Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Aug 1982, p. 15

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Cd PAGE If •PLAINDEALER* FRIDAY, AUGUSTS, 1SS2 FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the filet of Aivust is. 1982). Several of the WLS radio en­ tertainers will be present at Mc- Dennott night at the Fax pavilion, Aug. n. This win be a big event for the city of McHenry and sponsored by McHenry business men, it promises to be a big success. The WLS exhibition square dancers with Tom Owens, barn dance caller will be there and slsojmere win be Matt Hickey's Corn trcheatra. About 14 radio artists will appear on the program in addition to which there will be dan­ cing for everybody. For the second time in a few weeks the Terra Cotta hill was t^e scene of a fatal accident when a womap from Chicago met death in aiyfutomobile crash. That- fabulous cowboy movie star, Frank Stanley, is coming to the Empire theatre, McHenry, with his entire company of cowboys and- cowgiris for a personal appearance on the stage, and also on the screen in a sensational two-reel thriller, "The Cowboys' Frolic". •' -t-.V A • • i - FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the flies of August IS, 1M2). A total of 90 men have been called to fill the quota for August and wiU leave Aug. 17 from Woodstock. Thoae from McHenry included Joseph BrouUette, John P. Cooney, Irvin L. Freund, LeRoy M. Freund, Frank G. Shepard and Alvin N. Steinsdoerfer; from Richmond, Casper R. Krumpen and from, Ringwood, Vincent Tonyan. "Mac" McCracken defeated Adele Froehlich on the local courts 6-1, 1-6 and $-2 in the county tennis finals and is now the proud possessor of s beautiful trophy designating him as county champ. "Mac" was runner-up to Jack Colby of Crystal Lake, last year but turned the tables this yesr by defeating Colby, 7-5,6-1, in the semi­ finals. IRS Tackles Them a TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the fOss of Ammt IS, 1957). Members of Huwnaim's win meet at the John J for the purpose of drawing up for Huemann'e Improvement association. Residents the state for a charter of thto profit organisation. Since the purpose of the new organisation is im­ provement of roads, to give protection against trespassing, etc., a good crowd is expected. . As the twelfth seaaon of the Chicago Club for Crippled Children at Riverdale subdivision draws to a close, many of the rhllfrsn have learned outstanding woriL The Wonder Lake gardsn club is making plans for its first flower shew to be held Aug. 17 and IS at Harrtoon school. ' TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of August I, 1972). The Whsrf restaurant, Wonder Lake, was completely destroyed by fire early Monday morning. The fire was discovered by sheriff's deputies while on routine petrol at 1:47 a.m. When firemen arrived, the building was already totally engulfed in flames. Although unable to save the restaurant, firemen were successful in keeping the blase from spreading to a marina next door where numerous boats are stored and a large gaaottne storage tank is located. Three children were slightly injured in an unusual carnival accident at the McHenry Market Place. Mrs. Anns O'Hara and her 1ft-year-old son, Ronnie, along with seven-year-old Barbara Lisxka of Chicago were riding on the TUt-a-Whirl when a pin which held their car on the track broke and caused the car to leave the track and hit four-year-old Jay K. Arthurs, McHenry, who wps standing in the platform behind a chain. POLICE TICKETS The City el McHenry Police iM iouowmg Zuidema, 9911 Oriole, ffaphlaa* SB Willow, drhlag tee faet for eondttona. Prte A. In!