A HELPING PAWS ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 205, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 (815)459-2641 by Ellie Rusin Fall is not usually the time of year we discuss the harp seal slaughter, but this vear there's something new. After 300,000 more gugs were clubbed or shot to death again last year, the European parliament has voted overwhelmingly to recom mend io the Common Market a European ban on the import of seal products. Greenpeace, U.S.A. in dicates this is the first major step in crippling the profit in seal hunting (efforts have been long afoot to help the hunters establish alternative forms of livelihood). Implementation of the ban will pose a major , direct threat to con tinuation of the hunt and profiteering nations and the sealing industry will fight the ban. A crucial vote is only weeks away. You can lend important support to the EEC ban by writing a brief note or postcard to : Kjeld Oleson, Council of Ministers of the European Com mission, 170 De La Loi, 1048 Brussels, Belgium and Karl-Heinz Narjes, in care of Greenpeace Germany, Hans Der Seefahrt, 2000 Hamburg 11, Germany. Let's stop the killing of baby seals for good now before the 1983 slaughter. " All pet adoptions must be validated by the signing of a contract along with the adoption fee which includes the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of Helping Paws' choice, or a deduction from the cost of the surgery if done by a vet of your choice . When adopting a pet through Helping Paws, please for your future reference, keep name, address, phone number of the person from whom you adopted pet, and adoption fee, by check, payable to Helping Paws. DOGS FOR ADOPTION Brittany Spaniel mix, 6-month, liver-white, male, shots, good with pets and children, 312 658-3063. - "Collie Purebred, 3-year, tri-color male, neutered, shots, housebroken, good with children and pets, 459-8925, 455-0545. Tibetan Terrier, 10-month female, black with white star on chest, very small size, shots, housebroken, good with children and pets, 312 497-3369. 'Sanko' Shepherd, lVfe-year male, long hair, 312-931-1703. Bull Terrier, 1-year, tri color female, shots, housebroken, good with children. 344-0339. Three female Labrador mix, 14-week puppies, 344-1007. Poodle, 6'^-year, apricot female, shots, good with children and pets, 455-4459. Husky-Collie, 3-year female, shots, housebroken, spayed, good with pets and children, 312-497-3245. Malmute mix, 1-year, brown-white male, housebroken, good with children and dogs, 414 724-3722, 414 736-9110, call collect. Malmute Purebred, 1-year, black- silver, white female, shots, good with children and dogs, 312 587-5088 after 4:30 p.m. German Shepherd, 1-year male, black, 815 653-9342, 653-9611. CATS FOR ADOPTION Three-8-week: grey male, long hair; white with grey tip ears, tail, medium long hair male and female, 312-639- 5142. 'Morris', long hair, 1-year male, neutered, shots, good with pets andi children, 312-639-5142. - Two 16-week, , short hair, female Tortoise; one 8-week female, silver grey, stripe short -hair, shots, good with children and pets, 459-0635. Two 4V2-month, short hair: white- grey male; grey tiger female, shots, good with pets and children, 459-6523. Black Tiger, short hair, 6-month male, shots, neutered, good with pets and children, 338-2573. White with black, 10-month male, shots, neutered, three black-white, 7- week-old kittens, 338-0132, 459-6256. Grey-black-white tabby female, spayed, shots, good with pets and children, 459-7682. ^ White with brown, 15-week male, shots. 