P,V< ,*•: I - PLAIN DEALER - FRIDAY. „ . . oiiiSR 15,1982 EARL WALSH-- So I Hear "Zeke" and Charlotte Bacon are back in McHenry County for a short visit. He called to complain about the weather (as compared with Arizona) so, of course, I told him he should have been here last week. No question, it id time to get the gas buggy ready for winter. Snow tires? We can wait. John Looze, the gramaphone man, gave me a book showing all kinds of bird feeders. Some dandies in there to discourage squirrels. If you go west on Waukegan St. past Landmark School, take a look at the beautiful leaves to the left. That tree near the top of what was known as Cristy's Hill was there when I was a boy. Kids brought beautiful leaves to their teachers. That tree is old! Larry Seborg sent me an Andy Rooney column "My pitch for baseball" which I missed. It's a good one. Rooney, who professes to have little interest in baseball, seems to know a heckuva lot about the teams. OLD SAYING: You have heard it said: "He's a kind man--a kind". funny Met Mrs. Frank Hughes, a long time friend, with her daughter, Frances. She's plenty sharp for a girl of 93 years. . Things I noted while sitting in a shopping center. Waiting. Two girls clicking along on that hard floor must be Wearing wood shoes. • Sounds like a well-shod team of horses trotting over a paved road-- "clippity clop, clippity clop". Not many customers and not many clerks. Not like the old days when you were just looking around and clerks kept confronting you with "May I help you?" Every place I look there are SALE signs. Jokesters, who make jokes about women's clothes being half off, could have fun here. I found a bench with a back rest, but never found such an uncomfortable seat. It doesn't fit my back or anything else. A sign says "NO SMOKING" and 10 feet away they have big ash trays. What is a fellow supposed to do? I'm going with the ash trays. Maybe the sign refers to cigarette smokers. Drifted into a book store to browse around and saw a section marked HUMOR. Huh! These are for kids. Whoops! Here's one that claims to have the world's dirtiest jokes. Read a couple of them and decided there was no way to clean them up enough for telling. Even if I wanted that book, there is no way I could smuggle it into our house. Some men are trailing along through the stores with their wives. Not me. I'm sittin'. Crash! A woman, carrying packages, fell going upstairs. Yep-- upstairs. She didn't get hurt, but glanced around to see if anybody was looking. With that voice, a little kid will grow up to be a train caller. You could hear her a block away yelling, "Mommy, I gotta go pottie". Tired waiting. Even tired of watching all the girls go by. If my wife could hear me, I'd yell, "Mommy, I wanna go home". Busy Three 4-H Display Wins Eager to show the public what 4-H means to them, 23 McHenry county 4- H clubs participated in the 1983 window display contest. The contest, commemorating National 4-H week,, Oct. 3-10, entourages clubs to create a display in a local store or business window. The McHenry Busy Three placed first, and the Woodstock Community Builders' display took second place. The Harvard Milk Center club's display placed third. The judges, Angela Burden and Lila Mazanec of Woodstock, rated the displays for their visibility, ef fectiveness, and workmanship. Sky Watchers Look Ahead To Big Meteor Showers Sky watchers will be looking up in the southern sky at the constellation of Orion, the Hunter, Thursday and Friday, Oct. 21 and 22, hoping to see meteors from the annual Orionid Meteor Shower. But eypn while they are watching for this year's "Orionids" they'll be getting ready for the appearance of Halley's Comet three years from now. Observations of this year's Orionid Meteor Shower may provide im portant clues about the apperance of Halley's Comet in 1965-86, especially if the showers are heavier than usual. "That's because meteors in the Orionid Meteor Shower are actually particles of debris from Halley's Comet" explains Adler Planetarium Associate Astronomer James Seevers. "Each year, as the earth orbits around the sun, it passes through regions of dust particles that were left in space by the passage of comets! On Oct. 21 and 22 the earth will be en countering the leftover particles from Halley's Comet." The particles travel through space at a speed of 130,000 miles per hour. Meteors, which we see from earth as streaks or trails of light, are produced when one of these whizzing dust particles is so slowed-down by at mospheric friction that it becomes heated and burns up. Seevers advises people who would like to try to spot Orionid meteors to go out into the countryside at about 5 a.m. "You need to be in a place wh ere skies are clear and dark, not in the city where there are too many bright lights. Look to the south at the constellation Orion. In dark sides you could see as many as 25 meteors per hour." " While the Orionid Meteor Shower is an annual occurrence, Halley's Comet < is visible from earth only once every 76 years. Parks & Recreation in s • • • Ron has... • WORKED IN INDUSTRY • COACHED ATHLETICS •TAUGHTSCHOOL • PRACTICED LAW • FARMED & AGRI-BUSINESS "Few, if any, candidates are better equipped to deal with such a wide range of concerns!" it WHY WAIT PAID FOR BY CITIZENS FOR WAIT COMMITTEE JOYCE DRAKE. PEARL ST., BELVIDERE, TREAS. f f oihh»2?