Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1982, p. 19

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Western IMoo White. Jason lamlitr Co. of Natural Ree. Lester Witte i I. Ketch James .Sandra] TOTALC^DBWRSKMENTS PAYROLLFUND lUtffltySalee - --.t DlWIi 922.58 2,002 22 fttk*etOoiefCk«. IJjg-g 888.75 2.581.85 32,00165 14.22 3 1C1.75 (,000.00 13.153.96 158.74 1.7S 96.96 1.800.76 ttooGa 90.00 86.80 112,336.12 195 56 15.40 2».34 2,914.72 381.08 165.38 Tranintaf Center 166.00 DeprecieSoitReaPd. DevekperDon.Fd^ Recorder of Deeds Well ft Pump Co. 4 Supply te Sport Center Glass A Wallpaper "Services travel _ A Loan Association tateBank v Tire Mart Woodstock Disposal r-Carr Supply Co. 1,477.38 2,074.71 1*7.50 498.19 13,68000 10,790.00 10.480.80 90,000.00 70,000.06 219,874.18 40,000.08 48,008.00 96,000.00 966.00 186.00 15,029.79 981.99 »• Vt.fc i:i I \iSlrt: vi U* WhlJMSDVY . vl v I >1 is. w. 98,800,78247 47.J28.08 868,084.08 884,084.08 888,684.881 8,888.00 Fisher Scientific Co. Foreman, Greg Foreman, Joeebh D. Fox Lake OfficeSuppl; Free Flow be. George P Freundlnc. Furnas Electric Co. Meter Repsir Service ilities M 2,000.00 sr for Materials and Labor an from Water-Sewer Savings Transfers from Capital Development j^Transfers from Developer Donations TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL AVAILABLE: (Balance A Receipts) Act Hardware MBrick A! WATER-SEWER FUND Adams Alexrry Lawn A Leisure rytar chemicals 2^88.29 887,488.86 8,614.86 908,893.52 908.10 88,000.00 88,884.89 88,000.00 810,750.00 90,000.00 1,968,964.25 1,401,568.48 2,360.00 144.00 488.8T-' 8,861.49 86.08 8J80.85 Barbara E I Bros. GouKh,Gsry W.W. Grainger Inc. w%t i^>,. 11,, nf * onmnKiperroduca inc. Petty Cash Fund tionCo. Co. Herb's Used Auto Parts Herb's u Hornby s Store Illinois Bell Ma Secretary of State ial Towel« it Fund [A Uniform KAK Tool ASot Keno A Sons Construction Kirehner Fire > Extinguisher Main Paint A Decorating Marblehead Lime Co. Meier's MasterbUt Mfg. Midweet Associated Inc. Mike's Tool Sales J. Mitchell Buic I Bukk-OMsmobile .00 808.50 225.07 8,750.00 31.42 6.25 33.89 54.18 1.40 70,000.00 144.47 984.96 8,867.19 180.99 5.32 50.00 66.15 2,66160 18,287.72 48.00 2,016.77 19.00 84,506.04 204.06 1,698.80 552.33 487.99 37.18 884.84 3,174.84 227.48 16.00 25.30 3.96 McMaster-Carr Supply Nrttein Illinois Gas Northern 111. Meter R Northern Illinois Utili Northern Propene Gas The Office Shoppe Oxford Chemicels PenaTireCo. Postmaster. McHenry.IL Professional Services Group Pronect Garage Door Co. Prudential Insurance Ca Pump Engineering Co. Radicomlnc. Recorder of Deeds Reliance Safety Co. Rockenbach Chevrolet Roewer Roofing Rogers, Paul SES Company Ssnford chemical Co. Sewer Equipment Co. of America Sidener Supply Co. TheSignmaker Smith.Ted, Delivery Service Snap On Tools Southern 111. Univ. at Edwardsville Stanton Equipment Co. Streamliners, The Sybron-Brinkmann Tones, Inc. > Wster Pollution Wster Products Webb, I.C., A Ai Control Federation [Associates Wiser, James H. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS Balance on Rand April 30,1982 No. 620M9 \*wbllah«d t/2S 12 1.60 95.08 957.75 844.14 19,822.90 19.17 885.89 1,454.64 808,000.00 259,950.00 9.00 140.00 98.14 800.00 8,23182 569.14 198.79 12.77 8.14 1,708.98 1,787.98 8,480.00 1,851.57 74.00 7,784.36 75.88 85 7S 24.00 96.33 178.74 200.00 38.10 % 199.09 490.00 888.90 2,388.02 16.40 180.00 16.93 227.00 2,655.78 26 21 70.00 133.84 51.00 368.83 20.82 97.85 1,401,117.74 9 435.74 ef Agriculture Larry Werriet sad Dr. Robert isis Horse A STATE WINNER-Dtrectar Brooks. president ef the Illinois Horse and Pony Breeders sad Exhibitor* association, present the first place ribbon and prise for the Three Galled Championship Stake, named la the director's honor, to Lady Cameron, en the flanl evening