385-8263. Brown Tiger, 4-year, long hair female, shots, spayed, good with children and dogs, 459-6523. Medium long hair, 13-week, black male; young adult grey short hair female, shots, good with pets and children, 455-1256. Brown Tabby short hair, 4 -month male, shots, good with pets and children, 459-3946. Black long hair, white tuxedo front, 6-month female, shots, spayed, good with pets and children, 455-5307 after 4 p.m. Five 8-week: two Calico; one black; two grey-white, 338-2378. Siamese young adult female, 312- 658-4241. Black-brown tiger, 2Mz-year male, neutered, declawed, shots, good with pets and children, 459-5597. Persian mix, white female, spayed, declawed, shots, 312 639-7427. Dark grey long hair, 4-month female, 385-9631. White Persian mix, male, neutered, declawed (4 paws), 455-1943. Three 5-week kittens, two black, one grey, 455-2573. Five 14-week: orange-white; three tortoise; black-white, 815 568-6797. Three 8-weeks: two white with v black; one grey with white paws, face, semi-long hair, 815 344-0402. , Black, short hair, 6-month, male, shots, declawed (4 paws), 338-2336. Tan-orange stripe, 9-month male, declawe<L<4 paws); shots, neutered, 312-639-6275. Gold-white, 4-year male, neutered, declawed, gold stripe, 17-week male, both medium long hair, 312-658-5515. Three 15-week: one calico, tiger, white, 338-6822. Two 5-month females: one white, one grey tiger, shots, 455-2637. Siamese , /3-year male, shots, neutered, declawed, 312-658-8477. Orange-Wfiitfe adult, short hair male, 455-0124. JV Siamese, two-year male, neutered, 385-4450. Four 7-week: male, female, white with tiger tail; male grey tiger; female, black-white, 312 639-4166. Two 8-week: brown tiger, short hair males, 312 658-4106. MISCELLANEOUS Tame Mice, 8, 3-months-old, 459- 5473. Guinea Pig, 2-month female, 455- 3932. • LOST DOGS Springer Spaniel, 11-year male, neutered, liver-white, River road, Griswald Lakeit)385-3803. Beagle, lVfe-year male, gold collar and ID, Wauconda, 312-526-6742, Black Labrador, 2-year male, two back paws white, white flea collar, Village Prairie Grove, 459-1649. • FOUND DOGS Toy Poodle, salt-pepper, adult. Lamb road, Woodstock, 338-8756 after 4 p.m. Brittany Spaniel, brown-white, 2- year male, Route 176 east o f Route 31, 459-9345. Bedlington Terrier mix, 2- year, white female, Wonder Lake, 815 728-1646. Great Dane, lVfe-year male, black with white star on chest, white paws, brown collar, Crystal Lake,_ 338-3821. Doberman mix, large adult male, Woodstock, 338-4232. Terrier mix, young adult, black male, long wavy hair, black leather collar, flea collar, Crystal lake avenue, east of Route 31, 459-4766. FOUNDCATS Smokey grey, long hair, young adult male, Nish road. Village Prairie Grove. 459-9342. Black stripe young adult tabby male, white tuxedo front, paws, fluffy tail, white flea collar, Rudat near Lee driver off McHenry, 455-2422. *" Light Tan-white, 4-month, short hair male, brown flea collar, McHenry, 338-8443. Please call Animal Control when you find or lose a pet. They will not PAGE 5 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1982 pick up a pet unless you wish. They also have pets for adoption. Call 7040. For information on Helping Paws lost and found and adoption, call 459-2641. College Honors MCCD Forest Study Workshop A workshop for teachers and others interested in learning to use the forest as an educational resource will be * held from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 28, at McHenry County Con servation district's Marengo Ridge Conservation site. A rain date will be Sept. 30. The informal curriculum will in* elude activities from Joseph Cornell's Sharing Nature With Children, a look at new materials from the Illinois Department of Conservation, and some special activities created for the study of the Marengo Ridge forest. Instructors will include MCCD Ranger Tom McCarthy, Interpretive Naturalist John Shiel, and Illinois Department of Conservation Regional Forester Elmer Werhane. To reserve a space, call MCCD's office at (815) 338-1405 or (815) 678- 4431. There is a registration fee which includes a buffet scupper. Douglas Maris On Leadership Tear . , Douglas Maris, freshman from Wonder Lake, has been chosen to be in a Leadership team from Lincoln Christian colleee. Lincoln. 