Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Aug 1982, p. 13

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AUTOS. Afl im. ORIENTAL RUGS WANTCD To Buy, any condition Late talk, call Bobarta, 4I4-7V-6190. S- 4tfc CASH PAID For Junk ears, naming or not. Immediate removal. 3124994119* Mtfc M BERT WATERS EDGE CONDO, McHenry. 3 befrosm, 1% bath, all appliancea including central air, washer- dryer, Oshwasher and water softener, lm- medate occupancy, l year lease plus security deposit. References required. No pete. Call after 9pm, Monday thru Friday, anytime weekends, $450.00 month. 915-344-3397. 7- 30-Mc WONDER LAKE, 3 bedroom furnished house, Vt Mock from Lake and Church. September to June, $290.00 per month, security deposit. 915- 653-9700.' 8-4-9-6C 3 BEDROOMS, S baths, irtially furbished, and Last month, one year lease, Foaoridge, $900.00. 915- 395-9996. 9+94c parti First HOME FOR SALE or Rent with option to buy, in Wonder Lake. One block from Lake, 3 bedrooms, lVfc baths, 2 fireplaces, cathedral ceiling, Chalet Style. 312-577-7902. 9-4-94C 3 BEDROOM HOME in McHenry Area, on Fox River, $475.90. Mrs. Janik, 915-3959153 or 312-229-9922. 9-444C UK I WWW. UK (OEM Deluxe 1 9 2 bedroom oportmenta. fully cor- peted, 1% ceramic baths, color appliances, dish- wosher. air conditioning, laundry, lor go storage oreo. gat heat. By lake, several blocks from down­ town. 1921 W. Main St. Lake Geneve, Wl. 414-246-4172 s/atn OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Is It Mme fer yew to move w f̂ Doe* your current office spoce represent you well to your clients? Luxurious space available in modern Richmond Bldg. on U.S. Rte 12. 129 M|. ft. to 1,000 sq. ft. All utilities included. Call Bob May SI5-47t-457S »/M ] McHenry Area: Approx. 5.000 sq. ft. of industrial building. Hi Point Industrial Park. No . 4906. 1190 sq. ft. office or retail space, high traffic location, suitable for low firm or any professional use, reasonable rent. No. 3729. Two bedroom house in nice area close to town. 1' car garage, deck, patio. 9379 per month. No. 5417 Beautiful Whispering Oaks 2 bedroom home, formal dining room, family room w/firoploco, 2 ear garage, beautiful prhwto yard. $929 per month. No. 1119. 4 badroom Edgobrook Heights homo with 2% baths. 2Vt car garage, . 2 walking distance to schools and porks. $400 par month. No. 3713 ^Ovs many orhior properties coM us, tall us ^p^haor f^t^jtolr^att^^a^t ts are. end we will help you At Cawtury 21 Care we rent 130 fit IfNT AND 39X49 HEATED Air conditioned » ft. ... d°or. 915-395-9445. McHenry, 3 To 4 "•oom, 2 car garage. c«Jral air, 2209 sq. ft, $495 00 plus security and references. 915-395-5290 after 5:30pm 7-21-64C SLEEPING ROOMS, Single or double. 915- 395-1949. Mtfc 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. 2 baths, 2 car garage, full basement, $450 month plus security deposit 315-395-3132. RICHMOND APART­ MENTS. Deluxe l A 2 Bedroom, wall to wall carpeting, private balcony, large play area for Children. Immediate occupancy. 915-455-5510. 8-4-9-27c McHENRY, Large 1 Bedroom Apartment, in s e c l u d e d a r e a . Fireplace, Garage, Utilities included. No pete, $350.00 month plus one month security deposit. 915-455-2514. 8- 44UJU* *t O TK. 3 BEDROOM Raised Ranch, Central Air, Fireplace, No pets. S e c u r i t y d e p o s i t , References, $540.00 month. 