Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Sep 1982, p. 13

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r> Sf •k I • ; . Here And There In Business Serves Commuters Reagan Appreciation For Security Firm Bank Mortgage Loan Action °pens Sepf' 10 / Thomas F. Boiger, president of the McHenry State bank, has received a , letter from President Ronald Reagan. It compliments the local bank, and Mr. Boiger, on recent ac­ tion to make mortgage loans more readily available. 1 0 "Dear Mr. Boiger: "This reply may be a little late in reaching you but it does take awhile before letters arrive at my desk. "The action you have taken to make mortgage loans more readily available in your community is a \ striking example of the service for which America's independent banks have justly acquired a reputation. If more banks, large and small, followed your lead, America's economic recovery would receive a huge boost. "Independent banks certainly fulfill an essential role in our economic system. I value the comments I receive from prominent represen­ tatives of the industry such as yourself, and I will share them with my advisers. "With best wishes, \ : "Sincerely, "Ronald Reagan" WILLIAM A. HAGGERTY William A. Haggerty has been named assistant vice-president and Division 'Manager-Suburban division for the Chicago and North Western Tran­ sportation company. In his new position, Haggerty Is responsible for all operating and maintenance aspects for the C&NW's Chicago area commuter service, which carries about 45,000 individuals to-and-from work every day. The Suburban division operates trains from Chicago north to Kenosha, Wisconsin, nor­ thwest to Harvard and McHenry, and west to Geneva. The division operates the largest rail commuter service in the area and the second largest in the nation. Realtors Record By Yvonne Beer, Executive Officer, McHenry County Sbard of Realtors DECLARE DIVIDEND The board of directors of Lucky -Stores, Inc., (Eagle) at its meeting held Aug. 26 declared a cash dividend of 29 cents per share on the common shares outstanding, payable Oct. 3 to shareholders of record Sept. 9. The board also declared the regular preferred dividends payable Oct. l to shareholders of record Sept. 15, it was announced today by S. Donley Rit- chey, chairman. Vandalism is a continuing problem across the country, but much of it can be prevented. Poorly-maintained property is always a target for vandalism, and damage estimates nationally run close to $1 billion a year. These loss<*s divert funds for repairs that could be better used elsewhere. Worst of all. acts of vandalism sometimes result in injury or death. Home owners bear the cost of vandalism in terms of repairs and higher insurance premiums. Everyone pays the cost of vandalism to public property through higher taxes. While no effective method to deal with the impulsive acts of a vandal has yet been devised, there are things you can do to help protect your home. Run-down property is often an in­ vitation to further damage. The McHenry County Board of Realtors suggests you maintain your house and yard in good condition to discourage vandalism. Illuminate exterior areas, particularly „ on weekends ,and holidays. Unless y our neighborhood is crime-free, clear your yard of such items as lawn mowers, hoses, bar­ becues, or outdoor furnitures. Lock garages, sheds and other outdoor facilities. Increased security and tough laws are one part of the solution, but the long-range answer lies in recognizing vandalism as a behavior problem. Positive community action programs aimed at redirecting the energies of young people are strongly supported by the McHenry County Board of Realtors and the National Association of Realtors. With community care and