at the 1992 Illinois State Fair Society Horse show. Ladv Cameron Is ridden bv Ron»t» Rrvu and owned by Royal Scot Stables, Richmond. Agrlculturahfpade Cards Topic For Museum Program Jiim Legal Notice August 18, 1881 LEGAL NOTICE REGARDING REAL ESTATE TAXES FOR: 15-05-202-003, Lot 4, Block 1j Fritxsches Industrial Park 1st Add. 15-06-153-006, Lot 5, Block 1, Fritsches In­ dustrial Park. 1548-153-004. Lot 4, Block 1, Fritxsches Industrial Park. 15-05-158-001, Lot 3, Block 8. Fritxsches Industrial Park. Anyone purchasing the tax bill on the above listed property win be named as a co­ conspirator to deprive the present owner « due process of law, as secured by the 5th and 14th amendment to the constitution of the people for the United States of America. Therefore, any in­ dividual or corporation who purchases said tax bills will be liable for recovery to the pressnt owner under 48 USC 1983. title 48 USC: 1985 (C, title 48 USC 1986). FRITZSCHE INDUSTRIAL PARK H.W. Fritxsche. n i j L rresiaent (Pub. Aug. 85,87 A Sept. 1.1888) 1JA n<fcnaen WO. Lega lNot l ce j( l i s - ; to --R8 Nunda Township Board of Trustees is i Nil meting seeled bids oncompaction and blacktop paving of additional driveway and parking lot to meet level of existing drive and parkinglot at the township office. C o p i e s o f specifications may be obtained at thelfendti Township Office, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:80 A.M. to 5:88 P.M. Bids will be uSS 4:80 P.M. on September 7th, MSI. at the Township bfftos, 1510 Laite, Illinois. Bids will be opened on September 7th, 1981 st 4:90 P.M. The Township Board reeerves the right to reject any or all bids. Kathleen C. Harper, Town Clerk, Nunda Township It 20th, 196 Legal Notice IN THE UNITEL STATES DISTRICT COURT, for the Nor thern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, Advance Mortgage Corporation Plaintiff, - vs- Gerald A. Pretxman, et al. Case No. 82 C 4518 Involving s mortgage foreclosure concerning the following described property: Lot i in Block 4 In ' Clsremont Hills Subdivision, Unit No. 3, a Subdivision of part of the E. 4 of - the N.W. V4 of Section 14, Township 45 North, Ramie 6, E. of the 3rd P.M.. according to the Plat thereof recorded August 17, 1969 as Doc. No. 358321, in Book 14 of Plats, page 35, in McHenry County IL., com­ monly known as 3707 Claremont, McHenry, IL. ORDER ' THIS MATTER coming to be heerd on the motion of the Plaintiff for an Order directing the Defen­ dants, Gerald A. Pretxman and Jeanette B. Pretxmsn snd Unknown Owners to appear and file their Answer or otherwise plead to the Com to Fo Defendants herein. Gerald A. Pretxman and Jeanette B. Pretxman a n d U N K N O W N OWNERS, file their answers or otherwise plead to the Complaint to Foreclose Mortgage heretofore filed by Plsintiff on or before October 7, 1982. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that notice of this order be Kublished in the IcHenry Plaindealer, once <a week for six consecutive weeks. IceStaSjr Far beyond cooling a sum­ mer drink or threatening ships in winter, ice plays a significant role in ilobewkk ecology. It dilutes and cools the ocean, influences the world's climate and aids in the formation of the so-call- ed Antartic Bottom Water, the cokteM, sakien and heavi­ est water fn the ocean, which is an important worldwide source of marine life nutri­ ents. John Deere snd Cyrus McCormick snd Rosenthal and Johnston. Fsmiliar? They surety would be if one's roots lay deep in the agricultural history of McHenry county. Those namee and the machinoo and farm devices they produced over the years since the Civil Wsr are the topic of a very special program to be presented Sunday, Aug. 29. at 2 p.m. at the McHenry County Histories! museum in Union. Through a lsrge and vsried collection