815-395-5823. 8-4- 84c LARGE ROOM with private bath, carpeted and furnished, for single male or female teacher, week day kitchen and laundry privilege, on water in McHenry, $50.00 a week. 815-385- 1190. 7-30-8-6C WORKING FEMALE to rent, own room, with privileges, new home by lake, $40.00 weekly. 312- 639-0425. 7-30-8-6C TEACHERS! SAVE! Rent my 2 bedroom home for the school year only. 815-385-8154. 7-30- 8-6c C O T T A G E , 2 Bedrooms, $250 month. Sept 1st to April 1st. 4514 E. Wonder Lake Drive, Wonder Lake. 8-4-8-6C FURNISHED APART­ MENT for mature single or couple. 815-385- 8905 or 815-385-0266. 8- 4tfc 3> BEDROOM, 1A* bath, kitchen appliances, 2 car garage, basement, no pets, $450.00, security deposit, own utilities. 815-455-5797 8-4-8-6C O N E B E D R O O M APARTMENT, available now, ap­ pliances furnished, security deposit, no pets, 815-385-2353 or 815- 385-7444 and leave message. 8-4-8-6C VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12 weekdays or after 6pm. 8-4tfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT, References and s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t required. 815-385-1079. 8-4tfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE. Available, Fritzsche Industrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq ft. to 15,000 sq ft. 815-385-1079 8-4tfc R E A D Y . NOW. 2 b e d r o o m a p a r t m e n t , w i t h s t o v e a n d r e f r i g e r a t o r , d i s h ­ w a s h e r , c a r p e t e d throughout, 24 baths. 815-385-2181 8-4tfc 1 BEDROOM SUBLET. , ready now. fully car peted, with stove and refrigerator. 815-385- 7830. 8-4tfc SLEEPING ROOM. $25 weekly. 535 Pine Grove, Village of Lakemoor. 8- 444c 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, nice area. Family room, fireplace, 2 car heated garage, River rights. No pete, $425 per month. References, security d e p o s i t . A v a i l a b l e immediately $15-395 ̂ 4424. 8-4-8-6C CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS. Daily or Weekly rates 815-395- 9905 or 915-395-0069. 9- 4tfc SMALL 2 BEDROOM house near McHenry with large 2 door refrigerator $296 Call 915-395-3490. B-4tfc 2 BEDROOM Furnished Home, Wonder Lake. Garage. RTA, $300 month. nay own utilities. One month security dspoait Call after Spm. 212-774-6279 HOUSE FOR RENT, 4 bedroom, rec room, quad level. $550 month plus depoait. 915-395- 5711 McHenry. 9-4~9-6c M c H E N R Y 3 BEDROOM House in town. 2 baths. 2 car garage, stove, refrigerator, dish­ washer. References & security deposit required No pets. $450 month. 15-338 2394 8-6 8 13c 3 BEDROOMS, CEN TRAL air, 2 car garage, family room, city sewer and water, $425 per month. Fitzgerald Realty, 815 385-8700 8-6 FOR SALE OR FOR Rent, Whispering Oaks Condo Ranch type fourplex. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, draperies, carpeting, air. private entrance, attached garage 815-385-0936 8 6-8-13c 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. Shore of Griswold Lake, approximately Sep tember or October to June 815-385-8785 8-6 8 13C EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. block f r o m M c H e n r y Hospital, kitchen, ap­ pliances. bath, garage, $220 per month. Call 815- 385-3192 or 815-385-7632. 