Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Oct 1982, p. 3

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U.M.W. Serves Pancake Breakfast The delicious aroma permeating the air on Sunday morning, Oct. 31, will be coming from the First United Methodist church, 3717 W. Main street, McHenry, where the United Methodist Women will be sponsoring a Pancake Breakfast. Serving will begin at 8 a.m. and continue to 1 p.m. ' The ladies will offer a nice way to yen joy Sunday morning, by going out for breakfast, either before or after church, with no bother or fuss at home, and smiling waitresses to serve 'delicious pancakes, sausages and steaming coffee. The cost is nominal and the service superb. Tickets can be secured either from *;tJ.M.W. members, by calling the fchurch office to make reservations, or at the door the morning of the break­ fast. Retired Teachers Schedule Meeting The October meeting of McHenry Retired Teachers association will be held Wednesday, Oct. 27, with a luncheon at 12:30 p.m., at Lakeside Center, 401. Country Club road, Crystal Lake. Many will want to visit and appreciate the interesting history of McHenry county. There will be a luncheon and business meeting with all committees reporting on pertinent information for retired teachWs. Also, there will be a talk and discussion on the con­ servation of energy. • T h o s e i n t e r e s t e d i n a t t e n d i n g a r e requested to please call 385-5207 by • Oct. 19 for a reservation. J si I Center Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In : center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 • p.m. the day before at 385-8260. Z The menu for the week of Oct. 18 : through Oct. 22 is as follows: Oct. 18: Spaghetti with meat sauce, broccoli, peach and cottage cheese salad, gaflic bread, white cake, milk. Oct. 19: Hot. dog, macaroni and cheese, broccoli, bran muffins, fruit jello, milk. Oct. 29: Meat balls, mashed potatoes with gravy, tomatoes and green beans, carrot sticks, chocolate pudding, milk. Oct. 21: Tuna noodle casserole, buttered peas, .beet pickle slices on lettuce, roll, frosted apple squares, piece of cheese, milk. Oct. 22: Barbecued pork country ribs, baked potato, mixed vegetables, bread, canned pears, milk. Johnsburg High School Offers Fall Home Economics Courses PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15,1982 The Johnsburg high school Home Economics classes are actively in­ volved in the pursuit of homemaking skills. The instructors, Mrs. Rita Gugel and Mrs. Pam Neumaier, feel that even though enrollment is down, interest of the students and classroom activity is up. The Foods classes are busy in the preparation of foods for the November Adult Living Classes' Mock Wedding. Foods students learn skills necessary for mass food service in that they prepare and serve all the food (in­ cluding the wedding cake) used in the wedding reception. Home Economics students are anxious to get started on their per­ sonally chosen garments. All students chose some type of blouse, dress, jacket, pajamas or robe that would best fit their needs and challenge their sewing skills. The introduction to Sewing students are all working on more advanced sewing skills on garments and fabrics of their choice. Senior Consumer students have just complete^ an in-depth study of in­ surance. They have been made aware of the complexity of insurance policies and were directed on what to look for or avoid in a written policy. Senior Adult Living classes are involved in studies on stress and its increasing effects on our society. They have had guest speakers from the Youth Service Bureau, Family Services and the Johnsburg high school psychologist, Matt Nemtusek. The home economics instructors feel that, for the most part, the students are happily and actively involved in the activities the class provides for them. \ Fall Dog Show Slated Oct. 17 COMMUNITY CALENDAR BIRTHS Senior Walk-In Among recent births recorded at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock, were the Oct. 11 births of a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sluga and a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Loren Klapperich, all of McHenry. Whether you're looking for a par­ ticular purebred pet or want to shop for the latest accessories for your dog, you can* find it at the International Kennel Club of Chicago's 12th annual Fall Dog show Sunday, Oct. 17, at the International Amphitheatre. About 2,300 dogs from throughout the country will be judged in con­ formation and obedience. The 125 best of breed-winners will be displayed on special benching throughout the event. Visitors can see all the winning dogs and learn more about each breed from each dog's handler. Judging will be