££? $v* *r* tHOO000" a s o o p * ^ o 6 A CHAPEL HILL COUNTRY CLUD 2500 N. CHAPEL RD. McHENRY 385-0333 IDLE GOSSIP Turn off the ignition if you expect to be idling for more than one minute. Restarting the engine wastes less gasoline than idling for a minute or more. An idling engine can use anywhere from one pint to one quart of gasoline every 15 minutes, depending on the size of the engine. In cold weather, start the engine and drive away- slowly. Don't idle the engine to let it warm up. An engine will warm up more quickly while driving than by idling. There's one fact you can't escape: cold- engine starts tend to use more gasoline than starting in > warm weather or after the engine is already warm. A car that gives you 13 miles per. gallon in 70 degree F weather may give you only three miles per gallon when it is first started cold. In 10 degrees F weather, the fuel loss is even greater. And never fill your gasoline tank to the brim. Over-filling causes spillage, and leaves no room for expansion when the car warms up. So stop pumping gasoline when the automatic nozzle valve closes. Evergreen trees help block the wind from a house better than deciduous trees, which provides more shade. Pre-BaUet-Creatlve Phythmic Movement Department of Parks and Recreation has opened up an ad ditional Pre-Ballet-Creative Rhyth mic Movement class for the 4-to-6- year-old children. This is a good place to begin dance training. In Creative Rhythmic Movement there is focus on body rhythm, spatial awareness, and motor development. There is en couragement on self-confidence and creativity through body expression. This class will be Saturday mor nings at Parkland Junior high school. The class time will be from 10:30 to 11:30 starting Oct. 16. Adult Exercise Classes The City of McHenry Department of Parks and Recreation is starting up three new classes this fall. The first is an Adult Beginner Ballet class that runs for 25 weeks on Wednesday nights from 7 to 8 p.m. Next is a Fit-N- Trim exercise class for all. This class is (Hi Monday nights from 7 to 8 and runs for 8 weeks. Also there is a Jazzercise class for adults. There are four different sessions for this par ticular class, two of which start this fall. These two are on Mondays from 7 to 8:00 and on Wednesday from 8 to 9. These classes will be beginning soon so don't delay in signing up at city hall for them. Hayrides The Department of Paries and Recreation will be starting this, fall out right with ol' fashion hayrides. The park director says there is no finer way to enjoy friendship and relax on an old haywagon for a tour of the countryside. The fresh autumn air will refresh senses as the ride ends with a campfire at the Knox park shelter. , «<* Any group or organization is invited to participate in this adventure. The hayrides began Oct. 1 and- reser vations must be made one week in advance. For further information on fees and times, on either course, call the Department of Parks and Recreation at 344-3300. For good luck when taking a written test, some say to use a new pen or pencil, because it has never made a mistake. Where is the grass greener for business? In a state of sound economy. A state called Illinois. A sound economy means sound business. And the Illinois economy is sound. In spite of the recession, Illinois is the only industrial state in the midwest to maintain a TRIPLE A BOND RATING, The commitment to "making the grass greener in Illinois for business" is the basis of the state's Illinois, Inc., campaign. Illinois, Inc., is a working alliance of government, business, labor, civic and academ ic organizations dedi cated to the economic development of Illinois. An integral part of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, Illinois, Inc., is actively involved in strengthening Illinois busi nesses. Since its conception one year ago, membership in the cooperative venture has grown to 1800. Government, business and labor are sitting down together to develop plans to improve the business climate for you and your company in Illinois. Out of such ~ meetings we have seen expanded investment tax credits, sales tax exemption on machinery : and property tax abatement proposals. Via the streamlined, cost-efficient Illinois Industrial Training Program, $2,000,000 in direct grants will be awarded this year to Illinois business and industry. These grants will offset expenses for expansion, instruc tional materials, spe cialized training, and • salaries for employees in training. Companies through out the state have already benefited from the program. It doesn't matter if your business employs 2 or 200,000, we can help you grow and expand in Illinois. If you need to train r/ assemblymen or design sophisticated research programs, talk to the Department of Commerce t & Community Affairs. Whatever business you're in, you're in with Illinois--a state committed to making the grass greener right where you are. TARGETS , lPOWTUKETTfe wvYTHe cftR Souwg/ yj] Repairs From $10 While U Wait ning or Rebuilding Same Day Tq 1111111 •WSfcsx LENNOX You're invited to find out more about what Illinois, Inc., and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs can do for you. For more information call Mr. Peter B. Fox, toll-free at 1-800-252-2923. Or write him at the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, 310 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60604 or 222 S. College Ave., Springfield, Illinois 62706. ... Helping make the grass greener in McHenry County. The Department of Commerce and Community Affairs has provided special assistance to two McHenry County firms that will result in the creation of over 100 new jobs in the near future and is expected to add 250 additional jobs over the next 3 to 5 years. Through its Industrial Training Program, the Depart ment will provide training grants to Precision Twist Drill Co., a Crystal Lake firm which is expanding its existing manufacturing facility and building a new corporate headquarters and distribution center. Cabinet Creations, Inc., a firm relocating in Harvard from Minnesota, was granted funds to cover moving expenses from the Department of Commerce and Com munity Affairs' Community Development Assistance Program's set-aside fund. Discover The Magnificent Miles of F U R N A can sava you mora on your heating bill than any other furnace on the market todayl ALTHOFF INDUSTRIES AND LENNOX FURNACES... A WINNING COMBINATION FOR OVER 55 YEARSI ALTHOFF INDUSTRIES 809 N. FRONT ST., McHENRY (815)385-5700 What a beautiful spot tobeM Choose from our wide selection of comforting soft leather casuals. All in the latest, greatest looks on wonderfully light-weight soles. $3900 Magic Other styles available ̂ 109 Van Buren, ̂ On the Woodstock Square 1313 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry