STORE FOR MEN 'WE'VE 00T MCHENRY GOLD' WE'VE GOT MCHENRY OOLO* WE'VE DOT MCHENRY a OLD' 7li)i)n>€psapY $a <r\<z ®^u€ Ca'%/ v Boy's weap € 1245 n. queen st. mchencv REGISTER TO WIN! B A00Glft III Certificate American VISA' •*,<' v< •«» Express Mens SM, M, L, XL SKI JACKETS Special Purchase NO PURCI 1ASE NECESSARY DRAWING OCTOBER 23 (Including Jeans) 1214 N. Green Street, McHenry 10 Day Sale (October 14-23) M-TH 9-5:30: FRI. 9-8: SAT. 9-5 FREE HE WITH THE PURCHASE OF A LONG OR SHORT SLEEVED DRESS SHIRT Shirts Reg. $15-$22 Ties Reg. $7.50-$10.001 ALL SWEATERS, OUTERWEAR and SPORT COATS Win A FREE 50°° Gift Certificate Drawing October 23 NO PURCI 1ASE NECESSARY 20% O OFF N.F.L. T-Shir ts , Kni t Hats and Sweatshir ts Winter Coats 20% OFF AII Goll Clubs, Bags, Carts And Shoes arena SPEEDQ Swimwear 30% Off RETAIL Ml SUITS (2 pc. and 3 pc.) Reg. $ 145-$210 NOW '50 •ff SAVE UP TO 35% s50 Worth of Free Merchandise U K A V i ' l V , 'K I 23u! No Purchase N( •cessarv 10 Day Sale (OCT. 14- 23 10 Day Sale (October 14-23) H 385-1000 Daily 9-5:30 Friday 9-8 No Layaways Saturday 9-5 On Sale Items INMBNr- Sunday 10-2 Check Our Prices on Oxford Shirtmakers "ROADSTER PLAIDS" Reg. 17.50 ^ WARNER'S PANTIE SALE 3 PAIRS Just $900 Reg. 3.25-5.50 Special Rack WINTER SKIRTS VALUES TO $50.00 Hurry 3 Days Only October 14th, 15th, & 16th CO-ORDINATES ALL DRESSES 30% OFF! 25% OFF ALL SWEATERS 10 Days Sale (Oct. 14-23) 2 FREE PROSPECTOR CARDS W11h Any Purchase i t von br ing in f i ve keep on Diggi 1114" PROSPEC rOR CARDS | \V< l i j ' . lM Lil-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER13.1982 FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of October 20, 1932) The Young Men's Republican club was organized when about 100 men assembled at the Bridge ball room. All young voters between the age of 21 and 35 are eligible and a large and growing organization is anticipated. Newly elected officers are Herman Nye, president; Floyd Foss, vice- president; Arnold Anderson, secretary; and Albert Smith, treasurer. Marcellus Senne, county organizer of the clubs, spoke in the interest of the clubs and V.S. Lumley, William M. Carroll and Rusell Allen were present. A very pleasant evening was spent at the M.E. parsonage when nearly 100 friends gathered to spend the evening and to welcome the Rev. and Mrs. L.H. Brattain and family to this community. Until further notice the People's State bank will not be open for business between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. owing to burglary and holdup insurance regulations. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of October 23, 1942) One hunter was dead and eight others were injured from shotgun wounds in this vicinity following the opening of the duck season last week. The hunter who died as the result of an accidental shotgun discharge at Grass Lake was from Chicago. The local city series between the McHenry Indians and Shamrocks got under way last Sunday resulting in a victory for the Indians by a score of 11 to 6. Mayor R.I. Overton proclaimed Oct. 27 as "Navy Day" and called upon all citizens of McHenry to take part in observance of that day through the many channels open to them and to join in a salute to the United States Navy and its coordinated sea power- the Marine corps, Coast Guard, Naval Aviation and the Merchant Marines. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of October 17, 1957) The county traffic fatality soared to 45 Sunday morning with a tragic accident which took the lives of five Chicago youths. It was described as the worst such accident in the com munity in many years. The crash occurred shortly after midnight when their south-bound auto traveling on the Johnsburg blacktop road, near the Chapel Hill golf course, failed to make a curve, smashed into a mail box and then struck a tree. McHenry received $5,189.52 as the result of city sales tax collections during August. It was almost a fifth of the total amount of $24,341.71 distributed throughout the county by the state department of revenue. Ardelle Oeffling of Johnsburg and Denny Conway of McHenry were named king and queen of 1957 homecoming at the dance which followed the football game. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of October 20, 1972) A large group of property owners from the Country Club drive area visited the McHenry City Council to discuss the possibility of annexing to the city. Robert Knighton, spokesman for the group, reported serious con ditions of pollution due to inadequacies in present septic systems brought to light after heavy rains during recent months. As the discussion came to a close, it was decided that the group present would consider circulating a petition for annexation and the city would secure further information on estimated dftst of sewer construction. Joe Wagner of McHenry led all rushers with 106 yards in 20 carries in the Marian triumph over the Green Waves of St. Edward's of Elgin, 30 to 0. Boy Scouts To Co-Sponsor Defenders Recycling Drive It takes one second for the wings of a small humming bird to beat 70 times. The McHenry County Defenders recycling drives, scheduled for the first and third Saturdays of each month, are held in the McHenry Market Place parking lot, W. Elm street from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The next drive will be held Saturday, Oct. 16. Co-sponsoring the drive with the Defenders will be the Boy Scout Troop 131, sponsored by the McHenry Methodist church. According to Lester Bacon, church coordinator for the Boy Scouts, their share of the proceeds will be used to buy two new tents and to support the camping program of the troop. It is easy to prepare materials for recycling drives, according to a McHenry County Defenders spokesman. Homemakers who set aside a few minutes each day to prepare the materials as they ac cumulate and have established places in their homes for collecting them will find that the amount of extra effort is minimal - perhaps less than one hour per month, or three minutes a day. / Items which can be brought to the drive should be prepared as follows: Newspapers should be free of magazines, junk mail or cardboard since there is no longer a market for these items. "Tin" (steel) cans should be rinsed, have both ends cut out and be flattened. Glass containers should be rinsed and all metal or plastic rings removed. Sorting by color is helpful if large quantities are involved. Used motor oil should be placed in either metal or plastic containers and be securely capped. Provide Free Vaccines To Immunization Clinics The Illinois Department of Public Health will continue to provide free. vaccine to local health departments and other public entities conducting immunization clinics. These immunizations are available free or at a minimal charge to all children, regardless of their family income. In clarification of a Sept. 27 news release, the Department of Public Aid will now pay for immunizations for children of public aid recipients who are patients of private physicians. The Department of Public Health provides vaccines at public clinics, but no longer provides them through private physicians. The distribution of vaccines directly to private physicians by the Depart- Persons who bring aluminum cans to the drive will receive an immediate payback. Some beverage cans are made of aluminum tops and steel sides (bi-metal cans). These cannot be accepted since they are harmful to the aluminum recycling process. By using a magnet, which adheres to steel but not aluminum, persons in doubt can check questionable cans. For further information about preparing materials for recycling, contact the McHenry County Defenders representative at 385-8512. ment of Public Health was discon tinued earlier this year due to fiscal constraints. Public Aid's coverage for public aid patients began Sept. 1 as a result of Public Health's policy change. Immunizations provided in the service include shots to prevent diphtheria, polio, tetanus, measles, mumps, whooping cough and rubella. •'*' • w The first flags were probably carried by ancient Egyptian soldiers. They carried long poles with streamers attached. Marriage makes two one - but which one? I