PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER - FK1DA *. &UJT1 isivitiEK 10,1982 EARL WALSH So I Hear Norwegian fWhqfcptfarmacist at Bolger's Drug Ston^eave me a diagnosis of old age--^suffering from a case of advanced maturity". After battling mosquitoes all summer, the honeybees have taken over. One of those little devils stung me last week and I didn't call it honey. OLD SAYINGS: When telling somebody off-- "Put that in your pipe and smoke it". Or -- "If the hat fits, put it on". Some added, "And wear it". For many years, when a friend or er died, I couldn't resist writing a paragraph or two of memories. Then came a thought that I was competing with the obituary column. One week three people died, all of whom I would have likeat© remember in this column. Three in one week. That did it! Old Timers hold a special place in my heart so I could have mentioned Louie Block. He was a native of McHenry, leaving this earth at the age of 80 years. Louis was the last of the Block family, good and solid citizens of our community. A real outdoor man, Louie found TIRED OF DRIVING TO THE AIRPORT? TRY US? * • . * McNenry-O'Nare Limousine Service 344-446v 24 Mr. Service 7 Days a Week FOX LAKE OFFICE SUPPLY 5 NORTH NIPPERSINK BLVD. FOX LAKE, ILL. (312) 587-8277 HALF-PRICE SALE Reg. 2.30 doz. $-115 DOZ. PENCILS No. 2 or F degree YOUR CHOICE CORRECTABLE FILM RIBBONS fWY» i 1i &j FOR !3M CCnnCCTING SELECTRIC II Reg. 19.50 Box of 6 SAVE OVER 25% HANGING FOLDERS • Letter size Plastic tabs and inserts included 1/5 Tab Cut SO 30 Reg. *1115 Box of 25 NOW SAVE OVER 30% HANGING FOLDER FRAMES For letter-size folders Reg $4 35 each SAVE MORE THAN 25% RING BINDERS • For 11 x8'/2 sheets Black or Blue vinyl covers $259 ONLY BIG SAVINGS CLASP ENVELOPES T, 9 x 12, Buff color Reg $14.42 per 100 SALE 11 55 per 100. i GUINESS BOOK OF ! WORLD RECORDS i WITH THIS COUPON A $3 95 value * ^ You pay Only CASH & CARRY (We reserve the right to limit quantities). 9» great delight in fishing and hunting. The ranks of our real Old Timers are thinning. e So long, Louie, and Ijappy hunting up tiijare. f Betty Gende read thissfiller in the last issued of last week in the Plain- dealer: "Before January and February were introduced into the calendar, the Roman year had only ten months." Betty is all for the idea of doing away with those cold, hard months. Thinking of chilly weather -- there is nothing like a sweater to keep you warm and snug. Lee Cooney had a birthday last Friday and Carol took him out to dinner. I think she did, Lee! Or did she forget her purse like a girl I know? I knew Barb Weber could drive a golf cart, but opened my eyes when she and Warren wheeled into our driveway on nifty looking mo^Jjr- cycles. The Webers brought a big bag full of vegetables from their garden. Why should I plant a garden when friends keep us in good supply? I never hinted. Or, did I? If you see Bertha Jager driving through town, you will see her dog Susie with her. A little bird told me that Susie will celebrate her 18th birthday in Oc tober. By human standards, the calculator says that is 126 years. Happy birthday! ~*it was while talking with a group of younger people when the question arose: "Is this recession,!much worse than the depression of the thirties?" Those people were not born until long, long after the depression so they had no first hand knowledge of what it was. like. The depression was tough. Tougher. You couldn't buy a job and had no unemployment insurance, food stamps or public aid. Not so many women were em ployed in those days. The men were the breadwinners and had to do some real scratching to put food on the table. * # -- Many men simply hit the road in search of a place to earn a dollar. The standard of living was not as high as seen in more recent years. Some families moved out to the country where they could have a garden and a few chickens. Men who could hunt game and hook fish could put food on the table. Men who found jobs were glad to get 25 or 35 cents an hour. Some worked for a dollar a day. In those days, my father was the entire police force in McHenry. He had as many as thirty men come to the city hall for shelter at night. In cold weather, the meh spread newspapers on the cement floor to keep the frost away. : > _ n * . ' With a cellar full of vegetables, my mother often cooked up a big pot of stew to send down to the men before they took off in further search of work or help of any kind. My ifather