of turn-of-the-century trade csrds, snd before sgricultursl trade csrds snd celluloid pin beck buttons snd wall sited agricultural lithographs, Woodstock Veterinarian Dr. Henry Sxlachta will take museum visitors hack to a time when every farmer was an inventor and steam power brought the heyday of gigantic thrashers and tractors to this mid- western farming region According to Sxlachta, who became interested in the history of American agricultural technology as a result of his trade card collection, his program will emphasise Illinois agricultural manufaeturers- and also include a good representation F of farm machinery advertising from very early companies. Historically, the production of post cards began in 1840, just before the production of photographs, when small pocket-sized engravings that could be mailed became available. It wasn't until 1873, however, that the U.S. issued official poet cards. These cards were often used for advertising messages that most businesses then used. The historical society has a collection of these sdvertising trade csrds from local county businesses and therefore, become a valuable resource for the study of businesses snd manufscturing. Dr. Szlschta's Sunday program offers not only the opportunity to see this large colorful collection of agricultural trade cards, but also the chance to learn the chronology of agricultural technology. The museum will be open that Sunday from 1:30 to 4:30 and a warm invitation is extended to attend the special program There is a small admission charge for non-members. '* Dortt count on being safe from the sun even under water Ultraviolet' rays can penetrate even three feet b^'ow the water's surface Forecloee Mo heretofore filed matter and It ai that an Affidavit of Non- Residence Petition for Order of Publication having been filed herein, and the Court being fully adviaed in the premises; IT IS HEREBY O R D E R E D t h s t E N T E R : J u d g e Leighton Dated: August 8, 1982 FISHER AND FISHER ATTORNEYS AT LAW, PC. Attorneys for Plaintiff 30 Nortn La Salle Street Chicago, Illinois 60802 312-372-4784 (Pub. Aug 25. Sept, l, 8, 15, 22 * ». 1962) No. 820371 Cora Cakes Small amounts of left* over corn can be added to pancake batter for variety. MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MERGNANDIST CLEARANCE CENTER 301 W. Mon.-Tues. 9 a.m.-5 p.m Virginia Street HI Wed.. Thurs.. Fri. CRYSTAL LAKE • 15-455 0333 9 a.m. • 8 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Use Caaft MC Visa or our own Check Purchasing Card' REVCO Mpl wi »*«»w a i*m OLD MILWAUKEE 6PACK* 12OZ. CANS MVCOtiOW, LOWPMCf *1 55 GALLO VERMOUTH 16% Alcohol • 750 ML Sweet or Dry REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE 80 Proof • 1.75 Liter Blended Whiskey LOW. $7» tu store* 80 Proof • Liter RtVCOILOW. Product of Scotland LOW SWC8 $699 DC COLA 2 Liter Diet or Reg. Non-returnable bottle wwr $115 JLee. • 4400 W. Bui • 306-1128 50% OFF SALE!! HURRY SALE ENDS SEPTEMBER 8«h ALL * BALLED t BUR LAPPED "h NURSERY STOCK hi Sales Yard!!! 30% OFF POTTED TREES! •SHRUBS. *1 la $«•*§ Yard!!! Flowef Shop & Nursery S30I E. Tarra Cotta Crystal Lake, Illinois Sele Detee Aug. 25 thru Aug. 31 -- While Quantities Last - Have you visited our store In Weuconda? WOMEN'S CLOTHING 60% OF OtIR REG. STORE PRICE SLACKS* SKIRTS- ^LOOSES* SHOES* DRESSES* PURSES METAL DETECTORS \\ % LAUNDRY * AIDS 50% OFF OUR REQ. STORE PRICE DRY RACKS* IRONING BOARDS BATH SCALES* SORT-A-CARTS •COMPACT® IRONING BOARD WITH PAD AND COVER REQ *13.19 »659 NOW r\ oV)^ ^ - ' ̂ GIFT WARE AISLE 50 % OFF OUR REG. STORE PRICE TREASURE TRACKER XR-7 REQ. $77.99 NOW *39°# IS NOW OFF OUR REG. STORE PRICE M C C C A T A L O G O U T L E T S T O R E M C C C A T A L O G O U T L E T S T O R E

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