8-6 SHOP SPACE, 20Tx33 section for small business or storage, zoned B-4, $200.00 per month 815-395-7065. 8 4tfc ON P1STAKEE BAY. o n e b e d r o o m a p a r t ­ m e n t . $ 3 2 5 . 0 0 m o n t h U t i l i t i e s i n c l u d e d , s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t required, no pets. 815- 385-9972 Mtfc SPACIOUS 4 Bedroom, 2*4 bath, all appliances, with 2 car attached garage, full basement. A t t a c h e d 4 0 f t . greenhouse. 31 acres and private pond, ex celient pasture land for h o r s e s a n d c a t t l e Available November 1 s t , r e f e r e n c e s a n d deposit, $790 00 per month 915-339-5999 7- 29-8-13c n* RENT FLORIDA RENTAL HOME. Available August A September at summer rates. Com­ pletely fUrntehed, air conditioned, washer- <feryer. Easy distance to Disney World 915-305- 8334. LAKEFRONT, CRYSTAL Lake Howe 3 bedroom, 2 baths, September to June occupancy. $460 mon­ thly phis utilities and security. 312-793-6315 or 915-459-6315. k's toe bat ie awny sir as to thick about winter coats, bet eow is the time to take advantage of pre-season coat sales. AH weather coats, leather blazers aad cloth coats sre being sho*n The early beyer gets the best selection. iRealtorTRecoTJ1! W O N D E R L A K E , SMALL 1 bedroom c a b i n . S t o v e , refrigerator, fireplace Gentleman or employed couple. $245 00 lease. 815-653-5630. 8-6-8-13c WATERFRONT ON Private Channel off of F o x . N e w s e a w a l l . J o h n s b u r g S c h o o l District. Raised ranch, 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Large rec room, 14 car garage, 1st A last month deposit $485 montth. 815- 385-7266 after 4:30pm. 8- 6-8-13c 2 & 3 BEDROOM Apartments 1-2 baths, all appliances, car- peting, laundry facilities, security system City of McHenry. $360 and up. 815-385-6566, 815-344- 1632. 8-4tfc FOR RENT, 14 Room Apartment, utilities included $175.00 per month. 3308 Pearl Street. 815-385-0012 8-6 2 B E D R O O M SPACIOUS Apartment for two. Wonder Lake, ground level, yard, ideal for older couple, no stairs, lease, security deposit, $300 month. 815 653-9739 or 312-639-0534 8-4-8-6c AVAILABLE IM­ MEDIATELY! This recently redecorated 3 bedroom ranch wants you for a tennant! Less than a mile from Community pool and M c H e n r y E a s t . Property at 3205 Bull Valley Road has 1 bath, a shaded fenced yard, a stove and a double door refrigerator Recently painted in and out Open house showing will be Thursday August 12th, from 5pm to 8pm Can be yours for $425 00 month Call 815-728 0404 8-6-8 11 INTEREST RATES CAN DROP IN ILLINOIS IF DEFICIT IS CUT Record federal deficit spending, complicated by the paralysis in g o v e r n m e n t i n Washington on the budget, has caused record real interest rates in this country, but something can be done to change the economic course. Richard G. Biel. president of the McHenry County Board of Realtors, said this week. "While record in- terest rates continue to cripple interest- sensitive sectors*6f the economy." Biel said, "the president and the Congress continue to pursue partisan ap­ proaches on the adoption of a budget, and the end result is no budget and projected record deficit spen­ ding" Biel said realtors have recommended that the deficit spending for fiscal year 1983 be held below $100 billion as opposed to the projected $182 