had converted our woodshed into a room for w&Sfejng clothes, a small stove taking the cHfll out. As local chairman of the Red Cross, my mother appealed for clothing and stacked such items as long underwear on shelves in the converted woodshed. Sometimes a well-educated man, who didn't belong on the road, would insist on chopping kindling or doing some small task rather than accept charity. I remember my mother putting a wash tub in the shed and setting out some clean clothes for men who couldn't stand their condition. Yes. Depression was tough. Much tougher! Nativity Celebration These photos were taken during the thirtieth anniversary celebration at Nativity Lutheran church. Wonder Lake. In top picture, from left, are Sue Malenius, acolyte and chairperson of the thirtieth anniversary; the Rev. Roger H. Olson, pastor; the Rev. Dale Jirousek, the Rev. D.V. Charlson and the Rev. Thomas Johnson. Lower photo shows food preparation over grills on the limn outside the church. JOHN F. LAMPE Available To Practice In: •PERSONAL INJURY/TRIALS •BUSINESS/CORPORATIONS •ZONING •WILLS/PROBATE •DIVORCE •REAL ESTATE •WORKERS COMP. Now Serving You From 2 Locations WONDER LAKE 7165 Barnard Mill Rd. (By Appt. Only) McHENRY 3424 W. Elm Suite 27 344-3252 Open: M-F8am-5pm, Sat9am-Noon Others by Appt. The congregation of Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake, recently observed the thirtieth an niversary of the church. The day began with the Holy Communion worship service in which some of Nativity's former pastors participated. Following the service, dinner was served outside, and children took part in a balloon launch in honor of the occasion. An entertaining program was presented by members and organizations within the church. Members of the church expressed a gratefulness for the past 30 years and looked forward to continued growth. r SUMMI FESTll The McHenry Plaindealer Ml 2 W»»l Elm StrMt (USPS US 200) iitoblithvd 1175 McH»nry. Illinois 400SO Phon«llS-US-0l70 Published Every Wednesday t Friday at McHenry. Illinois Second Class Postage PAID at McHenry Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTER Send address changes to McHenry Plaindealer M12 W. Elm St.. McHenry Illinois *0050 Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice ol change of ad dress to The McHenry Plaindealer. Mil W. Elm St. McHenry III. *0050 A deduction ol one month from the eHpiration of o subscription will bo made where a change of address is provided through the Pott Office deportment. Thomas C. Miller-Publisher Adele Froehlich-Editor 9toarb Banning iittoapaper MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year .$16.50 1 Year $24.00 in ii Model EEV124F • 12 cu. ft. frozen food storage capacity • Power-saving Heater Control Switch can save you money • 3 fast-freeze shelves with cold coils built into shelves • Super Storage door with 6 shelves including 2 juice-can racks • Defrost drain eliminates time- consuming sponging • MILLION MAGNET' door has • magnetic gaskets to help keep cold air in, warm air out • Power cord lock holds plug securely in outlet • Adjustable temperature control • Designed to provide Zero-< degree performance as recom mended by frozen food authorities Whirlpool Model EH090FXK • 9.0 cu. ft. frozen food storage capacity • • Slim 37" Width • Simulated Walnut-grain Vinyl-on- steel Lid • Power Interruption Light warns of power failure • Adjustable Temperature Control with an easy-to-read dial • Flush Handle • Slide and" Store Basket for con venience in storing bulky items NOW $ ONLY 375 00 NOW ONLY Whirl LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. FRONT, McHENRY - 385-0882 County Outsido McHenry County BIBLE VERSE "And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord. 1. Who was the author? 2. Where is the verse found? 3. What is the general characteristic of this Book? 4. Where does the name originate? > Aaswera te Bible Verse 1. Moses. 2. Leviticus. 3. It's been called a "directory of the Old Testament worship." .4. From that of the Levites, the priestly tribe of Israel. No-Stick Cornbread won't stick to ihc pan if joti gitise the pan and then sprinkle it with fine cornmeal. WHALE'S TAIL 3425 W. PEARL ST. . 385-4050 CATCH THE BEST FISH IN TOWN FRIDAY FISH FRY , ALL YOU CAN FAT SATURDAYS PRIME RID 'I" TRY THE DIFFERENCE THAT HOMEMADE COOKING MAKES! HOMEMADE \ SOUPS'CHILI-SPECIALS \ rs. DINNER SPECIAL 16 OZ. 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