111. He is the son of Eugene Maris of 3217 Eastwood drive, Wonder Lake. A total of 16 students comprise the college's four leadership teams. The teams of four students will travel to churches throughout the Midwest on weekends to sing, preach, and teach. Their special emphasis will be to work with young people and to acquaint them with the programs of Lincoln Christian college. IN GRADUATE SCHOOL Arthur Ladenburger, 1015 Edgewood drive, McHenry, was enrolled in the summer German graduate school at Millersville State college. The five-week intensive study of language, literature and culture concluded recently SAFETY HINTS by Secretary of State Jim Edgar During the fall har vest season, motorists should be alert for slow- moving farm machines and implements . on Illinois highways. Farm tractors, im plements of husbandry and animal-drawn vehicles display a slow- moving vehicle emblem and at least one flashing amber signal light to alert drivers of their presence. The flashing amber signal light is displayed after dark or when visibility is poor, and must be visible to the rear for at least 500 feefv in normal sunlight. Since farm machinery is slower moving, wider and longer than other vehicles, be cautious when approaching or following a farm vehicle. F a r m v e h i c l e s frequently travel on country roads and two- way highways, so before passing, be sure your vehicle can safely clear the machinery while staying on the road. A farmer often will pull to his right to allow more room to pass. Be prepared for any sudden turns the im plement may make, and watch for machinery that may not be properly secured for towing. Let's work together to help keep the harvest season a safe time for everyone. If you have any questions about the Secretary of State's office, please feel free to use our toll-free telephone number (800 252-8980). (A copy of the Rules of the Road will be sent to you upon request. Write to Jim Edgar, Secretary of State, Springfield, 111., 62756). A two-pack-a-day cigarette smoker could, by quitting, save enough in just ten years (at six percent interest and at present prices) to buy an around-the-world cruise or a good sized boat. In 25 years, you could save $25,000. The savings to your health and longevity are even greater. ---- williom gomcar NAPOLEON-asuperior intellect and GENIUS at war-was able to remember details & record for years.His parents' families came from ItalyJHe was chris tened Italian style, NAPOLEONE BUONAPARTE. You Disappoint*!! with your present RWJ Eating SALMON protects against HEART DISEASE Oregon State Health Center Aciiiii •LOW MINIMUM BALANCE •BFTHBKl of CANCELLED CHECKS Pirates wore an earring because they elieved PIERCING the ears IMPROVED he eyesight.in light of ACUPUNCTURE his idea has been getting serious evaluating more Aik fptWm Accounts J EDGAR HOOVER as Director,FBI would not accept as an agent any one overweight, bald, or who had pimples McHENRY S A V I N G S ft LOAD ASSOCIATION QLt)t ftane , AAcH«m> SI5*385-3000 iniMr»d|100,0C0l>ylhttN^«fScwlnfKtiocm I-669-3333 | -- (815)344-4724 CUSTOM STAINED GLASS CKATI0NS4ARGE OR SMALL .ftm,W ' n •fiiiMinirti'**' McHENRY'S LAST BIG SUMMER EVENT! MUSICFEST THIS SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 25th NANCY'S JOHNSBURG TAVERN 3622 N. CHAPEL HILL 3S5-17B7 ALL YOU CAN EAT SEPTEMBER SPECIALS MONDAY-FRIDAY 4:30 TO 9:30 P.M. NO DOGGY BAG PLEASE $4 00 FRI. AY LIVER'N ONIONS B-B-Q TEXAS BEEF RIBS ROAST PORK-KRAUT AND DUMPLINGS CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE OCEAN PERCH, SMELT ANP POTATO PANCAKES CLOSED ON TMSBAY SAT. ft PRIME RIB DINNER $J50 LIY« Mvslc, Sol., Stpf. Wh HOWARD AND HIS C0RD0V0X POLKA, WALTZ. YOU NAME IT! >-f CONCESSIONS AT McHENRY'S PEARL STREET PARK FROM 1 P.M. TIL 11 P. FOOD: McHENRY LION'S CLUB McHENRY JAYCEES AND JAYCEETTES AMERICAN LEGION POST 491 DRINK: McHENRY RESCUE SQUAO JOHNSBURG RESCUE SQUAD GIVE THEM YOUR LOYAL SUPPORT MANY LOCAL TALENTS •SOUND IMAGES (DISCO) • BLUES, JAZZ, DIXIELAND •SIDEWINDER (COUNTRY & WESTERN) •WOLFFFAMILY-19 PC. BAND (ENTIRE FAMILY ORCHESTRA) • HEATER (ROCK & ROLL) •ST. REGIS SPINS (FROM, FIESTA DAYS) • LEGEND (TOP 40) • ROBERT GANS (FOLK MUSIC) VARIETY OF MUSIC FOR ALL! MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT UNDERWRITTEN BY: 22 . Srfj/ C in / fO*i // 3519 WEST ELM ST., McHENRY "Celebrating 100 years of service to the families of McHenry" DON'T MISS IT! I