from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., at which time the best-in-show competition begins. The Inter­ national ...; Amphitheatre is located at 4300 South Halsted, Chicago. For more information, call 927-5580. Women Foresters Meet Oct. 18 St. Agatha Court No. 777 of the National Catholic Society of Foresters will have its next meeting Monday, Oct. 18, at the Johnsburg Community club in Johnsburg at 7:30 p.m. Each member is asked to bring a "fruit of your labor" which will be used as prizes for games. Any item that has been made by the member is acceptable. The chairmen for the pizza party are Marge Schmitt and Elaine Miller. The committee for the October meeting includes Cindy Oeffling, Barbara Wirtz, Donna Adams, Elseda Fuchs, Kathryn Heald, Ann Murray, Marilyn Verdung, Ann Huff, Pat Hiller, and Patricia Weber. Oct. 24 is the date set for the annual Pancake Breakfast and Bake Sale to benefit St. John's Restoration fund. Breakfast will be served from 7:30 a.m. until noon in the Johnsburg Community club. SQUARE DANCE The Crystal Pistols Square Dance club will have its second dance of the season this Sunday, Oct. 17, from 1 till 4:30 p.m. at St. Thomas school, 265 King street, Crystal Lake. Club members are asked to bring refresh­ ments. Further information can be obtained by calling 459-6830. OCTOBER 15 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Fall meeting, 7:30 p.m.-St. Mary's school Oak room-white elephant sale-bring prospective members. < OCTOBER 16 McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-- appreciation night-Apple Tree restaurant-Holiday Park-tickets at lodge. , OCTOBER 16-17 Rummage Sale-Women's club of St. Patrick's-Friends of Mary- Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m-Sunday after all Masses. OCTOBER 17 Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-cribbage tournament, 1 p.m.- blind draw elimination-East Wonder e road. Mt. Hope United Methodist church- CROP Walk-information, call 497- 3233. National Catholic Daughters-Mass, 10 a.m.-St. Mary's- McHenry Sportsman's » club- Special, non-registered shoot-open 9 a.m.-public invited. OCTOBER 18 THE OS meet 5:30 p.m.-dinner at Circle R restaurant-2214 W. Route 120-Fun-fellowship at First United Methodist church. OCTOBER 19 McCullom Lake Conservation club- meeting, 8 p.m.-Spojnia Polish Camp-2500 N. Spojnia road. Valley View Book Fair-7 to 9 p.m.- at the school. Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-regular meeting, 8 p.m. S.P.A.C.E. seminar--8 p.m.-St. Patrick's church hall-3500 W. Washington, McHenry-'Attitudes on Drugs & Alcohol'. OCTOBER 20 Whispering. Oaks Woman's club- Membership meeting, 1 p.m. OCTOBER 21 Halloween Fall Fest-Dessert Card Party, 1 p.m.-sponsor, St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-church hall. Xi Kappa Iota chapter-Beta Sigma Phi-meeting, 8 p.m.-home of Mrs. Virg Stasiak. UMW general meeting, noon-First United Methodist church, Fellowship hall-bring bag lunch. Court 573 CDA Anniversary- Liberty hall, 7:30 p.m. OCTOBER 22-23 UMW Fall Bazaar-Christmas sale- First United Methodist church, Fellowship hall-Friday, 10 a.m -4 p.m.-Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Rummage Sale-Ringwood church- Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon. OCTOBER 23 Mt. Hope United Methodist church- adult night out-Progressive Dinner, 6 p.m.-information, call 497-3805. VFW Post 4600 & Auxiliary- Membership Kick-off dinner- cocktails, 6:30 p.m.-dinner, 7:30 p.m.- -reservations by Oct. 16. OCTOBER 24 Turkey Shoot-McHenry Sport­ smen's club-Weingart road-open 10 a.m.-guests invited. , Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-cribbage tournament, 1 p.m.- blind draw elimination-East Wonder Lake road. Semi-annual Chicken Dinner- sponsor, McHenry American Legion Auxiliary-Legion Post Home- Ringwood road, McHenry-noon to 4 p.m.-public invited. Polish Legion of American Vets- Chapter 188 meeting, 2 p.m.-Post meeting, 3 p.m.-Polish Legion home- 1304 Park St., McHenry-food served- join now, call 385-1383. Pancake Breakfast-Bake Sale-7:30 a.m. to noon-Johnsburg Community club-benefit, St. John's Restoration fund. OCTOBER 25 McHenry Senior Citizens club- regular meeting, 7 p.m.-East Campus. OCTOBER 26 McHenry Garden club-meeting, 1 p.m.-McHenry Public Library- lunch, 11:30 a.m.-McHenry Country club. S.P.A.C.E. seminars-8 p.m.-St. Patrick's parish hall, 3500 W. Washington, McHenry-'Teenage Use of Drugs & Alcohol. OCTOBER 29 Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169~costume party-dance, 7 p.m.- blue grass band-legion hall. OCTOBER 31 Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-Breakfast, 9 to noon-Kid's Halloween party, 1 to 3 p.m.-games, prizes and treats. NOVEMBER 2 S.P.A.C.E. seminar-8 p.m.