action, we can turn potential plunder into positive pride. The tab for vandalism born by the American public could be better spent on educational and cultural activities. Hank Osuch is opening a new business, Personal Security, Inc., at 1323 Riverside drive, Friday, Sept. 10. Osuch, a substitute teacher in the Johns burg school system, said one of the offerings of his business will be community services. / ,CPR and first aid will be included as part of the business, as well as security training. Earns Award For Excellence Robert L. Diedrich of McHenry has earned a national "Award For Ex­ cellence" from Chrysler corporation, according to an announcement released by the vice-president, U.S. Automotive Sales, E. T. Pappert. Diedrich was honored for outstanding performance in the management of Sunnyside Dodge Co. Pappert said that five facto: contribute to the selection of the ex ceptional dealers: Sales performance, facilities, customer service, ad­ ministration and community relations. These criteria are applied ovef a full year of operation and only about 9 percent of all Chrysler cor­ poration dealers, said Pappert, survive the tough competition to earn the award. LOTTERY WINNER Robert Hopkins, McHenry, won a $5,000 top prize in the Illinois Lottery's newest pick-your-own number game. Hopkins picked a four-digit number for the ticket date when those four digits were randomly selected as the winning number in a regularly scheduled drawing for the PICK 4 game. * America's first < parking meter was the jj Park-O-Meter, installed - in Oklahoma City, Okla. j on July 16, 1935. The * charge was five cents. l Abigail Fillmore, wife «of President "Millard I Fillmore, arranged for I the purchase of the first ; cooking stove in the • White House. She also I set up the first White * House library. REE SALE J « ^American Viewpoints lowerwooc! NURSERY FIELDS,^ § - -fe MAPLES-LOCUST-OAK-BIRCH-ASH OVER 20 VARIETIES-1,000 TREES ™ ™ERINGICRABAPPLES *' "SAVE UP TO 50%...ALL SHADE TREES; SAVE 20% TO50%...ALL PRE-DUG EVERGREENS & SHRUBS Visit our Nursery Fields This Saturday &. Sunday Tag Shade and Ornamental Trees. * For the first time ever - You can select Shrubs and Evergreens on Sale in our Nursery. Planting Available - Large Selection - Guaranteed 100% if a man look sharply and attentively, he shall see Fortune; for though she is blind, she is not invisible. --Francis Bacon Emerald Queen Norway Maple 12-14 Ft. Reg. $133.50 NOW *79 Sunburst Locust SUHDUISI LOCUM snft 8-10 Ft. Reg. $132.00 NOW *99 ^HADK .. . » L ^ TDLLX RMSQULKG professional do-it-yourself carpot cleaning system First Hour of Rental FREE $1.00 per hour, .for every hour thereaftei (Example 2 hours... total charge $1 plus tax. Marshall Ash Reg. $135.00 NOW Shademaster l.ocust 10-12 Ft . Reg. $159.00 NOW VV 8-12 Ft. Trees - 8 Varieties Reg. $63.50-$94.50 NOW »49_$59 *1 lowvrwooil \nr\i>rytnen arcin. ih< licltl m^hnw \<>n Immlreih <>t specimen trees Alter v> mc will tan iln-n <lii- n m the proper mm: ( huos, Hum aver 21) \arieiies, liiDii trees. l<><>"« TREES AT BIG SAVINGS! Tag These 3 Varieties for Spring 1983 Digging All White Kirch - 12 OFF 8-10 Ft. Reg. $132.00 NOW $65 Pin Oak tAA 10 Ft. Reg. $175.00 NOW *99 Red Sunset Maple 12-14 Ft. Reg. $190.00 NOW in \clei i \ imi Hyc. / nil > car (tuaramcc. $119 Special Rvntol Rat* Good Monday thru Thursday RINSENVAC cleans tha way professionals do^ at a fraction of tha cost. OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I 1:00PM - 9:00AM $10.00 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILL. FLOWERWOOI) TREES • SHRUBS • LAWNS • BULBS ^ * GARDEN STORE- ' The Finest Hardy Blooming Garden CHRYSANTHEMUMS *3.69 ea. 10 for *30.00 - 6" pot. Famous Brand Lawn Fertilizer - (iREENMEW - Garden t-ertili/er and Weed & Feed - SALE 2 for 1 Btlji Olie Bai! at Regular Price - 2NI) BA(> FRF.F \ll I crtili.