\ PAGE 4 - PIJMNDEALER . WEDNEKDAY. AUGUST If. lttZ So I Hear "Chuck" litter's wife, Pam, Friday night with am frisnds Ow§» and Ottra HlDer ("Chock's" porosis), and John and Peggy Lawrence. John and -• * • « * JDoq mends for WONDER LAKE Ann* Sowers 653-9549 I about thsir Ittle girl. Pan (my Irish AMD told me that little girl Is now M years old aad about to ha Must bo I am fatting old. Had no Skf Club At Lake Geneva RUMMAGE SALE I like to wear old hats and I'D tall you why. Besides the comfort at the old ones, my experience with new numbers has been disastrous. I wore a new one to a basketball game in the old gym in what is now known aa East Campus. Put it on a table with other clothing. You gusas it! Somebody stole it It was a cold night so I wrapped my scarf around my head and took off. Wore a new bonnet to a Notre Dame football game. The rains came. Soaked. Tried to tell Editor "Mose" that replacement should be included in my non-existent expense account. No dice. Sat through rain at a state baseball tournament in Elgin and my straw number drooped down around my face. Never will forget how Mrs. Ford Jackson laughed at the sight. Another time we went to Milwaukee to a ball game with Morrie and Catherine Clark, and the late Jack Smith and Margaret. The rest of the group left for shelter when the rsin came. Not me. The game hadn't been called. That was another ifcwpy to recover its kfcraw I Cor.. It --And, there was the time new felt to church and put it on the far side of the pew. We had to move over and the lady with me (you know, the one who is always ashamed of my old sloppy hats) sat smack down on my prize. That's why I like old hate. We tour restarurant row or rows, but never went to Jack Slaughter's Stuc's until last week. Oh, he's a slick one! He maneuvered it through Alvina. (Must admit I'll be going back). 'TWAS AMUSING-- A couple of old geezers sitting on a bench in s shopping center comparing notes on their arthritis. "Brenda" tells me Lillian Glosoon and her daughter were looking for post cards with scenes of the McHenry area. There was a time when photographers like Andy Worwick made them up for sale in local stores. Might be a great idea to revive the practice. It was a pleasant surprise to meet wafl* kept around McHsnry Couatoj deb where erger M a 11m for be hoie-in-Hcrb one on is Like when thsra Is a new arrival in a family, e»o»jbody hit Hsrb for a drink. It looked for a while ths poor guy would have to seO his dabs to pay the bar bffl. If ever I enjoyed yotaag people, it Thursday at the Rotary I Ski Hal re shoppers Yoarsw to opsn the doors of the' annual rummage sale. It will Aug. », 21 and SL Many will be on hdnd for the Home from taking part in the Belgian Youth Exchange Program were Heidi Reihansperger, Sue Boiger and Ron Nye. interesting report sn and it These sharp young people ort of their trip turned out to be one of Rotary^s finest programs. In furthering their education, we learned that Sue will enroll st Marquette, Ron at Notre Dame, and Heidi at William and Mary. We will be following their progress with interest. All are a sure bet to continue as good and useful citizens The McHenry Plaindealer Mil Mm* Kim (t>Ml lutnwMi IttaWUlMtf 1*71 MtNwirf lUtMt* I MmulllNStl'l Fukli»h#< l»#ff We4*»s<ey • el IHlnoit l*<on4 CImi PA® •» McHvnry by MUHfNtV FUMItHtNG COMPANY POtTMASTIt l*n4 <*>««»>« •• McHMry Ml} V« dm 11 McHenry HIImIi MOM lubi(rtb«fi »• MIIK •• chanf* at m4 df»ti Th» M<M.mr Plaind»«Ur MI1W limit McMvnr, III AOOM " A d*4u<iion at ana mantti tram tKa liylfWn at • twfcMription will ba mada wtiaia a (Kanfa at tMfttl I, ptttirawfb tfca Pati OMica department Thomot C. MilUr Publisher A«UI» Fro»hllth Editor Stoarb Winning /htospaprr MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 V«it .'. ttS.M 1 Yew 124.00 f In McHenry Cewnl, Ovft*4e McHanry Cggwjt MdoaOrtgla Watermelons are native to Africa; cantaloupes are native to the Near East. Wafklm SERVED FAMIIY STYLE SINCE 1868 Thiw lm*ru* 1 pnidutu yiw iwwrtiihn VkraBa HcrtM arr atnlaNr m ytmt |W|prnriiS 0 < • m m GAIL'S WA1KINS PRODUCTS 4508 Elm Leaf Or. - McHenry . 385-4816 I Editor's Note: Following are representative questions answered daily hy VA counselors. Full in formation is svailable at any VA office. Q. - What is the current interest rttte ooJVA Guaranteed Home Loans" A. - The current interest rate is 154 percent. of Lake which is part of the Venetian festival, will begin at 8 p.m. It wffl be aa enjoyafate event to see and the ski dab would love to oor some of ita Wonder Lake fans thsre to cheer them on. SENIOR CITIZEN DINNER The Wonder Lake Baptist chut eh will again be hosting a free dinner for senior dtissns of the area, on Friday Aug. 88, beginning at 5 p.m. Reeer- vations are requested so the aaiect amount of food can be prepared. Call either Lois Mough at 7M-1179 or Carrie Blaha at S888604. The menu will include salad, beef tipe with gravy, rice, sliced carrota and cobbler for dessert. NEW OFFICERS FOR BOYS BASEBALL Even though the playing of gamee for the Wonder Lake Boys Baseball has just been completed, the next year's season is already being planned. Election of officers for the 1182-83 season took place Wedneeday Aug. 11. Newly elected president is Clarence Adams, while Mike Ciezek remained in office aa secretary-treasurer and Len Spencer will again hold the position of equipment manager. Chuck Sowers remains in as player representative 'oor sweet tooth can aloo be given a " 'ecause aa array of baked •mIII n ntraiIA.Win • tUA j»Wai-- «>!> will M iviufiw in in€ cnurcn Everything from breads, pies, and cookies will be sold. Be sure to stop by. WESTWARD HO! Laet week my column didn't appear scatToe I was 1,500 miles away en- ng the beautiful scenery of eUowstone park when deadline time joyi Yell r mountains, the Badlands, and the Black Hills are all very memorable, but what makes a vacation terrific are people you meet. I wanted to attend a real western rodeo, so as we pulled into Buffalo, Wyo., to get our motel for the evening we saw one advertised. After dinner off we went. This turned out to be one of my favorite parte of the trip because it wss the real thing not commercialized in the least. It was for kids, grades one through high school, and the final rodeo of the season, so the kids were giving it all they had to get their top points to win belt buckles. This was not a tourist attraction, so there we sat among all the die hard fans yelling the psrticiosnts on to victory. If yoii iw si looked the Wyoming twang ind. heartnuil the arena aa a baseball field, you would beheve you were barf in the midwest attending an AB qjfr little league game. It was terrific. Another one of my favorites was a tour of the Ingalls heme in DeSmet, Mm., which is the sotting of monp ef ths bosks writteq by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Even thou î Walnut Grove is nmrtliT--* in the T.V. show "Little House on the Prairie", meat of (be events really took place in Detoett. I was encouraged to bear that lams didn't begin writing until she waa 85 years old, so maybe there is hope fa me yet with thst book in the thinking! SPECIAL DAYS Aug. M will be a very special < , George and Jean Hartmann aa celebrate their twenty-fifth wed „ anniversary. Their children are takif« them out to dinner with only one missing, George III, who is skiing et See World in Orlando, Fla. Congratulations to the Wonder Lake 13-yeer-old All Star team which came in second place in the McHenry tournament. COMMUNITY EVENTS Aug. 18 - Registration for District MO Aug. 20, 21, 22 - Rummage sale at Christ the King Aug. 20 - Senior citizen dinner st First Bsptist church, 5 p.m. Aug. 20 - First day of school for Marian Central. Aug. 22 - Cub Scout outing for Pack 456 Aug. 20 - First day of school for District 200 Sept. 2 - Woman's club board meeting, 8 p.m. Buckskinner Rendezvous The playing season runs from the end of May until the end of July, but these men, along with all the managers and coaches, meet every month in order to keep the league moving smoothly. 1 MINI ELECTRONIC MOSQUITO REPELLER No hsrm to human bemgt and animal»«fconomr. gtecuiciiy high ficuncy^No cotof, odor smoke, ponon, sir poilu(ion*€ asy •Safety operation lasted & proved against MOSQUtTOS Device imitates the frequency emitted by male mosquito Frtquen.y repels biting mosquito The device is recommended to be used advance & con tmuous operations Sue as big as • ogwene bghte> Attach w/a clip to your clothing wherever biting mosqutos are a pi iblem Effective range approx 13 ft (Wt 20 gm.l. Battery not tmuiiad Send check or money order $11 95 plus $1 00 postage Shepherd Ent 174 East Rd Glen Elyn, II 60137 < ** « LEVI'S BENDOVERS August 19-22 -White Quantities Last Levi's tapered the leg but left your bendable zones stretchabty comfortable Same flexible fabric, same Magic Stretch waistband, same sizes: 6-20, Average and Petite lengths; and Larger sizes 32-38. Average and Shorter lengths. Look for the new fall colors; rust, rose, taupe, purple, burgundy, pine green, brown, khaki, black, olive, heather grey, charcoal grey and navy. (Larger sizes in limited colors). Better Sportswear. Elgin on 3. Crystal Lake and St. Charles. 