billion and that the deficit continue to decline to *75 billion or less in fiscal 1984, $50 billion or less in fiscal 1985 and on balanced budget in fiscal 1986 "These are attainable and reasonable deficit reduction figures." Biel said If the^c figures are reached through a break in the paralysis in government, the results for Illinois would be positive and immediate. He said existing home sales in Illinois in fiscal 1983 could grown by 36.400. by 42,400 in fiscal 1984 and 47,200 in fiscal 1985 "This compares with increases nationally for tht» same years of 900,000 units. 1,050.000 units and 1,170,000 units," Biel said Housing starts tor Illinois can be expected to increase in fiscal 1983 by 7,1000 units Biel noted, and by 8,400 units in fiscal 1984 and 9,500 the following year if the deficit reductions are achieved "Just as important as the number of sales and housing starts." Biel said, "will be the number of jobs addedf in Illinois and the in­ crease in average household income " He said projections provided by the National Association of Realtors indicate employment increases in Illinois of 30.000 jobs in fiscal 1983. 40,200 in fiscal 1984 and 53,100 in fiscal 1985 if the budget goals are met Average income per household in the state, if the recommenced budget deficits are achieved, can be ex­ pected to grow during the three fiscal years by $700, $800 and $9000. he said. "The President and C o n g r e s s h a v e generally said they expect the federal deficits over the three fiscal years, unless c o r r e c t i v e a c t i o n i s taken, to be $192 billion, $216 billion and $233 billion rssfectively," Bield said. "From the perspective of an in­ t e r e s t - s e n s i t i v e i n ­ dustry, tha tis the wrong direction for the deficit to be moving." Certification For Heplth Unit The McHenry County Board of Health has announced that a recent1 letter from William L. Kempiners, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, to Richard A. Wissell, M P H., Public Health administrator has informed them that the McHenry County Department of Health has once again received the rating of Certified Health departmpnt This was based on the annual program review conductcd by a team from the Illinois Department of Public Health The team evaluates the Health department's programs and per tormance to determine , if they are in ac­ cordance with the program standards for local health depart­ ments in Illinois All to basic health services were reviewed and the department received an approved rating on each one of themt. v The 10 program areas considered* Uy ;«the Illinois Deportment of Public Health to be basic health programs include Administration, F o o d S a n i t a t i o n , Potable Water. Sewage Disposal Solid Waste, Nuisance Control, Chronic Disease, Communicable Disease, M a t e r n a l H e a l t h a n d Child Health Anyone desiring information regarding the activities of the department may obtain a c<>py of the department's most recent annual report by contacting 1 tie office at 338 2040, Kxtension 120, or coming to Room 103° in the McHenry county courthouse More than 52 percent of all students enrolled in post secondary schools with oc­ cupational programs are women JOHN I I REUND Phoenix Satellite Systems Ltd. fa/arfafofi systems for