 JOHNSBURG AREA Tri level w sub basement' 1 hdrrn bath tamily rm control on 1' i t garage Anderson windows over ocre landscaped yard' $89 500 NEW LISTING COMMERCIAL I ONLY MARINA H SNOWMOBIll DIALER ON ENTIRE LAKE' Factory dealer I sale* 2 story concrete building! Plus other buildings docks piers paved parking fuel tanks show room CAll FOR DETAILS' $249 500 Sii Gnkiifc CARE REAL ESTATE, INC. 3717 W. Elm, McHenry, III. 60050 344-1033 We're Neighborhood Specialists Attractive 2 bedroom home with heated Florida room wooded setting pnvoto lake rights only one block away and an encellent pr u « of only $37 0001 3 bedroom ronch home in Cloromont Hills with good site lot, all ma|or ap pliances storage shed ond special financing $49 500 McHenry - Johnsburg - Spring Grove - Richmond Special financing avoilable dji this 7 bedroom cedar tided home with deck Wt cor detachod garage cedor sided born and landscaped lot Close to lake park and shopping. $42 900 Whispering Oaks Beauty! Lovely ronch home with two baths, fireplace central air and backs onto city owned ponds and pork Peaceful and quiet $69 900 Homos-Farms-Watorfront-Lotf-istatos Horsing around"5 Not tFT*seller* 3 bedrooms l'» boths. 2 cor goroge. full basement and born with stolls on 5 ocres No horsing around price of US.*00 _______ Vol Mar Estates Beautiful and spacious Custom built home with 5 bedrooms, lorge tamily room with firepioce ond in door grill, portially finished 1500 sq ft. walk out basement with firepioce. 2% car hooted goroge and many more quolity extra*! ACCOUNTANT/ ASSISTANT CONTROLLER Well established Woodstock retail commercial floor covering store is looking tor an experienced person to nanc*> alt accounting functions ot their operation Post '•on reports to tt»e Controller and could lead to an Assis tant Controller s position The right person should have an <KCOunting deqr»« with , minimum ot 3 experience <»nd al3o have som« supervisory e>posur«* E »,perience m the retail tXismvsj. and IBM System J4 operations would be a plus Good salary benetits ami advancement available to th.' nght person ^ S'»nd resume and salary history to TIDY CARPETS & FLOOR COVERINGS Personnel Department 200 Washington Street Woodstock. IL 60098 No phone calls will be accepted Frjoal Oppo'timit", Emplov*1' MF R.N/S-L.P.N/S NEEDED We cate with love and leve to care ROYAL TERRACE is a growing progressive skilled care facility WILL YOU COME GROW WITH US Excellent benefit package. fuH time, part time positions available For more information call Dora Lindeman R.N. D.O.N. Royal Terrace 803 Royal Drive McHenry, Illinois (815)344-2600 E 0 E SECRETARY Convenient McHenry office offers an excellent opportunity for an industrious, self motivated individual Good shorthand and typing abilities required Word processor experience helpful but will train Varied duties include light bookkeeping Good fringe benefits, salary commensurate with ability Please send resume to: Spence Management Services, Inc. 803 front Street, Suite 1 McMenry, Illinois 60050 REAL (STATE 3 BEDROOM FIX IT House heat Vacant Liveable. IW.870. <9'n percent) $3 000 down, 1245 00 month R15-385-0169 B 4- H-80 2.000 DOWN, $240 00 month One bedroom Kix-it House (ias heat V a c a n t L i v e a b l e $28,970 <»7h percent) 81f> 385-0169 8 4 86c I) W O T W O BEDROOMS, one third acre high ground, stores 2 miles $40,170 (0% per cent) 1360 month. 81&- 388-0169 8 4-8-6C LOW FINANCING BY Owner on 5 room year round house on huge l a n d s c a p e d l o t overlooking Wonder Uke $56,900 Call 815 728-0659 8-4-8-6C i t y OPEN MOUSE SUNDAY, AUGUST 8, 1982 1:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M. 7718 Arbor Rd-Wond«r Lake Rout* 120 W*tt to I. Wondoi I oho Rood. N«rth to Arbor. Woit to Homo. CONTRACT TERMS' I 11 % INTEREST 10 YEAR BALLOON You II lovo tho charm ond quaintno** ot thit uniquoly laid out log cabin ocrott trom tho booutilul boach on Wondor Lako Boautifully Ion dtcapod yard, largo mattor bod room firoploco. lacuiit ond much morol I 1 $56,900 HURRYI! I PBHP*-ro«tpllii m rral palatp ru. REUS 385-7050 •04 N FRONT ST McHfNRV. III. • « 9U x 390 FOOT L0( WITH 5 BEDROOM FRAME 2 STORY HOUSE ? car garage on Rte 1?0, Zoned B 3 Ideal for day care school or offices, ample parking area, '/J block west of Rte 31. 3 blocks east of new Jewel Willing to sacrifice lor $I^S.9(J0 Will hold a balloon moitgage with $17,590 down Call Mr lama 312-443-4055 DUTCn CREEK WOODLANDS Johnsburg Remaining choice lots from $14,000. Private owner Financing Available 815-385-8873

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