18.88 Reg. 27.00 21.88 Reg. 29.00 Larger Sizes f f r r » CHARGE IT! Your own Spiess Charge. Visq and MasterCard. We welcome them all! Conservation Illinois Department of commerce and com munity Affairs Director Peter B. Fox has an nounced the availability of energy conservation msterisls through DCCA's Community Energy Conservation program. The materials, a v a i l a b l e f o r distribution to local governments, com munity action agencies, small businesses and not-for-profit resource conservation groups, etc., address such topics as recycling, energy conservation, energy planning, solar heating, energy cooperatives and water conservation. Most of the materials • technicsl reports, posters, flyers snd bumper stickers - are available in bulk. Anyone interested in obtaining them should contact the Community Energy Conservation Program, 4th Floor, 32S W e s t A d a m s , Springfield, 111., 82706, or call program staff at 217-785-2264. It's mountainman rendezvous time sgsin st the McHenry County Historical museum in Union Sunday, Aug 22. In what has become sn an imal program for the Historical society, Marengo residents Dale and Pam Woodruff will bring the fur trapping era of this county's early history alive again with their authentic demonstrations of the clothing, tomahawk throwing and musket firing skills of the buckskinners. The Woodruffs are part of a small but growing group of individuals dedicated to preserving and reliving the life of French fur trappers and mountainmen in the years prior to the 1830's. Along with other such en thusiasts, they rendezvous or meet at the site* nr the first trapper gatherings to trade original and authentically reproduced Indian items and participate in pioneering activities. Crafts of the last century used ss trsde items in the fur trapping in dustry-leather wares snd pewter snd silver trade items-will be made and sold throughout the afternoon by the Lloyd Liedtke family of Whitewater, Wis., who also participate in this annual program. This should be sn afternoon for the whole family--plenty of outdoor activity, a teepee and fur trade items, and authentic demonstrations. The museum and restored 1840's Luke Gannon log cabin will also be open for visitors sll afternoon from 1:30 to 4:30. Talented Singer At Church A treat awaits those who attend the combined worship service for the Rinawood snd Greenwood United MemodlSt Churches Sunday, Aug. 12, at 10:30 a.m. at the Greenwood church. Kay Nowlin, graduate of Greenville college and Northwestern university will sing for the service. She is a professional vocalist with the Chicago Symphony orchestra chorus and the Ask Construction Permits In Area Eight applications for construction permits in Lake, DuPage and Will counties have been received by the Illinois Department of Tran sportation's Division of Water Resources, it has been announced. All interested persons, either favoring or opposing the proposed projects, sre invited to send written Chicago Sunday Evening club, Channel 11 WTTW. y \ \ ' . OC Ms. Nowlin nas performed Opera and oratorio with many Chicago area orchestras and also performs nation wide with the duet team Nowlin- Jorgensen. She will be sharing her life story and experiences as the mother of a handicapped child through word and song. statements. „ • Jacquelyn Soper, 501 Kingston, McHenry, asks approval for the construction of a steel seawall along Nippersink creek and Piatakee lake, just downstream of the Route 12 bridge over the connecting channel between Nippersink snd Pistakee lakes. Steve Maggio, Steve's Resort, 39259 Jackson drive. Spring Grove, for the annual construction and removal of a pier along the west shore of Grass Lake. *50% OFF SALE! I AUGUST 19th-SEPTEMBER 8th ALL * BALLED & BURLAPPED w NURSERY STOCK lit Sales Yard!!! f W % it' V \ 30% OFF ALL POIIED TREES, SHRUBS, & EYEROREENS la Sales Yard! 11 ̂ Flo wer Shop & Nursery nn, 10Q. 5301 Terra Cotta MON-SAT 8:30-6 Cry,tal Lok#» Wlnois SUN io-3 (IH)41MHQ WHAT S NEW Bl« Dipper New 4 in -wide paint brush with a cellulose core surrounded by polyester filaments that lets the core soak up and hold paint, which is re leased evenly while brushins- At paint and hardware stores. II ONLY HURTS TO LEAVE IT ON At C«r«l Slock. ifcet pOfflMMMl wmy. f«(t. fwHe. affacNw Ov* 40 yean a* la- p*ri*nc«. exclusive method* odvoncad •quipm«nt ond troir*d darmaticlona astur* you of superior r»sultf. MLS. TAX INDUCTION. Cluol Black MA* NBWftMl CSYSTAl LAKI <SICt*M«ryUM Mtotl n 14 Other loceiHens (312) 47S-2133 »