-St. Patrick's parish hall-3500 Washington, McHenry-'Medical Viewpoint on Drugs & Alcohol'. NOVEMBER 3 CDA Day of Recollectiori-Church of St. Mary of the Assumption-10 a.m. NOVEMBER 4 Xi Kappa Iota chapter-Beta Sigma Phi-meeting, home of Mrs. Sue Amerson" NOVEMBER 6 Beach Gals Christmas Bazaar-Bake Sale-8:30 a.m.. to 5 p.m.-McCullom Lake Beach House-refreshments available. Ringwood church Bazaar, 3 p.m.- Roast Beef Dinner-serving, 5, 6 and 7 p.m. NOVEMBER 9 S.P.A.C.E. seminar-8 p.m.-St. Patrick's church hall-3500 Washington, McHe^ry-two films shown. NOVEMBER 13 Annual bazaar, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.- sponsor, VFW Auxiliary-Post 4600 home-Route 120. NOVEMBER 14 CDA Deceased Members Mass, 9:45 a.m.-St. Patrick's church, McHenry. Turkey Shoot-McHenry Sport­ sman's club-Weingart road-open 10 a.m.-public invited. DESSERT CARD PARTY St. Patrick's Ladies Guild will sponsor its annual Halloween Fallfest Dessert Card Party at 1 p.m. Thiy- sday, Oct. 21, in the church hall, 3500 W. Washington street, McHenry. There will be table prizes and other awards. The public is invited. LUNCHEON-CARD PARTY There will be a Halloween Luncheon and Card Party Wednesday, Oct. 27, at 11:30 a.m., at St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, with many prizes, and a delicious luncheon prepared by the Christian Mother's Society. Both ladies and gentlemen are invited. SOS, the traditional call for help from a ship in distress, does not actually stand for anything. It was chosen because it could easily be sent as a wireless message. HOSPITAL NOTES WOODSTOCK Admissions: Margaret Anderson, Theresa Anderson, Ronald Fikejs, Howard Bacon and Maureen O'Halleran, all of McHenry; Edward Priester of Wonder Lake. HARVARD Admissions: Nancy Meehan and Douglas Alheit, both of McHenry. Thursday Evenings at 7:30 p.m. MILT CULLY (AUCTIONEER/APPRAISER) Now with us where the food is good, service excellent 8 the price is reasonable. Call Milt (312-639-3020) about bringing out some of those no longer wanted items. Make some money while having fun, dinner 8 drinks. FRIDAY FISH FRY-- LUNCHEON OR DINNER Featuring: • Fried Perch • Baked Haddock • Fried Haddock $375 (Includes our huge salad bar, mini-loaf of rye bread & baked potato) HLhe longhom $teak ftous RTE. 120.2Vi MILES EAST OF McHENRY 385-9869 the A COOP PLACE TP BE utre of jflc&nrp mm All YOU CARE TO EAT 14 0Z. N.Y. STRIP STEAK DINNER 3 P.H. - S P.M. WEDNESDAYS JUMBO SHRIMP $395 $£95 REG. PRICE $9.25 '/a PRICE PIZZA $*95 P REG. PRICE $5.95 Entertainment fas-Sit 4512 W. RTE. 120 IN McHENRY 8 P.M.-Closing 385-0900 SAVE NOW AT McHENRY AND 6ET YOUR OWN SA VINOS E.T.I J k. McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN'S E.T.s - Electronic Treasures -- offer you these space age gifts free for your savings or at remarkably low prices. McHenry Sav ings 1209 North Green Street, McHenry II5-315-3000 10520 Main Street. Richmond tl5-67t-2061 10402 North Vine Street (Huntley Center on Route 47) Huntley 312-669-3333 SAVERS HOURS: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. AAonday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9?00 am to 8:00 pm. Friday 9:00 am to 1.00 pm Saturday, McHenry Office Drive in windows open Wednesday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Closed Wednesday in Richmond and Huntley. Dapialti toured f100,000 by dw Mml Saving* I Loan Insurance Carp. McHENRY S A V I N G S "WE'VE DOT McHENRY GOLD' Here now are these finely crafted LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) electronic products: Digital Time-Pen « Handsome writing instrument with built-in watch Ladies Digital Watch -- Easy-to-read display panel shows time, date Mens Digital Alorm Watch -- Shows time, date, day plus automatic alarm system Credit Card Size Calculator -- All math functions; jacket holds cards Micro Calculator -- Tiny but full range, complete with pouch, keychain Mini Cord Calculator -- Ultrathin unit with jacket, auto power off Now's the time to get a fine gift for yourself or for someone else. Your new savings can do^it for you...check the table. Better stop in and see our E.T.s real soon. YOUR SELECTION DEPOSIT YOUR SELECTION SI .000.00 OR MORE $2,500 OR MORE $5,000 OR MORE $10,000 OR AAORf LCD Time Pen S5.0Q FREE FREE FREE Ladles Digital Watch $7.25 $5.25 FREE FREE Mens Digital Watch, with Alarm $9.25 $7.25 $5.00 FREE Credit Card Calculator $4.50 $4.50 FREE FREE Micro Calculator $4.50 $4.50 FREE FREE jytlnl Calculator S7.«0 U M $SM FREE Deposit $1000 into a new McHenry Savings passbook savings account... get a free gift. Open a new McHenry Savings checkbook account with a minimum of $500.00 ... get a free gift. Papal**! nwat rainaln W days. Prematura withdrawal •ubfad to wfcataoHal paaajHaa. «

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