-ct ">/ sale I\ici>t H inter lircen which lias a S2.1)0 Rehatr Otter (jRASS SEED -- SAVE 20% All Packaged Seed - Norihrup King & Greenview JUST ARRIVED. SPRING FLOWERING BULBS: DAFFODILS - TULIPS -- CROCUS AND MORE! =XjRE EN HO USE & GIFT SHOP SPECIALS - thru 9/8'82 - "NEW Items Every Week"= Green Plant - BOSTON FERN *8.00 (Reg. SI2.50) Blooming Plant - EXACI'M (Persian Violet) *2.98 (Reg. $3.49) SAVE 35% on SKI FX TED GIFTWARF - ( Dine m and lake a look - Your.1a\orite gift might be on Sale. Fresh Flowers - ( HRYSAVTHF.Ml MS - 75c a stem (Reg.. S2.00) Artificial Arrangements' - SAVE 331 .^o on all Pre-Made Arrangements. Patio'Shop - Summer Furniture Inventory Close-Out Sale Savings to 60„% on everything in stock! • Tables •Chairs • ( l ia ises *1 mhrel las «Dining Groups •Cushions •Seat ing Groups •Swings • Accessories . *Gas Gri l ls / IN SIOCK i r iA i s ovn CLOSED MONDA >, > SEPT. 6, 1982 - L A B O R D A Y Mon.-Wed.9-6 I hurs.A Kri.9-,i Sal.9-5:Sun. 10-4 •V I 815-459-6200 lowarwo Rt. 14 & 176, Crystal Lake /" ) cd planting PAGE 13 - PLAINnEAI KR - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,1982 Philately Course Topics \ Topics for the 8-week Philately course at the McHenry County Historical museum in Union have been set and "were announced by the Historical society and the Rockford Stamp club as follows: Thursday, Sept. 9 - "The Beginning Collector and Information", by Barbara Arnquist, Rockford. Thursday, Sept. 16 - "The General Use of Albums, Mounts, Stamp Hinges, Basics and Beyond", by Bob Rosell, Rockford. Thursday, Sept. 23 - "The Use of Catalogs, Number Systems, Paper, etc.", by Terry Kurzinski, Rockford. v.Thursday, Sept. 30 -- "Perforations, Watermarks, The 2 cent Reds", by George Finn and Jerry Andree, Rockford. Thursday, Oct. 7 - "Security and the Law", by Attorney Rolland Mc- Farland, Rockford. Thursday, Oct. 14 -- "Posta| History-Terrific Lessons in Early Illinois History in Story and Slides", by Chuck Teeman, Rockford. Thursday, Oct. 21 - "All About Auctions", by Don Arnquist, Rockford. Thursday, Oct. 28 - "Illinois Postal History about Boone County - What You Might Like to Do in Your Coun­ ty", by Harold Luhman, Belvidere, president of the Rockford Stamp club. For information and registration contact the Museum at 815-923-2267. Seating is limited to 50. APPOINTMENT The appointment of James J. Bonner as original equipment sales manager was announced by In- termatic Inc., manufacturer of consumer and industrial automatic timers, low voltage lighting systems and heaters. Bonner lives with his wife in Tinley Park. MODINE SALES DOWN Modine Manufacturing company has reported lower sales and earnings for the first fiscalguarter, ended June 26, 1982, compared with the same quarter lpst year. The report was made in Racine, Wis., to shareholders attending the 66th annual meeting. | SOS, the traditional qpll for help from a ship in distress, does not ac­ tually stand for anything. It was chosen because it could easily be sent as a wireless message. IMPORTANT NOTICeNx) THE VOTERS OF McHENRY COUNTY Only properly registered electors may vote at the November 2nd, 1902 general Elec­ tion, as provided by the Permanent Registration of Electors Law of Illinois REGISTERED VOTERS who have MOVED FRQM ONE PRECINCT TO ANOTHER within the County since last registered, or from one address to another within the precinct of their residence, MUST NOTIFY the County Clerk or the proper registration officer in writing by signing an application for change of residence or by returning their present voter's card to the County Clerk's Office specifying the new address! on or before October 5th, 