Nfsrj %£&*•> BUODK Dukes of Hazzard® Dastr Board by lllco® Crayola® Art Set by BlnneyA Smith 8.57 Turn ignition toy, mow* lever to drive and hoar roaliatic motor aound -- even hat windshield wipora, CB, radar detector, and mora! No. 81/20: it's a young artiafa workshop in a han dy carrying cseei Includes crayoia crayona, painta, tooia, and moral No. S540. r t* 7** * c* y -*̂ Y" '• v Super Cycle Stunt Set by Schaper® Truckload of Tools by Amlold® "Six Wheeler" Ride On by Amlold® lancing pay pne by Handi-Craft® 15.87 1.76 6.46 6.76 Juat puM tha rip-cord, rotaaao tha cycle, and watch tha Supor Cycla apood around tha 360* loop, onto# tha turn around, and go) No 852. Largo, ptaatlc dump truck oarriaa 8 pleeMP toola and has a workable dumport No. 208. Tha toy pay phono that your child will adoro. Features include change return, coin olote, dial, end receiver -- IfceB real phone! No. 8348. "Six Wheeler" le a reelietic version of îe 18 whoelere on our hlghwoye todey. Includes moveehle doshboerd parts. No. 800. Hi'*." fit*"***' fUX» • ««rr -- - Worf*̂ ".•fc&htNHUMM 9 w . nQ«8««M HOTTi*̂ UcHewi IroiW* MM10/20-7