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Just pick up your JCPenney Fall and Winter Catalog today for $2.00 and get a $2.00 certificate redeemable on any catalog order you place. UPS* It a ragtatarad trademark of United Parcel Service ol America, Inc. SEWER CENTRIFUGE (Continued from page 1) seriously impacted on the public in terest and, therefore, the council could require the letter of credit. He said dropping the letter of credit could set a "very bad precedent." Berg pointed out that all sewer and water lines were installed and said the only way a retention would be needed was if the two-small parking areas were put in. At present, he added, there are no plans to build the remaining two buildings of, the business development. "Why require a letter of credit for something that does not now impact the public, or never will, if it is not CONSERVATION MEETING The next regular meeting of the board of trustees of the McHenry County Conservation district will be held at 7 p.m. Sept. 2 in the district office at 6512 Harts road, RingWood. CLOSE LICENSE FACILITIES All offices and facilities in the Secretary of State's office will be closed over the Labor day weekend, Secretary of State Jim Edgar has announced. Edgar said downstate Driver Services facilities outside Cook county will be closed Saturday Sept. 4, and will reopen Tuesday, Sept. 7. All other offices and facilities will be closed Monday, Sept. 6, and will resume business Tuesday, Sept. 7. Time Capsule In 100 Years Of Rest "Laughter is sunshine in a house." Wm, M. Thackeray. THE PIPELINE MCC Access Construction by Kurt Begalka SHAW MEDIA NEWS SERVICE The original construction estimate for McHenry County college's U.S. 14 access project has been reduced, President Robert BartletL<told board members Thursday, Thruugh the help of Rep. Dick Klemm (R-Crystal Lake) the Illinois Department of Transportation dropped its official figures from $320,000 to $210,000. This was accomplished by reducing construction time and the amount of resurfacing on existing lanes, Bartlett said. He added that the.McHenry County Highway department, Crystal Lake and Woodstock have remained committed to the project, even though motor fuel tax funds cannot be used. The county is giving $60,000, Crystal Lake $20,400 and Woodstock $12,000. IDOT will contribute $80,000 to cover engineering studies, and MCC is pledging $200,000. The college also will deed over a 1,500- by 75-foot piece of land for right of way. The highway will be widened for turning lanes as a safety measure. Bartlett said no lights would be forthcoming, since IDOT requires the turning lanes to be completed first. In addition, he said the cost of a four-way light at the Lucas road juncture would be about $120,000. It would be MCC's responsibility to raise that money. Klemm, who attended the board meeting, said he and Bartlett had to "twist a lot of arms" but are getting good cooperation now. Bartlett added the college's fight to improve the U.S. 14 entrance a safety hazard has left it no options. The board must secure funas within a year, and accept a construction bid by July 1, 1983. y "There's no turning back," he said. PAGE 20 - PLAINDfeALER - WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1,1982 built?" Berg asked. "There are five retention ponds and four are in." Berg further said the city has surety CHARGE INVALID PROXY VOTES KILLED REFERENDUM (Continued from page 1) Master association, that its right to vote at the next meeting has been revoked until dues are paid in full. David Gervais, attorney for Indian Ridge, has questioned whether the pfesfderit ot the Master association has the power to revoke a subdivision vote under the Master association bylaws. Gervais also intends to seek a preliminary injunction to allow Indian ^ Ridge to make its remaining dues payment to the Court until the Indian Ridge suit against the Master association is resolved. Unlike Indian Ridge subdivision, other subdivisions could lose their vote because they simply lack the funds to make the current per lot payment to the Masters association, according to Gervais. The Master Property Owners' association, was formed in 1965 as"a not-for-profit corporation to control and maintain the lake and other community property: The association is made up of delegates selected from among the 19 subdivisions in Wonder Lake, accordtagJe the number of lots per subdivision,' as well as delegates who represent the unsubdivided land in Wonder Lake for a total of 77 votes. COUNCIL BUYS in building permit and occupancy permit procedures that the retention area will be installed. The retention pond,,.he said, was very small and „ would cost $500 to $1,000 to put in. The letter of credit was reduce to $2,000 by a 5-3 vote of the council. Aldermen Pepping, Harker, Datz, Smith and SerriteUa voted in favor. Feeling the council should follow the advice of the attorney, Aldermen Wieser, Nolan and Meurer opposed. The council approved a levy or dinance in the amount of $819,500. The ordinance reflected a decrease in the levy rate to .853 from .903 because the public benefit payment for the hospital utility extensions was not required until 1984. Road program additions amounting to $13,284 and including Oak street, Front Royal drive and Knoll avenue, were approved by unanimous vote. McHenry Mayor Joseph Stanek, in his capacity as liquor commissioner, announced the denial of a request to sell package beer at the Clark station, 3811 W. Elm street. At the request of the Band com mittee, the council approved a salary adjustment to $500 from $450 for city band director William Toalson. Meadow lane, from Elm street to Shore drive, and.the south side of Elm street ,*.from Third to Boone creek, have been designated "no parking" zones. A crowd of interested citizens gathers in the Pearl street park to witness the burial of the Time Capsule. Father Leo Bartel, pastor of St. John the Baptist Catholic church, Johnsburg, offered the invocation before the brief ceremony began. To a musical background, the Capsule was christened by Bob Smith with champagne presented by another committee member, Connie Gillum. George Ffeund, also on the committee, offered an appropriate toast. The Time Capsule is scheduled to be opened in the year 2082. A list of its contents is available at the Chamber of Commerce office on Green street. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD - 1 The JCPenney Catalog. Thousands of great values. Thousands of great prices. 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