THE BEST WAY to make a pre-winter check of radiator botes u to vkaally check them for cut*, kinks and abrasion wear, and sqneeae them for excessive'softness and cracks, Don't forget the heater and bypass hoses when checking the condition of your cooling system. From radiator caps to belts- time to check cooling system (^Radiator caps have been around on passenger cars vir tually since the first automo bile. All cars, except those with air cooled engines, have one. Yet, radiator caps are of ten overlooked as put of the maintenance check which should be performed on the cooling system -- especially as winter draws close. Obviously the pressure cap closes the radiator filler neck. But, a radiator cap's key func tion is to allow the pressure in the cooling system to rise as the coolant expands with the addition of heat. If the pres sure rises above "poundage" determined by the strength of the cap's spring, the valve au tomatically opens. This is a safeguard against blowing up the radiator. Why pressurize the coolant? This increases the radiator's thermal efficiency while re ducing its cost and weight. In addition, the increased tem peratures in the coolant system help increase the efficiency of the car's heater. Like all other automotive paits. radiator caps wear. The Gates Rubber Company sug gests radiator caps should be examined for signs of deterio ration every 12 months or 12,000 miles. If the pressure cap needs replacement, it usu ally means the entire cooling system should also be checked. When a pressure cap leaks, pressure does not build up in the cooling system. When a tight new cap is installed, pres sure builds as the engine warms up. That's O.K. But during the months between checks, the cooling system may have developed weak spots or leaks. Any break in the system can mean trouble for you. That's why,as part of your winterizing schedule before the cold weather hits, you should have the entire cooling system checked out. If the coolant looks rusty or muddy, it should be drained, flushed, and fresh coolant added. The radiator should also be tested for any obstructions or leaks. Hoses and hose connections should be examined, too. If a hose is soft and collapses eas ily when squeezed, it should be replaced. Even if the hose does not feel soft but has been used for a long period of time, the hose core could be cracked or collapsed. In either of these cases, the hose should also be replaced. Belts should be examined as well. Low belt tension causes slippage, so the fan and gener ator pulleys can't turn fast enctigh. The result will be a wom-out belt, a run-down bat tery and engine over-heating. Excessive belt tension, on the other hand, will overload the water pump and generator bearings and can cause exces sive wear. Because of the types of belts found in most of today's cars, even mechanics have a hard time detecting wear. Therefore, it's a good idea to replace belts after four years' use. As winter draws near, be sure to include a complete cooling system check -- from radiator cap to belts and hoses -- as part of your preventive maintenance. This can help al leviate some of your winter driving wonies. Cold weather starting hints ^Keeping your automobile in good shape is the best way to insure against having to pull out your battery booster cables this winter. Before the cold weather hits, be sure your car is winterized for the season. Here are some guidelines de veloped by The Gates Rubber Company which can help ease • your cold morning starting worries. 1. A winter tune-up is your * best insurance against not starting in cold weather. Regu lar tune-ups, including points, plugs, and igrition wire checks are of special impor tance in the winter. 2. The benefits of a well- tuned car will go further when you use the correct grade of winter oil for your area. This will often make the difference between starting and not start ing. 3. Have your battery cables checked to be sure they are in good condition with tight con nections. 4. The battery, itself, should be checked for electro lyte level. A battery at zero de grees Fahrenheit produces less than SO percent of the power it has a! 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and requires 2 Vx times as much power to crank the engine. 5. All V-belts should be in spected for wear, especially the alternator drive. Because of the types of V-belts used in most cars today, it is very dif ficult -- even for the trained mechanic -- to spot a failing belt. So, as a rule of thumb, if your belts are four years old, replace them whether or not they appear to need it. Re placement should be done sooner than every four years if you dQ-a great deal of (hiving. 6. If the weather in your area demands it, consider us ing auxiliary heaters such as oil, coolant, or battery heaters. A battery heater can be very effective in extremely cold ar eas. 7. Rust and dirt in the cool ing system can cause poor heater output. If necessary, the cooling system should be flushed. At the same time, the thermostat and all hoses should be checked. PAGE 7 -PLAlNftEALER - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15,1M2 Gain all the benefits el a fall tune-up fer... Carefree Winter Driving Why we urge you to tune up once a year or every 10,000 to 12,000 miles. Tune Up For Fuel Economy A tune-up can save you money in unnecessary fuel bills and help prevent the waste of our precious energy sources. National fuel economy tests on motorists' cars show that cars in need of a tune-up averaged a better than one-gallon per ten-gallon improvement after tuning to factory specifications. Several cars tested were so badly out of tune that a tune-up decreased luel consumption and fuel costs afmost*50%r-- i Properly infJated tires, maintaining your brakes, suspension and steering systems, and good driving habits can also go a long way in improving fuel economy and cutting costly gas bills. June Up For Cleaner Air A tune-up can greatly reduce the pollution that your car may be emitting and help clean our air. Test checks on over 5,600 cars across the U.S. and Canada showed that over 41 % exceeded the emission limits established by the state of New Jersey. Almost one car in twenty was a "gross emitter." One gross emitter spews as many pollutants into the air as 13 properly maintained vehicles. During the fuel economy tests, emissions also were measured to determine whether the tuned cars emitted less pollutants. The results show that emissions can be cut in half by simply tuning to manufacturers' specifications. Tune up For Improved Performance Starting failures.. rough idle..: engine misfire or run-on... and hesitation upon acceleration are deficiencies in an untuned car that are not only aggravating and in certain instances, unsafe, but also affect fuel economy ai id emissions. A tune-up can improve these conditions whether you have standard or e lectronic igni t ion. I t can give you fast , easy star ts . . . quick acceleration ... and smooth, dependable performance. So call for an appointment today. Whether your car's old or new, standard or electronic ignition, a tune-up will bring out the best in it.