-->iii, 112 S. River Ron*, failure to yWd the ri0*ef-way. AUeoe Loeaman, 899 Creethill, failure to yield the right-of-way. Gerald ft. Balchwias, 9MB River­ side Drive, epen liquor in a molar B. Alexander, 7799 Homo, Expect 600 Horse Fair Entries Energetic John Crewdea as- more then 900 entriee tar the 'Fair's Hone show, a war last year's entriee when the now format for the traditional Seturday attraction drew ravea from both participants and spectators. The show starta at 9 a.m. with en­ tries made eortier thet Saturday, Aug. 7. A new feature at the neeriy-new corral is that lights have been erected. Last year's show - and many previous shows - extended into the evening, so this win provide a better ami fUnd tO el MMflf frea the Pair special ssake the two the • IB her haaor, a will ha given to Under Crowdsn's leadwship, the fommlteee roviaed the IMa shew, and this year's ofhriati el 91,999 Nov bui s contruxioon io im nv. The McHenry County florewnen's ecuvoty mvoivea in a< i win be eahences the quality and es paneli wt of I during the day. An open tratt a glowing attraction at the McHenry n follow lunch. Comtv Fair. For mora than M yeare Norma Luedtke bos been dert of the horee Admieeion to the fair grounds is the and alao a sparkplug that kept only coat, beeauaaeventa in the corral the event together doling difficult and grandstand are free. BeOon, 1499 N. Glen Drive, no vahd registration. Janet C. Demien, 9795 Garfield, no valid ragletration. David C. Toft, 4909 Roger, speeding. 44 mnh hi a 99 sone. Gerald F. Bacskowski, 5991 Bromley, no valid registration. DeniseK. Pagliaro, 4997 Abbington, no valid registration. • Jamee HE vans, 3311 E.Lake Shore Drive, no valid registration. Jamee R. O'Brien, 1919 Knoll, speeding, 40 mph in a 25 sone. Kenneth Podaak, 2519 S. River Road, squealing tires. Brian J. Conant, 4409 PoplarM, failure to stop at a stop sign. Patricia A. Rehberg, 9911 Manor Lane, ipeedlng, 40 mph in a 25 seae. Cheater Sscsupak, 9914 Millar, speeding, 42 mph in a 90 sone. Patricia A. Flags. 211 Shepherd HU1, speeding, 44 mph in a 90 sons. Donsld L. Niedert, 1919 Sunnyside Beach, ipeeding, 54 mph in a 95 sons. Joseph A. Caatilk), 5409 Orchard Way, speeding, 49 mph in a 95 sone. Devid C. Babarsky, 5715 Meadow HU1, speeding, 50 mph in a 95 sone. Linds J. Zabroeki, 7427 Oak St., Wonder Lake, speeding, 50 mph in s 95 zone. Joeeph LaRusss, 1704 Flower, no valid registration. WUliam F. Lewis. 1715 Oakleaf. driving in the wrong lane and violation of claeslflretion. Charles F. Tonyan, Jr., 1940 N. Park St., no valid registration. Ann R GeHttck, 9909 Shedy Lane, Wonder Lake, speeding. 51 mph in a 35 Grove Road, ipeeding. 44 mph In a 99 *99 L Lindahl, 5909 Winslow 49 mph In a 95 sone. Debra M. Leonard, 1499 Woodlawn Lane, no valid registration. Christian R. Newkirk, 5010 Bromley, svoiding a traffic control Curt G. Larssn, 909 Devonshire, Circle, speedtag, 77 mph in a 49 aone. Michelle A. Sknnderap, 9997 WUliam J. Buna, Jr., 107 Augusts Sycamore Court, tsuing. 47 mph In spwrthtg. 49 mph In a 90 aone. Thomas H. Msyberry, 4501 Front Roysl, disobeyed s traffic control device. Ronald Edwin Folx, 1914 Meadow Lane, disobeyed a traffic control device. John J. BrightweU, 5411 Orchard Way, squeellng tiree. Leo N. Belleville, 3094 W. Main, improper lane usage and driving under the influence John W. Bolton, 5709 W. Elm St.. no valid driver's license. Raymond A. Bourey, 9900 W. Kane Ave., speeding, 39 mph in a 99 aone. Debra R. Colberg, 1909 Bonnie Brae, speeding, 49 mph in a 90 sone. Paul Milton Kent, 1919 N. Riverside Drive, speeding, 40 mph in a 95 sone. Rikki J. Mitchell, 4017 Wilmot Road, disobeyed a stop sign. Ksren E. Wslker, 4017 Wilmot Rosd, trsnportation of open liquor. Maureen V. McDonough, 1490 Appalooea Trail, improper starting. Bradley W. Wilson, 5913 Jsmes St., fsilure to reduce speed to evoid sn accident. Bradlev H. Schmitt, 5715 Hold Summer Retreat For Physically Handicapped United Cerebral Palay of Blackhawk Region is sponenring 19a third annual Summer Retreet for physicslly handicapped adulta. Summer Retreat: The Total You In *92, is being held Aug. 1-7 at In­ spiration center, Walworth, Wla. United Cerebral Palay of Blackhawk Region (UCPBR) baa recognised that phyeically han­ dicapped adults hsve limited choicee of pieces to go and activltiae to par­ ticipate in sin year round, but par­ ticularly for summer activitiee. Recognising this need, UCPBR sponeors e one week Summer Retreet to provide opportunitlee for social interaction and diecuasions- preeentations of areaa of concern to the individual who la physically handicapped. The Summer Retreet ie an innovative concept providing fun and a leerning experience ss well ss sn opportunity to problem soivs with peers end e goal of workiig toward achieving more independence. Program preeentstlons will bo given by Univereity of Illinois Cooperative Extenelon on "Streee and How To Deal With It" and "Junk Food"; Creative Education Aaaodetee, Racine, will preoent a program on creetive drama; and the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension will dtecuss snd present the srt of pantomime. Aleo a preeentation onTae-Kwon-Do will be given with the opportunity for retreeters to psr- ticipate. Incorporated into the retreet are ectivitiee of a creative neture which deal with problems a person might have in the areaa of interpersonal relationahipa, decision msking, building confidence, snd developing UCPBR servee the counties of Boone, CerroU, DeKalb, Jo Devises, Lee, McHenry, Ogle, Stepheneon, Whiteeide, snd Winnebago UCPBR exists to sdvocsts for snd develop services on behalf of persons with cerebral pslsy snd relsted service Unsolvable"Tax Problems Taxpayers with an "unsolved" federal tax problem can get help from a special Internal Revenue Service office. It is called the Problem Resolution Program (PRP) office, and it gives personal attention to . taxpayers when previous contects through normal IRS channels have not helped, the IRS said. Problem Reeolution are about delayed refunds. Sometimes these are caused by incorrect or duplicated Social Security numbers, the IRS said, or by tax­ payers who change their names - after marriage, for example • and do not inform the Social S e c u r i t y A d - ministration. Tax- who move aftfr For ̂ cxssnpie, .If .a, filing a return widxmt taxpayer's expected providing a forwarding refund has not arrived address may also have their refunds delsyod. The IRS streooed that PRP is not a substitute for normsl IRS chsnnds snd csnnot be used to sppeel technical decisions in sn sudit. The PRP office usuaUy takee complsints only after there hss been st lesst one unsucceesful contact with the IRS. Tsxpsyers csn rescn the PRP office by either writing to their IRS district office or cellln gthe IRS sssistsnce number listed in the phone book snd ssking for Problem Resolution. CheckMaster CASH MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT H Tfr-/ liiijiiv. Tjf Io»i IF *n"» I i r-».. '*• ' * 't.. u. :vo > ••» i '«jP vtnr.lrt , . • after 10 to 12 weeks, he should first contact IRS Taxpayer service with the problem. An sssistor wiU help the taxpayer, find out what ia hap­ pening to the return, and let the taxpayer know when to expect the refund. If the refund hss not arrived by that date, the taxpayer should contact PRP. Once PRP takes the problem, the taxpayer deals with one person and is kept in­ formed of the progress of the case, according to the IRS. The most common complaints brought to American Legion Post 491 MKMN Mitt. McKMY dPEN TO THE PUBLIC FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (510 - MO PH.) •fQKMU TN CM EAT •mOtKMIMltfU PLUS GIANT SALAD BAR INCLUDED HALL FOR RENT PERECT FOR WEDDINGS BANQUETS -w PARTIES AND MORE Debbie Hornier tells: '1 LOST 50 LBS. IN in DAYS at Nutrt/Syatam. I feel battar than avar before and hava mora anargy too!" YIELD... Competitive with Money Market Funds SAFETY... Safer than Money Market Funds CONVENIENCE... Your nrney is in the Bank You can now enjoy the advantages of all these features, plus checking, in one, easy to understand banking system. We call it CheckMaster: It's the ultimate personal cash management account for the demanding money manager. Write all the checks you need. Anytime. Any amount. Earn an excellent return. The basic account is a NOW Account earning 5.25% compounded daily. All funds in excess of $5,000 are "swept" daily into a high yielding repurchase agreement. I a / ft The basic NOW Account is insured by F.D.l.C. and the "repos" are backed by U.S. Government securities. Each month you will receive one clear, concise statement detailing all the interest you've earned. ChcckMaster...the answer to your cash management needs. Tha Professional Bank • No starvation or llMWgWl • Loss under al Bdodor'al ai uuo*4fii art. si sum e*coiisof hs.iI (si M-- we (f n»-r»--> •(S1S)4St-44SeH First National Bank of Woodstock 225 W. Jackson / 2100 N* Seminary Woodstock, Illinois 60098 (815) 338-6200 Member F.D.l.C.

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