1982 VOTERS who are REGISTERED IN ANOTHER COUNTY and are new residents of McHenry County MUST APPEAR before the County Clerk or one of the following listed DEPUTY REGISTRARS and register in McHenry County on or befor* October 5th, 1982. REGISTERED VOTERS who have not voted in any Primary or General Election for over a period of four years must reinstate their registration in the office of the County Clerk on or before October 5th, 1982 REGISTERED VOTERS who do not have a voter's registration card, should contact the County Clerk's Office immediately ' REGISTERED VOTERS who have CHANGED THEIR NAMES must RE-REGISTER PROPERLY REGISTERED VOTERS DO NOT HAVE TO RE-REGISTER Any person residing in his election district thirty (30) days, on or before the date of the election or any person who shall be eighteen years of age or over on or before the date of the election shall be permitted to register, if otherwise qualified To constitute residence under this Act, a permanent abode and dwelling place within the prOcinct is necessary. „ The County Clerk's Office at Woodstock is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 A.M. until 5:00 P.M., also Saturday. October 2nd,'from 9:0*0 A M until 4:00 P.M. Any elector can register at said office up to and including October 5th, 1982. The following„Deputy Registrars are qualified to register any elector not able to register in the County Clerk's Office due to conflicting time schedules. Hours of the fofowing deputy registrars may be obtained by contacting them directly McHENRY COUNTY DEPUTY REGISTRARS RltEY „ William Tector. 436 Barbara Ct , Marengo MARENGO „ 0 MARENGO CITY HALL: (Shirley M Johnson) 132 E Prairie, Marengo , Hours: Monday thru Friday . 8:30 A M -5:00 P.M CHEMUNG / P. Michael & Michele Bannwolf, 67 N Ayer St., Harvard Dorothy Mathews, 301 N Page, Harvard ALDEN Margaret A. Rich, 16503 Rt 173, P.O. Box 37. Alden „ * SENECA Daniel Weisz. 15016 South St., Woodstock GRAFTON James F Bishop, 1 500 S. Shore, Crystal Lake Virginia C Bitinschon, 11103 Grove St., Huntley I Joanne Wujcik, 1328 Noith Ave , Crystal Lake HUNTLEY VILLAGE HALL: (Roberta M Staab) 11 704 Co I St., Huntley. Hours: Monday and Saturday: 8:30 A M -1 2:30 P M Tuesday thru Friday: fa:30 A.M.-4:00 P.M. ' DORR Robert E Gibson, 835 Clay St., Woodstock WOODSTOCK PUBLIC LIBRARY: 414 Judd St., Woodstock (Margaret Field, Jane Koehler, Nancy McCabe, Jean Nigbor) Hours: Monday thru Friday: 10 00 A.M.-9:00 P.M Saturday: 10:00 A M -5 30 P M Sunday: 1-00 P.M.-4:00 P.M. GREENWOOD ' ^ , Helen Asmus, 3412 Thompson Rd., Wonder Lake Sheralynn R Floro, 630 St. Johns Rd , Woodstock Terri L. Manke, 3412 Thompson Rd , Wonder Lake Mary Mathews, 7314 Hancock Dr . Wonder Lake Grace H Smith, 3803 W. Lake Shore Dr , Wonder Lake HEBRON Estelle Whinery, 9911 Main St r Hebron RICHMOND Mary J Schultz, 5621 Broadway St , Richmond BURTON ' Tom Ducy, 7103 Johnsburg-Wilmot Rd., Spring Grove Elaine Oxtoby, 8009 Blivin St. P.O. Box 65, Spring Grove McHENRY William J. Boiger, 906 N Allen Ave , McHenry Ann C. Byers, 112 N. Green St., McHenry Darlene Degenhardt, 4801B W Route 120, McHenry Patricia B Dusthimer, 7401 E Parkwood Dr., Wonder Lake Margaret Evans, 5103 Wonder Woods Dr., Wonder Lake Melanie M Frett, 2422 W: Aspen Dr., McHenry Wilbert Hecht, 4305 W Elm St., McHenry Carolyn B Jourdan, 4112 N Riverdale Dr , McHenry Bruce & Louise M Novak, 5303 Lake St., McHenry Carol Perschke, 5114 Westwood Dr., McHenry Louis J Schustik, 8014 Route 120, McHenry Monty Yates, 5213 Fountain Lane, McHenry MCCULLOM LAKE, VILLAGE OF: (Dawn M Miller) 4809 W Parkview Dr , McHenry Hours Wednesdays 2:30 P.M.-6:30 P M MCHENRY CITY HALL: 1111 N Green St., McHenry (Dawn Ferguson, Barbara Gilpin, Ann Kranz, Sharon Reid, Patricia Schabow) Hours Monday thru Friday: 8 00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. Saturday: 9:00 A M.