privtfr horn** 312-359-4990 FREUND FUNERAL HOMES • WONDER LAKE 7611 HANCOCK DR. SI5-71S-+23J COOPER FREUND • MARENGO 205 N STATS 91S-S49-7I4S We Invite You To Hear The - GospoJ of Christ No I09K but the BIBLE: No MHO but the CH911T: No WAY but Christ s WAT: NoCHUftCM but Hie CHU9CNI H WH speak t»t speak m tht ortdes ot God^UJVt 4111 SERVICES: tO Ml Wh1#» Bibw Stwtv tur M Aye Group* 11 AM Sunday WO'sty 6 PM Soridav Evawnq Worth* 7 30 W WtOfwsdtv f wnmg Wortfop Welcome To All Services Oi 3J|f iCljurri) of BAVMONOT.fXUM MINISTER 441 N . Oeh St., CryaaoILofcoM nqriMBi W6> 449-41*0 (Join Us THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE / ALLIANCE BIBLE CHURCH 3915 W. Bull Valley Rd., McHenry REV. GERALD ROBERTSON flu Church of St. Mary if flit Assumption Rev. Jamti GGoynor Paator Rev. Jom»i Novak. Aatt. Prieat Rev. Walter Johnaon M M Raw Stanlay Ryiner Rav. C. Altred Dietach Sat Eva. Maat SPM Fulfill! Sunday Obligation Sunday Moaaea 4:30. 8:00 9:30. 9:45, 10 45 11:00 12 NOON McHenry Evangelical Free Church 3031 lincoln Road 344 lilt Church Paator Roy Wlanar " 1-*SS4»TS Sunday Service 10:30 Sunday Eva Sa>vicc 6 OOPM Sunday School 9:15- to-15 Wonder Lake Bible Church Phono 720 0423 oi 728 1*87 7501 Howe O f i v * Wond». lnli« lltinola Merl* D Confclin Poatof Sunday: Sunday School 9:30 AM Mo<nlng Worahlp Sarvlca 10 50 AM Proyar Hour Wad 7:30PM First United Methodist Church 3717 W Main Straat Church phona 3S5 0931 Thomaa towery. Poa»or Paraonog* phona 345-1352 Sunday Sarvlca 9 30 Faith Presbyterian Church 2107 Wttl lincoln Rend (Acroaa from outdoor Thaotar) Worahlp I 30 ft 10 45 Children S Adult Sunday School 9-30AM Sibla Study Wada 9:30AM Paator : Or. Eric I Snydor iPhono 345 SSSSor 3S5 S440 [ Nuraary Sarvlcaa Available Horn* ot Tha Joyful Nolaa Chriation Proachool St John the Baptist Catholic Church Johntburg Rav. Lao Sartal. Paator Rectory Phona. 3S5 1477 Sat Eva Maa i 5:30 S 4 00PM FvWllla Sun. Obligation Sun. Maaaoa 7 9 .0:30 S 12 NOON IWaakdayi 7 30 6 9 S«t SAM St. Francis Polish National Catholic Chirch Flandora Rood Eaat of Rlngwrood Road Sunday Mbaaaa 11AM Father Joaeph Sriok, Paator Maranatha Assembly of 6od Pottoi lowronco Thompaon 1309 N. Court St. 344-0557 Sunday School 9:30 Worahlp 10:45AM. 4 00PM First Baptist Chnrch 4919 E. Wondor LokoRd. Wota4«r Lake. Iltlnala Phona: 72S1091 Paator Oonnia Show Sundoy Worahlp 11 AM Biblo Study 10AM Wodnoadoy Prayar and Biblo Study 7PM The Evangelical Lutheran Church of All Saints 312 587.7727 (OMico) 312 497-4527 'Poator'a OMico) Rav J W Hughe* III Sunday Schadula: Worahip Service* 8: ISAM and 10:30AM Sunday School 9.1 SAM "STfiil Episcopal Church 385-0390 3704 W St. Paul a S Croon Rav Wm. H. Morlay. vicar Sunday Sarvlcaa 8 00AM Holy iwcharlat 9:30 AM Holy Euchariat and Sarmon Nuraary provldad Wad 9:30AM Holy Euchariat Holy Doya o« announced liiiMCO Biblo Chart h 3815 W Swtl 7allay Rd. Rav Gorald Robartaon Pre Service Prayer 8:15AM Firat Worahlp Sarvlca 8:30AM Sunday School 9:45AM Sacond Worahip Sarvlca 11 00AM Choir Practlca 4 00PM Evoning Sarvlca 7:00PM Wodnaaday Biblo Study 6 Prayar 7:30PM Church of Christ 1304 N. Park St. McHenry II Worahlp 9 AM Biblo Claaa 10 AM Phono: 815 344-0447 OR 815-385 8447 George R. Jested Funeral Hone 3519 W ELM STREET | McHENRY 385 2400 Glaviano's Interiors 414 S ROUTE 31 McHENRY 385-37*4 Brake Parts Pi> p o BOX II McHINSY 385 7000 . Ace Hardware 3729 W. ELM STREET McHENRY 385-0722 McHenry Track line, Inc. P.O. SOX 57S McHENRY II. 385 0712 M^^mA Uimis iOuHi nupr IhiiM MotMist 1015 W Platokoo Hlghlanda William O. Johnaon. Paator Sunday School: 9:11 a.m. Worahlp Sarvlca: 10:30 a.m. Chan* Of M Wondor Lob a. Iltlnala 4010 Woatwood Drfvo Wondor Lobo 815-453-9980 ianla A. Long, Paator Morning Worahlp Sarvlca ItiOOa.m. Evanlng Prayar Sarvlca 5:90 p.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Chain O'lakts Evangelical Covenant Chnrch 4815 N. Wilmot Rood Rov. Mitchell Conaldlno Worahip Sarvlca 10:00 a.m. Church Phona 497-3000 PortonafQ 497-3040 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Chnrch (Mlaaowrl Synod) 4204 W. Woukogon Rd. (W.Rto. 120) Rov. Hormann F. Oraof 385 0859 385 1414 Sunday Worahlp 7:45 S 10:90 Nuraory Servicea provldod ot 10:30 Education for Eternity Sunday School Chlldron and Youth 9:00 a.m. Nativity Lutheran Church laV ^^9 IrWWI WW 350* I. Wondor lake Road Box 157 Phona 4*3-3832 Wondor Lako. Illlnola Sunday Worahlp 8:00 n.m. S 10:30 om Sunday School 9:00 a.m. (Nuraary Facllltloa Available) Uaitttf Poatocostil Church 2S8 Sunnyaido Lakemoor Rov. Nolan Hildarbrand 312 279 *289 Sunday 9:44 a.m. S 4:30 p.m. Wodnaaday 7:90 p.m. Biblo Study Friday 7:90 p.m. Youth Sarvlca Frennd Funeral HOMO 7*11 HANCOCK OSIVI WONDER LAKE 1 728-0293 McHenry Savings I Lean 1209 N. OSf IM STSf IT McHENRY 385 3000 First National Bank of 9SI4W.RTI. IIS * McHENRY. U. McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. ILMSTSfC. McHENRY 3SS-0170 McHenry State Bank 9410 W. ELM STRt McHENRY 9S4-1S40 Rtngwood Methodist Chnrch Ring wood, Illlnola Paator Gordon Smith Re. *48-2848 Church *49-4954 Sunday 9:15 a.m. Church School at 9:44 a.r McHenry Comty Friends! Mooting (Quaker) 1 at S 9rd Sunday. 11:00 a.m.| For information call 9S4*S4I2 or 312-483-3840 Christ the King Catholic Chnrch 400* I. Wonder L«bo Rood Wondor Lako, Illlnola Sun. Maaaoa: B. IS a m and] Noon Sat. Ivonlng Maaa 3td9 p.m. FuMilla Sunday Obligation first Baptist Chaich sot front St. MS «M3 Rov. Marahall I. Worry Biblo Study-Sunday School 9:90 a.m. Worahlp Sorvico 10:45 a m and 7:00 p.m. Wodnaaday Prayar Sarvlca 7:00 p.m. St. Patrick's Catholic Chnrch Rov. Edmund Potit, Paator Sot. Ivo (Sunday obligation fulfilled) 5 p.m. Sunday: 7:15.8:90.9:44. IIS 12)14 Christiaa Scioaco Sacioty lincoln Rd. and Eaatwood Lone Sunday Sorvico S Sunday School 10:90 Wad. 4p.m. Raodlng Room Tuoa. S Thura. 2-4 Saturday 11-12 Noon Chnrch of God of McHenry (Pontocoatal) 3413 John St.. McHenry, II. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m Sunday Evoning 4:00 p.m. John loat. Pastor Phono 984-1904, 344-9940 Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Chnrch 404 N. Croon St. Rov. Roger W. Schneider Phone 9S4-7784 er 385 4030 Sundey Church 8:90 9 10:44 Swndey School 9:1S ^fur^rjJLervlcea^velleble Peter M. Jnsten Feeeral Heee 9SS7 W. ELM STREET McHINSV This space available to advertisers for pennies an issue. McHenry Paint, Class I 9411 W. ELM STRUT 9S4 7343 Mitchell Sales, Inc. QUICK - OLDS 909 N. FRONT STRICT 3*5 7200 McHKNR buast to Coast Hardware 4400 W. RTE IM McHINRY MARKET PI ACE |

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