-12:00 Noon 4 NUNDA Shirley E Campbell, 2608 Baldwin Rd , McHenry Jeanne Dobbie, 56 N Williams St., Crystal Lake Mary Ellen Flanagan, 2220 Route 176, Crystal Lake Kathleen C Harper. 4002 S Tamarack Tr., Crystal Lake Edward J Hughes, 2713 S Tower Dr , McHenry Catherine Krcmar, Rt No. 4, 33 N. Circle, (FRVG), Barrington Rosemarie Lesmeister, 3610 Oak Ridge Rd., Crystal Lake Rose Lillegard, 717 Broadway St., McHenry James W Malott, 4611 Wild Cherry Rd , Crystal Lake Dorothy A Miller, 56 N Williams St., Crystal Lake Pacita R Morrison. 119 W Valley View Dr , McHenry William E McCormick, 168 Peterson Parkway. Crystal Lake Bernard Narusis, 213 W Lakeshore Dr., Cary \ Janice M Notz, 806 Laguna St., P.O. Box 56, McHenry Anita Sherwood, 5920 Smith Rd., Crystal Lake CRYSTAL LAKE CITY HALL: (I J Stroner) 121 N. Main St., Crystal Lake Hour> Monday thru Friday *8 00 A M -5 00 P M HOLIDAY HILLS VILLAGE CLERKT(Rosemary Holtz) 1312 Sunset Dr., McHenry ISLAND LAKE VILLAGE HALL: (Kim Gentner) 333 W. State Rd , Island Lake Hours: Monday Tuesday Thursday & Friday: 9 00 A.M.- 3:30 P.M Saturday: 9:00 A.M.-12:00 Noon NUNDA TOWNSHIP OFFICE: (Mary Lou Heatd) 3510 Bay Rd , Crystal Lake Hours: 8:30 A.M.-5:00 P M ALGONOUIN • Gus Alexakos, 206 E Main St., Cary Bonnie Barry, 7271 Meadow Ln , Cary George W Boddy. 8 W Woodland Rd , Cary Julia M Covert. 408 Lilac Ln , Cary Ira Dobbie, 246 Lincolnshire, Crystal Lake 1 Beverely J. Eb^rt, 20 Northwest Hwy., P O Box 119, Cary Margaret Fletch'6r, 8393 Abbott Ln . Cary E Carney Gilkerson, 562 Spmerset Ln.. No 7, Crystal Lake George W (Bill) Hubbard, 14 E Paddock St., Crystal Lake Diane K Kelly, 591 Tamarisk Dr , Crystal.Lake •" 1 Barbara A Kropp, 950 Sheffield Dr . Crystal Lake John J Horeled, 107 Mary Ln , Crystal Lake Lou Anne Majewski, 10317 Haegers Bend Rd , Algonquin Julia Morrison, 5014 Saggers Blvd , Crystal Lake Shirley Rochford, 1007 Spring Beach Rd., Cary Ruth A Rooney, 677 Sussex Ln., Crystal Lake Robert F Schaefer, 9113 Gardner Rd , Fox River Grove -- Cal Skinner Sr , 35 E Crystal Lake Ave , Crystal Lake Eleanor Skinner, 275 Meridian Ln , Crystal Lake Phyllis K Walters, 1463 Lowe Dr . Algonquin Bruce J. Watson, 217 Plum St., Lake in the Hills / ALGONQUIN TOWNSHIP OFFICE: (Tonya Brennan & Robert R Kunz Jr ) V 3702 Northwest Hwy., Crystal Lake ' > ^ Hours. Monday thru Friday: 8:00 A M -5:00 P.M ALGONOUIN VILLAGE HALL: (Thomas M Andrews) 2 S Main St., Algonquin Hours: Monday thru Friday: 9 00 A M -12 00 Noon & 100 P.M.-5:00 P M Saturday 9:00 A M -12:00 Noon CARY VILLAGE HALL: 255 Stonegate Rd , Cary (Nancy Gerard, Ceclia R Kotlaba. Coreen Pichen, Camellia Serwa. Albert L Young) Hours. Monday thru Friday 9:00 A M -4.30 P.M Saturday: 9 00 A M -12 00 Noon Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month 9 00 A M -9 00 P M FOX RIVER GROVE VILLAGE HALL: (Doris D Shuett & Verda C Vrana) 408 Northwest Hwy ,Fox River Grove Hours Monday Tuesday Thursday & Friday 9:30 A M -12:45 P M & 1 30 A M -4 00 P.M Closed Wednesdays Saturday: 8:00 A.M.-12:00 Noon --i :i. --' -- ----------; LAKE IN THE HILLS VILLAGE HALL: (Sandra Goulding) ---- --r~ 1111 Crystal Lake Rd . Lake in the Hills Hours: Monday thru Saturday 8 00 A M -4 00 P M , You may also contact" your Precinct Committeeman.,many o< whom are also Deputy Registrars If you have any questions about your voters registration, please call this office at once Phone (81 5) 338-2040 Unless you are properly registered, you will not be allowed to vote at the November 2 1982 General Election ROSEMARY AZZARO County Clerk McHenry County, Illinois Publish September 3. 1982 No 820375

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